public BoolResponseBox standardRentCard(int playedCard, Guid setOfPropertiesToRentOn, bool usingDoubleTheRent, int doubleTheRentCard, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedActionCard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(playedCard) as ActionCard; if (playedActionCard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedActionCard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playStandardRent = new MoveInfo(); playStandardRent.playerWhoseTurnItIs = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; playStandardRent.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playStandardRent.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playStandardRent.idOfCardBeingUsed = playedCard; playStandardRent.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.RentStandard; playStandardRent.guidOfSetToCollectRentOn = setOfPropertiesToRentOn; playStandardRent.idOfDoubleTheRentCardBeingUsed = doubleTheRentCard; playStandardRent.isDoubleTheRentCardBeingUsed = usingDoubleTheRent; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playStandardRent.moveBeingMade, playStandardRent); return(result); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action card")); }
public bool playPropertyCardToExistingSet(Card playedCard, PropertyCardSet setToPlayPropertyTo, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); PropertyCard playedPropertycard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(playedCard.cardID) as PropertyCard; if (playedPropertycard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedPropertycard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playPropertyCardFromHand = new MoveInfo(); playPropertyCardFromHand.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand; playPropertyCardFromHand.idOfCardBeingUsed = playedCard.cardID; bool isOrientedUp = (playedCard as PropertyCard).isCardUp; playPropertyCardFromHand.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp = isOrientedUp; playPropertyCardFromHand.addPropertyToPlayToExistingSet = true;//Add to existing set playPropertyCardFromHand.guidOfExistingSetToPlayPropertyTo = setToPlayPropertyTo.guid; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade, playPropertyCardFromHand); return(result.success); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a property card").success); }
public BoolResponseBox movePropertyCard(int propertyCardToMoveID, bool isCardUp, bool moveToExistingSet, Guid oldSetGuid, Guid setToPlayPropertyToGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { //Gets the last,current and a reference for the next state PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; //Gets the PlayerModel of the Player making the move. PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); //The property card to move between sets PropertyCard propertyCardToMove = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(propertyCardToMoveID) as PropertyCard; if (propertyCardToMove != null) { //Initialize MoveInfo for moving a property card between sets MoveInfo movePropertyCardToNewSet = new MoveInfo(); movePropertyCardToNewSet.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; movePropertyCardToNewSet.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.MovePropertyCard; movePropertyCardToNewSet.guidOfSetPropertyToMoveIsIn = oldSetGuid; movePropertyCardToNewSet.guidOfPropertyToMove = propertyCardToMove.cardGuid; movePropertyCardToNewSet.isPropertyToMoveOrientedUp = isCardUp; movePropertyCardToNewSet.addPropertyToMoveToExistingSet = moveToExistingSet; movePropertyCardToNewSet.guidOfExistingSetToMovePropertyTo = setToPlayPropertyToGuid; movePropertyCardToNewSet.idOfCardBeingUsed = propertyCardToMoveID; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, movePropertyCardToNewSet.moveBeingMade, movePropertyCardToNewSet); return(result); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players property card sets or is not a property card")); }
public BoolResponseBox hotelCard(int playedCardID, Guid setOfPropertiesToAddHotelTo, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedActionCard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(playedCardID) as ActionCard; if (playedActionCard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedActionCard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playHotel = new MoveInfo(); playHotel.playerWhoseTurnItIs = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; playHotel.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playHotel.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playHotel.idOfCardBeingUsed = playedCardID; playHotel.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.Hotel; playHotel.guidFullSetWithHouseToAddHotelTo = setOfPropertiesToAddHotelTo; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playHotel.moveBeingMade, playHotel); return(result); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action card")); }
public BoolResponseBox forcedDealCard(int forcedDealCardID, int playersCardToSwapWith, Guid setPlayersCardIsIn, Guid targetedPlayerGuid, int targetedCard, Guid setTargetCardIn, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedActionCard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(forcedDealCardID) as ActionCard; PropertyCard cardToForcedDealFor = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(targetedCard) as PropertyCard; PropertyCard cardToLoseInForcedDeal = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(playersCardToSwapWith) as PropertyCard; if (playedActionCard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedActionCard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null && cardToForcedDealFor != null && cardToLoseInForcedDeal != null) { MoveInfo playForcedDeal = new MoveInfo(); playForcedDeal.playerWhoseTurnItIs = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; playForcedDeal.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playForcedDeal.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playForcedDeal.idOfCardBeingUsed = forcedDealCardID; playForcedDeal.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.ForcedDeal; playForcedDeal.guidOfCardToBeForcedDealed = cardToForcedDealFor.cardGuid; playForcedDeal.guidOfSetCardToBeForcedDealedIsIn = setTargetCardIn; playForcedDeal.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingForcedDealed = targetedPlayerGuid; playForcedDeal.idOfCardToBeForcedDealed = cardToForcedDealFor.cardID; playForcedDeal.idOfCardToBeGivenUpInForcedDeal = cardToLoseInForcedDeal.cardID; playForcedDeal.guidOfCardToBeGivenUpInForcedDeal = cardToLoseInForcedDeal.cardGuid; playForcedDeal.guidOfSetCardGivenUpInForcedDealIsIn = setPlayersCardIsIn; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playForcedDeal.moveBeingMade, playForcedDeal); return(result); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action card")); }
public BoolResponseBox dealBreakerCard(int dealBreakerCardID, Guid targetedPlayerGuid, Guid setTargeted, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedActionCard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(dealBreakerCardID) as ActionCard; if (playedActionCard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedActionCard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playdealBreaker = new MoveInfo(); playdealBreaker.playerWhoseTurnItIs = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; playdealBreaker.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playdealBreaker.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playdealBreaker.idOfCardBeingUsed = dealBreakerCardID; playdealBreaker.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.DealBreaker; playdealBreaker.guidOfFullSetToBeDealBreakered = setTargeted; playdealBreaker.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingDealBreakered = targetedPlayerGuid; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playdealBreaker.moveBeingMade, playdealBreaker); return(result); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action card")); }
