コード例 #1
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors

        // primary ctor used to create all providers for IAccessible objects.
        // hwnd is the window this object belongs to.
        // root is a provider for the OBJID_CLIENT of the window. may be null if it is not yet known.
        // don't call this constructor directly -- call a Create or Wrap function below.
        protected MsaaNativeProvider(Accessible acc, IntPtr hwnd, MsaaNativeProvider parent, MsaaNativeProvider knownRoot, RootStatus isRoot)
            Debug.Assert(acc != null, "acc");
            Debug.Assert(hwnd != IntPtr.Zero);

            _acc = acc;
            _hwnd = hwnd;

            _parent = parent; // can be null if not known.
            _knownRoot = knownRoot; // can be null if not known.
            _isRoot = isRoot; // can be RootStatus.Unknown
            // _controlType defaults to null. computed on demand.
コード例 #2
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------

        #region Constructors

        internal WindowsStatusBar(IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, Accessible acc)
            : base(hwnd, parent, item)
            _acc = acc;

            _cControlType = ControlType.StatusBar;

            _fHasGrip = StatusBarGrip.HasGrip(hwnd);

            _sAutomationId = "StatusBar"; // This string is a non-localizable string

            // support for events
            _createOnEvent = new WinEventTracker.ProxyRaiseEvents (RaiseEvents);
コード例 #3
ファイル: WindowsButton.cs プロジェクト: JianwenSun/cc
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        // Contructor for Button Proxy class.
        // param "hwnd", Windows handle
        // param "parent", Proxy Parent. Null if it is a root fragment
        // param "type", Button / Checkbox / Radio / Group
        // param "style", Button Style (BS_*) also used as the Proxy ID
        // Made internal so that WinFormsHelper.CreateButton can use.
        internal WindowsButton (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, ButtonType type, int style, Accessible acc)
            : base( hwnd, parent, 0)
            _type = type;
            _fIsKeyboardFocusable = true;
            _style = style;
            _acc = acc;

            // support for events
            _createOnEvent = new WinEventTracker.ProxyRaiseEvents (RaiseEvents);

            // Set ControlType based on type
            // Note: Do not call LocalizedName() within the constructor
            // since it is a virtual method.  Calling a virtual method
            // in a constructor would have unintended consequences for
            // derived classes.
            if(type == ButtonType.PushButton)
                _cControlType = ControlType.Button;
                _fControlHasLabel = false;
            else if(type == ButtonType.CheckBox)
                _cControlType = ControlType.CheckBox;

                // If a check box has non-empty text, it has no associated label.
                _fControlHasLabel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetLocalizedName());
            else if(type == ButtonType.RadioButton)
                _cControlType = ControlType.RadioButton;

                // If a radio button has non-empty text, it has no associated label.
                _fControlHasLabel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetLocalizedName());
            else if (type == ButtonType.GroupBox)
                _cControlType = ControlType.Group;
                _fIsKeyboardFocusable = false;
                // If a group box has non-empty text, it has no associated label.
                _fControlHasLabel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetLocalizedName());
                _cControlType = ControlType.Custom;
コード例 #4
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------

        #region Constructors

        internal ToolbarItemAsMenuItem(IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, int idCommand, Accessible acc)
            : base(hwnd, parent, item, idCommand)
            _acc = acc;

            // Set the control type based on the IAccessible role.
            AccessibleRole role = acc.Role;
            if (role == AccessibleRole.MenuItem)
                _cControlType = ControlType.MenuItem;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected role " + role);


            // MenuItems are by default KeyboardFocusable.
            _fIsKeyboardFocusable = true;
コード例 #5
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------

        #region Constructors

        internal WindowsToolbarAsMenu(IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, Accessible acc)
            : base( hwnd, parent, item )
            _acc = acc;

            // Set the control type based on the IAccessible role.
            AccessibleRole role = acc.Role;

            if (role == AccessibleRole.MenuBar)
                _cControlType = ControlType.MenuBar;
                _sAutomationId = "MenuBar"; // This string is a non-localizable string
            else if (role == AccessibleRole.MenuPopup)
                _cControlType = ControlType.Menu;
                _sAutomationId = "MenuPopup"; // This string is a non-localizable string
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected role " + role);
コード例 #6
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods

        // the creation of any msaa-based provider funnels through this function.
        // it creates an object of the base or correct derived class for the specified IAccessible object.
        private static MsaaNativeProvider Wrap(Accessible acc, IntPtr hwnd, MsaaNativeProvider parent, MsaaNativeProvider knownRoot, RootStatus isRoot)
            // if acc is null then return null.
            if (acc == null)
                return null;

