//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void SendMessage(EventArgs x) { KeyEventArgs k = new KeyEventArgs(); GamePadEventArgs g = new GamePadEventArgs(PlayerIndex.One); if (x is KeyEventArgs) { k = x as KeyEventArgs; } else if (x is GamePadEventArgs) { g = x as GamePadEventArgs; } ConsoleChannel ch = console.Channels[cmbMain.ItemIndex]; if (ch != null) { txtMain.TextColor = ch.Color; string message = txtMain.Text; if ((k.Key == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter || g.Button == GamePadActions.Press) && message != null && message != "") { x.Handled = true; // Send chat message if (network.isConnected()) { string chatMsg = txtMain.Text; chatMsg = chatMsg.Replace("'", "'39'"); chatMsg = chatMsg.Replace(" ", "'32'"); chatMsg = chatMsg.Replace(":", "'58'"); chatMsg = chatMsg.Replace(";", "'59'"); network.Send("CHAT:" + cmbMain.ItemIndex + " " + chatMsg + ";"); } txtMain.Text = ""; ClientArea.Invalidate(); } } }
public void load() { // Load character data createButton.Enabled = false; startButton.Enabled = false; game.messageDialog.setTitle(""); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Please wait..."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = false; Boolean end = false; for (int i = 0; i < game.maxchar; ++i) { String responseMsg = ""; String statusMsg = ""; try { // Try connect to server //if (!network.isConnected()) // network.Connect("", 5000); // Send login message network.Send("CHARGET:" + LoggedUserID + " " + i + ";"); // Get character from index // Receive message while (responseMsg.Length <= 0) { responseMsg = network.Receive(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Has any error come here Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Can't connect to server."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; state = GameState.none; } // Split message from end of line String[] line = responseMsg.Split(';'); for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; ++j) { // If has message // Split message name(CHARGET) and value({STATUS}|{CHARID}) // CHARGET:{STATUS}|{CHARID}; String[] msg = line[j].Split(':'); if (msg[0].Equals("CHARGET") && msg.Length == 2) { // Split message value String[] value = msg[1].Split(' '); if (value.Length == 2) { statusMsg = value[0]; } if (statusMsg.Equals("OK")) { // if status is OK try { // If character found show panel CharacterInformation chara = getCharInfo(Convert.ToInt32(value[1])); if (chara != null) { if (!charInfo.ContainsKey(chara.getCharid())) { charInfo.Add(chara.getCharid(), chara); listId.Add(i, chara.getCharid()); character_name[i].Text = ("Name: " + charInfo[listId[i]].getChar_name()); character_level[i].Text = ("LV: " + charInfo[listId[i]].getChar_level()); character_selectButton[i].Enabled = true; character_deleteButton[i].Enabled = true; character_panel[i].Visible = true; state = GameState.none; } } } catch (Exception e) { // Has any error come here Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("There has something error."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; state = GameState.none; } break; } else { // if status isn't OK state = GameState.none; end = true; break; } } } // If Readed all character data if (end) { break; } } game.hideMessageDialog(); createButton.Enabled = true; startButton.Enabled = true; }
public void load() { char_class.Items.Clear(); classIdPair.Clear(); // Load character data createButton.Enabled = false; backButton.Enabled = false; game.messageDialog.setTitle(""); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Please wait..."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = false; String responseMsg = ""; try { // Try connect to server //if (!network.isConnected()) // network.Connect("", 5000); // Send login message network.Send("CHARCREATEABLE:" + LoggedUserID + ";"); // Get character from index // Receive message while (responseMsg.Length <= 0) { responseMsg = network.Receive(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Has any error come here Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Can't connect to server."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; state = GameState.none; } // Split message from end of line String[] line = responseMsg.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; ++i) { // If has message // CHARCREATEAVAILABLE:{ID1} {ID2} {ID3} ... {ID4}; String[] msg = line[i].Split(':'); if (msg[0].Equals("CHARCREATEABLE") && msg.Length == 2) { // Split message value List <String> value = new List <String>(msg[1].Split(' ')); for (int j = 0; j < value.Count; ++j) { short classid = Convert.ToInt16(value[j]); GameClassConfig cfg = null; if (classConfigs.TryGetValue(classid, out cfg)) { char_class.Items.Add(cfg.name); classIdPair.Add(classid); } } } } char_class.ItemIndex = 0; game.hideMessageDialog(); createButton.Enabled = true; backButton.Enabled = true; }
