public void FixedUpdate() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } double kw = Math.Abs(this.part.thermalRadiationFlux); Part rPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, resourceName); if (rPart != null) { int id = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(rPart, resourceName); double rTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, resourceName); double rMax = MPFunctions.GetResourceMax(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, resourceName); transAmt = resourceAmt * kw; if (actRad == true) // look for active radiator { for (int i = this.part.Modules.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { PartModule M = this.part.Modules[i]; if (M is ModuleActiveRadiator) { if ((M as ModuleActiveRadiator).IsCooling) { rPart.TransferResource(id, transAmt); } } } } else { rPart.TransferResource(id, transAmt); } } }
public void BlowBallast() { int id = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(Part1, "CompressedWater"); Part1.TransferResource(id, -MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part1, "CompressedWater")); Part2.TransferResource(id, -MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part2, "CompressedWater")); }
public void Start() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { foreach (Part mypart in { if (mypart.Resources.Contains("CompressedWater")) { if (rescount == 0) { Part1 = mypart; } if (rescount == 1) { Part2 = mypart; } rescount++; } } MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Compressed Water Found: " + rescount); id = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(Part1, "CompressedWater"); batid = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(Part1, "ElectricCharge"); vesselvolume = MPFunctions.GetVolume(this.vessel); } }
private void OnWindow(int windowID) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(500)); GUILayout.Label("Wind " + MPFunctions.MStoKTS(MPSailRoutines.windForce) + " kts."); GUILayout.Label("Lat " + MPFunctions.GetLat(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, 1)); GUILayout.Label("Long " + MPFunctions.GetLong(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, 1)); GUILayout.Label("Heading " + MPFunctions.GetHeading(MPSailRoutines.TWR1Vessel)); GUILayout.Label("Body " + MPFunctions.GetBody()); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); }
public static double GetResourceTotal(Vessel v, string resourceName) { PartResourceDefinition resource = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resourceName); double amount = 0; foreach (Part mypart in { if (mypart.Resources.Contains(resourceName)) { amount += MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(mypart, resourceName); } } return(amount); }
public void FixedUpdate() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } for (int i = this.part.Modules.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { PartModule M = this.part.Modules[i]; if (M is ModuleDeployableSolarPanel) { if ((M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).deployState == ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.DeployState.EXTENDED) { Double CWTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(this.vessel, "CompressedWater"); Double elecTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(this.vessel, "ElectricCharge"); if (CWTotal <= 0 || elecTotal <= 0) { if (CWTotal <= 0) { (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).status = "No Compressed Water"; } else { (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).status = "No Electric Charge"; } (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).enabled = false; } else { (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).enabled = true; float thisflow = (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).flowRate; if (thisflow > 0) { Part sPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "CompressedWater"); int CWID = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(sPart, "CompressedWater"); double CWFlow = sPart.RequestResource(CWID, thisflow * CWRate, ResourceFlowMode.ALL_VESSEL); sPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); int EcID = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(sPart, "ElectricCharge"); sPart.RequestResource(EcID, CWFlow * elRate, ResourceFlowMode.ALL_VESSEL); } } } else { (M as ModuleDeployableSolarPanel).enabled = true; } } } }
public void Awake() { MPConfig.Getconfig(); MPLog.NewLog(); Application.runInBackground = true; if (MPUtilsrunning || !ElectionAndCheck()) { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Multiple copies. Using the first copy. Version: " + MPFunctions.GetVersion()); Destroy(gameObject); return; } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); MPUtilsrunning = true; MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] MPUtils v" + MPFunctions.GetVersion() + " Anchors Aweigh!"); }
