public static void MuteSpeaker(bool isMute) { var errno = WrapperProxy.MuteSpeaker(isMute); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("扬声器静音设置失败,errno=" + errno); } }
public static void StopCamera() { var errno = WrapperProxy.StopCamera(); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("关闭摄像头失败,errno=" + errno); } }
public static void SetSpeakerVolume(int volume) { var errno = WrapperProxy.SetSpeakerVolume(volume); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("扬声器音量设置失败,errno=" + errno); } }
public static void Register(string sipServer, string username, string password, Panel owner, IDictionary <PropertyKey, string> properties = null, string displayName = null) { #region Valid if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sipServer)) { throw new Exception("服务地址必须"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { throw new Exception("用户名必须"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new Exception("密码必须"); } if (null == owner) { throw new Exception("显示承载容器必须"); } #endregion if (null != properties) { propertyManager.SetProperties(properties); } var regid = username + "@" + sipServer; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(displayName)) { displayName = regid; } var ps = new Dictionary <PropertyKey, string>() { { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_ProxyServer, sipServer }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_UserName, username }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Password, password }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_REG_ID, regid }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_DisplayName, displayName } }; propertyManager.SetProperties(ps); var errno = WrapperProxy.UpdateConfig(); if (errno != ErrorNumber.OK) { var errMsg = string.Format("配置失败, Errno={0}", errno); log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } callView.BindPanel(owner); errno = WrapperProxy.RegisterClient(); if (errno != ErrorNumber.OK) { var errMsg = string.Format("Register failed, Errno={0}", errno); log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } }
public static void StartEventMonitor() { autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); isRunning = true; mainThreadSynContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; var thread = new Thread(() => { while (isRunning) { log.Info("handle the evt"); if (queue.Count <= 0) { lock (synObject) { log.Info("No evt, wait.."); autoEvent.WaitOne(); } } while (queue.Count > 0) { Event evt = null; lock (synObject) { evt = queue.Dequeue(); } // dispatch Event to proper modules if (evt == null) { log.Error("Event is null!"); continue; } try { callView.Invoke(new Action(() => { DoEvent(evt); })); //mainThreadSynContext.Post(new SendOrPostCallback(DoEvent), evt); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); } WrapperProxy.FreeEvent(evt.EventHandle); } } }); thread.Start(); }
public static void StopShareContent() { if (null != callManager.CurrentCall) { var errno = WrapperProxy.StopShareContent(callManager.CurrentCall.CallHandle); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("结束共享内容失败,errno=" + errno); } } else { throw new Exception("当前呼叫为空,不能结束共享内容"); } }
public static void StartShareContent(string deviceHandle, IntPtr appWndHandle) { if (null != callManager.CurrentCall) { var errno = WrapperProxy.StartShareContent(callManager.CurrentCall.CallHandle, deviceHandle, appWndHandle); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("开始共享内容失败,errno=" + errno); } } else { throw new Exception("当前呼叫为空,不能共享内容"); } }
public static void MuteMic(bool isMute) { if (null != callManager.CurrentCall) { var errno = WrapperProxy.MuteMic(callManager.CurrentCall.CallHandle, isMute); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { throw new Exception("麦克风静音设置失败,errno=" + errno); } } else { throw new Exception("当前呼叫为空,不能进行麦克风静音设置"); } }
public static void Dial(string callAddr, CallMode callMode) { log.Info("place call: callername:" + callAddr); int callHandleReference = 0; propertyManager.SetProperty(PropertyKey.CalleeAddr, callAddr); var errno = WrapperProxy.PlaceCall(callAddr, ref callHandleReference, callMode); if (errno != ErrorNumber.OK) { var errMsg = "Dial a Call failed. ErrorNum = " + errno; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } }
public void Hangup(Call call = null) { if (null == call) { call = CurrentCall; } if (null != call) { var errno = WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(call.CallHandle); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { log.Error("Hangup Failed,errno=" + errno); } } }
public static int GetSpeakerVolume() { return(WrapperProxy.GetSpeakerVolume()); }
public static int GetMicVolume() { return(WrapperProxy.GetMicVolume()); }
public static void Unregister() { WrapperProxy.UnregisterClient(); }
