コード例 #1
        //  ctors
        #region ctors
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">owning component type </param> 
        /// <param name="host">Dependency object to host IsActive and IsMouseOverAnchor DepenedencyProperties
        /// if host is null - set them on MarkedHighlightComponent itself</param> 
        public MarkedHighlightComponent(XmlQualifiedName type, DependencyObject host) 
            : base()
            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            _DPHost = host == null ? this : host; 
            ClipToBounds = false; 

            //create anchor highlight. The second parameter controls 
            // if we want to render the entire anchor or only the Text content
            // This applies specificaly to tables, figures and floaters.
            // Currently implementation of GetTightBoundingGeometryForTextPointers does not
            // allow us to render the entire cell so we pass true (means content only). 
            HighlightAnchor = new HighlightComponent(1, true, type);
            //we will add the markers when the attached annotation is added
            //when we know the attachment level 
            _leftMarker = null;
            _rightMarker = null;

            _state = 0; 
コード例 #2
        // Token: 0x06007CC5 RID: 31941 RVA: 0x002315A0 File Offset: 0x0022F7A0
        internal static void GetCargoColors(Annotation annot, ref Color?backgroundColor, ref Color?activeBackgroundColor)
            Invariant.Assert(annot != null, "annotation is null");
            ICollection <AnnotationResource> cargos = annot.Cargos;

            if (cargos != null)
                foreach (AnnotationResource annotationResource in cargos)
                    if (annotationResource.Name == "Highlight")
                        ICollection contents = annotationResource.Contents;
                        foreach (object obj in contents)
                            XmlElement xmlElement = (XmlElement)obj;
                            if (xmlElement.LocalName == "Colors" && xmlElement.NamespaceURI == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/annotations/2003/11/base")
                                if (xmlElement.Attributes["Background"] != null)
                                    backgroundColor = new Color?(HighlightComponent.GetColor(xmlElement.Attributes["Background"].Value));
                                if (xmlElement.Attributes["ActiveBackground"] != null)
                                    activeBackgroundColor = new Color?(HighlightComponent.GetColor(xmlElement.Attributes["ActiveBackground"].Value));
コード例 #3
        // Token: 0x06007CC8 RID: 31944 RVA: 0x002317E8 File Offset: 0x0022F9E8
        private void GetColors(Annotation annot, out Color backgroundColor, out Color activeBackgroundColor)
            Color?color  = new Color?(this._defaultBackroundColor);
            Color?color2 = new Color?(this._defaultActiveBackgroundColor);

            HighlightComponent.GetCargoColors(annot, ref color, ref color2);
            backgroundColor       = color.Value;
            activeBackgroundColor = color2.Value;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Choose an IAnnotationComponent for a given IAttachedAnnotation.  Implementation in AnnotationComponentChooser knows
        /// about all out-of-box IAnnotationComponents.  The default mapping will be stated here later.
        /// Subclasses can overwrite this method to return application specific mapping.
        /// Note: In future release this method should be made virtual.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">The IAttachedAnnotation that needs an IAnnotationComponent </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IAnnotationComponent ChooseAnnotationComponent(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation)
            if (attachedAnnotation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("attachedAnnotation");
            IAnnotationComponent ac = null;

            // Text StickyNote
            if (attachedAnnotation.Annotation.AnnotationType == StickyNoteControl.TextSchemaName)
                ac = new StickyNoteControl(StickyNoteType.Text) as IAnnotationComponent;
            // Ink StickyNote
            else if (attachedAnnotation.Annotation.AnnotationType == StickyNoteControl.InkSchemaName)
                ac = new StickyNoteControl(StickyNoteType.Ink) as IAnnotationComponent;
            // Highlight
            else if (attachedAnnotation.Annotation.AnnotationType == HighlightComponent.TypeName)
                ac = new HighlightComponent() as IAnnotationComponent;

            return ac;