コード例 #1
 public DbgManagedFunction(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                           DbgEngContext context,
                           ClrMethod method)
     : base(debugger, context, method.NativeCode, method.Name)
     m_clrMethod = method;
 } // end constructor()
コード例 #2
        public static bool TryCreateFunction(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                                             DbgEngContext context,
                                             DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX nativeStackFrame,
                                             out DbgFunction function,
                                             out ulong displacement)
            function     = null;
            displacement = 0;
            DbgSymbol sym = null;

                SymbolInfo si = DbgHelp.SymFromInlineContext(debugger.DebuggerInterface,
                                                             out displacement);
                sym      = new DbgPublicSymbol(debugger, si, debugger.GetCurrentTarget());
                function = new DbgNativeFunction(debugger, context, sym);
            catch (DbgProviderException dpe)
                // Sometimes the debugger doesn't know. E.g., frame 'e' here (from ntsd):
                //    0:000> kn
                //    # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
                //    00 00000000`0058dff8 00000000`76c02ef8 ntdll!NtRequestWaitReplyPort+0xa
                //    01 00000000`0058e000 00000000`76c352d1 kernel32!GetConsoleMode+0xf8
                //    02 00000000`0058e030 00000000`76c4a60c kernel32!VerifyConsoleIoHandle+0x281
                //    03 00000000`0058e180 000007fe`fae30fe1 kernel32!ReadConsoleW+0xbc
                //    04 00000000`0058e260 000007fe`fae1eb88 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x70fe1
                //    05 00000000`0058e390 000007fe`fae2a7e2 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x5eb88
                //    06 00000000`0058e410 000007fe`fae29fae Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x6a7e2
                //    07 00000000`0058e4c0 000007fe`fae32bd1 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x69fae
                //    08 00000000`0058e5b0 000007fe`fae235c6 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x72bd1
                //    09 00000000`0058e670 000007fe`fae23f27 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x635c6
                //    0a 00000000`0058e6d0 000007fe`fade5006 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x63f27
                //    0b 00000000`0058e760 000007fe`fade2c1a Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x25006
                //    0c 00000000`0058e7e0 000007fe`fae33588 Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x22c1a
                //    0d 00000000`0058e890 000007fe`97f805de Microsoft_PowerShell_ConsoleHost_ni+0x73588
                //    0e 00000000`0058e8f0 000007fe`f777dad3 0x000007fe`97f805de
                //    0f 00000000`0058ea80 000007fe`f777d7ae clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x13e07
                //    10 00000000`0058eac0 000007fe`f777d830 clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x13ae2
                //    11 00000000`0058eb00 000007fe`f76d0f3b clr!PreBindAssemblyEx+0x13b64
                //    12 00000000`0058ecb0 000007fe`f76a9e5a clr!GetHistoryFileDirectory+0x945b
                //    13 00000000`0058ee80 000007fe`f76a9d54 clr!InitializeFusion+0x8b12
                //    14 00000000`0058f170 000007fe`f76a98ce clr!InitializeFusion+0x8a0c
                //    15 00000000`0058f730 000007fe`f76a9826 clr!InitializeFusion+0x8586
                //    16 00000000`0058f7a0 000007fe`f76aa078 clr!InitializeFusion+0x84de
                //    17 00000000`0058f830 000007fe`f8247b95 clr!CorExeMain+0x14
                //    18 00000000`0058f870 000007fe`f82e5b21 mscoreei!CorExeMain+0x5d
                //    19 00000000`0058f8c0 00000000`76bf652d mscoree!CorExeMain+0x69
                //    1a 00000000`0058f8f0 00000000`772ec521 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
                //    1b 00000000`0058f920 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
                LogManager.Trace("Could not get symbol for stack frame {0} on thread index {1}. Error: {2}",
        } // end TryCreateFunction()
コード例 #3
 public DbgNativeFunction(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                          DbgEngContext context,
                          DbgSymbol symbol)
     : base(debugger, context, symbol.Address, symbol.Name)
     m_sym = symbol;
 } // end constructor()
コード例 #4
ファイル: DbgSymbolGroup.cs プロジェクト: zha0/DbgShell
        public DbgSymbolGroup(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                              DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP scope,
                              DbgStackFrameInfo frame,
                              DbgEngContext context)
            : base(debugger)
            if (null == context)
                context = debugger.GetCurrentDbgEngContext();

            if (null == frame)
                frame = debugger.GetCurrentScopeFrame();