static MFWCore() { StartEventMonitor(); mediaStatistics.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { mediaStatisticsCallBack?.Invoke(mediaStatistics); }; var errno = ErrorNumber.OK; //注册回调函数 errno = WrapperProxy.InstallCallback(addEventCallback, dispatchEventsCallback, addLogCallback, addDeviceCallback, displayMediaStatisticsCallback, displayCallStatisticsCallback, displayCodecCapabilities, addAppCallback); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { var errMsg = "Register callback functions failed. Error number = " + errno; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } //预初始化 errno = WrapperProxy.PreInitialize(); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { var msg = "Pre-initialization failed. Error number = " + errno.ToString(); log.Error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } //参数设定 KVList #region Default Properties var defaultProperties = new Dictionary <PropertyKey, string>() { { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_MINSYS, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_ProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Transport, "TCP" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_ServerType, "standard" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Register_Expires_Interval, "300" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_UserName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Domain, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_AuthorizationName, "soaktestuser" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Password, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_CookieHead, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Base_Cred, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_AnonymousToken_Cred, "YWxpY2U6c2FtZXRpbWU=" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_SIP_Anonymous_Cred, "anonymous" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_MaxCallNum, "6" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_NetworkCallRate, "384" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_AesEcription, "off" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_DefaultAudioStartPort, "3230" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_DefaultAudioEndPort, "3550" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_DefaultVideoStartPort, "3230" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_DefaultVideoEndPort, "3550" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_SIPClientListeningPort, "5060" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_CallSettings_SIPClientListeningTLSPort, "5061" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_EnableSVC, "true" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_LogLevel, "DEBUG" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_User_Agent, "MFW_SDK" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_UserName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_Password, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_TCPServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_UDPServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_TLSServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_AUTHTOKEN_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_INIT_AUTHTOKEN, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_RTO, "100" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_RC, "7" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_RM, "16" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_QOS_ServiceType, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_QOS_Audio, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_QOS_Video, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_QOS_Fecc, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_QOS_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_DBM_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_REG_ID, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_LPR_Enable, "true" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_CERT_PATH, "./TLS Certificate/instance0/" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_CERT_CHECKFQDN, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_HttpConnect_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpProxyPort, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpProxyUserName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpPassword, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_HttpProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_HttpProxyPort, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_HttpProxyUserName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_ICE_HttpPassword, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpProxyPort, "80" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpProxyUserName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpPassword, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_PRODUCT, "PLCM_MFW_IBM" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_AutoZoom_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_TLSOffLoad_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_TLSOffLoad_Host, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_TLSOffLoad_Port, "0" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_HttpTunnel_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpTunnelProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_HttpTunnelProxyPort, "443" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpTunnelProxyServer, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