public bool bankCard(int playedCardID, Guid playerGuid, Guid serverGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); Card playedcard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(playedCardID); if (checkIfCardInHand(playedcard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { if (playedcard is PropertyCard) { return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property Cards can not be Banked").success); } else { MoveInfo bankCardInfo = new MoveInfo(); bankCardInfo.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid; bankCardInfo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; bankCardInfo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.BankMoneyCard; bankCardInfo.idOfCardBeingUsed = playedCardID; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, bankCardInfo.moveBeingMade, bankCardInfo); return(result.success); } } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand.").success); }
//[DataMember] //TurnActionModel actionsToTake; public TakeActionOnTurnMessage(Guid playerGuid, Guid guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, Guid guidOfThisMessage, Guid serverGuid, PlayFieldModel playFieldModelP, Guid playFieldModelGuidP, TurnActionModel turnActionModel) : base(guidOfThisMessage, guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, MessageType.actionTaken, null, false, playerGuid, serverGuid, null) { //Message used for notifying all players that the field has been updated fieldModel = playFieldModelP; referenceThisGuidToRespond = guidOfThisMessage; //Clients of players whose turn it is not should adknowledge they recieved this message and request again for an update of the playing field //Client of player whose turn it is should reply with an action }
public FieldUpdateMessage(Guid guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, Guid guidOfThisMessage, Guid serverGuid, Guid[] playersRecieving, PlayFieldModel playFieldModelP) : base(guidOfThisMessage, guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, MessageType.fieldupdate, null, true, serverGuid, serverGuid, playersRecieving) { //Message used for notifying all players that the field has been updated fieldModel = playFieldModelP; referenceThisGuidToRespond = guidOfThisMessage; //Clients of players whose turn it is not should adknowledge they recieved this message and request again for an update of the playing field //Client of player whose turn it is should reply with an action }
private BoolResponseBox setGameOver(PlayFieldModel state, Guid guidOfWinner) { PlayFieldModel newState = state.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Game_Over; newState.playerWhoWon = guidOfWinner; addNextState(newState); monopolyDeal.gameOver = true; monopolyDeal.lobby.setGameLobbyStatus(this.monopolyDeal.MONOPOLY_DEAL_GAME_GUID, GameLobbyStatus.Game_Ended); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Game over"); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the PlayerModel from a state given the PlayerModels Guid /// </summary> /// <param name="playerGuid"></param> /// <param name="pfm"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PlayerModel getPlayerModel(Guid playerGuid, PlayFieldModel pfm) { foreach (PlayerModel pm in pfm.playerModels) { if (pm.guid.CompareTo(playerGuid) == 0) { return pm; } } return null; }
private BoolResponseBox checkAndSetIfGameIsOver(PlayFieldModel state, Guid playerToCheck) { if (checkIfPlayerHasEnoughFullUniquelyColoredSetsToWin(state, playerToCheck).success) { return setGameOver(state, playerToCheck); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player checked has not won"); } }
private PlayFieldModel createInitialState(List <PlayerModel> players) { //guid for initial state Guid playFieldModelGuid = PlayFieldModel.generateplayFieldModelGuid(); //no cards to be shown as played in playpile List <Card> emptyTopPlayPile = new List <Card>(); //setFirstPlayerToHaveTurn(players); //set player 0 to be first to play //Guid firstPlayerGuid = players.ElementAt(FIRST_PLAYER).guid; //currentPlayerTurn = FIRST_PLAYER; Guid firstPlayerGuid = setFirstPlayerToHaveTurn(players); //no players can be affected by actioncards as none have been played List <Guid> noPlayersAffectedByActionCard = new List <Guid>(); //No actions have been taken List <TurnActionTypes> actionsAllowable = new List <TurnActionTypes>(); actionsAllowable.Add(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn); //Set players Allowable actions foreach (PlayerModel p in players) { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = new List <TurnActionTypes>(); if (p.guid.CompareTo(firstPlayerGuid) == 0) { //Player whos turn it is must draw TwoCards p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed.Add(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn); } } // TurnActionModel noActionsPlayedFirstPlayerToDraw = new TurnActionModel(this.playerIdLookup, this.gameModelGuid, playFieldModelGuid, generateTurnActionGuid(), actionsAllowable, TurnActionTypes.gameStarted, false); //create empty playpile initialPlayPile = new PlayPile(); //fill new drawpile DrawPile initialDrawPile = generateInitialDrawPile(initialPlayPile); //Deal players thier first five cards dealPlayersInitialFiveCards(players, initialDrawPile); //It is the start of a players turn bool turnStart = true; //put it all into the intial state PlayFieldModel state = new PlayFieldModel(playFieldModelGuid, players, emptyTopPlayPile, firstPlayerGuid, noPlayersAffectedByActionCard, null, noActionsPlayedFirstPlayerToDraw, initialDrawPile, initialPlayPile, NEW_TURN_NUMBER_OF_CARDS_PLAYABLE, turnStart, Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards, deck); //stateCreated currentState = state; return(state); }
//Clone Constructors public PlayerModel(PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel state) { this.hand = new PlayerHand(player.hand, state); = new PlayerBank(, state); this.propertySets = new PlayerPropertySets(player.propertySets, state); this.guid = player.guid; =; this.isThisPlayersTurn = player.isThisPlayersTurn; =; this.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = player.actionsCurrentlyAllowed.cloneListTurnActionTypes(); this.isReadyToStartGame = player.isReadyToStartGame; this.owesAnotherPlayer = player.owesAnotherPlayer; this.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer = player.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer; }
public BoolResponseBox doNotJustSayNo(Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); MoveInfo doNotPlayJustSayNo = new MoveInfo(); doNotPlayJustSayNo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; doNotPlayJustSayNo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.Dont_Play_Just_Say_No; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, doNotPlayJustSayNo.moveBeingMade, doNotPlayJustSayNo); return(result); }
public bool playActionCardJustSayNo(int playedCard, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); MoveInfo playJustSayNo = new MoveInfo(); playJustSayNo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playJustSayNo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayJustSayNo; playJustSayNo.idOfCardBeingUsed = playedCard; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playJustSayNo.moveBeingMade, playJustSayNo); return(result.success); }
public GameModel(List<PlayerModel> playersP, Guid guidS) { //give this a guid gameModelGuid = guidS; //Assign Players to the game players = playersP; //Create idLookup foreach (PlayerModel pm in players) { playerIdLookup.Add(pm.guid); } initialState = createInitialState(players); gameStates.Add(initialState); //State added to gameStates list, notify all players, wait for responses }
public GameModel(List <PlayerModel> playersP, Guid guidS) { //give this a guid gameModelGuid = guidS; //Assign Players to the game players = playersP; //Create idLookup foreach (PlayerModel pm in players) { playerIdLookup.Add(pm.guid); } initialState = createInitialState(players); gameStates.Add(initialState); //State added to gameStates list, notify all players, wait for responses }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new MonopolyDeal Game /// </summary> /// <param name="playersP">List of PlayerModels</param> public MonopolyDeal(List<PlayerModel> playersP, Guid thisGameGuidP, ILobby lobby) { this.lobby = lobby; //Assign Guid to this game of Monopoly Deal MONOPOLY_DEAL_GAME_GUID = thisGameGuidP; gameModelGuid = thisGameGuidP; //Assign Players to this game of Monopoly Deal players = playersP; gameStateManager = new GameStateManagerToMoveAdapter(this); addPlayersToIDLookup(playersP); initialState = createInitialState(players); gameStates.Add(initialState); currentState = initialState; //State added to gameStates list, notify all players, wait for responses }
