public string ToString(PCCObject p) { if (val == -1) return enumName + ", " + values[0]; else return p.getNameEntry(type) + ", " + p.getNameEntry(val); }
public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string cat = p.TypeVal.ToString(); CustomProperty pg; switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.BoolProperty: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, f, typeof(float), false, true); break; case Type.ByteProperty: case Type.NameProperty: NameProp pp = new NameProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true); break; case Type.ObjectProperty: ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp(); = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue); ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true); break; case Type.StructProperty: StructProp ppp = new StructProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++) { buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue; } List <int> buf2 = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++) { buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4)); } = buf2.ToArray(); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true); break; default: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, p.Value.IntValue, typeof(int), false, true); break; } return(pg); }
public static string PropertyToText(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; s = "Name: " + pcc.Names[p.Name]; s += " Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal); s += " Size: " + p.Value.len.ToString(); switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.StructProperty: s += " \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " bytes"; break; case Type.IntProperty: case Type.ObjectProperty: case Type.BoolProperty: case Type.StringRefProperty: s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString(); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); s += " Value: " + f.ToString(); break; case Type.NameProperty: s += " " + pcc.Names[p.Value.IntValue]; break; case Type.ByteProperty: s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\" with \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\""; break; case Type.ArrayProperty: s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements"; break; case Type.StrProperty: if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0) { break; } s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue.Substring(0, p.Value.StringValue.Length - 1); break; } return(s); }
public StaticMeshCollectionActor(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bCanStepUpOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCanStepUpOn = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; } ReadObjects(); ReadMatrices(); }
public AnimTree(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; AnimGroups = new List<AnimGroupEntry>(); ComposePrePassBoneNames = new List<string>(); SkelControlLists = new List<SkelControlListEntry>(); Children = new List<ChildrenEntry>(); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "NodeTotalWeight": NodeTotalWeight = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "AnimGroups": ReadAnimGroups(p.raw); break; case "ComposePrePassBoneNames": ReadPrePassBoneNames(p.raw); break; case "SkelControlLists": ReadSkelControlLists(p.raw); break; case "Children": ReadChildren(p.raw); break; } }
private static Type getType(PCCObject pcc, int type) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(type)) { case "None": return(Type.None); case "StructProperty": return(Type.StructProperty); case "IntProperty": return(Type.IntProperty); case "FloatProperty": return(Type.FloatProperty); case "ObjectProperty": return(Type.ObjectProperty); case "NameProperty": return(Type.NameProperty); case "BoolProperty": return(Type.BoolProperty); case "ByteProperty": return(Type.ByteProperty); case "ArrayProperty": return(Type.ArrayProperty); case "DelegateProperty": return(Type.DelegateProperty); case "StrProperty": return(Type.StrProperty); case "StringRefProperty": return(Type.StringRefProperty); default: return(Type.Unknown); } }
public AnimSet(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; Sequences = new List<int>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "PreviewSkelMeshName": PreviewSkelMeshName = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "m_pBioAnimSetData": m_pBioAnimSetData = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(m_pBioAnimSetData - 1) && pcc.Exports[m_pBioAnimSetData - 1].ClassName == "BioAnimSetData") SetData = new BioAnimSetData(pcc, m_pBioAnimSetData - 1); break; case "Sequences": ReadSequences(p.raw); break; } }
public WwiseAmbientSound(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bAutoPlay": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAutoPlay = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "UniqueTag": UniqueTag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); GenerateMesh(); }
public AnimNodeSlot(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; Children = new List<ChildrenEntry>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bSkipTickWhenZeroWeight": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bSkipTickWhenZeroWeight = true; break; case "NodeName": NodeName = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "NodeTotalWeight": NodeTotalWeight = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "Children": ReadChildren(p.raw); break; } }
public BioAnimSetData(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; TrackBoneNames = new List<string>(); UseTranslationBoneNames = new List<string>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bAnimRotationOnly": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAnimRotationOnly = true; break; case "TrackBoneNames": ReadTBN(p.raw); break; case "UseTranslationBoneNames": ReadUTBN(p.raw); break; } }
public MantleMarker(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region case "bHasCrossLevelPaths": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHasCrossLevelPaths = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "nextNavigationPoint": nextNavigationPoint = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CylinderComponent": CylinderComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Owner": Owner = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Base": Base = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "visitedWeight": visitedWeight = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bestPathWeight": bestPathWeight = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "NetworkID": NetworkID = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ApproximateLineOfFire": ApproximateLineOfFire = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; #endregion } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); GenerateMesh(); }
public DecalActor(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bCanStepUpOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCanStepUpOn = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Group": Group = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Decal": Decal = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "DrawScale": DrawScale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "DrawScale3D": DrawScale3D = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "Rotation": Rotator = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; } if (pcc.isExport(Decal - 1) && pcc.Exports[Decal - 1].ClassName == "DecalComponent") DC = new DecalComponent(pcc, Decal - 1); MyMatrix = Matrix.Identity; MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(DrawScale3D); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(DrawScale, DrawScale, DrawScale)); Vector3 rot = RotatorToDX(Rotator); MyMatrix *= Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Translation(location); }
