private void makeStudents() { Student firstStudent = new Student(); Student.StudentCount++; Student secondStudent = new Student(); Student.StudentCount++; Student thirdStudent = new Student("Peter", "String", "80%"); Student.StudentCount++; firstStudent.firstName = "John"; firstStudent.lastName = "Smith"; firstStudent.grade = "six"; secondStudent.firstName = "Tom"; secondStudent.lastName = "Thumb"; secondStudent.grade = "two"; Console.WriteLine("firstStudent.firstName = " + firstStudent.firstName); Console.WriteLine("secondStudent.firstName = " + secondStudent.firstName); Console.WriteLine("thirdStudent.firstName = " + thirdStudent.firstName); Console.WriteLine("Student.StudentCount = " + Student.StudentCount); Program.dividingLine(); firstStudent.displayName(); Console.WriteLine(secondStudent.concatenateName()); //pass reference type - method will affect the instance passed to it changeStudent(firstStudent); Console.WriteLine("Now firstStudent fullname = " + firstStudent.concatenateName()); }
private void changeStudent(Student inStudent) { //because student is a reference type changes made in this method will change the student at Program level inStudent.lastName = "Self"; }