            Context = context;
            Frame   = frame;

            using (new DbgEngContextSaver(debugger, context))
                debugger.ExecuteOnDbgEngThread(() =>
                    WDebugSymbols ds5 = (WDebugSymbols)debugger.DebuggerInterface;
                    WDebugSymbolGroup symGroup;
                    CheckHr(ds5.GetScopeSymbolGroup2(scope, null, out symGroup));
                    m_symGroup = symGroup;
                    Target     = debugger.GetCurrentTarget();
        } // end constructor
コード例 #5
 internal DbgUModeProcess(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                          DbgEngContext context,
                          uint osProcessId,
                          string targetFriendlyName)
     : base(debugger, context, targetFriendlyName)
     m_osProcessId = osProcessId;
 } // end constructor
コード例 #6
 private DbgUnknownFunction(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                            DbgEngContext context,
                            DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX nativeFrame,
                            ulong address,
                            string modName,
                            string funcName)
     : base(debugger, context, address, funcName)
     NativeFrameEx = nativeFrame;
     m_modName     = modName;
 } // end constructor()
コード例 #7
ファイル: SymbolIdentity.cs プロジェクト: zha0/DbgShell
        } // _SetContext()

        public SymbolIdentity(string name,
                              ulong moduleBase,
                              ulong offset,
                              DbgNamedTypeInfo type,
                              DbgEngContext processContext)
            Name       = name;
            ModuleBase = moduleBase;
            Offset     = offset;
            Type       = type;
        } // end constructor
コード例 #8
        internal DbgTarget(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                           DbgEngContext context,
                           string targetFriendlyName)
            : base(debugger)
            Context = context.AsTargetContext();

            // We are currently assuming that the current context is the target context
            // (if it were not, the IsLive call below might be wrong).
            Util.Assert(Context == debugger.GetCurrentDbgEngContext().AsTargetContext());

            IsLive = Debugger.IsLive;
            m_targetFriendlyName = targetFriendlyName;
        } // end constructor
コード例 #9
ファイル: SymbolIdentity.cs プロジェクト: zha0/DbgShell
        } // end constructor

        private void _SetContext(DbgEngContext context)
            if (null == context)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            //ProcessContext = context.AsProcessContext();
            // TODO: for symbols for a user-mode module in a kernel mode target,
            // do I want to keep the process portion of the context?

            //ProcessContext = context.AsTargetContext();
            ProcessContext = context.WithoutThreadOrFrameIndex();
        } // _SetContext()
コード例 #10
        } // end constructor()

        public static DbgUnknownFunction Create(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                                                DbgEngContext context,
                                                DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX nativeFrame)
            ulong address = nativeFrame.InstructionOffset;

            string modName  = null;
            string funcName = null;
            ulong  offset   = 0;
            string fullname = null;

            // If our dbgeng has managed support (or support for whatever this is), let's
            // try that:

            if (0 != nativeFrame.InstructionOffset)
                fullname = debugger.TryGetInfoFromFrame(nativeFrame,
                                                        out modName,
                                                        out funcName,
                                                        out offset);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullname))
                    LogManager.Trace("DbgUnknownFunction.Create: dbgeng doesn't know, either.");
                LogManager.Trace("DbgUnknownFunction.Create: we have no chance with an InstructionOffset of zero.");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullname))
                funcName = DbgProvider.FormatUInt64(address, useTick: true);
                address = address - offset;

            return(new DbgUnknownFunction(debugger,
        } // end static Create() factory
コード例 #11
        public DbgEngContextSaver(DbgEngDebugger debugger, DbgEngContext temporaryContext)
            if (null == debugger)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("debugger");

            if (null == temporaryContext)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("temporaryContext");

            m_debugger   = debugger;
            m_oldContext = debugger.GetCurrentDbgEngContext();
            Context      = temporaryContext;
            debugger.SetCurrentDbgEngContext(temporaryContext, true);
        } // end constructor
コード例 #12
        internal DbgTarget(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                           DbgEngContext context,
                           string targetFriendlyName)
            : base(debugger)
            if ((bool)context.IsKernelContext)
                Context = context.AsSystemContext();
                Context = context.AsProcessContext();