public TreeNode ToTree(int MyIndex, TalkFile talk, PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; if (Text.Length != 0) s = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1); TreeNode res = new TreeNode(MyIndex + " : " + s + " " + talk.findDataById(refText)); TreeNode t = new TreeNode("Reply List"); for (int i = 0; i < ReplyList.Count; i++) { EntryListReplyListStruct e = ReplyList[i]; string par = e.Paraphrase; if (par.Length != 0 && par[par.Length - 1] == '\0') par = par.Substring(0, par.Length - 1); t.Nodes.Add(i + " : " + par + " " + e.refParaphrase + " " + talk.findDataById(e.refParaphrase) + " " + e.Index + " " + pcc.getNameEntry(e.CategoryType) + " " + pcc.getNameEntry(e.CategoryValue)); } res.Nodes.Add(t); TreeNode t2 = new TreeNode("Speaker List"); for (int i = 0; i < SpeakerList.Count; i++) t2.Nodes.Add(i + " : " + SpeakerList[i]); res.Nodes.Add(t2); res.Nodes.Add("SpeakerIndex : " + SpeakerIndex); res.Nodes.Add("ListenerIndex : " + ListenerIndex); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalFunc : " + ConditionalFunc); res.Nodes.Add("ConditionalParam : " + ConditionalParam); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransition : " + StateTransition); res.Nodes.Add("StateTransitionParam : " + StateTransitionParam); res.Nodes.Add("ExportID : " + ExportID); res.Nodes.Add("ScriptIndex : " + ScriptIndex); res.Nodes.Add("CameraIntimacy : " + CameraIntimacy); res.Nodes.Add("Skippable : " + Skippable); res.Nodes.Add("FireConditional : " + FireConditional); res.Nodes.Add("Ambient : " + Ambient); res.Nodes.Add("NonTextline : " + NonTextline); res.Nodes.Add("IgnoreBodyGestures : " + IgnoreBodyGestures); res.Nodes.Add("AlwaysHideSubtitle : " + AlwaysHideSubtitle); res.Nodes.Add("Text : " + Text); res.Nodes.Add("refText : " + refText + " " + talk.findDataById(refText)); res.Nodes.Add("GUIStyle : (" + pcc.getNameEntry(GUIStyleType) + ") " + pcc.getNameEntry(GUIStyleValue)); return res; }
public WwiseEnvironmentVolume(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "bHiddenEdGroup": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHiddenEdGroup = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "UniqueTag": UniqueTag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Group": Group = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Settings": Settings = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushComponent": BrushComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(BrushComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[BrushComponent - 1].ClassName == "BrushComponent") brush = new BrushComponent(pcc, BrushComponent - 1); break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Priority": Priority = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "location": location.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12); location.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8); location.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); }
public AnimSequence(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; Unknown = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "RotationCompressionFormat": RotationCompressionFormat = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "KeyEncodingFormat": KeyEncodingFormat = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bIsAdditive": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bIsAdditive = true; break; case "bNoLoopingInterpolation": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bNoLoopingInterpolation = true; break; case "SequenceName": SequenceName = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "m_pBioAnimSetData": m_pBioAnimSetData = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "SequenceLength": SequenceLength = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "RateScale": RateScale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "NumFrames": NumFrames = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CompressedTrackOffsets": ReadTrackOffsets(p.raw); break; } ReadCompressedBlob(); }
public SplineActor(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "Physics": Physics = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bEdShouldSnap": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bEdShouldSnap = true; break; case "bDisableDestination": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bDisableDestination = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "UniqueTag": UniqueTag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Rotation": Rotator = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); if(to == new Vector3()) to = location; break; case "Connections" : Connections = p.raw; break; } ProcessConnections(); }
public static Vector3 GetLocation(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { Vector3 r = new Vector3(); if (!Pcc.isExport(Index)) return new Vector3(); List<PropertyReader.Property> pp = PropertyReader.getPropList(Pcc,Pcc.Exports[Index].Data); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in pp) switch (Pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "location": r = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; } return r; }
public LightVolume(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region case "bColored": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bColored = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushComponent": BrushComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(BrushComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[BrushComponent - 1].ClassName == "BrushComponent") brush = new BrushComponent(pcc, BrushComponent - 1); break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; #endregion } MyMatrix = Matrix.Translation(location); }
private static PropertyValue ReadValue(PCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type) { PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue(); switch (pcc.Names[type]) { case "IntProperty": case "FloatProperty": case "ObjectProperty": case "StringRefProperty": v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start); v.len = 4; break; case "NameProperty": v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start); var nameRef = new NameReference(); nameRef.index = v.IntValue; nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start + 4); nameRef.Name = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index); if (nameRef.count > 0) { nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1); } v.NameValue = nameRef; v.len = 8; break; case "BoolProperty": if (start < raw.Length) { v.IntValue = raw[start]; } v.len = 1; break; } return(v); }