            // check that parent is actually our parent - sometimes hit-test and navigation skip layers, so we
            // may need to reconstruct the parent chain to account for skipped-over ancestors: keep climbing
            // upwards till we reach the 'parent' that was passed in...
            MsaaNativeProvider parentChain = parent;
            if (parent != null)
                ArrayList actualParentChain = null;
                Accessible scan = acc.Parent;
                while (scan != null)
                    if (Accessible.Compare(scan, parent._acc))
                        break; // found actual parent
                    // found intermediate ancestor - add to list...
                    if (actualParentChain == null)
                        actualParentChain = new ArrayList();
                    scan = scan.Parent;

                if (actualParentChain != null)
                    // if we found intermediate ancestors, process them top-down, creating
                    // MsaaNativeProviders for each in turn, using the bottom-most one as
                    // our own actual parent...
                    for (int i = actualParentChain.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        Accessible ancestor = (Accessible)actualParentChain[i];
                        parentChain = new MsaaNativeProvider(ancestor, hwnd, parentChain, knownRoot, isRoot);

            return new MsaaNativeProvider(acc, hwnd, parentChain, knownRoot, isRoot);
コード例 #7
 // wraps another Accessible object from the same window that we jumped to directly somehow.
 // we don't know who the parent is or whether it is root.
 internal MsaaNativeProvider Wrap(Accessible acc)
     return Wrap(acc, _hwnd, null /*unknown parent*/, _knownRoot, RootStatus.Unknown);
コード例 #8
        // Overload for IAccessibles, much user friendly.
        internal static int AccessibleObjectFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, ref Accessible acc)
            IAccessible accObject = null;
            acc = null;

                object obj = null;
                int hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hwnd, idObject, ref UnsafeNativeMethods.IID_IUnknown, ref obj);

                accObject = obj as IAccessible;

                if (hr != NativeMethods.S_OK || accObject == null)
                    return NativeMethods.S_FALSE;

                acc = Accessible.Wrap(accObject);
                return hr;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (HandleIAccessibleException(e))

                return NativeMethods.S_FALSE;
コード例 #9
 // compare 2 Accessible objects
 internal static bool Compare(Accessible acc1, Accessible acc2)
     return acc1==acc2 || acc1.Compare(acc2._acc, acc2._idChild);
コード例 #10
        // Get the selected children in a container
        internal Accessible [] GetSelection()
            object obj = null;
                obj = _acc.accSelection;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (HandleIAccessibleException(e))
                obj = null;

            if (obj == null)
                return null;

            Accessible [] children = null;
            if (obj is int)
                children = new Accessible[1];
                children[0] = AccessibleFromObject(obj, _acc);
            else if (obj is object)
                children = new Accessible[1];
                children[0] = AccessibleFromObject(obj, _acc);
            else if (obj is object [])
                object [] objs = (object [])obj;
                children = new Accessible[objs.Length];
                for (int i=0;i<objs.Length;i++)
                    children[i] = AccessibleFromObject(objs[i], _acc);

            return children;
コード例 #11
        internal static Accessible GetFullAccessibleChildByIndex(Accessible accParent, int index)
            int childCount = 0; 
            object[] accChildren = Accessible.GetAccessibleChildren(accParent.IAccessible, out childCount);

            if (accChildren != null && 0 <= index && index < accChildren.Length)
                object child = accChildren[index];
                IAccessible accChild = child as IAccessible;
                if (accChild != null)
                    return Accessible.Wrap(accChild);
                else if (child is int)
                    int idChild = (int)child;
                    return Accessible.Wrap(accParent.IAccessible, idChild);

            return null;
コード例 #12
 internal int AccessibleChildrenIndex(Accessible parent)
     // if this is the first time we are called then compute the value and cache it.
     if (_accessibleChildrenIndex < 0)
     return _accessibleChildrenIndex;
コード例 #13
        internal Accessible PreviousSibling(Accessible parent)
            Debug.Assert(parent != null);

            // if this object doesn't yet have an index into parent's children find it
            object[] children = null; // if we need to get children to find an index; re-use them
            if (_accessibleChildrenIndex == -1)
                children = SetAccessibleChildrenIndexAndGetChildren(parent._acc);

                // if unable to find this child (broken IAccessible impl?) bail (
                if (_accessibleChildrenIndex == -1)
                    return null;

            Accessible rval = null;
            if (_accessibleChildrenIndex - 1 >= 0)
                rval = GetChildAt(parent._acc, children, _accessibleChildrenIndex - 1);

            return rval;
コード例 #14
            // ------------------------------------------------------
            //  Constructors

            #region Constructors

            internal WindowsStatusBarPane (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item, Accessible acc)
            : base (hwnd, parent, item)
                _acc = acc;

                _cControlType = ControlType.Edit;
                _sAutomationId = "StatusBar.Pane" + item.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); // This string is a non-localizable string