private void loginThread() { String responseMsg = ""; String statusMsg = ""; String idMsg = ""; try { // Try connect to server if (!network.isConnected()) { network.Connect(serverConfig.getIP(), serverConfig.getPort()); } // Starting ping... // Send login message network.Send("LOGIN:"******" " + password.Text + ";"); // Receive message while (responseMsg.Length <= 0) { responseMsg = network.Receive(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Has any error come here Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); username.Enabled = true; password.Enabled = true; loginButton.Enabled = true; game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Can't connect to server."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; LoggedUserID = 0; state = GameState.none; } // Split message from end of line String[] line = responseMsg.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; ++i) { // If has message // Split message name(LOGIN) and value({STATUS}|{LOGINID}) // LOGIN:{STATUS}|{LOGINID}; String[] msg = line[i].Split(':'); if (msg[0].Equals("LOGIN") && msg.Length == 2) { // Split message value String[] value = msg[1].Split(' '); if (value.Length == 2) { statusMsg = value[0]; idMsg = value[1]; } if (statusMsg.Equals("OK") && !idMsg.Equals("0")) { // if status is OK try { username.Enabled = true; password.Enabled = true; loginButton.Enabled = true; game.hideMessageDialog(); LoggedUserID = Convert.ToInt32(idMsg); state = GameState.login_loggedin; } catch (Exception e) { // Has any error come here // I was expect that NumberFormatException can occur Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); username.Enabled = true; password.Enabled = true; loginButton.Enabled = true; game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Wrong username or password."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; LoggedUserID = 0; state = GameState.none; } } else { // if status isn't OK network.Send("LOGOUT:0;"); bool isLoggedOut = false; while (!isLoggedOut && network.isConnected()) { String responseLogoutMsg = ""; while (responseLogoutMsg.Length <= 0) { responseLogoutMsg = network.Receive(); } String[] LogoutLine = responseLogoutMsg.Split(';'); for (int l = 0; l < LogoutLine.Length; ++l) { String[] LogoutMsg = LogoutLine[l].Split(':'); if (LogoutMsg[0].Equals("LOGOUT") && LogoutMsg.Length == 2) { isLoggedOut = true; break; } } } network.Close(); username.Enabled = true; password.Enabled = true; loginButton.Enabled = true; if (idMsg.Equals(0)) { game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("Wrong username or password."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; } else { game.messageDialog.setTitle("ERROR!!"); game.messageDialog.setMessage("This user is already login."); game.messageDialog.Visible = true; game.messageDialog.CloseButtonVisible = true; } LoggedUserID = 0; break; } } } }
void rebornBtn_Click(object sender, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e) { this.Visible = false; network.Send("REBORN:0;"); }
public void ProcessMouse() { try { prevMouseState = currentMouseState; currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); Vector3 Cursor3D = camera.getCursor3D(); Ray Cursor3DRay = camera.getCursor3DRay(); foreach (UnitEntity ent in monstersEntity.Values) { if (ent != targetNode) { if (ent != null) { ent.drawHP = false; } } if (ent != null && ent.RayIntersectsModel(Cursor3DRay)) { ent.drawName = true; if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetPos = normalTargetPos; targetNode = ent; ent.drawHP = true; network.Send("TARGETMONSTERNODE:" + ent.getID() + ";"); return; } } else { if (ent != null) { ent.drawName = false; } } } foreach (UnitEntity ent in npcsEntity.Values) { if (ent != null && ent.RayIntersectsModel(Cursor3DRay)) { ent.drawName = true; if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetPos = normalTargetPos; targetNode = ent; network.Send("TARGETNPCNODE:" + ent.getID() + ";"); return; } } else { if (ent != null) { ent.drawName = false; } } } foreach (UnitEntity ent in playersEntity.Values) { if (ent != null && ent.RayIntersectsModel(Cursor3DRay)) { ent.drawName = true; if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetPos = normalTargetPos; targetNode = ent; network.Send("TARGETPLAYERNODE:" + ent.getID() + ";"); return; } } else { if (ent != null) { ent.drawName = false; } } } foreach (WarpEntity ent in warpsEntity.Values) { if (ent != null && ent.RayIntersectsModel(Cursor3DRay)) { if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetNode = null; targetPos = ent.getPosition(); network.Send("TARGETWARPNODE:" + ent.getID() + ";"); return; } } } foreach (ItemEntity ent in itemsEntity.Values) { if (ent != null && ent.RayIntersectsModel(Cursor3DRay)) { if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetNode = null; targetPos = ent.getPosition(); network.Send("TARGETITEMNODE:" + ent.getID() + ";"); return; } } } if (Cursor3D != null) { if (prevMouseState != null && prevMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { targetNode = null; targetPos = new Vector3(Cursor3D.X, 0, Cursor3D.Z); network.Send("TARGETPOSITION:" + Cursor3D.X + " " + Cursor3D.Z + ";"); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }