public C_KP_Rule GetKPRule(OleExec sfcdb, string partno, string mpn, string scanType) { C_KP_Rule kpRule = new C_KP_Rule(); try { string sql = $@" select * from c_kp_rule where partno='{partno}' and mpn='{mpn}' and scantype='{scanType}' "; DataSet ds = sfcdb.ExecSelect(sql); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Row_C_KP_Rule row = (Row_C_KP_Rule)this.NewRow(); row.loadData(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]); kpRule = row.GetDataObject(); } else { kpRule = null; } } catch { kpRule = null; } return(kpRule); }
public List <C_KP_Rule> GetCKpRule(OleExec DB, string Partno) { string sql = Partno.Equals("") ? $@"SELECT * FROM c_kp_rule " : $@"SELECT * FROM c_kp_rule where PARTNO='{Partno}'"; DataSet DS = DB.ExecSelect(sql); List <C_KP_Rule> CL = new List <C_KP_Rule>(); foreach (DataRow VARIABLE in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { Row_C_KP_Rule row = (Row_C_KP_Rule)this.NewRow(); row.loadData(VARIABLE); CL.Add(row.GetDataObject()); } return(CL); }
public List <C_KP_Rule> GetDataBySkuWo(string WO, string Skuno, OleExec SFCDB) { string strSql = $@"select distinct * from c_kp_rule where partno in (select partno from C_sku_mpn where skuno='{Skuno}') or partno in (select repalcepartno from R_WO_KP_Repalce where wo='{WO}')"; List <C_KP_Rule> ret = new List <C_KP_Rule>(); DataSet res = SFCDB.RunSelect(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < res.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { Row_C_KP_Rule R = new Row_C_KP_Rule(this.DataInfo); R.loadData(res.Tables[0].Rows[i]); ret.Add(R.GetDataObject()); } return(ret); }