public FormSpeciesDescription(C3mbSpeciesModel SpeMdl) { m_speMdl = SpeMdl; InitializeComponent(); ShortDescriptionTextBox.Text = m_speMdl.szShortDescription; LongCommentTextBox.Text = m_speMdl.szLongComment; LongCommentTextBox.MaxLength = m_speMdl.longCommentMaxAllowedLenth-1; ShortDescriptionTextBox.MaxLength = m_speMdl.shortDescriptionMaxAllowedLenth-1; if(ShortDescriptionTextBox.Text.Length > 0) m_shortDescModified = true; else ShortDescriptionTextBox.Text = "Enter a short description here"; UpdateShortDescriptionText(); if(LongCommentTextBox.Text.Length > 0) m_longCommentModified = true; else LongCommentTextBox.Text = "Enter general information here (description, comments, authorship, etc.)"; UpdateLongCommentText(); m_initializing = false; }
public FormNormalModelSelect(C3mbSpeciesModel Species, int ThisIndex) { InitializeComponent(); m_speMdl = Species; m_res = RESLT.CANCEL; m_myIndex = ThisIndex; CopyNormalButtons(); UpdateNormalBehaviorStates(); }
public FormBehavior(C3mbSpeciesModel Species, int ThisIndex) { InitializeComponent(); m_beh = Species.GetBehaviorCopy(ThisIndex); m_spe = Species; m_myIndex = ThisIndex; BehNameButton.Text =; this.Text = m_szTitleBar1 + "(" + (m_myIndex+1) + " of " + m_spe.BehaviorCount + ")" + m_szTitleBar2; UpdatePanel(); ModelOKButton.Text = "Done"; m_initializing = false; }
public FormAcstcAvrsn(C3mbSpeciesModel SpeciesMdl) { m_initializing = true; m_speMdl = SpeciesMdl; // Added. m_beachingDepth = m_speMdl.beachingDepth; m_podBreaksOnAE = m_speMdl.podBreaksOnAE; m_aa = SpeciesMdl.AcousticAversion.GetCopy(); InitializeComponent(); UpdateEntireForm(); this.Text = m_szTitle; AcousticAversionLabel.Text = m_behName; m_initializing = false; }
public FormDepthValues(C3mbSpeciesModel SpeMdl) { InitializeComponent(); m_speMdl = SpeMdl; Text = "Species Depth Values"; m_shoreFollowingValue = m_speMdl.shoreFollowDepth; m_shallowSeedingLimit = m_speMdl.seedMinDepth; m_deepSeedingLimitEnabled = m_speMdl.seedingDepthLimitEnabled; m_deepSeedingLimitValue = m_speMdl.seedingDepthLimit; ShoreFollowingTextBox.Text = "" + m_shoreFollowingValue; ShallowSeedingTextBox.Text = "" + m_shallowSeedingLimit; DeepSeedingTextBox.Text = "" + m_deepSeedingLimitValue; DeepSeedingTextBox.Enabled = m_deepSeedingLimitEnabled; DeepSeedingDisabledLabel.Visible = !m_deepSeedingLimitEnabled; m_limitsBad = false; EnforceLimitRules(); }
void SetUpFresh() { //CDepthSpan spanRef; m_mmmbs = new C3mbs(); //mbsCONFIG config; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Set up the intial species model. //---------------------------------// m_speMdl = new C3mbSpeciesModel(); m_szFileName = "NewSpeciesModel.spe"; FileNameLabel.Text = m_szFileName; m_fileNamed = false; m_fileEverWasNamed = false; m_szTitleBar = "3MB Species Builder Version " + m_speMdl.speciesCurrentSuperVer + "." + String.Format("{0:00}", m_speMdl.speciesCurrentSubVer) + " - Biomimetica"; // A new species model is being created. A default normal behavior will be // automatically added. Change its name. //beh = m_speMdl.GetBehaviorDuplicate(0); Text = m_szTitleBar; SpeciesVersopmLabel.Text = "species version:"; SaveVerLabel.Text = "" + m_speMdl.speciesCurrentSuperVer + "." + String.Format("{0:00}", m_speMdl.speciesCurrentSubVer); UpdateEntireForm(); m_bathyDepth = DEFAULT_BATHYMETRY_DEPTH; /* Set the initial scenario duration (hours). */ m_durationHrsUser = INIT_HRS_PER_BEHAVIOR * (uint)m_speMdl.BehaviorCount; m_durationLastActual = m_durationHrsUser; DurationHoursTextBox.Text = "" + m_durationLastActual; /* Set the initial seed value for the scenario randomizer. */ //config = m_mmmbs.GetConfiguration(); m_seedUser = DEFAULT_RANDOMIZER_SEED; RandomizerTextBox.Text = "" + DEFAULT_RANDOMIZER_SEED; InitializeBitMapVars(m_durationHrsUser*SECS_PER_HOUR + 1); ToggleTargetDepthDisplayButton.BackColor = m_bitmapMgr.TargetDepthColor; ToggleBathymetryDisplayButton.BackColor = m_bitmapMgr.BathyColor; DepthInputButton.Text = "Bathy Depth:" + String.Format("{0:00}", m_bathyDepth); ConfirmDurationButton.Enabled = false; Run3MB(false, false); }