public BlockingVolume(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; Vector3 v; Tag = -1; Group = -1; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region Props case "bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction = true; break; case "bBlockCamera": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bBlockCamera = true; break; case "bCanStepUpOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCanStepUpOn = true; break; case "bCollideActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCollideActors = true; break; case "bHiddenEdGroup": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHiddenEdGroup = true; break; case "bInclusionaryList": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bInclusionaryList = true; break; case "bPathColliding": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bPathColliding = true; break; case "bSafeFall": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bSafeFall = true; break; case "OverridePhysMat": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) OverridePhysMat = true; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushComponent": BrushComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(BrushComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[BrushComponent - 1].ClassName == "BrushComponent") brush = new BrushComponent(pcc, BrushComponent - 1); break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Group": Group = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "location": v.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12); v.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8); v.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); location = v; break; case "DrawScale3D": v.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12); v.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8); v.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); DrawScale3D = v; break; #endregion } MyMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(DrawScale3D) * Matrix.Translation(location); }
public void LetsDump2(string classname) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ME3Directory.cookedPath)) { MessageBox.Show("This functionality requires ME3 to be installed. Set its path at:\n Options > Set Custom Path > Mass Effect 3"); return; } string path = ME3Directory.cookedPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path,"*.pcc"); pb1.Minimum = 0; rtb1.Text = ""; pauseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; pb2.Value = 0; pb2.Maximum = files.Length; List<string> Names = new List<string>(); List<string> Types = new List<string>(); List<string> First = new List<string>(); DebugOutput.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { while (pause) Application.DoEvents(); pcc = new PCCObject(files[i]); DebugOutput.PrintLn(i + "/" + files.Length + " Scanning file : " + Path.GetFileName(files[i])); pb1.Maximum = pcc.Exports.Count; pb2.Value = i; for (int j = 0; j < pcc.Exports.Count; j++) { PCCObject.ExportEntry ent = pcc.Exports[j]; if (ent.ClassName == classname) { List<PropertyReader.Property> p = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, ent.Data); for (int k = 0; k < p.Count; k++) { PropertyReader.Property prop = p[k]; int found = -1; for (int l = 0; l < Names.Count(); l++) if (pcc.getNameEntry(prop.Name) == Names[l]) found = l; if (found == -1) { Names.Add(pcc.getNameEntry(prop.Name)); Types.Add(PropertyReader.TypeToString((int)prop.TypeVal)); First.Add(Path.GetFileName(files[i]) + " #" + j); } } } if (j%500 == 0) { pb1.Value = j; Status.Text = "State : " + j + " / " + pcc.Exports.Count; string s = "Possible properties found so far for class \"" + classname + "\":\n"; for (int k = 0; k < Names.Count(); k++) s += Types[k] + " : \"" + Names[k] + "\" first found: " + First[k] +"\n"; Action action = () => rtb1.Text = s; rtb1.Invoke(action); action = () => rtb1.SelectionStart = s.Length; rtb1.Invoke(action); action = () => rtb1.ScrollToCaret(); rtb1.Invoke(action); Application.DoEvents(); } } } Status.Text = "State : Done"; string t = "Possible properties found for class \"" + classname + "\":\n"; for (int k = 0; k < Names.Count(); k++) t += Types[k] + " : \"" + Names[k] + "\" first found: " + First[k] + "\n"; rtb1.Text = t; rtb1.SelectionStart = rtb1.TextLength; rtb1.ScrollToCaret(); pb1.Value = 0; pauseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; }
private static Type getType(PCCObject pcc, int type) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(type)) { case "None": return Type.None; case "StructProperty": return Type.StructProperty; case "IntProperty": return Type.IntProperty; case "FloatProperty": return Type.FloatProperty; case "ObjectProperty": return Type.ObjectProperty; case "NameProperty": return Type.NameProperty; case "BoolProperty": return Type.BoolProperty; case "ByteProperty": return Type.ByteProperty; case "ArrayProperty": return Type.ArrayProperty; case "DelegateProperty": return Type.DelegateProperty; case "StrProperty": return Type.StrProperty; case "StringRefProperty": return Type.StringRefProperty; default: return Type.Unknown; } }
public static List<Property> ReadProp(PCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start) { Property p; PropertyValue v; int sname; List<Property> result = new List<Property>(); int pos = start; if(raw.Length - pos < 8) return result; int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos); if (!pcc.isName(name)) return result; string t = pcc.Names[name]; if (pcc.Names[name] == "None") { p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.None; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos; p.Size = 8; p.Value = new PropertyValue(); p.raw = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name); p.offend = pos + 8; result.Add(p); return result; } int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8); int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16); int idx = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20); if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length) return result; string tp = pcc.Names[type]; switch (tp) { case "DelegateProperty": p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.DelegateProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28); v.len = size; v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>(); pos += 24; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if(pos < raw.Length) v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; v.Array.Add(v2); pos ++; } p.Value = v; break; case "ArrayProperty": int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.ArrayProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = type; v.len = size - 4; count = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>(); pos += 28; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if(pos < raw.Length) v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; v.Array.Add(v2); pos ++; } p.Value = v; break; case "StrProperty": count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.StrProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; count *= -1; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = type; v.len = count; pos += 28; string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s += (char)raw[pos]; pos += 2; } v.StringValue = s; p.Value = v; break; case "StructProperty": sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.StructProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = sname; v.len = size; v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>(); pos += 32; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if (pos < raw.Length) v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; v.Array.Add(v2); pos++; } p.Value = v; break; case "ByteProperty": sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.ByteProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 32; v = new PropertyValue(); v.StringValue = pcc.getNameEntry(sname); v.len = size; pos += 32; v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos); pos += size; p.Value = v; break; default: p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = getType(pcc,type); p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; p.Value = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type); pos += p.Value.len + 24; break; } p.raw = new byte[pos - start]; p.offend = pos; if(pos < raw.Length) for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++) p.raw[i] = raw[start + i]; result.Add(p); if(pos!=start) result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos)); return result; }
