public static void LoadAllSettings() { // Unload custom plugins List <Plugin> plugins = new List <Plugin>(Plugin.all); foreach (Plugin p in plugins) { if (Plugin.core.Contains(p)) { continue; } Plugin.Unload(p, false); } ZSGame.Instance.infectMessages = ZSConfig.LoadInfectMessages(); Colors.Load(); Alias.Load(); BlockDefinition.LoadGlobal(); ImagePalette.Load(); SrvProperties.Load(); AuthService.ReloadDefault(); Group.LoadAll(); CommandPerms.Load(); Command.InitAll(); Block.SetBlocks(); AwardsList.Load(); PlayerAwards.Load(); Economy.Load(); WarpList.Global.Filename = "extra/"; WarpList.Global.Load(); CommandExtraPerms.Load(); ProfanityFilter.Init(); Team.LoadList(); ChatTokens.LoadCustom(); SrvProperties.FixupOldPerms(); CpeExtension.LoadDisabledList(); TextFile announcementsFile = TextFile.Files["Announcements"]; announcementsFile.EnsureExists(); announcements = announcementsFile.GetText(); // Reload custom plugins foreach (Plugin p in plugins) { if (Plugin.core.Contains(p)) { continue; } Plugin.Load(p, false); } OnConfigUpdatedEvent.Call(); }
/// <summary> Sends a chat message from the given player (e.g. regular player chat or /me) </summary> /// <remarks> Chat messages will increase player's total messages sent in /info, /// and count towards triggering automute for chat spamming </remarks> /// <remarks> Only players not ignoring the given player will see this message. </remarks> public static void MessageChat(ChatScope scope, Player source, string msg, object arg, ChatMessageFilter filter, bool relay = false) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; ChatMessageFilter scopeFilter = scopeFilters[(int)scope]; bool counted = false; // Filter out bad words if (Server.Config.ProfanityFiltering) { msg = ProfanityFilter.Parse(msg); } OnChatEvent.Call(scope, source, msg, arg, ref filter, relay); foreach (Player pl in players) { if (Ignoring(pl, source)) { continue; } // Always show message to self too (unless ignoring self) if (pl != source) { if (!scopeFilter(pl, arg)) { continue; } if (filter != null && !filter(pl, arg)) { continue; } if (!counted) { source.TotalMessagesSent++; counted = true; } } else { // don't send PM back to self if (scope == ChatScope.PM) { continue; } } pl.Message(UnescapeMessage(pl, source, msg)); } source.CheckForMessageSpam(); }
public static void LoadAllSettings() { // Unload custom plugins List <Plugin> plugins = Plugin.all; foreach (Plugin plugin in plugins) { if (Plugin.core.Contains(plugin)) { continue; } plugin.Unload(false); } zombie.LoadInfectMessages(); Colors.LoadList(); Alias.Load(); BlockDefinition.LoadGlobal(); ImagePalette.Load(); SrvProperties.Load(); Group.InitAll(); Command.InitAll(); CommandPerms.Load(); Block.SetBlocks(); BlockDefinition.UpdateGlobalBlockProps(); Awards.Load(); Economy.Load(); WarpList.Global.Filename = "extra/"; WarpList.Global.Load(); CommandExtraPerms.Load(); ProfanityFilter.Init(); Team.LoadList(); ChatTokens.LoadCustom(); SrvProperties.FixupOldPerms(); // Reload custom plugins foreach (Plugin plugin in plugins) { if (Plugin.core.Contains(plugin)) { continue; } plugin.Load(false); } }
public static void LoadAllSettings() { Colors.LoadExtColors(); Alias.Load(); BlockDefinition.LoadGlobal(); SrvProperties.Load("properties/"); Updater.Load("properties/"); Group.InitAll(); Command.InitAll(); GrpCommands.fillRanks(); Block.SetBlocks(); Awards.Load(); Economy.Load(); Warp.LOAD(); CommandOtherPerms.Load(); ProfanityFilter.Init(); Team.LoadList(); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { message = message.TrimEnd(); if (message.Length == 0) { return; } bool opchat = channel.CaselessEq(opchannel); message = Colors.IrcToMinecraftColors(message); message = CP437Reader.ConvertToRaw(message); string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces(3); string ircCmd = parts[0].ToLower(); string nick = opchat ? "#@private@#" : "#@public@#"; if (HandleWhoCommand(nick, ircCmd, opchat)) { return; } if (ircCmd == ".x" && !HandlePublicCommand(user, channel, message, parts, opchat)) { return; } if (channel.CaselessEq(opchannel)) { Server.s.Log(String.Format("(OPs): [IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Chat.MessageOps(String.Format("To Ops &f-%I[IRC] {0}&f- {1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } else { Server.s.Log(String.Format("[IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalIRCMessage(String.Format("%I[IRC] {0}: &f{1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } }
public static void LoadAllSettings() { zombie.LoadInfectMessages(); Colors.LoadExtColors(); Alias.Load(); Bots.BotsFile.Load(); BlockDefinition.LoadGlobal(); SrvProperties.Load("properties/"); Updater.Load("properties/"); Group.InitAll(); Command.InitAll(); GrpCommands.fillRanks(); Block.SetBlocks(); Awards.Load(); Economy.Load(); WarpList.Global.Load(null); CommandOtherPerms.Load(); ProfanityFilter.Init(); Team.LoadList(); ChatTokens.LoadCustom(); FixupOldPerms(); }
