コード例 #1
        //Suspending-EventHandler of app: executes when app turns into suspending-state
        private void App_Suspending(object sender, SuspendingEventArgs e)
            if (peerConnection != null)
                //Closing of PeerConnection
                //Disposing of PeerConnection-Resources
                peerConnection = null;

                Debugger.Log(0, "", "Peer conection disposed successfully\n");

            //Disposing of MediaPlayers

            //Disposing of signaler
            if (signaler != null)
                signaler = null;
コード例 #2
        //Loaded-EventHandler of ui: executes after ui-loading
        private async void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Request access to mic and cam
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();

            settings.StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.AudioAndVideo;

            MediaCapture capture = new MediaCapture();
            await capture.InitializeAsync(settings);

            //Get list of cams
            camList = await PeerConnection.GetVideoCaptureDevicesAsync();

            //Print list to log
            foreach (var cam in camList)
                Debugger.Log(0, "", $"Webcam: {cam.name} (id: {cam.id})\n");

            //Ask user for ids (show MessageBox)
            await ShowIdInputBoxAsync();

            //New PeerConnection (Access to WebRTC)
            peerConnection = new PeerConnection();
            //Create PeerConnection-config
            PeerConnectionConfiguration config = new PeerConnectionConfiguration()
                IceServers = new List <IceServer>()
                    //Using google stun server for testing
                    new IceServer()
                        Urls = { "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }

            //Initialize PeerContection
            await peerConnection.InitializeAsync(config);

            //Event fires, when local video frame is captured and ready for rendering
            peerConnection.I420LocalVideoFrameReady += Peer_LocalI420FrameReady;
            //Event fires, when remote video frame is receved and ready for rendering
            peerConnection.I420RemoteVideoFrameReady += Peer_RemoteI420FrameReady;
            //Events fires, when SdpMessage is ready for sending
            peerConnection.LocalSdpReadytoSend += Peer_LocalSdpReadytoSend;
            //Event fires, when IceCandidate is ready for sending
            peerConnection.IceCandidateReadytoSend += Peer_IceCandidateReadytoSend;
            //Set DebuggingLog-messages
            peerConnection.Connected       += () => Debugger.Log(0, "", "PeerConnection: connected\n");
            peerConnection.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => Debugger.Log(0, "", $"ICE state: {newState}\n");

            Debugger.Log(0, "", "Peer conection initialized successfully\n");

            //Adds cam-tracks from standart (first) devices [add parameter to specify cam-device or -specifications]
            await peerConnection.AddLocalVideoTrackAsync(new PeerConnection.LocalVideoTrackSettings()
                videoDevice = cam

            //Same for mic [no specifications possible: always uses the first mic in list]
            await peerConnection.AddLocalAudioTrackAsync();

            //Initialize the signaler (Properties from MessageBox)
            signaler = new NodeDssSignaler()
                HttpServerAddress = nodeDssServerIp,
                LocalPeerId       = localId,
                RemotePeerId      = remoteId
            signaler.OnMessage += (NodeDssSignaler.Message msg) =>
                switch (msg.MessageType)
                case NodeDssSignaler.Message.WireMessageType.Offer:
                    peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription("offer", msg.Data);

                case NodeDssSignaler.Message.WireMessageType.Answer:
                    peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription("answer", msg.Data);

                case NodeDssSignaler.Message.WireMessageType.Ice:
                    string[] parts = msg.Data.Split(new string[] { msg.IceDataSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    //Changing order of parts
                    string sdpMid        = parts[2];
                    int    sdpMlineindex = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    string candidate     = parts[0];
                    peerConnection.AddIceCandidate(sdpMid, sdpMlineindex, candidate);