public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string cat = p.TypeVal.ToString(); CustomProperty pg; switch(p.TypeVal) { case Type.BoolProperty : pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, f, typeof(float), false, true); break; case Type.ByteProperty: case Type.NameProperty: NameProp pp = new NameProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true); break; case Type.ObjectProperty: ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp(); = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue); ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true); break; case Type.StructProperty: StructProp ppp = new StructProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++) buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue; List<int> buf2 = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++) buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf ,i * 4)); = buf2.ToArray(); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true); break; default: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name],cat,p.Value.IntValue,typeof(int),false,true); break; } return pg; }
public StaticMeshComponent (PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region case "LightMapEncoding": LightMapEncoding = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "RBChannel": RBChannel = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "DepthPriorityGroup": DepthPriorityGroup = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "TickGroup": TickGroup = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bIgnoreInstanceForTextureStreaming": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bIgnoreInstanceForTextureStreaming = true; break; case "CastShadow": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) CastShadow = true; break; case "CollideActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) CollideActors = true; break; case "BlockRigidBody": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockRigidBody = true; break; case "bForceDirectLightMap": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bForceDirectLightMap = true; break; case "bCastDynamicShadow": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCastDynamicShadow = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows = true; break; case "bAcceptsLights": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsLights = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicLights": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicLights = true; break; case "bCullModulatedShadowOnBackfaces": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCullModulatedShadowOnBackfaces = true; break; case "bCullModulatedShadowOnEmissive": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCullModulatedShadowOnEmissive = true; break; case "bAllowAmbientOcclusion": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowAmbientOcclusion = true; break; case "bUsePrecomputedShadows": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bUsePrecomputedShadows = true; break; case "CanBlockCamera": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) CanBlockCamera = true; break; case "bAllowShadowFade": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowShadowFade = true; break; case "bBioIsReceivingDecals": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bBioIsReceivingDecals = true; break; case "BlockNonZeroExtent": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockNonZeroExtent = true; break; case "bAcceptsStaticDecals": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsStaticDecals = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicDecals": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicDecals = true; break; case "bAcceptsFoliage": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsFoliage = true; break; case "HiddenGame": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) HiddenGame = true; break; case "bBioForcePrecomputedShadows": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bBioForcePrecomputedShadows = true; break; case "bCastHiddenShadow": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCastHiddenShadow = true; break; case "bUseAsOccluder": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bUseAsOccluder = true; break; case "BlockZeroExtent": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockZeroExtent = true; break; case "bAllowCullDistanceVolume": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowCullDistanceVolume = true; break; case "bAllowApproximateOcclusion": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowApproximateOcclusion = true; break; case "bSelfShadowOnly": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bSelfShadowOnly = true; break; case "OverridePhysMat": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) OverridePhysMat = true; break; case "bUseOnePassLightingOnTranslucency": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bUseOnePassLightingOnTranslucency = true; break; case "bLockLightingCache": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bLockLightingCache = true; break; case "bDisableAllRigidBody": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bDisableAllRigidBody = true; break; case "BlockActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockActors = true; break; case "bNotifyRigidBodyCollision": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bNotifyRigidBodyCollision = true; break; case "bIgnoreRadialImpulse": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bIgnoreRadialImpulse = true; break; case "bIgnoreRadialForce": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bIgnoreRadialForce = true; break; case "HiddenEditor": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) HiddenEditor = true; break; case "StaticMesh": StaticMesh_ = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ReplacementPrimitive": ReplacementPrimitive = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "LightEnvironment": LightEnvironment = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ShadowParent": ShadowParent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "PhysMaterialOverride": PhysMaterialOverride = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "MaxDrawDistance": MaxDrawDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "CachedMaxDrawDistance": CachedMaxDrawDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "MinDrawDistance": MinDrawDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "AudioObstruction": AudioObstruction = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "AudioOcclusion": AudioOcclusion = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "OverriddenLODMaxRange": OverriddenLODMaxRange = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "Scale": Scale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "Scale3D": Scale3D = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "Rotation": Rotation = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "Translation": Translation = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "MassiveLODDistance": MassiveLODDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "MotionBlurScale": MotionBlurScale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "TranslucencySortPriority": TranslucencySortPriority = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "LocalTranslucencySortPriority": LocalTranslucencySortPriority = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ForcedLodModel": ForcedLodModel = p.Value.IntValue; break; #endregion } if (StaticMesh_ - 1 >= 0 && StaticMesh_ - 1 < pcc.Exports.Count) if (pcc.Exports[StaticMesh_ - 1].ClassName == "StaticMesh") { STM = new StaticMesh(pcc, StaticMesh_ - 1); STM.Mesh.Bounds.t = null;//save memory STM.Mesh.Edges.t = null; STM.Mesh.Buffers.t = null; STM.Mesh.IdxBuf.t = null; STM.Mesh.kDOPTree.t = null; STM.Mesh.Mat.t = null; STM.Mesh.RawTris.t = null; STM.Mesh.UnknownPart.t = null; STM.Mesh.Vertices.t = null; } MyMatrix = Matrix.Identity; MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(Scale3D); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(Scale, Scale, Scale); Vector3 rot = RotatorToDX(Rotation); MyMatrix *= Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Translation(Translation); }
public static List <Property> ReadProp(PCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start) { Property p; PropertyValue v; int sname; List <Property> result = new List <Property>(); int pos = start; if (raw.Length - pos < 8) { return(result); } int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos); if (!pcc.isName(name)) { return(result); } string t = pcc.Names[name]; if (pcc.Names[name] == "None") { p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.None; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos; p.Size = 8; p.Value = new PropertyValue(); p.raw = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name); p.offend = pos + 8; result.Add(p); return(result); } int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8); int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16); int idx = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20); if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length) { return(result); } string tp = pcc.Names[type]; switch (tp) { case "DelegateProperty": p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.DelegateProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28); v.len = size; v.Array = new List <PropertyValue>(); pos += 24; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if (pos < raw.Length) { v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; } v.Array.Add(v2); pos++; } p.Value = v; break; case "ArrayProperty": int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.ArrayProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = type; v.len = size - 4; count = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too v.Array = new List <PropertyValue>(); pos += 28; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if (pos < raw.Length) { v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; } v.Array.Add(v2); pos++; } p.Value = v; break; case "StrProperty": count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.StrProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; count *= -1; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = type; v.len = count; pos += 28; string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s += (char)raw[pos]; pos += 2; } v.StringValue = s; p.Value = v; break; case "StructProperty": sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.StructProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; v = new PropertyValue(); v.IntValue = sname; v.len = size; v.Array = new List <PropertyValue>(); pos += 32; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue(); if (pos < raw.Length) { v2.IntValue = raw[pos]; } v.Array.Add(v2); pos++; } p.Value = v; break; case "ByteProperty": sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24); p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = Type.ByteProperty; p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 32; v = new PropertyValue(); v.StringValue = pcc.getNameEntry(sname); v.len = size; pos += 32; v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos); pos += size; p.Value = v; break; default: p = new Property(); p.Name = name; p.TypeVal = getType(pcc, type); p.i = 0; p.offsetval = pos + 24; p.Value = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type); pos += p.Value.len + 24; break; } p.raw = new byte[pos - start]; p.offend = pos; if (pos < raw.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++) { p.raw[i] = raw[start + i]; } } result.Add(p); if (pos != start) { result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos)); } return(result); }
public BrushComponent(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "RBChannel": RBChannel = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BlockRigidBody": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockRigidBody = true; break; case "CollideActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) CollideActors = true; break; case "CanBlockCamera": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) CanBlockCamera = true; break; case "BlockZeroExtent": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockZeroExtent = true; break; case "BlockNonZeroExtent": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockNonZeroExtent = true; break; case "BlockActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) BlockActors = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicDecals": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicDecals = true; break; case "bCastDynamicShadow": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCastDynamicShadow = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows = true; break; case "bAcceptsLights": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsLights = true; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicLights": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicLights = true; break; case "bAllowCullDistanceVolume": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowCullDistanceVolume = true; break; case "bAcceptsFoliage": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsFoliage = true; break; case "bAllowAmbientOcclusion": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowAmbientOcclusion = true; break; case "bAllowShadowFade": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowShadowFade = true; break; case "Brush": Brush = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ReplacementPrimitive": ReplacementPrimitive = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "PhysMaterialOverride": PhysMaterialOverride = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CachedPhysBrushDataVersion": CachedPhysBrushDataVersion = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BrushAggGeom": ReadMesh(p.raw); break; } }