public BoolResponseBox endTurn(Guid playerGuid, Guid stateGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); MoveInfo endTurnInfo = new MoveInfo(); endTurnInfo.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid; endTurnInfo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; endTurnInfo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.EndTurn; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, endTurnInfo.moveBeingMade, endTurnInfo); return(result); }
public bool payDebt(List <int> idOfCardsToPayWith, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); MoveInfo payDebt = new MoveInfo(); payDebt.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; payDebt.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PayDebt; payDebt.listOfIDsOfCardsBeingUsedToPayDebt = idOfCardsToPayWith; payDebt.guidOfPlayerToPayDebtTo = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; payDebt.amountOwed = playerModelAtCurrentState.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, payDebt.moveBeingMade, payDebt); return(result.success); }
public BoolResponseBox drawFiveCards(Guid player, Guid state) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(player, currentState); MoveInfo draw5CardsInfo = new MoveInfo(); draw5CardsInfo.playerWhoseTurnItIs = player; draw5CardsInfo.playerMakingMove = player; draw5CardsInfo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, draw5CardsInfo.moveBeingMade, draw5CardsInfo); return(result); }
//Clone Constructor public PropertyCardSet(PropertyCardSet pcs, PlayFieldModel state) { id =; guid = pcs.guid; hasHouse = pcs.hasHouse; hasHotel = pcs.hasHotel; if (pcs.hotel != null) { this.hotel = state.deck.getCardByID(pcs.hotel.cardID); } if ( != null) { = state.deck.getCardByID(; } properties =; propertySetColor = pcs.propertySetColor; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new MonopolyDeal Game /// </summary> /// <param name="playersP">List of PlayerModels</param> public MonopolyDeal(List <PlayerModel> playersP, Guid thisGameGuidP, ILobby lobby) { this.lobby = lobby; //Assign Guid to this game of Monopoly Deal MONOPOLY_DEAL_GAME_GUID = thisGameGuidP; gameModelGuid = thisGameGuidP; //Assign Players to this game of Monopoly Deal players = playersP; gameStateManager = new GameStateManagerToMoveAdapter(this); addPlayersToIDLookup(playersP); initialState = createInitialState(players); gameStates.Add(initialState); currentState = initialState; //State added to gameStates list, notify all players, wait for responses }
public PropertyCardSet(PropertyCardSet pcs, PlayFieldModel state)//Clone Constructor { id =; guid = pcs.guid; hasHouse = pcs.hasHouse; hasHotel = pcs.hasHotel; if (pcs.hotel != null) { this.hotel = state.deck.getCardByID(pcs.hotel.cardID); } if ( != null) { = state.deck.getCardByID(; } properties =; propertySetColor = pcs.propertySetColor; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a copy of an instance of PlayFieldModel /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PlayFieldModel clone(Guid guidOfClone) { Guid oldInstanceGuid = thisPlayFieldModelInstanceGuid.cloneGuid(); //TODO Clone Deck List <PlayerModel> playersCloned = cloneListPlayerModels(this.playerModels, this); List <Card> topCardsPlayPileCloned = cloneListCards(topCardsOnPlaypile); Guid oldPlayerWhoseTurnItIsGuid = guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs.cloneGuid(); int numberOfTurnsForPlayerRemaining = this.numberOfTurnsRemainingForPlayerWhosTurnItIs; bool startOfATurnClone = startOfATurn.cloneBool(); if (lastActionPlayed == null) { lastActionPlayed = new TurnActionModel(null, new Guid(), new Guid(), new Guid(), null, TurnActionTypes.gameStarted, false); } PlayFieldModel pfmC = new PlayFieldModel(oldInstanceGuid, guidOfClone, playersCloned, topCardsPlayPileCloned, oldPlayerWhoseTurnItIsGuid, playersAffectedByActionCardGuids.cloneListGuids(), lastActionPlayed.clone(), currentTurnActionModel.clone(), drawPile.clone(deck), playpile.clone(deck), numberOfTurnsForPlayerRemaining, startOfATurnClone, currentPhase, deck.cloneDeck()); return(pfmC); }
public bool discard(int cardsToDiscardID, Guid playerGuid, Guid serverGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); Card playedcard = currentState.deck.getCardByID(cardsToDiscardID); if (playedcard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedcard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo discard1Card = new MoveInfo(); discard1Card.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card; discard1Card.idOfCardBeingUsed = cardsToDiscardID; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, discard1Card.moveBeingMade, discard1Card); return(result.success); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand").success); }
public PollForFieldUpdateMessage(Guid playerSendingGuidP, Guid guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, Guid guidOfThisMessage, Guid serverGameGuidP, PlayFieldModel playFieldModelP, Guid playFieldModelGuidP, TurnActionModel turnActionModel) : base(guidOfThisMessage, guidOfMessageThisMessageIsRespondingTo, MessageType.pollForFieldUpdate, null, false, playerSendingGuidP, serverGameGuidP, null) { //Message used for requesting updates to the games state represented by PlayFieldModel fieldModel = playFieldModelP; //Guid to reference in response to this message referenceThisGuidToRespond = guidOfThisMessage; //Guid of the turn the action was taken on fieldModelGuid = playFieldModelGuidP; //Actions taken by client sending this message actionsToTake = turnActionModel; //Clients of players whose turn it is not should adknowledge they recieved this message and request again for an update of the playing field //Client of player whose turn it is should reply with an action }
public bool playActionCardPassGo(int passGoCardID, Guid serverGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid, TurnActionTypes turnActionTypes) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedPassGo = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(passGoCardID) as ActionCard; if (playedPassGo != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedPassGo, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playPassGo = new MoveInfo(); playPassGo.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid; playPassGo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playPassGo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playPassGo.idOfCardBeingUsed = passGoCardID; playPassGo.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.PassGo; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPassGo.moveBeingMade, playPassGo); return(result.success); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action Card").success); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if Game is over /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="playerToCheck"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox checkIfPlayerHasEnoughFullUniquelyColoredSetsToWin(PlayFieldModel state, Guid playerToCheck) { //Check for each possible set colour if a player has a full set, if at least NUMBER_OF_FULL_SETS_REQUIRED_TO_WIN different coloured sets are full a player has won and the game is over HashSet<PropertyColor> uniquelyColouredFullSets = new HashSet<PropertyColor>(); PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerToCheck, state); foreach (PropertyCardSet propertySet in player.propertySets.playersPropertySets) { if (propertySet.isFullSet()) { uniquelyColouredFullSets.Add(propertySet.getPropertySetColor()); } } if (uniquelyColouredFullSets.Count >= MonopolyDeal.NUMBER_OF_FULL_SETS_REQUIRED_TO_WIN) { return new BoolResponseBox(true, "The player to check has enough uniquely coloured full sets to win"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "The player to check does not have enough uniquely coloured full sets to win"); } }
