private void download_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var node = fileList_TreeView.SelectedNode; if (ManagerHandler.SshHandler.RunCommand("test -f " + node.FullPath.Quotate()).ExitCode == 0) { var dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); var ext = node.Text.Split('.').Last(); dialog.Filter = $"File of type (*.{ext})|*.{ext}"; dialog.DefaultExt = ext; dialog.AddExtension = true; dialog.FileName = node.Text; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MiscTools.SpawnBackgroundWorker(() => ManagerHandler.SftpHandler.Download(node.FullPath, new FileInfo(dialog.FileName))); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected node is not a file"); } }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cfg = Config.ReadConfigFile("config.json"); cfg = cfg == null ? new ConfigObject() : cfg; if (cfg.Hostname.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var result = TextPrompt.Prompt("Enter the hostname (IP Address)", "Hostname", false, false); if (result == null) { Environment.Exit(1); } cfg.Hostname = result; } if (cfg.Username.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var result = TextPrompt.Prompt("Enter the username", "Username", false, false); if (result == null) { Environment.Exit(1); } cfg.Username = result; } if (cfg.Port == 0) { var result = TextPrompt.Prompt("Enter the port (default 22)", "Port", false, false); if (result == null) { Environment.Exit(1); } int resultInt; if (!int.TryParse(result, out resultInt)) { Environment.Exit(1); } cfg.Port = resultInt; } if (cfg.Password.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { cfg.Password = TextPrompt.Prompt("Enter the password", "Password", true, true); } if (!cfg.ModpackDownloaderExeName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { ModpackDownloaderExeName = cfg.ModpackDownloaderExeName; } if (!cfg.BungeeCordHandlerExeName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { BungeeCordHandlerExeName = cfg.BungeeCordHandlerExeName; } mountPoint_TextBox.Text = cfg.MountPoint; remoteLocation_TextBox.Text = cfg.RemoteLocation; Editor = cfg.Editor; if (!cfg.ServerPath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { mcServerPath_TextBox.Text = cfg.ServerPath; } handler = new ServerManagerHandler(cfg); EventHandler <Renci.SshNet.Common.ExceptionEventArgs> sshError = (s, e2) => { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred: " + e2.Exception.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine(e2.Exception.ToString()); connected_ToolStripLabel.Text = ((BaseClient)s).IsConnected ? "Connected" : "Failed to connect"; }; handler.SshHandler._Client.ErrorOccurred += sshError; handler.SftpHandler._Client.ErrorOccurred += sshError; // so now visual studio wants to complain about you... but you work fine... and what about the stuff after it? MiscTools.SpawnBackgroundWorker(() => this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => connected_ToolStripLabel.Text = handler.Connect() ? "Connected" : "Failed to connect")), () => { if (handler.IsConnected) // things to run as soon as connected { mcServerPath_TextBox.Text = handler.SshHandler.RealPath(mcServerPath_TextBox.Text); RefreshViews(); if (cfg.ExpandAllOnStart) { idleInstances_TreeView.ExpandAllExcept(x => x.EndsWith("")); runningInstances_TreeView.ExpandAllExcept(x => x.EndsWith("")); } } }); }
private void modifyInstance_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var modifyTypeChooser = new ModifyTypeChooser(); if (modifyTypeChooser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { switch (modifyTypeChooser.SelectionBox.SelectedItem) { case "Modify": /*if (GetAnySelectedNode() != null) * { * var modifier = new InstanceModifier(); * modifier.Editor = Editor; * modifier.ManagerHandler = handler; * modifier.FullDirPath = GetAnySelectedNode().FullPath; * modifier.Show(); * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show("Select a directory in the idle instances."); * }*/ MessageBox.Show("This is pretty broken and useless right now. You should probably just have the drive mounted and use your own text editor and other programs."); break; case "Update": if (GetAnySelectedNode() != null) { var children = GetAnySelectedNode().Nodes; bool isInstance = false; foreach (TreeNode child in children) { if (child.Text.Equals("")) { isInstance = true; } } if (isInstance) { var instpath = GetAnySelectedNode().FullPath; var wizard = new InstanceCreationWizard(); wizard.Order = new[] { CreatorTab.Start, CreatorTab.DownloadLink }; wizard.instanceName_TextBox.Text = instpath.Substring(MiscTools.CommonStartsWith(instpath, mcServerPath_TextBox.Text).Length); wizard.BasePath = mcServerPath_TextBox.Text; var chooser = new InstallTypeChooser(); if (chooser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { switch (chooser.SelectionBox.SelectedItem) { case "Modded": wizard.ServerType = ServerType.Modded; break; case "Spigot": wizard.ServerType = ServerType.Bukkit; break; case "Bedrock": wizard.ServerType = ServerType.Bedrock; break; } } if (wizard.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (wizard.ServerType == ServerType.Modded) { wizard.ResultValues.Item1.ExcludedFiles = new[] { // TODO: don't hardcode this "backups", "journeymap", "logs", "schematics", "world", "banned-ips.json", "banned-players.json", "eula.txt", "ops.json", "", "usercache.json", "usernamecache.json", "whitelist.json", "mods/aaasponge.jar", "config/sponge" } } ; handler.UpdateInstance(wizard.ResultValues.Item1); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Select an instance in the idle instances"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Select an instance in the idle instances"); } break; } } }
private void ServerMonitorLoop() { MiscTools.SpawnBackgroundWorker(() => CpuLoadUpdateLoop()); MiscTools.SpawnBackgroundWorker(() => SensorsUpdateLoop()); MiscTools.SpawnBackgroundWorker(() => TopUpdateLoop()); }
public void OpenPutty(string path) { var runningScreens = SshHandler.GetRunningScreensRaw(); var screenid = runningScreens.Where(x => x.Replace(':', '/').EndsWith(MiscTools.DirWithoutFile(path))).FirstOrDefault(); var proc = PuttyOpener.OpenPutty("screen -x " + screenid.Quotate()); proc.WaitForInputIdle(); }
public void KillInstance(string path) { var runningScreens = SshHandler.GetRunningScreensRaw(); var screenid = runningScreens.Where(x => x.Replace(':', '/').EndsWith(MiscTools.DirWithoutFile(path))).FirstOrDefault(); SshHandler.RunCommand("screen -S " + screenid.Quotate() + " -X quit"); }
public Task StopInstance(string path) { var runningScreens = SshHandler.GetRunningScreensRaw(); var screenid = runningScreens.Where(x => x.Replace(':', '/').EndsWith(MiscTools.DirWithoutFile(path))).FirstOrDefault(); var task = new Task(() => { SshHandler.RunCommand(("while screen -S " + screenid.Quotate() + " -X stuff \"stop\nend\n\"").CombineCommand("do sleep 0.5; done")); }); task.Start(); return(task); }