public void ScanDLCfolder1() { DebugOutput.PrintLn("\n\nDLC Scan for unpacked files...\n", true); string dir = ME3Directory.DLCPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.pcc", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files.Length == 0) return; pbar1.Maximum = files.Length - 1; int count = 0; foreach (string file in files) if (!file.ToLower().Contains("patch")) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Scan file #" + count + " : " + file, count % 10 == 0); try { PCCObject pcc = new PCCObject(file); for (int i = 0; i < pcc.Exports.Count; i++) if (pcc.Exports[i].ClassName == "BioConversation") { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Found dialog \"" + pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName + "\"", false); BioConversation Dialog = new BioConversation(pcc, i); foreach (BioConversation.EntryListStuct e in Dialog.EntryList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = false; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = ""; t.pathpcc = file; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; if (e.SpeakerIndex >= 0 && e.SpeakerIndex < Dialog.SpeakerList.Count) t.speaker = pcc.getNameEntry(Dialog.SpeakerList[e.SpeakerIndex]); else t.speaker = "unknown"; if (t.speaker == null || t.speaker == "") t.speaker = "unknown"; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Requ.: (" + t.speaker + ") " + t.text, false); } } foreach (BioConversation.ReplyListStruct e in Dialog.ReplyList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = false; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = ""; t.pathpcc = file; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reply: " + t.text, false); } } } if (count % 10 == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); pbar1.Value = count; } count++; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("=====ERROR=====\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n=====ERROR====="); } } }
public void ScanDLCfolder2() { DebugOutput.PrintLn("\n\nDLC Scan for packed files...\n", true); string dir = ME3Directory.DLCPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.sfar", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files.Length == 0) return; pbar1.Maximum = files.Length - 1; int count = 0; foreach (string file in files) if (!file.ToLower().Contains("patch")) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Scan file #" + count + " : " + file, count % 10 == 0); try { DLCPackage dlc = new DLCPackage(file); DebugOutput.PrintLn("found " + dlc.Files.Length + " files : " + file); for (int j = 0; j < dlc.Files.Length; j++) { if (dlc.Files[j].FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".pcc")) { string filename = dlc.Files[j].FileName; DebugOutput.PrintLn(" " + j.ToString("d4") + " / " + dlc.Files.Length.ToString("d4") + " : opening " + Path.GetFileName(filename),true); MemoryStream mem = dlc.DecompressEntry(j); File.WriteAllBytes("temp.pcc", mem.ToArray()); PCCObject pcc = new PCCObject("temp.pcc"); for (int i = 0; i < pcc.Exports.Count; i++) if (pcc.Exports[i].ClassName == "BioConversation") { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Found dialog \"" + pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName + "\"", false); BioConversation Dialog = new BioConversation(pcc, i); foreach (BioConversation.EntryListStuct e in Dialog.EntryList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = true; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = file; t.pathpcc = filename; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; if (e.SpeakerIndex >= 0 && e.SpeakerIndex < Dialog.SpeakerList.Count) t.speaker = pcc.getNameEntry(Dialog.SpeakerList[e.SpeakerIndex]); else t.speaker = "unknown"; if (t.speaker == null || t.speaker == "") t.speaker = "unknown"; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Requ.: (" + t.speaker + ") " + t.text, false); } } foreach (BioConversation.ReplyListStruct e in Dialog.ReplyList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = true; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = file; t.pathpcc = filename; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reply: " + t.text, false); } } } } } if (count % 10 == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); pbar1.Value = count; } count++; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("=====ERROR=====\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n=====ERROR====="); } } if (File.Exists("temp.pcc")) File.Delete("temp.pcc"); }
public InterpActor(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { #region case "Physics": Physics = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "RemoteRole": RemoteRole = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bShadowParented": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bShadowParented = true; break; case "bCollideActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCollideActors = true; break; case "bHidden": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHidden = true; break; case "bPathColliding": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bPathColliding = true; break; case "bCanStepUpOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCanStepUpOn = true; break; case "bHardAttach": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHardAttach = true; break; case "bStopOnEncroach": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bStopOnEncroach = true; break; case "bHiddenEdGroup": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHiddenEdGroup = true; break; case "bNoEncroachCheck": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bNoEncroachCheck = true; break; case "bPawnCanBaseOn": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bPawnCanBaseOn = true; break; case "bLockLocation": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bLockLocation = true; break; case "bCollideComplex": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bCollideComplex = true; break; case "bBlockActors": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bBlockActors = true; break; case "bHiddenEd": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bHiddenEd = true; break; case "bBioSnapToBase": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bBioSnapToBase = true; break; case "bIgnoreBaseRotation": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bIgnoreBaseRotation = true; break; case "Tag": Tag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Group": Group = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BaseBoneName": BaseBoneName = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "UniqueTag": UniqueTag = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "StaticMeshComponent": StaticMeshComponent = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.isExport(StaticMeshComponent - 1) && pcc.Exports[StaticMeshComponent - 1].ClassName == "StaticMeshComponent") STMC = new StaticMeshComponent(pcc, StaticMeshComponent - 1); break; case "LightEnvironment": LightEnvironment = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "CollisionComponent": CollisionComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Base": Base = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "BaseSkelComponent": BaseSkelComponent = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "DrawScale": DrawScale = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "CreationTime": CreationTime = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "TickFrequencyAtEndDistance": TickFrequencyAtEndDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "NetUpdateFrequency": NetUpdateFrequency = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "DrawScale3D": DrawScale3D = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "Rotation": Rotator = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; case "location": location = new Vector3(BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 12), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 8), BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4)); break; #endregion } MyMatrix = Matrix.Identity; MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(DrawScale3D); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(DrawScale, DrawScale, DrawScale)); Vector3 rot = RotatorToDX(Rotator); MyMatrix *= Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z); MyMatrix *= Matrix.Translation(location); }
public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, PCCObject pcc) { string cat = p.TypeVal.ToString(); CustomProperty pg; switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.BoolProperty: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, f, typeof(float), false, true); break; case Type.ByteProperty: case Type.NameProperty: NameProp pp = new NameProp(); = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true); break; case Type.ObjectProperty: ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp(); = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue); ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true); break; case Type.StrProperty: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, p.Value.StringValue, typeof(string), false, true); break; case Type.ArrayProperty: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24) + " elements", typeof(string), false, true); break; case Type.StructProperty: string structType = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue); if (structType == "Color") { ColorProp cp = new ColorProp(); = structType; cp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 32)); cp.Alpha = color.A; cp.Red = color.R; cp.Green = color.G; cp.Blue = color.B; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, cp, typeof(ColorProp), false, true); } else if (structType == "Vector") { VectorProp vp = new VectorProp(); = structType; vp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; vp.X = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 32); vp.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 36); vp.Z = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 40); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, vp, typeof(VectorProp), false, true); } else if (structType == "Rotator") { RotatorProp rp = new RotatorProp(); = structType; rp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; rp.Pitch = (float)BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 32) * 360f / 65536f; rp.Yaw = (float)BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 36) * 360f / 65536f; rp.Roll = (float)BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 40) * 360f / 65536f; pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, rp, typeof(RotatorProp), false, true); } else if (structType == "LinearColor") { LinearColorProp lcp = new LinearColorProp(); = structType; lcp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; lcp.Red = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 32); lcp.Green = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 36); lcp.Blue = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 40); lcp.Alpha = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 44); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, lcp, typeof(VectorProp), false, true); } else { StructProp ppp = new StructProp(); = structType; ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue; byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++) { buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue; } List <int> buf2 = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++) { buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4)); } = buf2.ToArray(); pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true); } break; default: pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, p.Value.IntValue, typeof(int), false, true); break; } return(pg); }
private void startScanToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ME3Directory.cookedPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.pcc"); pb1.Maximum = files.Length; DebugOutput.Clear(); Classes = new List<ClassDef>(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { string file = files[i]; DebugOutput.PrintLn(i.ToString("d4") + "\\" + (files.Length - 1) + " : Loading file \"" + file + "\""); PCCObject pcc = new PCCObject(file); pb2.Maximum = pcc.Exports.Count(); { pb1.Value = i; RefreshLists(); Application.DoEvents(); } for (int j = 0; j < pcc.Exports.Count(); j++) { if (j % 100 == 0)//refresh { pb1.Value = i; pb2.Value = j; Application.DoEvents(); } int f = -1; for (int k = 0; k < Classes.Count(); k++) if (Classes[k].name == pcc.Exports[j].ClassName) { f = k; break; } if (f == -1)//New Class found, add { ClassDef tmp = new ClassDef(); = pcc.Exports[j].ClassName; tmp.props = new List<PropDef>(); Classes.Add(tmp); f = Classes.Count() - 1; UpdateStatus(); } List<PropertyReader.Property> props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[j].Data); ClassDef res = Classes[f]; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in props) { int f2 = -1; string name = pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name); for (int k = 0; k < res.props.Count(); k++) if (res.props[k].name == name) { f2 = k; break; } if (f2 == -1) //found new prop { PropDef ptmp = new PropDef(); = name; ptmp.type = (int)p.TypeVal; ptmp.ffpath = Path.GetFileName(file); ptmp.ffidx = j; res.props.Add(ptmp); //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\tin object #" // + j // + " class \"" // + pcc.Exports[j].ClassName // + "\" found property \"" // + name // + "\" type " // + PropertyReader.TypeToString(ptmp.type)); } } } } Sort(); RefreshLists(); UpdateStatus(); MessageBox.Show("Done."); }