public bool playPropertyCardToNewSet(Guid gameGuid, bool isOrientedUp, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType, int propertyCardID) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); PropertyCard playedcard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(propertyCardID) as PropertyCard; if (playedcard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedcard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playPropertyCardFromHand = new MoveInfo(); playPropertyCardFromHand.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid; playPropertyCardFromHand.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand; playPropertyCardFromHand.idOfCardBeingUsed = propertyCardID; playPropertyCardFromHand.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp = isOrientedUp; playPropertyCardFromHand.addPropertyToPlayToExistingSet = false;//Add to new set BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade, playPropertyCardFromHand); return(result.success); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a property card").success); }
public bool playActionCardItsMyBirthday(int myBirthdayCardID, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameLobbyGuid, Guid stateGuid) { PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState(); PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState(); PlayFieldModel nextState = null; PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState); ActionCard playedActionCard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(myBirthdayCardID) as ActionCard; if (playedActionCard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedActionCard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null) { MoveInfo playBirthday = new MoveInfo(); playBirthday.playerWhoseTurnItIs = currentState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs; playBirthday.playerMakingMove = playerGuid; playBirthday.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; playBirthday.idOfCardBeingUsed = myBirthdayCardID; playBirthday.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.ItsMyBirthday; BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playBirthday.moveBeingMade, playBirthday); return(result.success); } return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action card").success); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current state of a Monopoly Deal Game on service hiding cards of other players /// </summary> /// <param name="playerGuid">Guid of player</param> /// <param name="gameGuid">Guid of MonopolyDeal game instance</param> /// <returns>PlayFieldModel of current state</returns> public PlayFieldModel pollStateMonopolyDealPerPlayer(GuidBox playerGuid, GuidBox gameGuid) { try { //Find MonopolyDealGame MonopolyDeal md = getMonopolyDeal(gameGuid.guid); if (md != null) { //Ask GameStateManager for currentState PlayFieldModel currentState = md.getMonopolyDealGameStateManager().getCurrentState(); //TODO:Current state should be filtered here so players cant see other players hands //TODO:Could send Acknowledgement at this point but currently will have client send Acknowledgement return(currentState); } else { return(null); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException ex) { throw new FaultException(ex.Message); } }
private BoolResponseBox endTurn(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction) { //Allowed to end turn //Clone the current state to create next state then draws two cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); //action is valid for player at this time List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state //Not an action so cant be just say no'd //Check if Game is over if (checkAndSetIfGameIsOver(nextState, playerPerformingAction.guid).success) { //Game is now over as player has enough unique full sets return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn and won the game!"); } //Change phase switch (playerModelForPlayer.hand.cardsInHand.Count) { case 8: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn with 8 cards and must discard 1 card"); } case 9: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn with 9 cards and must discard 2 cards"); } case 10: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn with 10 cards and must discard 3 cards"); } case 11: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn with 11 cards and must discard 4 cards"); } case 12: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn with 12 cards and must discard 5 cards"); } default: { nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer; setNextPlayerOnTurn(nextState); if (getPlayerModel(nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0) { //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2 nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn." + "Player:" + getPlayerModel(nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState).name + "\'s Turn. Draw 5 Cards."); } else { //Player has at least one and at most seven cards, draws 2 nextState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards; onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn); //Update the moves for players updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Ended their turn." + "Player:" + getPlayerModel(nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState).name + "\'s Turn. Draw 2 Cards."); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the next player to have their turn. /// </summary> /// <param name="pfm"></param> private void setNextPlayerOnTurn(PlayFieldModel pfm) { playerTurnCounter++; if (playerTurnCounter >= pfm.playerModels.Count) { playerTurnCounter = 0; } int nextPlayerID = playerTurnCounter; pfm.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs = pfm.playerModels[nextPlayerID].guid; foreach (PlayerModel p in pfm.playerModels) { if (p.guid.CompareTo(pfm.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs) == 0) { if (p.isThisPlayersTurn) { throw new Exception("player allready on turn"); } p.isThisPlayersTurn = true; } else { p.isThisPlayersTurn = false; } } pfm.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs = pfm.playerModels.ElementAt(nextPlayerID).guid; }
/// <summary> /// Allows a player to Draw 5 Cards at the start of their turn /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox draw5CardsAtStartOfTurn(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, Statephase nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); //Perform action playerModelForPlayer.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); playerModelForPlayer.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); playerModelForPlayer.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); playerModelForPlayer.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); playerModelForPlayer.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); //drawtwocards has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful; //Respond that the move has been performed //player has drawn their 5 cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn //Set the allowable moves for all players for the next state List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has drawn 5 cards"); }
/// <summary> /// Allows a player on their turn to play a Pass Go card /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful"></param> /// <param name="passGoInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BoolResponseBox playActionCardPassGo(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, Statephase nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful, MoveInfo passGoInfo) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(passGoInfo.idOfCardBeingUsed); //Get the reference to the players playerModel in the current PlayFieldModel PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(passGoInfo.playerMakingMove, nextState); //Get the reference to the Card in the current PlayFieldModel if (cardInHandToBePlayed != null && cardInHandToBePlayed is ActionCard && ((ActionCard)cardInHandToBePlayed).actionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0) { Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, player); if (card != null) { ActionCard actionCard = card as ActionCard; player.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); player.hand.addCardToHand(nextState.drawPile.drawcard()); //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful; //Put card in discard pile nextState.playpile.playCardOnPile(card); List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has passed go and drawn 2 cards"); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand or is not a pass go card"); }
