public static PlayerList Load(string path, Group groupName) { if (!Directory.Exists("ranks")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("ranks"); } path = "ranks/" + path; PlayerList list = new PlayerList(); = groupName; if (File.Exists(path)) { foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(path)) { list.Add(line); } } else { File.Create(path).Close(); Server.s.Log("CREATED NEW: " + path); } return list; }
public static void InitAll() { GroupList = new List<Group>(); if (File.Exists("properties/")) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("properties/"); Group thisGroup = new Group(); int gots = 0; foreach (string s in lines) { try { if (s != "" && s[0] != '#') { if (s.Split('=').Length == 2) { string property = s.Split('=')[0].Trim(); string value = s.Split('=')[1].Trim(); if ( == "" && property.ToLower() != "rankname") { Server.s.Log("Hitting an error at " + s + " of"); } else { switch (property.ToLower()) { case "rankname": gots = 0; thisGroup = new Group(); if (value.ToLower() == "developers" || value.ToLower() == "devs") Server.s.Log("You are not a developer. Stop pretending you are."); else if (GroupList.Find(grp => == value.ToLower()) == null) thisGroup.trueName = value; else Server.s.Log("Cannot add the rank " + value + " twice"); break; case "permission": int foundPermission; try { foundPermission = int.Parse(value); } catch { Server.s.Log("Invalid permission on " + s); break; } if (thisGroup.Permission != LevelPermission.Null) { Server.s.Log("Setting permission again on " + s); gots--; } bool allowed = true; if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == (LevelPermission)foundPermission) != null) allowed = false; if (foundPermission > 119 || foundPermission < -50) { Server.s.Log("Permission must be between -50 and 119 for ranks"); break; } if (allowed) { gots++; thisGroup.Permission = (LevelPermission)foundPermission; } else { Server.s.Log("Cannot have 2 ranks set at permission level " + value); } break; case "limit": int foundLimit; try { foundLimit = int.Parse(value); } catch { Server.s.Log("Invalid limit on " + s); break; } gots++; thisGroup.maxBlocks = foundLimit; break; case "color": char foundChar; try { foundChar = char.Parse(value); } catch { Server.s.Log("Incorrect color on " + s); break; } if ((foundChar >= '0' && foundChar <= '9') || (foundChar >= 'a' && foundChar <= 'f')) { gots++; thisGroup.color = foundChar.ToString(); } else { Server.s.Log("Invalid color code at " + s); } break; case "filename": if (value.Contains("\\") || value.Contains("/")) { Server.s.Log("Invalid filename on " + s); break; } gots++; thisGroup.fileName = value; break; } if (gots >= 4) { GroupList.Add(new Group(thisGroup.Permission, thisGroup.maxBlocks, thisGroup.trueName, thisGroup.color[0], thisGroup.fileName)); } } } else { Server.s.Log("In, the line " + s + " is wrongly formatted"); } } } catch { } } } if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.Banned) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Banned, 1, "Banned", '8', "banned.txt")); if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.Guest) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Guest, 1, "Guest", '7', "guest.txt")); if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.Builder) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Builder, 400, "Builder", '2', "builders.txt")); if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.AdvBuilder) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.AdvBuilder, 1200, "AdvBuilder", '3', "advbuilders.txt")); if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.Operator) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Operator, 2500, "Operator", 'c', "operators.txt")); if (GroupList.Find(grp => grp.Permission == LevelPermission.Admin) == null) GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Admin, 65536, "SuperOP", 'e', "uberOps.txt")); GroupList.Add(new Group(LevelPermission.Nobody, 65536, "Nobody", '0', "nobody.txt")); bool swap = true; Group storedGroup; while (swap) { swap = false; for (int i = 0; i < GroupList.Count - 1; i++) if (GroupList[i].Permission > GroupList[i + 1].Permission) { swap = true; storedGroup = GroupList[i]; GroupList[i] = GroupList[i + 1]; GroupList[i + 1] = storedGroup; } } if (Group.Find(Server.defaultRank) != null) standard = Group.Find(Server.defaultRank); else standard = Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Guest); foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { = GroupList.Find(g => ==; } saveGroups(GroupList); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { // TODO try { if (message != "") { Help(p); return; } message = ""; string message2 = ""; bool Once = false; Server.levels.ForEach(delegate(MCLawl.Level level) { if (level.permissionvisit <= { if (Group.findPerm(level.permissionbuild) != null) { message += ", " + Group.findPerm(level.permissionbuild).color + + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } else { message += ", " + + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } } else { if (!Once) { Once = true; if (Group.findPerm(level.permissionvisit) != null) { message2 += Group.findPerm(level.permissionvisit).color + + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } else { message2 += + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } } else { if (Group.findPerm(level.permissionvisit) != null) { message2 += ", " + Group.findPerm(level.permissionvisit).color + + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } else { message2 += ", " + + " &b[" + level.physics + "]"; } } } }); Player.SendMessage(p, "Loaded: " + message.Remove(0, 2)); if (message2 != "") { Player.SendMessage(p, "Can't Goto: " + message2); } Player.SendMessage(p, "Use &4/unloaded for unloaded levels."); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
private void btnAddRank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Random rand = new Random(); Group newGroup = new Group((LevelPermission)5, 600, "CHANGEME", '1', "CHANGEME.txt"); storedRanks.Add(newGroup); listRanks.Items.Add(newGroup.trueName + " = " + (int)newGroup.Permission); }