コード例 #1
 protected TerminalLauncher(string title, string initScript, ReadOnlyCollection <EnvironmentEntry> environment)
     _title       = title;
     _initScript  = initScript;
     _environment = environment;
     _isRoot      = UnixNativeMethods.GetEUid() == 0;
コード例 #2
        internal static string MakeFifo(string identifier = null, Logger logger = null)
            string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Utilities.GetMIEngineTemporaryFilename(identifier));

            // Mod is normally in octal, but C# has no octal values. This is 384 (rw owner, no rights anyone else)
            const int rw_owner = 384;

            byte[] pathAsBytes = new byte[Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(path) + 1];
            Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(path, 0, path.Length, pathAsBytes, 0);
            int result = UnixNativeMethods.MkFifo(pathAsBytes, rw_owner);

            if (result != 0)
                // Failed to create the fifo. Bail.
                logger?.WriteLine("Failed to create fifo");
                throw new ArgumentException("MakeFifo failed to create fifo at path {0}", path);

コード例 #3
        internal static string GetDebuggerCommand(LocalLaunchOptions localOptions)
            string quotedDebuggerPath = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "\"{0}\"", localOptions.MIDebuggerPath);

            if (PlatformUtilities.IsLinux())
                string debuggerPathCorrectElevation = quotedDebuggerPath;
                string prompt = string.Empty;

                // If running as root, make sure the new console is also root.
                bool isRoot = UnixNativeMethods.GetEUid() == 0;

                // If the system doesn't allow a non-root process to attach to another process, try to run GDB as root
                if (localOptions.ProcessId.HasValue && !isRoot && UnixUtilities.GetRequiresRootAttach(localOptions.DebuggerMIMode))
                    prompt = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "echo -n '{0}'; read yn; if [ \"$yn\" != 'y' ] && [ \"$yn\" != 'Y' ] ; then exit 1; fi; ", MICoreResources.Warn_AttachAsRootProcess);

                    // Prefer pkexec for a nice graphical prompt, but fall back to sudo if it's not available
                    if (File.Exists(UnixUtilities.PKExecPath))
                        debuggerPathCorrectElevation = String.Concat(UnixUtilities.PKExecPath, " ", debuggerPathCorrectElevation);
                    else if (File.Exists(UnixUtilities.SudoPath))
                        debuggerPathCorrectElevation = String.Concat(UnixUtilities.SudoPath, " ", debuggerPathCorrectElevation);
                        Debug.Fail("Root required to attach, but no means of elevating available!");

                return(String.Concat(prompt, debuggerPathCorrectElevation));
コード例 #4
 internal static bool IsProcessRunning(int processId)
     // When getting the process group ID, getpgid will return -1
     // if there is no process with the ID specified.
     return(UnixNativeMethods.GetPGid(processId) >= 0);