_MEDIA_HttpTunnelProxyPort, "443" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_RTPMode, "RTP/AVP" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_TCPBFCPForced, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_G729B_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SAML_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_iLBCFrame, "30" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_BFCP_CONTENT_Enable, "true" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SUPPORT_PORTRAIT_MODE, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_DisplayName, "" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_FECC_Enable, "true" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_Comfortable_Noise_Enable, "true" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_SIP_Header_Compact_Enable, "false" }, { PropertyKey.PLCM_MFW_KVLIST_KEY_MAXSYS, "" }, { PropertyKey.LocalAddr, "" }, { PropertyKey.CalleeAddr, "" }, { PropertyKey.AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE, "" }, { PropertyKey.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE, "" }, { PropertyKey.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_FOR_RINGTONE, "" }, { PropertyKey.VIDEO_INPUT_DEVICE, "" }, { PropertyKey.MONITOR_DEVICE, "" }, { PropertyKey.SOUND_INCOMING, "incoming.wav" }, { PropertyKey.SOUND_CLOSED, "closed.wav" }, { PropertyKey.SOUND_RINGING, "ringing.wav" }, { PropertyKey.SOUND_HOLD, "hold.wav" }, { PropertyKey.ICE_AUTH_TOKEN, "" }, { PropertyKey.LayoutType, "Presentation" } }; #endregion propertyManager.SetProperties(defaultProperties); //初始化 errno = WrapperProxy.Initialize(); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errno) { var errMsg = "Initialize failed. Error number = " + errno; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } var version = WrapperProxy.GetVersion(); log.Info("**********************************************************************"); log.Info(" PLCM MFW App Initialized Successful ( version: " + version + " )"); log.Info("**********************************************************************"); //Get Devices var errNo = WrapperProxy.GetDevice(DeviceType.AUDIOINPUT); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errNo) { var errMsg = "Get audio input device failed. Error number = " + errNo; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } errNo = WrapperProxy.GetDevice(DeviceType.VIDEOINPUT); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errNo) { var errMsg = "Get video input device failed. Error number = " + errNo; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } errNo = WrapperProxy.GetDevice(DeviceType.AUDIOOUTPUT); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errNo) { var errMsg = "Get audio output device failed. Error number = " + errNo; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } errNo = WrapperProxy.GetDevice(DeviceType.MONITOR); if (ErrorNumber.OK != errNo) { var errMsg = "Get monitor device failed. Error number = " + errNo; log.Error(errMsg); throw new Exception(errMsg); } }
private void MFWEventHandle(Event evt) { switch (evt.EventType) { #region Register case EventType.UNKNOWN: break; case EventType.SIP_REGISTER_SUCCESS: break; case EventType.SIP_REGISTER_FAILURE: { callView.ShowMessage(false, "注册失败", MessageBoxButtonsType.None, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } break; case EventType.SIP_REGISTER_UNREGISTERED: { callView.ShowMessage(false, "未注册", MessageBoxButtonsType.None, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } break; #endregion #region Call case EventType.SIP_CALL_INCOMING: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); call.CallType = CallType.INCOMING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_INCOMING_INVITE; var msg = string.Format("【{0}】呼入中,是否接听?", evt.CallerName); var callStateText = GetCallStateText(_currentCall, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callStateText)) { msg += '\n' + callStateText; msg += '\n' + "接听将挂断当前通话。"; } Action answerAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("接听呼叫{0}", evt.CallerName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callStateText)) { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", _currentCall.CallName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(_currentCall.CallHandle); } evt.Call = call; CurrentCall = call; var localChannel = new Channel(call, 0, MediaType.LOCAL, false) { ChannelName = "本地视频" }; call.AddChannel(localChannel); }; Action hangupAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("不接听呼叫{0}", evt.CallerName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(true, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.AnswerHangup, MessageBoxIcon.Question , answerAction, hangupAction); } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_TRYING: { var callStateText = GetCallStateText(_currentCall, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callStateText)) { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", _currentCall.CallName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(_currentCall.CallHandle); } var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); call.CallType = CallType.OUTGOING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_OUTGOING_TRYING; evt.Call = call; CurrentCall = call; var localChannel = new Channel(call, 0, MediaType.LOCAL, false) { ChannelName = "本地视频" }; call.AddChannel(localChannel); var calleeName = evt.CalleeName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evt.CalleeName)) { calleeName = propertyManager.GetProperty(PropertyKey.CalleeAddr); } var msg = string.Format("尝试呼出【{0}】连接中...", calleeName); Action hangupAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", calleeName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.Hangup, MessageBoxIcon.Question , hangupAction); } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_RINGING: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallType = CallType.OUTGOING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_OUTGOING_RINGING; if (call == CurrentCall) { var calleeName = evt.CalleeName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(evt.CalleeName)) { calleeName = propertyManager.GetProperty(PropertyKey.CalleeAddr); } var msg = string.Format("呼出【{0}】响铃中...", calleeName); Action hangupAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", calleeName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.Hangup, MessageBoxIcon.Information , hangupAction); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_FAILURE: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.StopTime = DateTime.Now; call.CallType = CallType.OUTGOING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_OUTGOING_FAILURE; call.Reason = string.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Reason) ? "unknown reason" : evt.Reason; if (call == CurrentCall) { var msg = string.Format("呼出【{0}】失败,原因:{1}", call.CallName, call.Reason); log.Info(msg); callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.None, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_CLOSED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.Reason = string.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.Reason) ? "unknown reason" : evt.Reason; call.UnconnectedTime = DateTime.Now; call.StopTime = DateTime.Now; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_CALL_CLOSED; if (call == CurrentCall) { var msg = string.Format("呼出【{0}】关闭,原因:{1}", call.CallName, call.Reason); log.Info(msg); callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.None, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_HOLD: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_CALL_HOLD; if (call == CurrentCall) { var msg = string.Format("呼叫【{0}】中断保持,是否需要恢复通话?", call.CallName); var yesAction = new Action(() => { log.Info(string.Format("呼叫【{0}】中断恢复", call.CallName)); var errno = WrapperProxy.ResumeCall(call.CallHandle); if (errno != ErrorNumber.OK) { callView.ShowMessage(false, "恢复通话失败!", MessageBoxButtonsType.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }); Action noAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", evt.CallerName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question , yesAction, noAction); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_HELD: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_CALL_HELD; if (call == CurrentCall) { var msg = string.Format("呼叫【{0}】被保持", call.CallName); Action hangupAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", evt.CallerName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.Hangup, MessageBoxIcon.Information, hangupAction); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_DOUBLE_HOLD: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_CALL_DOUBLE_HOLD; if (call == CurrentCall) { var msg = string.Format("呼叫【{0}】双方中断保持,是否需要恢复通话?", call.CallName); var yesAction = new Action(() => { log.Info(string.Format("呼叫【{0}】中断恢复", call.CallName)); var errno = WrapperProxy.ResumeCall(call.CallHandle); if (errno != ErrorNumber.OK) { callView.ShowMessage(false, "恢复通话失败!", MessageBoxButtonsType.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }); Action noAction = () => { log.Info(string.Format("挂断呼叫{0}", evt.CallerName)); WrapperProxy.TerminateCall(evt.CallHandle); }; callView.ShowMessage(false, msg, MessageBoxButtonsType.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question , yesAction, noAction); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_UAS_CONNECTED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; log.Info(string.Format("呼入{0}接听通话中", call.CallName)); call.ConnectedTime = DateTime.Now; call.CallType = CallType.INCOMING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_INCOMING_CONNECTED; if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_UAC_CONNECTED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; log.Info(string.Format("呼出{0}接听通话中", call.CallName)); call.ConnectedTime = DateTime.Now; call.CallType = CallType.OUTGOING; call.CallState = CallState.SIP_OUTGOING_CONNECTED; if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; #endregion #region Content case EventType.SIP_CONTENT_INCOMING: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; var contentChannel = call.GetContentChannel(); if (null != contentChannel) { call.RemoveChannel(contentChannel.ChannelID); } contentChannel = new Channel(call, evt.StreamId, MediaType.CONTENT); call.AddChannel(contentChannel); contentChannel.Size = new Size(evt.WndWidth, evt.WndHeight); contentChannel.IsVideo = true; } break; case EventType.SIP_CONTENT_CLOSED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; var contentChannel = call.GetContentChannel(); if (null != contentChannel) { call.RemoveChannel(contentChannel.ChannelID); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CONTENT_SENDING: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; } break; case EventType.SIP_CONTENT_IDLE: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.IsContentSupported = true; } break; case EventType.SIP_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.IsContentSupported = false; } break; #endregion #region Device /* * case EventType.DEVICE_VIDEOINPUTCHANGED: * { * string deviceName = evt.PlugDeviceName; * string deviceHandle = evt.DeviceHandle; * if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceHandle)) || { || return; || } || if (true == evt.PlugDeviceStatus) || { || var device = new Device(DeviceType.VIDEOINPUT, deviceHandle, deviceName); || deviceManager.AddDevice(device); || } || else || { || deviceManager.RemoveDevice(deviceHandle); || } ||} ||break; ||case EventType.DEVICE_AUDIOINPUTCHANGED: ||{ || string deviceName = evt.PlugDeviceName; || string deviceHandle = evt.DeviceHandle; || if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceHandle)) || { || return; || } || if (true == evt.PlugDeviceStatus) || { || var device = new Device(DeviceType.AUDIOINPUT, deviceHandle, deviceName); || deviceManager.AddDevice(device); || } || else || { || deviceManager.RemoveDevice(deviceHandle); || } ||} ||break; ||case EventType.DEVICE_AUDIOOUTPUTCHANGED: ||{ || string deviceName = evt.PlugDeviceName; || string deviceHandle = evt.DeviceHandle; || if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceHandle)) || { || return; || } || if (true == evt.PlugDeviceStatus) || { || var device = new Device(DeviceType.AUDIOOUTPUT, deviceHandle, deviceName); || deviceManager.AddDevice(device); || } || else || { || deviceManager.RemoveDevice(deviceHandle); || } ||} ||break; ||case EventType.DEVICE_VOLUMECHANGED: break; ||case EventType.DEVICE_MONITORINPUTSCHANGED: ||{ || string deviceName = evt.PlugDeviceName; || string deviceHandle = evt.DeviceHandle; || if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceHandle)) || { || return; || } || if (true == evt.PlugDeviceStatus) || { || var device = new Device(DeviceType.MONITOR, deviceHandle, deviceName); || deviceManager.AddDevice(device); || } || else || { || deviceManager.RemoveDevice(deviceHandle); || } ||} ||break; */ #endregion #region Stream case EventType.STREAM_VIDEO_LOCAL_RESOLUTIONCHANGED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; var localChannel = call.GetLocalChannel(); if (null != localChannel) { localChannel.Size = new Size(evt.WndWidth, evt.WndHeight); localChannel.IsVideo = true; } if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.STREAM_VIDEO_REMOTE_RESOLUTIONCHANGED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; var channel = call.GetChannel(evt.StreamId); if (null != channel) { channel.Size = new Size(evt.WndWidth, evt.WndHeight); channel.IsVideo = true; } if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; #endregion case EventType.NETWORK_CHANGED: break; case EventType.MFW_INTERNAL_TIME_OUT: break; case EventType.REFRESH_ACTIVE_SPEAKER: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.ActiveSpeakerId = evt.ActiveSpeakerStreamId; if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.REMOTE_VIDEO_REFRESH: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallName = evt.CallerName; call.ClearRemoteChannels(); call.ChannelNumber = evt.RemoteVideoChannelNum; call.ActiveSpeakerId = evt.ActiveSpeakerStreamId; if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.REMOTE_VIDEO_CHANNELSTATUS_CHANGED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.AddChannel(evt.StreamId, MediaType.REMOTE); if (call.ActiveSpeakerId <= 0) { call.ActiveSpeakerId = evt.StreamId; } if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.REMOTE_VIDEO_DISPLAYNAME_UPDATE: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.SetChannelName(evt.StreamId, evt.RemoteChannelDisplayName); if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_MODE_CHANGED: { var call = GetCall(evt.CallHandle, true, evt); evt.Call = call; call.CallMode = evt.CallMode; if (evt.CallMode == CallMode.AUDIOVIDEO_CALL) { call.IsAudioOnly = false; } else { call.IsAudioOnly = true; call.IsContentSupported = false; } if (call == CurrentCall) { callView.HideMessage(); } } break; case EventType.SIP_CALL_MODE_UPGRADE_REQ: break; case EventType.IS_TALKING_STATUS_CHANGED: break; case EventType.CERTIFICATE_VERIFY: break; case EventType.TRANSCODER_FINISH: break; case EventType.ICE_STATUS_CHANGED: break; case EventType.SUTLITE_INCOMING_CALL: break; case EventType.SUTLITE_TERMINATE_CALL: break; case EventType.NOT_SUPPORT_VIDEOCODEC: break; case EventType.BANDWIDTH_LIMITATION: break; case EventType.MEDIA_ADDRESS_UPDATED: break; case EventType.AUTODISCOVERY_STATUS_CHANGED: break; } }