            IsLive = Debugger.IsLive;
            m_targetFriendlyName = targetFriendlyName;
        } // end constructor
コード例 #13
ファイル: SymbolIdentity.cs プロジェクト: zha0/DbgShell
        } // end constructor

        public SymbolIdentity(string name,
                              DEBUG_SYMBOL_PARAMETERS nativeParams,
                              DbgEngContext processContext)
            Name       = name;
            ModuleBase = nativeParams.Module;
            if (null == dse)
                Offset = DebuggerObject.InvalidAddress;
                Offset = ((DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY)dse).Offset;

        } // end constructor
コード例 #14
        private static DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS _GetModParamsByAddress(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                                                                      DbgEngContext ctx,
                                                                      WDebugSymbols ds,
                                                                      ulong addressInModule)
            if (null == debugger)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("debugger");

            if (0 == addressInModule)
                throw new ArgumentException("You must supply a non-zero address.", "addressInModule");

            return(debugger.ExecuteOnDbgEngThread(() =>
                using (new DbgEngContextSaver(debugger, ctx))
                    if (null == ds)
                        ds = (WDebugSymbols)debugger.DebuggerInterface;

                    uint index;
                    ulong baseAddr;

                    // TODO: If it's a managed module, this will fail. We could use
                    // ClrMd to synthesize this DbgModule instead.
                    // https://github.com/Microsoft/DbgShell/issues/35
                                                        0,       // start index
                                                        out index,
                                                        out baseAddr));
                    DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS[] modParams;
                    StaticCheckHr(ds.GetModuleParameters(1, null, index, out modParams));
                    Util.Assert(1 == modParams.Length);
                    return modParams[0];
        } // end _GetModParamsByAddress()
コード例 #15
        internal DbgUModeThreadInfo(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                                    DbgEngContext context,
                                    uint sysTid)
            : base(debugger)
            if (null == context)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            if ((context.SystemIndex < 0) ||
                (context.ProcessIndexOrAddress < 0) ||
                (context.ThreadIndexOrAddress < 0) ||
                (context.FrameIndex != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("You must specify the system, process, and thread index, and a frame index of 0.", "context");

            Context = context;
            Tid     = sysTid;
        } // end constructor
コード例 #16
        protected DbgFunction(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                              DbgEngContext context,
                              ulong address,
                              string name)
            : base(debugger)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("You must specify a name.", "name");

            if (null == context)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            // We don't actually want thread/frame info in the context, I think. We just
            // want enough to identify what address space it refers to.
            Context = context.AsProcessContext();
            Address = address;
            Name    = name;
        } // end constructor()
コード例 #17
ファイル: DbgModuleInfo.cs プロジェクト: sayanmutd/DbgShell
        private static DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS _GetModParamsByAddress(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                                                                      DbgEngContext ctx,
                                                                      WDebugSymbols ds,
                                                                      ulong addressInModule)
            if (null == debugger)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("debugger");

            if (0 == addressInModule)
                throw new ArgumentException("You must supply a non-zero address.", "addressInModule");

            return(debugger.ExecuteOnDbgEngThread(() =>
                using (new DbgEngContextSaver(debugger, ctx))
                    if (null == ds)
                        ds = (WDebugSymbols)debugger.DebuggerInterface;

                    uint index;
                    ulong baseAddr;
                                                        0,       // start index
                                                        out index,
                                                        out baseAddr));
                    DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS[] modParams;
                    StaticCheckHr(ds.GetModuleParameters(1, null, index, out modParams));
                    Util.Assert(1 == modParams.Length);
                    return modParams[0];
        } // end _GetModParamsByAddress()
コード例 #18
 internal DbgTarget(DbgEngDebugger debugger, DbgEngContext context)
     : this(debugger, context, null)
コード例 #19
        // N.B. This assumes that the current debugger context is what is being represented.
        // internal DbgUModeProcess( DbgEngDebugger debugger )
        //     : this( debugger, debugger.GetCurrentDbgEngContext() )
        // {
        // }

        internal DbgUModeProcess(DbgEngDebugger debugger, DbgEngContext context)
            : this(debugger, context, DEBUG_ANY_ID)
コード例 #20
 internal DbgUModeProcess(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                          DbgEngContext context,
                          uint osProcessId)
     : this(debugger, context, osProcessId, null)
コード例 #21
ファイル: DbgKModeTarget.cs プロジェクト: zha0/DbgShell
 internal DbgKModeTarget(DbgEngDebugger debugger,
                         DbgEngContext context,
                         string targetFriendlyName)
     : base(debugger, context, targetFriendlyName)
 } // end constructor