private BoolResponseBox playActionCardForcedDeal(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, Statephase nextStatePhase, MoveInfo moveInformation) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayerToForcedDeal = getPlayerModel(moveInformation.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingForcedDealed, nextState); Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed); //Get the reference to the players playerModel in the current PlayFieldModel //Get the reference to the Card in the current PlayFieldModel if (cardInHandToBePlayed != null && cardInHandToBePlayed is ActionCard && ((ActionCard)cardInHandToBePlayed).actionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.ForcedDeal) == 0) { Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, playerModelForPlayer); if (card != null) { ActionCard actionCard = card as ActionCard; //Do action PropertyCardSet setToForcedDealFrom = getPropertyCardSet(playerModelForPlayerToForcedDeal.propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardToBeForcedDealedIsIn); PropertyCard cardToForcedDealFor = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardToBeForcedDealed) as PropertyCard; PropertyCardSet setToGiveUpCardFrom = getPropertyCardSet(playerModelForPlayer.propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardGivenUpInForcedDealIsIn); PropertyCard cardToGiveUp = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardToBeGivenUpInForcedDeal) as PropertyCard; if (setToForcedDealFrom != null && cardToForcedDealFor != null && setToGiveUpCardFrom != null && cardToGiveUp != null) { if (playerModelForPlayerToForcedDeal.removePropertyCardFromPlayersPropertySet(cardToForcedDealFor, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardToBeForcedDealedIsIn) != null) { //Card Removed from set //Create new set with card Forced Dealed in it PropertyCardSet newSetForcedDealCard = new PropertyCardSet(cardToForcedDealFor); playerModelForPlayer.propertySets.addSet(newSetForcedDealCard); if (playerModelForPlayer.removePropertyCardFromPlayersPropertySet(cardToGiveUp, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardGivenUpInForcedDealIsIn) != null) { //Forced dealed player recieves card given up in forced deal PropertyCardSet newSetGivenUpCard = new PropertyCardSet(cardToGiveUp); playerModelForPlayerToForcedDeal.propertySets.addSet(newSetGivenUpCard); playerModelForPlayerToForcedDeal.hasHadCardsTaken = true; //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhase; //Put card in discard pile nextState.playpile.playCardOnPile(actionCard); List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); nextState.actionCardEvent = new ActionCardEvent(); nextState.actionCardEvent.playerAffectedByAction = moveInformation.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingForcedDealed; nextState.actionCardEvent.playerWhoPerformedActionOffTurn = moveInformation.playerMakingMove; nextState.actionCardEvent.playerOnTurnPerformingAction = true; nextState.actionCardEvent.actionTypeTaken = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; nextState.actionCardEvent.actionCardTypeUsed = ActionCardAction.ForcedDeal; List<CardIDSetGuid> listOfCardsForcedDealed = new List<CardIDSetGuid>(); listOfCardsForcedDealed.Add(new CardIDSetGuid(moveInformation.idOfCardToBeForcedDealed, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardToBeForcedDealedIsIn)); nextState.actionCardEvent.propertyCardsTakenFromPlayerAndSetTheCardWasIn = listOfCardsForcedDealed; nextState.actionCardEvent.propertyCardGivenUpInForcedDeal = new CardIDSetGuid(moveInformation.idOfCardToBeGivenUpInForcedDeal, moveInformation.guidOfSetCardGivenUpInForcedDealIsIn); //change the current state to the next state updateAllowableStatesPerPlayerCardsTaken(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, setAllowableActionsNotOnTurnCardsTaken(new List<TurnActionTypes>(), nextState)); addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has used a Forced Deal Card"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Unable to remove card to be given up"); } } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Unable to remove card from player being forced dealed set"); } } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card to Forced Deal or set the card is in does not exist"); } } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand or is not a Forced Deal Card"); }
private void updateAllowableStatesPerPlayerCardsTaken(PlayFieldModel state, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayersWhoDontHaveCardsTaken, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayerOnTurn, Guid playerOnTurnGuid, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayersWhoDoHaveCardsTaken) { foreach (PlayerModel p in state.playerModels) { if (p.guid.CompareTo(playerOnTurnGuid) == 0) { //its p's turn p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayerOnTurn; } else if (p.hasHadCardsTaken) { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayersWhoDoHaveCardsTaken; } else { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayersWhoDontHaveCardsTaken; } } }
/// <summary> /// Determines what state the game is currently in and sets the appropriate possible next states for the move being played and calls doAppropriateAction to play the move /// </summary> /// <param name="lastState"></param> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="typeOfActionToPerform"></param> /// <param name="cardsAndPlayersInvolved"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BoolResponseBox evaluateMove(PlayFieldModel lastState, PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToPerform, MoveInfo cardsAndPlayersInvolved) { BoolResponseBox result; #region Draw2State if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion Draw2State #region Draw5State else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion Draw5State #region Turn Started Cards Drawn 0 Cards Played else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played; Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion Turn Started Cards Drawn 0 Cards Played #region 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Played else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Played #region 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase except just say no //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd #region 1 Card Played State else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 1 Card Played State #region 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Played else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Played #region 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd #region 2 Cards Played State else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played; if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 2 Cards Played State #region 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card Played else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card Played #region 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card just Say No'd else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0) { Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Player used Just Say No Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; /* //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played; //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play */ //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase except just say no //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card just Say No'd #region 3 Cards Played State else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//Action cards not playable at this phase //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards not playable at this phase //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards can be rearranged at this phase //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion 3 Cards Played State #region Too many cards in hand at end of turn states else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards; //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards; //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards; //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;//not allowable at this phase //Discard Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards; //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;//not allowable at this phase //Discard Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards; //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;//not allowable at this phase //Discard Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;//not allowable at this phase //Discard Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card) == 0) { //Action card that can be just say no carded next state Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Just Say No card played by off turn player Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Property card rearranging next state Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards; //Draw Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;//not allowable at this phase //Discard Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer; BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState); if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success) { //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard); return result;//True if action performed, False if not } else { //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString()); } } #endregion Too many cards in hand at end of turn states else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Game_Over) == 0) { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Game is over, move not possible"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Game is in an invalid state"); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the allowable actions for each player /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="allowedForPlayersNotOnTurn"></param> /// <param name="allowedForPlayerOnTurn"></param> /// <param name="playerOnTurnGuid"></param> /// <param name="playerWhoPerformedActionGuid"></param> private void updateAllowableStates(PlayFieldModel state, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayersNotOnTurn, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayerOnTurn, Guid playerOnTurnGuid, Guid playerWhoPerformedActionGuid) { foreach (PlayerModel p in state.playerModels) { if (p.guid.CompareTo(playerOnTurnGuid) == 0) //if (p.isThisPlayersTurn) { //its p's turn p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayerOnTurn; } else { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayersNotOnTurn; } } }
public bool isActionAllowedForPlayer(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, Guid playerGuid, PlayFieldModel currentState) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a state to the list of states in the game and sets it as the current state. /// Can be modified to set the state to be the current state only once all players have recieved the current state. /// </summary> /// <param name="nextPlayfieldModel"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BoolResponseBox addNextState(PlayFieldModel nextPlayfieldModel) { //Add the next state to the list of states monopolyDeal.gameStates.Add(nextPlayfieldModel); //TODO If all players have adknowledged the current state then set the nextPlayfieldModel as the current state //For now set it straight away bool allAdknowleged = true; if (allAdknowleged) { monopolyDeal.currentState = nextPlayfieldModel; return new BoolResponseBox(true, "State added and set as current state"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Not all players have adknowledged recieving the current state, state added but not switched to"); } }
private BoolResponseBox doNotPlayJustSayNo(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase justSayNoAble, Statephase notJustSayNoAble) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); //Player Not using Just Say No PlayerModel playerModelForNotUsingJustSayNo = getPlayerModel(moveInformation.playerMakingMove, nextState); //Player no longer can Just Say no playerModelForNotUsingJustSayNo.hasHadCardsTaken = false; //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game Statephase nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful; nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful = notJustSayNoAble; nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhaseIfSuccessful; List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has chosen to not use a Just Say No!"); }
/// <summary> /// Moves a property card that has been played to a set to a new set /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="moveInformation"></param> /// <param name="rearrangeProperties"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox movePropertyCard(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase rearrangeProperties) { //Clone the current state to create next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PropertyColor oldColour = ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).getPropertyColor(); bool oldOrientation = ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).isCardUp; ((PropertyCard)nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).setPropertyColor(moveInformation.isPropertyToMoveOrientedUp); if (moveInformation.addPropertyToMoveToExistingSet == false || getPropertyCardSet(getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState).propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToMovePropertyTo).isPropertyCompatible((PropertyCard)nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed))) { //Get CurrentPlayFieldModelState PropertyCard propertyCardToMove = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed) as PropertyCard; PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); //Remove Property Card from it's current set. PropertyCard property = player.removePropertyCardFromPlayersPropertySet(propertyCardToMove, moveInformation.guidOfSetPropertyToMoveIsIn); if (property != null) { PropertyCard cP = propertyCardToMove; bool propertyAdded = false; cP.setPropertyColor(moveInformation.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp); PropertyCardSet ps = getPropertyCardSet(player.propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToMovePropertyTo); if (moveInformation.addPropertyToMoveToExistingSet == false) { player.propertySets.addSet(new PropertyCardSet(cP)); } else if (ps == null) { //card was intended to be played to an existing set return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property not moved. Selected set does not exist"); } else if (ps != null) { propertyAdded = ps.addProperty(cP); } if (propertyAdded == false) { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property Card not played. Set full or card incompatible."); } //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = rearrangeProperties; List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has moved a Property to a existing set " + propertyCardToMove.cardName); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in set."); } else { nextState = null; ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).setPropertyColor(oldOrientation);//change back the orientation of the property return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property Card is not the correct colour to be added to this set"); } }
public PlayFieldModel copyPlayFieldModel(PlayFieldModel currentPlayFieldModel) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Determines the type of action to perform and calls the correct method to perform it /// </summary> /// <param name="lastState">The state previous to the current state.</param> /// <param name="currentState">The current state.</param> /// <param name="nextState">A reference for the next state</param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction">The Guid of the player who is performing the action.</param> /// <param name="typeOfActionToPerform">The type of action the player is performing.</param> /// <param name="justSayNoAble">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is able to be Just Say No'd</param> /// <param name="notJustSayNoAble">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is not able to be Just Say No'd</param> /// <param name="rearrangeProperties">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to move properties between sets</param> /// <param name="drawCardsAtTurnStart">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to draw cards at the start of a turn</param> /// <param name="JustSayNoUsedByOpposition">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is a player using a Just Say No card against an Action Card affecting them played by the player who is on their turn</param> /// <param name="moveInformation">The MoveInfo containing the information required to perform the action.