void HandleChat(byte[] buffer, int offset) { if (!loggedIn) { return; } byte continued = buffer[offset + 1]; string text = NetUtils.ReadString(buffer, offset + 2); LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (FilterChat(ref text, continued)) { return; } if (text != "/afk" && IsAfk) { CmdAfk.ToggleAfk(this, ""); } // Typing //Command appears in chat as /command // Suggested by McMrCat if (text.StartsWith("//")) { text = text.Remove(0, 1); } else if (DoCommand(text)) { return; } // People who are muted can't speak or vote if (muted) { SendMessage("You are muted."); return; } //Muted: Only allow commands // Lava Survival map vote recorder if (Server.lava.HasPlayer(this) && Server.lava.HasVote(text.ToLower())) { if (Server.lava.AddVote(this, text.ToLower())) { SendMessage("Your vote for &5" + text.ToLower().Capitalize() + " %Shas been placed. Thanks!"); + " voted for &5" + text.ToLower().Capitalize() + "%S."); return; } else { SendMessage("&cYou already voted!"); return; } } // Filter out bad words if (ServerConfig.ProfanityFiltering) { text = ProfanityFilter.Parse(text); } if (IsHandledMessage(text)) { return; } // Put this after vote collection so that people can vote even when chat is moderated if (Server.chatmod && !voice) { SendMessage("Chat moderation is on, you cannot speak."); return; } if (ChatModes.Handle(this, text)) { return; } if (text[0] == ':' && PlayingTntWars) { string newtext = text.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); TntWarsGame it = TntWarsGame.GameIn(this); if (it.GameMode == TntWarsGame.TntWarsGameMode.TDM) { TntWarsGame.player pl = it.FindPlayer(this); foreach (TntWarsGame.player p in it.Players) { if (pl.Red && p.Red) { SendMessage(p.p, "To Team " + + "-" + color + name + + "- %S" + newtext); } if (pl.Blue && p.Blue) { SendMessage(p.p, "To Team " + + "-" + color + name + + "- %S" + newtext); } } Logger.Log(LogType.GameActivity, "[TNT Wars] [TeamChat (" + (pl.Red ? "Red" : "Blue") + ") " + name + " " + newtext); return; } } text = HandleJoker(text); if (Chatroom != null) { Chat.MessageChatRoom(this, text, true, Chatroom); return; } bool levelOnly = !level.SeesServerWideChat; string format = levelOnly ? "<{0}>[level] {1}" : "<{0}> {1}"; Logger.Log(LogType.PlayerChat, format, name, text); OnPlayerChatEvent.Call(this, text); if (cancelchat) { cancelchat = false; return; } if (levelOnly) { Chat.MessageLevel(this, text, true, level); } else { SendChatFrom(this, text); } CheckForMessageSpam(); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { message = Colors.IrcToMinecraftColors(message); message = CP437Reader.ConvertToRaw(message); string[] parts = message.Split(trimChars, 3); string ircCmd = parts[0].ToLower(); if (ircCmd == ".who" || ircCmd == ".players") { try { CmdPlayers.DisplayPlayers(null, "", text => Say(text, false, true), false, false); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } } if (ircCmd == ".x") { string cmdName = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1].ToLower() : ""; string error; if (!CheckUserAndCommand(user, cmdName, message, out error)) { if (error != null) { Server.IRC.Say(error); } return; } Command cmd = Command.all.Find(cmdName); if (cmdName != "" && cmd != null) { Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + message.Replace(".x ", "") + " (by " + user.Nick + ")"); usedCmd = ""; string args = parts.Length > 2 ? parts[2] : ""; try { cmd.Use(new Player("IRC"), args); } catch (Exception e) { Server.IRC.Say("CMD Error: " + e.ToString()); } usedCmd = ""; } else { Server.IRC.Say("Unknown command!"); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Trim())) { message = "."; } if (channel.CaselessEq(opchannel)) { Server.s.Log(String.Format("(OPs): [IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Chat.GlobalMessageOps(String.Format("To Ops &f-%I[IRC] {0}&f- {1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } else { Server.s.Log(String.Format("[IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalIRCMessage(String.Format("%I[IRC] {0}: &f{1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } }
