public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Instance = this; serializer = CreateAndConfigureSerializer(); tabControl.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; noSaveLoaded.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Width = MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.Width; Height = MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.Height; WindowState = MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.IsMaximized ? WindowState.Maximized : WindowState.Normal; MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.RunCount++; MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); DonateBanner.Visibility = (MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.RunCount >= 5 && !MMSaveEditor.Properties.Settings.Default.HasDonated) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; if (ReportGameCrashDialog.HasThereBeenAGameCrash()) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("We have detected that Motorsport Manager crashed on the last run. Could you submit this log to us if it was a result of a change you made to your save file? We will then investigate the cause and fix in an update. Thanks!", "Did you just haz a crash", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { report_Click(null, null); } return; } }
private void report_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ReportGameCrashDialog dialog = new ReportGameCrashDialog(); dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.LogPath != null) { gameCrashLog = dialog.LogPath; NBug.Settings.ProcessingException += Settings_ProcessingException; try { throw new Exception("Game is crashing report"); } catch (Exception ex) { new BugReport().Report(ex, ExceptionThread.Main); } } }