public bool ConsumeResource(string thisresource, double amount) { Part rPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, thisresource); double rTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, pressureResource1); if (rPart != null && rTotal >= amount) { int id = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(rPart, thisresource); double rFlow = rPart.RequestResource(id, amount, ResourceFlowMode.ALL_VESSEL); if (rFlow > 0) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void FixedUpdate() { varPeriod -= Time.deltaTime; if (varPeriod < 0) { varPeriod = decayPeriod; resPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, resourceName); resID = MPFunctions.GetResourceID(resPart, resourceName); resAmt = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, resourceName); if (resPart != null && resAmt > 0) { try { resPart.RequestResource(resID, decayAmount, ResourceFlowMode.ALL_VESSEL); } catch { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] ResDecay: Error removing resource"); } } } }
public void FixedUpdate() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (shutdownUnder == true) //shut down a submerged engine { if (this.part.WaterContact && MPFunctions.findAltitude(this.part.transform) <= -1) { for (int i = this.part.Modules.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { PartModule M = this.part.Modules[i]; if (M.isActiveAndEnabled) { if (M is ModuleEnginesFX) { ModuleEnginesFX E = M as ModuleEnginesFX; if (!E.flameout) { E.Flameout("Flooded"); E.Shutdown(); } } if (M is ModuleEngines) { ModuleEngines F = M as ModuleEngines; if (!F.flameout) { F.Flameout("Flooded"); F.Shutdown(); } } } } } } else { if (!this.part.WaterContact) { for (int i = this.part.Modules.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { PartModule M = this.part.Modules[i]; { if (M is ModuleEnginesFX) { ModuleEnginesFX E = M as ModuleEnginesFX; if (!E.flameout) { E.Flameout("Engine out of the water"); E.Shutdown(); } } if (M is ModuleEngines) { ModuleEngines F = M as ModuleEngines; if (!F.flameout) { F.Flameout("Engine out of the water"); F.Shutdown(); } } } } } } }
void DoMyWindow(int windowID) { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 20, 280, 20), "Depth below keel: " + MPFunctions.DepthBelowKeel(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 35, 280, 20), "Dive angle: " + MPFunctions.GetPitch(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)); GUI.DragWindow(); }
public override void OnUpdate() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && rescount != 2) { return; } { //Computer Power Drain if (Events["BuoyDeactivate"].active || Events["KeelDeactivate"].active || Events["InfoDeactivate"].active) { float rConsume = 0; if (Events["BuoyDeactivate"].active) { rConsume++; } if (Events["KeelDeactivate"].active) { rConsume++; } if (Events["InfoDeactivate"].active) { rConsume += 0.5f; } batterycheck -= Time.deltaTime; bool goodcheck = false; if (batterycheck < 0) { double rFlow = 0.0f; Part rPart = MPFunctions.GetResourcePart(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); double rTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); if (rPart != null && rTotal >= rConsume) { rFlow = rPart.RequestResource(batid, rConsume, ResourceFlowMode.ALL_VESSEL); goodcheck = true; } if (!goodcheck || rFlow != rConsume || rTotal < rConsume) { Events["BuoyDeactivate"].active = false; Events["BuoyActivate"].active = true; Events["KeelActivate"].active = true; Events["KeelDeactivate"].active = false; Events["InfoActivate"].active = true; Events["InfoDeactivate"].active = false; MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Sub Computer: Battery depleted."); } batterycheck = 10.0f; } } //AutoBuoyancy if (Events["BuoyDeactivate"].active == true) { buoycheck -= Time.deltaTime; if (buoycheck < 0) { buoycheck = 2.0f; double vesselspeed = (double)Decimal.Round((decimal)this.vessel.verticalSpeed, 3); MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Vessel Vertical Speed: " + vesselspeed); transferamount = (double)decimal.Round((decimal)vesselspeed, 2) / 2; if (vesselspeed < 0) { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Removing buoy: " + transferamount); double p1amount = MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part1, "CompressedWater"); double p2amount = MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part2, "CompressedWater"); if (p1amount > transferamount) { Part1.TransferResource(id, transferamount); } else if (p1amount > 0) { Part1.TransferResource(id, -p1amount); } if (p2amount > transferamount) { Part2.TransferResource(id, transferamount); } else if (p1amount > 0) { Part2.TransferResource(id, -p2amount); } } else if (vesselspeed > 0) { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Adding buoy: " + transferamount); double p1amount = MPFunctions.GetResourceSpace(Part1, "CompressedWater"); double p2amount = MPFunctions.GetResourceSpace(Part2, "CompressedWater"); if (p1amount > transferamount) { Part1.TransferResource(id, transferamount); } else if (p1amount > 0) { Part1.TransferResource(id, p1amount); } if (p2amount > transferamount) { Part2.TransferResource(id, transferamount); } else if (p1amount > 0) { Part2.TransferResource(id, p2amount); } } else { Events["BuoyDeactivate"].active = false; Events["BuoyActivate"].active = true; } } } //AutoKeel if (Events["KeelDeactivate"].active == true) { keelcheck -= Time.deltaTime; if (keelcheck < 0) { bool skip = false; double pitch = Math.Abs(MPFunctions.GetPitch(this.vessel) - 90); double realpitch = MPFunctions.GetPitch(this.vessel); if (lastpitch != -1) { double deltapitch = Math.Abs(lastpitch - pitch); MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] AutoKeel: DeltaPitch: " + deltapitch); if (deltapitch > 10) { skip = true; keelcheck = 10.0f; } else if (deltapitch < 3) { keelcheck = 7.0f; } else { keelcheck = (10 - (float)deltapitch); } } else { keelcheck = 3.0f; this.