public void ScanDLCfolder2() { DebugOutput.PrintLn("\n\nDLC Scan for packed files...\n", true); string dir = ME3Directory.DLCPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.sfar", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files.Length == 0) return; pbar1.Maximum = files.Length - 1; int count = 0; foreach (string file in files) if (!file.ToLower().Contains("patch")) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Scan file #" + count + " : " + file, count % 10 == 0); try { DLCPackage dlc = new DLCPackage(file); DebugOutput.PrintLn("found " + dlc.Files.Length + " files : " + file); for (int j = 0; j < dlc.Files.Length; j++) { if (dlc.Files[j].FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".pcc")) { string filename = dlc.Files[j].FileName; DebugOutput.PrintLn(" " + j.ToString("d4") + " / " + dlc.Files.Length.ToString("d4") + " : opening " + Path.GetFileName(filename),true); MemoryStream mem = dlc.DecompressEntry(j); File.WriteAllBytes("temp.pcc", mem.ToArray()); PCCObject pcc = new PCCObject("temp.pcc"); for (int i = 0; i < pcc.Exports.Count; i++) if (pcc.Exports[i].ClassName == "BioConversation") { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Found dialog \"" + pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName + "\"", false); BioConversation Dialog = new BioConversation(pcc, i); foreach (BioConversation.EntryListStuct e in Dialog.EntryList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = true; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = file; t.pathpcc = filename; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; if (e.SpeakerIndex >= 0 && e.SpeakerIndex < Dialog.SpeakerList.Count) t.speaker = pcc.getNameEntry(Dialog.SpeakerList[e.SpeakerIndex]); else t.speaker = "unknown"; if (t.speaker == null || t.speaker == "") t.speaker = "unknown"; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Requ.: (" + t.speaker + ") " + t.text, false); } } foreach (BioConversation.ReplyListStruct e in Dialog.ReplyList) { string text = talkFile.findDataById(e.refText); if (text.Length != 7 && text != "No Data") { EntryStruct t = new EntryStruct(); t.inDLC = true; t.text = text; t.ID = e.refText; t.indexpcc = i; t.pathafc = "";//Todo t.pathdlc = file; t.pathpcc = filename; t.convname = pcc.Exports[i].ObjectName; Entries.Add(t); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reply: " + t.text, false); } } } } } if (count % 10 == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); pbar1.Value = count; } count++; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("=====ERROR=====\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n=====ERROR====="); } } if (File.Exists("temp.pcc")) File.Delete("temp.pcc"); }
private void unpackSFAR(DLCPackage DLC) { AutoTOC.AutoTOC toc = new AutoTOC.AutoTOC(); if (DLC == null || DLC.Files == null) return; string result = "pcc; tfc; afc; cnd; tlk; bin; bik; dlc"; if (result == "") return; result = result.Trim(); if (result.EndsWith(";")) result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1); string[] patt = result.Split(';'); string file = DLC.MyFileName; //full path string t1 = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); //cooked string t2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(t1); //DLC_Name string t3 = Path.GetDirectoryName(t2); //DLC string t4 = Path.GetDirectoryName(t3); //BioGame string gamebase = Path.GetDirectoryName(t4); //Mass Effect3 DebugOutput.PrintLn("Extracting DLC with gamebase : " + gamebase); DebugOutput.PrintLn("DLC name : " + t2); if (DLC.Files.Length > 1) { List<int> Indexes = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < DLC.Files.Length; i++) { string DLCpath = DLC.Files[i].FileName; for (int j = 0; j < patt.Length; j++) if (DLCpath.ToLower().EndsWith(patt[j].Trim().ToLower()) && patt[j].Trim().ToLower() != "") { string relPath = GetRelativePath(DLCpath); string outpath = gamebase + relPath; DebugOutput.PrintLn("Extracting file #" + i.ToString("d4") + ": " + outpath); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath)); if (!File.Exists(outpath)) using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outpath, FileMode.Create)) DLC.DecompressEntry(i).WriteTo(fs); Indexes.Add(i); Application.DoEvents(); break; } } DLC.DeleteEntry(Indexes); } // AutoTOC DebugOutput.PrintLn("Updating DLC's PCConsoleTOC.bin"); List<string> FileNames = toc.GetFiles(t2 + "\\"); List<string> tet = new List<string>(t2.Split('\\')); string remov = String.Join("\\", tet.ToArray()); for (int i = 0; i < FileNames.Count; i++) FileNames[i] = FileNames[i].Substring(remov.Length + 1); string[] ts = t2.Split('\\'); tet.Clear(); tet.AddRange(ts); string basepath = String.Join("\\", tet.ToArray()) + '\\'; string tocfile = t2 + "\\PCConsoleTOC.bin"; toc.CreateTOC(basepath, tocfile, FileNames.ToArray()); DebugOutput.PrintLn("DLC Done."); }
public static List<string> DLCExtractHelper(string file) { // KFreon: Ditching this stuff for Fobs ExtractAllDLC function in Texplorer2.cs // NOTE that the files are normally collected here, now done in Texplorer2.cs return new List<string>(); List<string> ExtractedFiles = new List<string>(); string[] dlcname = file.Split('\\'); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Temp extracting DLC: " + dlcname[dlcname.Length - 3]); DLCPackage dlc = new DLCPackage(file); List<string> dlcpath = new List<string>(dlc.MyFileName.Split('\\')); dlcpath.RemoveRange(dlcpath.Count - 5, 5); string dlcExtractionPath = String.Join("\\", dlcpath.ToArray()); List<int> Indicies = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dlc.Files.Count(); i++) { DLCPackage.FileEntryStruct entry = dlc.Files[i]; if (Path.GetExtension(entry.FileName).ToLower() == ".pcc" || Path.GetExtension(entry.FileName).ToLower() == ".tfc") { DebugOutput.PrintLn("Extracting: " + dlc.Files[i].FileName); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dlcExtractionPath + dlc.Files[i].FileName)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dlcExtractionPath + dlc.Files[i].FileName, FileMode.CreateNew)) dlc.DecompressEntry(i).WriteTo(fs); Indicies.Add(i); } catch (Exception e) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("File " + dlcExtractionPath + entry.FileName + " already exists. Extra: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } ExtractedFiles.Add(dlcExtractionPath + entry.FileName); } } dlc.DeleteEntry(Indicies); return ExtractedFiles; }