public DecalComponent(PCCObject Pcc, int Index) { pcc = Pcc; MyIndex = Index; if (pcc.isExport(Index)) data = pcc.Exports[Index].Data; Props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, data); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) #region { case "FilterMode": FilterMode = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "bAcceptsDynamicDecals": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsDynamicDecals = true; break; case "bFlipBackfaceDirection": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bFlipBackfaceDirection = true; break; case "bProjectOnBackfaces": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bProjectOnBackfaces = true; break; case "bNoClip": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bNoClip = true; break; case "bAcceptsLights": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAcceptsLights = true; break; case "bAllowCullDistanceVolume": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bAllowCullDistanceVolume = true; break; case "bProjectOnBSP": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bProjectOnBSP = true; break; case "bProjectOnSkeletalMeshes": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bProjectOnSkeletalMeshes = true; break; case "bProjectOnTerrain": if (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1) bProjectOnTerrain = true; break; case "DecalMaterial": DecalMaterial = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "ReplacementPrimitive": ReplacementPrimitive = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "Width": Width = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "Height": Height = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "FarPlane": FarPlane = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "TileX": TileX = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "TileY": TileY = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "NearPlane": NearPlane = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "DecalRotation": DecalRotation = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "OffsetX": OffsetX = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "DepthBias": DepthBias = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "SlopeScaleDepthBias": SlopeScaleDepthBias = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "OffsetY": OffsetY = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "MaxDrawDistance": MaxDrawDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "CachedMaxDrawDistance": CachedMaxDrawDistance = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4); break; case "SortOrder": SortOrder = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "TranslucencySortPriority": TranslucencySortPriority = p.Value.IntValue; break; case "LocalTranslucencySortPriority": LocalTranslucencySortPriority = p.Value.IntValue; break; } #endregion }
public static string PropertyToText(Property p,PCCObject pcc) { string s = ""; s = "Name: " + pcc.Names[p.Name]; s += " Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal); s += " Size: " + p.Value.len.ToString(); switch (p.TypeVal) { case Type.StructProperty: s += " \"" + pcc.getNameEntry (p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " bytes"; break; case Type.IntProperty: case Type.ObjectProperty: case Type.BoolProperty: case Type.StringRefProperty : s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString(); break; case Type.FloatProperty: byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue); float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff,0); s += " Value: " + f.ToString(); break; case Type.NameProperty: s += " " + pcc.Names[p.Value.IntValue]; break; case Type.ByteProperty: s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\" with \"" + pcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue) + "\""; break; case Type.ArrayProperty: s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements"; break; case Type.StrProperty: if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0) break; s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue.Substring(0,p.Value.StringValue.Length - 1); break; } return s; }
public void LoadInterpData(int idx, PCCObject pccobject) { TimeScale.RemoveAllChildren(); TimeScale.Width = 3600; TimelineView.RemoveAllChildren(); TimelineView.Width = 3600; scrollbarH.Maximum = 3600; PPath line; SText text; for (int i = 0; i < TimeScale.Width; i += 60) { line = PPath.CreateLine(i, 1, i, Timeline.InfoHeight); line.Pickable = false; line.Pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(110, 110, 110)); TimeScale.AddChild(line); text = new SText(i / 60 - 1 + ".00", Color.FromArgb(175, 175, 175), false); text.Pickable = false; text.TranslateBy(i + 2, Timeline.InfoHeight - text.Height); TimeScale.AddChild(text); } pcc = pccobject; index = idx; foreach (InterpGroup g in InterpGroups) RemoveChild(g.listEntry); InterpGroups.Clear(); BitConverter.IsLittleEndian = true; List<PropertyReader.Property> props = PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[index].Data); List<int> groups = new List<int>(); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in props) { if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "InterpLength") InterpLength = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 24); if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "EdSectionStart") EdSectionStart = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 24); if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "EdSectionEnd") EdSectionEnd = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 24); if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "m_nBioCutSceneVersion") m_nBioCutSceneVersion = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "m_pSFXSceneData") m_pSFXSceneData = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "ObjInstanceVersion") ObjInstanceVersion = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "ParentSequence") ParentSequence = p.Value.IntValue; if (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name) == "InterpGroups") { for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count; i += 4) groups.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue, (byte)p.Value.Array[i + 1].IntValue, (byte)p.Value.Array[i + 2].IntValue, (byte)p.Value.Array[i + 3].IntValue }, 0) - 1); } } foreach(int i in groups) { if(pcc.Exports[i].ClassName.StartsWith("InterpGroup")) addGroup(new InterpGroup(i, pcc)); } TimeScale.MoveToFront(); PPath startmark = PPath.CreatePolygon(53,1, 61,1, 61,9); startmark.Pen = null; startmark.Brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255,80,80)); startmark.Pickable = false; TimeScale.AddChild(startmark); endmark = PPath.CreatePolygon(InterpLength * 60 + 61, 1, InterpLength * 60 + 69, 1, InterpLength * 60 + 61, 9); endmark.Pen = null; endmark.Brush = startmark.Brush; TimeScale.AddChild(endmark); foreach (InterpGroup g in InterpGroups) { foreach (InterpTrack t in g.InterpTracks) { t.GetKeyFrames(); t.DrawKeyFrames(); TimelineView.AddChild(t.timelineEntry); } } }
public TreeNode FindSequences(PCCObject pcc, int index, bool wantFullName = false) { TreeNode ret = new TreeNode("#" + index.ToString() + ": " + (wantFullName ? pcc.Exports[index].GetFullPath : pcc.Exports[index].ObjectName)); ret.Name = index.ToString(); Sequence seq = new Sequence(pcc, index); if (seq.SequenceObjects != null) for (int i = 0; i < seq.SequenceObjects.Count(); i++) if (pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName == "Sequence" || pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName.StartsWith("PrefabSequence")) { TreeNode t = FindSequences(pcc, seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1, wantFullName); ret.Nodes.Add(t); } else if (pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].ClassName == "SequenceReference") { var props = ME3Explorer.Unreal.PropertyReader.getPropList(pcc, pcc.Exports[seq.SequenceObjects[i] - 1].Data); var propSequenceReference = props.FirstOrDefault(p => pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name).Equals("oSequenceReference")); if (propSequenceReference != null) { TreeNode t = FindSequences(pcc, propSequenceReference.Value.IntValue - 1, wantFullName); ret.Nodes.Add(t); } } return ret; }