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, false); } lastpitch = pitch; if (!skip) { transferamount = ((.20 - .01) / (90 - 30)) * pitch; if (transferamount < 0.01f) { transferamount = 0.01f; } MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Pitch: " + pitch); alt1 = MPFunctions.findAltitude(Part1.transform); alt2 = MPFunctions.findAltitude(Part2.transform); MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Autokeel Running: Alt1:" + alt1 + " Alt2:" + alt2 + " Amt: " + transferamount); if (Math.Abs(alt1 - alt2) < 1.0f) { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] AutoKeel: Shut Down: " + alt1 + " " + alt2); Events["KeelActivate"].active = true; Events["KeelDeactivate"].active = false; this.vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS, true); } else if (alt1 > alt2) { if (MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part2, "CompressedWater") > transferamount && MPFunctions.GetResourceSpace(Part1, "CompressedWater") > transferamount) { Part2.TransferResource(id, -transferamount); Part1.TransferResource(id, transferamount); MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Moving " + transferamount + " to " +; } else { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] AutoKeel: Unable to transfer resources."); Events["KeelActivate"].active = true; Events["KeelDeactivate"].active = false; } } else if (alt1 < alt2) { if (MPFunctions.GetResourceAmount(Part1, "CompressedWater") > transferamount && MPFunctions.GetResourceSpace(Part2, "CompressedWater") > transferamount) { Part1.TransferResource(id, -transferamount); Part2.TransferResource(id, transferamount); MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] Moving " + transferamount + " to " +; } else { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] AutoKeel: Unable to transfer resources."); Events["KeelActivate"].active = true; Events["KeelDeactivate"].active = false; } } } } } } }
public void FixedUpdate() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (myEngine == null && myIntake == null && partType != "Throttle" && partType != "Stirling" && partType != "Battery" || animationName == "null" || !vessel.isActiveVessel) { return; } else if (vessel.isActiveVessel) { double thisenergy = 0; if (partType == "Stirling") { thisenergy = Math.Abs(this.part.thermalRadiationFlux) / 100; if (thisenergy > 1) { thisenergy = 1; } if (thisenergy < 0) { thisenergy = 0; } Play_Anim(animationName, (float)thisenergy, 0.0f); return; } if (partType == "Battery") { double rTotal = MPFunctions.GetResourceTotal(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); double rMax = MPFunctions.GetResourceMax(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel, "ElectricCharge"); thisenergy = rTotal / rMax; } else { thisenergy = FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle; } if ((partType == "Engine" && !myEngine.EngineIgnited) || (partType == "Engine" && myEngine.getFlameoutState == true) || (partType == "Intake" && !myIntake.intakeEnabled)) //Intake or Engine shut down, reverse animation { if (syncThrust) { if (syncThrust) { float direction = CheckDirection(); thisenergy = myEngine.normalizedThrustOutput; Play_Anim(animationName, (float)thisenergy * direction, 0.0f); return; } } if (lastThrottle != 0.0f) { if (syncThrottle) { if (smoothThrottle) { lastThrottle = lastThrottle - 0.02f; if (lastThrottle < 0.0f) { lastThrottle = 0.0f; } } else { lastThrottle = 0.0f; } if (loopAnim == true) { Play_Anim(animationName, lastThrottle); } else { Play_Anim(animationName, 0.0f, lastThrottle); } } else //not synced to play at full speed from the end to the beginning { if (!aniEngine.isPlaying) { if (loopAnim == true) { Play_Anim(animationName, 0.0f); } else { Play_Anim(animationName, -1.0f, 1.0f); } lastThrottle = 0.0f; } } } } else //engine ignited or it's another type, run animation { if (syncThrust) { float direction = CheckDirection(); thisenergy = myEngine.normalizedThrustOutput; if (loopAnim == true) { Play_Anim(animationName, (float)thisenergy, 0.0f); } else { Play_Anim(animationName, 0.0f, (float)thisenergy); } return; } if (syncThrottle) { if (smoothThrottle) { if (thisenergy > lastThrottle) { if (thisenergy + lastThrottle > 0.02f) { lastThrottle = lastThrottle + 0.02f; if (lastThrottle > 1.0f) { lastThrottle = 1.0f; } } else { lastThrottle = (float)thisenergy; } } if (thisenergy < lastThrottle) { if (lastThrottle - thisenergy > 0.02f || thisenergy == 0 && lastThrottle != 0) { lastThrottle = lastThrottle - 0.02f; if (lastThrottle < 0.0f) { lastThrottle = 0.0f; } } else { lastThrottle = (float)thisenergy; } } if (loopAnim == true) { Play_Anim(animationName, lastThrottle, 0.0f); } else { Play_Anim(animationName, 0.0f, lastThrottle); } } else { if (loopAnim == true) { Play_Anim(animationName, (float)thisenergy); } else { Play_Anim(animationName, 0.0f, (float)thisenergy); } } } else //not synced so play at full speed from the beginning { if (!aniEngine.isPlaying && lastThrottle != 1.0f) { Play_Anim(animationName, 1.0f, 0.0f); lastThrottle = 1.0f; } } } } }