private void Open() { C3mbSpeciesModel mdl = new C3mbSpeciesModel(); ; mbsRESULT res; switch(VerifySaveOldBeforeOpenNew()) { case 1: // Do Not Save break; case 2: // Save and continue Save(); break; case 3:// Cancel return; default: break; } OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.CheckFileExists = true; dlg.Filter = "3MBS Species Models (*.spe)|*.spe"; if(m_fileNamed == true) dlg.FileName = m_szFileName; DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(); this.BringToFront(); if(result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } m_fileNamed = true; m_fileEverWasNamed = true; m_szFileName = dlg.FileName; if(mbsRESULT.OK != (res = mdl.LoadFromBinFile(m_szFileName))) { // message box. FmMsgBox msgBox = new FmMsgBox(); msgBox.Text = "Load Species File Error"; msgBox.labelText = m_mmmbs.MbsResultToString(res); if(res == mbsRESULT.OBSOLETE_SPECIES_VERSION) { msgBox.labelText = msgBox.labelText + "\n\nPlease contact support."; } else if(res == mbsRESULT.OBSOLETE_3MBS_VERSION) { msgBox.labelText = msgBox.labelText + "\n\nPlease download the latest 3MB package to load this species."; } msgBox.ShowDialog(this); return; } //m_additionalSimHours = 0; m_speMdl = mdl; m_durationHrsUser = INIT_HRS_PER_BEHAVIOR * (uint)m_speMdl.BehaviorCount; m_durationLastActual = m_durationHrsUser; DurationHoursTextBox.Text = "" + m_durationHrsUser; m_seedUser = DEFAULT_RANDOMIZER_SEED; RandomizerTextBox.Text = "" + DEFAULT_RANDOMIZER_SEED; m_bathyDepth = DEFAULT_BATHYMETRY_DEPTH; UpdateEntireForm(); Run3MB(false, false); }
public RmBehTransVec(TRANSITIONALMODELTYPE TransType, C3mbSpeciesModel Species, CBehavior Behavior, int BehaviorIndex, string szTitle) { int i; InitializeComponent(); m_initializing = true; m_spe = Species; m_beh = Behavior; m_behIndex = BehaviorIndex; m_szTitle = szTitle; m_behaviorCnt = Species.BehaviorCount; m_transModelType = TransType; CBehavior beh; CEnvAttrBehTrans transModel; this.Text = szTitle; m_vectorTextBoxArray[0] = VectorTextBox00; m_vectorTextBoxArray[1] = VectorTextBox01; m_vectorTextBoxArray[2] = VectorTextBox02; m_vectorTextBoxArray[3] = VectorTextBox03; m_vectorTextBoxArray[4] = VectorTextBox04; m_vectorTextBoxArray[5] = VectorTextBox05; m_vectorTextBoxArray[6] = VectorTextBox06; m_vectorTextBoxArray[7] = VectorTextBox07; m_behNameLabelArray[0] = NameLabel00; m_behNameLabelArray[1] = NameLabel01; m_behNameLabelArray[2] = NameLabel02; m_behNameLabelArray[3] = NameLabel03; m_behNameLabelArray[4] = NameLabel04; m_behNameLabelArray[5] = NameLabel05; m_behNameLabelArray[6] = NameLabel06; m_behNameLabelArray[7] = NameLabel07; m_T50TextBoxArray[0] = T50TextBox00; m_T50TextBoxArray[1] = T50TextBox01; m_T50TextBoxArray[2] = T50TextBox02; m_T50TextBoxArray[3] = T50TextBox03; m_T50TextBoxArray[4] = T50TextBox04; m_T50TextBoxArray[5] = T50TextBox05; m_T50TextBoxArray[6] = T50TextBox06; m_T50TextBoxArray[7] = T50TextBox07; m_slopeTextBoxArray[0] = SlopeTextBox00; m_slopeTextBoxArray[1] = SlopeTextBox01; m_slopeTextBoxArray[2] = SlopeTextBox02; m_slopeTextBoxArray[3] = SlopeTextBox03; m_slopeTextBoxArray[4] = SlopeTextBox04; m_slopeTextBoxArray[5] = SlopeTextBox05; m_slopeTextBoxArray[6] = SlopeTextBox06; m_slopeTextBoxArray[7] = SlopeTextBox07; //m_refreshing = true; for(i=0; i<m_spe.BehaviorCount && i<NUM_NRML_BUTTONS; i++) { if(i == m_behIndex) beh = m_beh; else beh = m_spe.GetBehaviorCopy(i); switch(m_transModelType) { //case TRANSITIONALMODELTYPE.BEHAVIORAL: // transModel = beh.nrmlBehTrans; // break; case TRANSITIONALMODELTYPE.DEPTHENV: transModel = beh.depthBehTrans; break; case TRANSITIONALMODELTYPE.TEMPERATUREENV: transModel = beh.temperatureBehTrans; break; default: transModel = beh.depthBehTrans; // transModel = beh.nrmlBehTrans; break; } m_behNameLabelArray[i].Text =; m_vectorTextBoxArray[i].Text = transModel.vector.ConvertToString(); m_T50TextBoxArray[i].Text = "" + transModel.meanTimeInBehMinuites; m_slopeTextBoxArray[i].Text = "" + transModel.slopeCoeff_goesAway; } for(; i<NUM_NRML_BUTTONS; i++) { m_behNameLabelArray[i].Text = ""; m_behNameLabelArray[i].Enabled = false; m_vectorTextBoxArray[i].Text = ""; m_vectorTextBoxArray[i].Enabled = false; m_T50TextBoxArray[i].Text = ""; m_T50TextBoxArray[i].Enabled = false; m_slopeTextBoxArray[i].Text = ""; m_slopeTextBoxArray[i].Enabled = false; } DoneButton.Enabled = true; RefreshButton.Enabled = false; UpdateVectorModel(); m_initializing = false; //m_refreshing = false; }