void HandleChat(byte[] buffer, int offset) { if (!loggedIn) { return; } byte continued = buffer[offset + 1]; string text = NetUtils.ReadString(buffer, offset + 2); LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (FilterChat(ref text, continued)) { return; } if (text != "/afk" && IsAfk) { CmdAfk.ToggleAfk(this, ""); } // Typing //Command appears in chat as /command // Suggested by McMrCat if (text.StartsWith("//")) { text = text.Remove(0, 1); } else if (DoCommand(text)) { return; } // People who are muted can't speak or vote if (muted) { Message("You are muted."); return; } //Muted: Only allow commands if ( { if (CheckVote(text, this, "y", "yes", ref Server.YesVotes) || CheckVote(text, this, "n", "no", ref Server.NoVotes)) { return; } } if (LSGame.Instance.HandlesChatMessage(this, text)) { return; } if (ZSGame.Instance.HandlesChatMessage(this, text)) { return; } // Put this after vote collection so that people can vote even when chat is moderated if (Server.chatmod && !voice) { Message("Chat moderation is on, you cannot speak."); return; } // Filter out bad words if (ServerConfig.ProfanityFiltering) { text = ProfanityFilter.Parse(text); } if (ChatModes.Handle(this, text)) { return; } text = HandleJoker(text); OnPlayerChatEvent.Call(this, text); if (cancelchat) { cancelchat = false; return; } if (Chatroom != null) { string roomPrefix = "<ChatRoom: " + Chatroom + "> λNICK: &f"; Chat.MessageChat(ChatScope.Chatroom, this, roomPrefix + text, Chatroom, null); } else { Chat.MessageChat(this, "λFULL: &f" + text, null, true); } }
void HandleChat(byte[] buffer, int offset) { if (!loggedIn) { return; } byte continued = buffer[offset + 1]; string text = NetUtils.ReadString(buffer, offset + 2); LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (FilterChat(ref text, continued)) { return; } if (text != "/afk" && IsAfk) { CmdAfk.ToggleAfk(this, ""); } bool isCommand; text = Chat.ParseInput(text, out isCommand); if (isCommand) { DoCommand(text); return; } // People who are muted can't speak or vote if (muted) { Message("You are muted."); return; } //Muted: Only allow commands if ( { if (CheckVote(text, this, "y", "yes", ref Server.YesVotes) || CheckVote(text, this, "n", "no", ref Server.NoVotes)) { return; } } if (LSGame.Instance.HandlesChatMessage(this, text)) { return; } if (ZSGame.Instance.HandlesChatMessage(this, text)) { return; } // Put this after vote collection so that people can vote even when chat is moderated if (!CheckCanSpeak("speak")) { return; } // Filter out bad words if (Server.Config.ProfanityFiltering) { text = ProfanityFilter.Parse(text); } if (ChatModes.Handle(this, text)) { return; } text = HandleJoker(text); OnPlayerChatEvent.Call(this, text); if (cancelchat) { cancelchat = false; return; } Chat.MessageChat(this, "λFULL: &f" + text, null, true); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { message = CP437Reader.ConvertToRaw(message); //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; //string msg = message; RemoveVariables(ref message); RemoveWhitespace(ref message); //if (message.Contains("^UGCS")) //{ // Server.UpdateGlobalSettings(); // return; //} if (message.Contains("^IPGET ")) { Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; foreach (Player p in players) { if ( == message.Split(' ')[1]) { if (Server.UseGlobalChat && IsConnected()) { if (Player.IsLocalIpAddress(p.ip)) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IP " + + ": " + Server.IP); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^PLAYER IS CONNECTING THROUGH A LOCAL IP."); } else { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IP " + + ": " + p.ip); } } } } } if (message.Contains("^SENDRULES ")) { Player who = PlayerInfo.Find(message.Split(' ')[1]); if (who != null) { Command.all.Find("gcrules").Use(who, ""); } } if (message.Contains("^GETINFO ")) { if (message.Split(' ')[1] == Server.GlobalChatNick()) { if (Server.UseGlobalChat && IsConnected()) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^NAME: " +; connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^MOTD: " + Server.motd); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^VERSION: " + Server.VersionString); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^URL: " + Server.URL); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^PLAYERS: " + PlayerInfo.Online.Count + "/" + Server.players); } } } //for RoboDash's anti advertise/swear in #globalchat if (message.Contains("^ISASERVER ")) { if (Server.GlobalChatNick() == message.Split(' ')[1]) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IMASERVER"); } } if (message.StartsWith("^")) { return; } message = message.MCCharFilter(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } if (OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage != null) { OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage(user.Nick, message); } if (Server.Devs.CaselessContains(message.Split(':')[0]) && !message.StartsWith("[Dev]") && !message.StartsWith("[Developer]")) { message = "[Dev]" + message; } else if (Server.Mods.CaselessContains(message.Split(':')[0]) && !message.StartsWith("[Mod]") && !message.StartsWith("[Moderator]")) { message = "[Mod]" + message; } /*try { * if(GUI.GuiEvent != null) * GUI.GuiEvents.GlobalChatEvent(this, "> " + user.Nick + ": " + message); } * catch { Server.s.Log(">[Global] " + user.Nick + ": " + message); }*/ Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("%G>[Global] {0}: &f{1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message), true); }