</param> /// <param name="discard">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to end a turn and the player has to discard cards</param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox doAppropriateAction(PlayFieldModel lastState, PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToPerform, Statephase justSayNoAble, Statephase notJustSayNoAble, Statephase rearrangeProperties, Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart, Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase discard) { if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0) { return draw2CardsAtStartOfTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, drawCardsAtTurnStart); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0) { return draw5CardsAtStartOfTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, drawCardsAtTurnStart); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0) { return endTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.MovePropertyCard) == 0) { return movePropertyCard(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, rearrangeProperties); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand) == 0) { return playPropertyCardFromHand(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0) { return playPropertyCardFromHandToNewSet(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankActionCard) == 0) { return playCardFromHandToBank(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankMoneyCard) == 0) { return playCardFromHandToBank(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0) { return discard1Card(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, discard); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PayDebt) == 0) { return payDebt(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Dont_Play_Just_Say_No) == 0) { return doNotPlayJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble); } //ActionCards else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard) == 0 || typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayCard) == 0) { if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble; return playActionCardPassGo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.DebtCollector) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardDebtCollector(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.ItsMyBirthday) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardItsMyBirthday(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.JustSayNo) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;//TODO switch to justsaynoable return playActionCardJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, justSayNoAble, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.RentMultiColor) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardRentMultiColor(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.RentStandard) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardRentStandard(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.SlyDeal) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardSlyDeal(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.ForcedDeal) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardForcedDeal(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.DealBreaker) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble; return playActionCardDealBreaker(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.House) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble; return playActionCardHouse(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.Hotel) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble; return playActionCardHotel(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation); } throw new NotImplementedException(); } else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayJustSayNo) == 0) { Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;//should be just say noable return playActionCardJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, justSayNoAble, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, moveInformation); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Unsupported action:" + typeOfActionToPerform.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the actions each player can take after a debt has been played by a player in the given state /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state to update the allowable action for each player in.</param> /// <param name="allowedForPlayersWhoDontHaveToPay">A list of Actions a player who does not have to pay a debt can take.</param> /// <param name="allowedForPlayerOnTurn">A list of Actions the player whoes turn it is can take.</param> /// <param name="playerOnTurnGuid">The Guid of the player whoes turn it is.</param> /// <param name="allowedForPlayersWhoDoHaveToPay">The list of Actions allowed for players who are in debt.</param> private void updateAllowableStatesDebtPaid(PlayFieldModel state, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayersWhoDontHaveToPay, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayerOnTurn, Guid playerOnTurnGuid, List<TurnActionTypes> allowedForPlayersWhoDoHaveToPay) { foreach (PlayerModel p in state.playerModels) { if (p.guid.CompareTo(playerOnTurnGuid) == 0) { //its p's turn p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayerOnTurn; } else if (p.owesAnotherPlayer) { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayersWhoDoHaveToPay; } else { p.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = allowedForPlayersWhoDontHaveToPay; } } }
public PlayerModel getPlayerByGuid(Guid player, PlayFieldModel pfm) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private BoolResponseBox playActionCardHouse(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, Statephase nextStatePhase, MoveInfo moveInformation) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed); //Get the reference to the players playerModel in the current PlayFieldModel //Get the reference to the Card in the current PlayFieldModel if (cardInHandToBePlayed != null && cardInHandToBePlayed is ActionCard && ((ActionCard)cardInHandToBePlayed).actionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.House) == 0) { Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, playerModelForPlayer); if (card != null) { ActionCard actionCard = card as ActionCard; PropertyCardSet ps = getPropertyCardSet(playerModelForPlayer.propertySets, moveInformation.guidFullSetToAddHouseTo); if (ps != null) { if (ps.addHouse(actionCard)) { //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhase; //Put card in discard pile nextState.playpile.playCardOnPile(actionCard); List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has added a house to a set"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "House can not be added to this set"); } } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Set does not exist"); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand or is not a House card"); }
/// <summary> /// Plays a Property Card from a Players Hand on their turn to a new Property Set /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="moveInformation"></param> /// <param name="notJustSayNoAble"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox playPropertyCardFromHandToNewSet(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase notJustSayNoAble) { //Clone the current state to create next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); //Get CurrentPlayFieldModelState Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed); PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, player); if (card != null) { PropertyCard cP = cardInHandToBePlayed as PropertyCard; cP.setPropertyColor(moveInformation.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp); PropertyCardSet ps = new PropertyCardSet(cP); player.propertySets.addSet(ps); //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = notJustSayNoAble; List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has played to a new set " + card.cardName); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if a move is valid for the current player and state /// </summary> /// <param name="turnActionToDo"></param> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel currentState) { TurnActionTypes tAT = turnActionToDo; PlayerModel playerAttemptingAction = player; if (monopolyDeal.gameOver) { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Can not perform action as game is over"); } if (playerAttemptingAction != null) { foreach (TurnActionTypes t in playerAttemptingAction.actionsCurrentlyAllowed) { if (t.CompareTo(tAT) == 0) { //Action is in allowable list for player return new BoolResponseBox(true, + " is allowed to :" + turnActionToDo.ToString() + " at current phase"); } } } return new BoolResponseBox(false, + " is not allowed to :" + turnActionToDo.ToString() + " at current phase"); ; //Action not allowable }
private BoolResponseBox playActionCardDealBreaker(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, Statephase nextStatePhase, MoveInfo moveInformation) { //Check //Perform action in next state //Clone the current state to create next state then draws 5 cards in the next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayer = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); PlayerModel playerModelForPlayerToDealBreaker = getPlayerModel(moveInformation.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingDealBreakered, nextState); Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed); //Get the reference to the players playerModel in the current PlayFieldModel //Get the reference to the Card in the current PlayFieldModel if (cardInHandToBePlayed != null && cardInHandToBePlayed is ActionCard && ((ActionCard)cardInHandToBePlayed).actionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.DealBreaker) == 0) { Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, playerModelForPlayer); if (card != null) { ActionCard actionCard = card as ActionCard; //Do action PropertyCardSet setToDealBreaker = getPropertyCardSet(playerModelForPlayerToDealBreaker.propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfFullSetToBeDealBreakered); if (setToDealBreaker != null && setToDealBreaker.isFullSet() == true) { if (playerModelForPlayerToDealBreaker.propertySets.playersPropertySets.Remove(setToDealBreaker) == true) { //Set taken from player //give to player using dealbreaker card playerModelForPlayer.propertySets.addSet(setToDealBreaker); //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = nextStatePhase; //Used to set the allowable actions for player playerModelForPlayerToDealBreaker.hasHadCardsTaken = true; //Put card in discard pile nextState.playpile.playCardOnPile(actionCard); //Create event information for rollback and display nextState.actionCardEvent = new ActionCardEvent(); nextState.actionCardEvent.playerAffectedByAction = moveInformation.guidOfPlayerWhoIsBeingDealBreakered; nextState.actionCardEvent.playerWhoPerformedActionOffTurn = moveInformation.playerMakingMove; nextState.actionCardEvent.playerOnTurnPerformingAction = true; nextState.actionCardEvent.actionTypeTaken = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard; nextState.actionCardEvent.propertySetTakenFromPlayer = setToDealBreaker.guid; nextState.actionCardEvent.actionCardTypeUsed = ActionCardAction.DealBreaker; List<CardIDSetGuid> listOfCardDealbreakered = new List<CardIDSetGuid>(); foreach (Card property in { listOfCardDealbreakered.Add(new CardIDSetGuid(property.cardID, setToDealBreaker.guid)); } if (setToDealBreaker.hasHouse) { listOfCardDealbreakered.Add(new CardIDSetGuid(, setToDealBreaker.guid)); } if (setToDealBreaker.hasHotel) { listOfCardDealbreakered.Add(new CardIDSetGuid(setToDealBreaker.hotel.cardID, setToDealBreaker.guid)); } nextState.actionCardEvent.propertyCardsTakenFromPlayerAndSetTheCardWasIn = listOfCardDealbreakered; //change the current state to the next state List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStatesPerPlayerCardsTaken(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, setAllowableActionsNotOnTurnCardsTaken(new List<TurnActionTypes>(), nextState)); addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has used a Deal Breaker Card"); } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Unable to take set from player"); } } else { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Set to Deal Breaker is not a full set or does not exist"); } } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card id does not exist or is not a Deal Breaker Card"); }
/// <summary> /// Plays a Property Card from a Players Hand on their turn to an existing Property Set /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState"></param> /// <param name="nextState"></param> /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param> /// <param name="moveInformation"></param> /// <param name="notJustSayNoAble"></param> /// <returns></returns> private BoolResponseBox playPropertyCardFromHand(PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase notJustSayNoAble) { if (moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToPlayPropertyTo.CompareTo(new Guid()) != 0) { //Clone the current state to create next state nextState = currentState.clone(generateGuidForNextState()); PropertyColor oldColour = ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).getPropertyColor(); bool oldOrientation = ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).isCardUp; ((PropertyCard)nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).setPropertyColor(moveInformation.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp); /* if ((getPropertyCardSet(getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState).propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToPlayPropertyTo)).propertySetColor.CompareTo( ((PropertyCard)nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).currentPropertyColor) == 0) { */ if (getPropertyCardSet(getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState).propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToPlayPropertyTo).isPropertyCompatible((PropertyCard)nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed))) { //Get CurrentPlayFieldModelState Card cardInHandToBePlayed = nextState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed); PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerPerformingAction.guid, nextState); Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, player); if (card != null) { PropertyCard cP = cardInHandToBePlayed as PropertyCard; cP.setPropertyColor(moveInformation.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp); PropertyCardSet ps = getPropertyCardSet(player.propertySets, moveInformation.guidOfExistingSetToPlayPropertyTo); if (ps.addProperty(cP) == false) { return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property Card not played. Set full or card incompatible."); } else { //Change state on success //has been performed, advance the phase of the game nextState.currentPhase = notJustSayNoAble; List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>(); onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, nextState); updateAllowableStates(nextState, notOnTurn, onTurn, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, nextState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs); //change the current state to the next state addNextState(nextState); return new BoolResponseBox(true, "Player:" + + " Has played to a existing set " + card.cardName); } } return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Card is not in hand."); } else { nextState = null; ((PropertyCard)currentState.deck.getCardByID(moveInformation.idOfCardBeingUsed)).setPropertyColor(oldOrientation);//change back the orientation of the property return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Property Card is not the correct colour to be added to this set"); } } else { return playPropertyCardFromHandToNewSet(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of the actions a player not on their turn can take when they are affected by an ActionCard /// </summary> /// <param name="listToSet"></param> /// <param name="newState"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List<TurnActionTypes> setAllowableActionsNotOnTurnAffectedByActionCard(List<TurnActionTypes> listToSet, PlayFieldModel newState) { if (newState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0 || newState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0 || newState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0) { listToSet.Add(TurnActionTypes.PlayJustSayNo); return listToSet; } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public DrawOnTurnStart(TurnActionModel ta, PlayFieldModel pfm) : base(ta) { }