public static void PrintCommandInfo(Player p, Command cmd) { ItemPerms perms = CommandPerms.Find(; if (perms == null) { perms = new ItemPerms(cmd.defaultRank, null, null); } p.Message("Usable by: " + perms.Describe()); PrintAliases(p, cmd); List <CommandExtraPerms> extraPerms = CommandExtraPerms.FindAll(; if (cmd.ExtraPerms == null) { extraPerms.Clear(); } if (extraPerms.Count == 0) { return; } p.Message("%TExtra permissions:"); foreach (CommandExtraPerms extra in extraPerms) { p.Message("{0}) {1} {2}", extra.Num, extra.Describe(), extra.Desc); } }
static void ShowAltsTask(SchedulerTask task) { string name = (string)task.State; Player p = PlayerInfo.FindExact(name); if (p == null || p.ip == "" || p.Socket.Disconnected) { return; } List <string> alts = PlayerInfo.FindAccounts(p.ip); // in older versions it was possible for your name to appear multiple times in DB while (alts.CaselessRemove( { } if (alts.Count == 0) { return; } ItemPerms opchat = Chat.OpchatPerms; string altsMsg = "λNICK %Sis lately known as: " + alts.Join(); Chat.MessageFrom(p, altsMsg, (pl, obj) => pl.CanSee(p) && opchat.UsableBy(pl.Rank)); //IRCBot.Say(temp, true); //Tells people in op channel on IRC altsMsg = altsMsg.Replace("λNICK", name); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, altsMsg); }
public static void MessageStaff(Player p, string message, ItemPerms perms, string group) { if (message.Length == 0) { p.Message("No message to send."); return; } string chatMsg = "To " + group + " &f-λNICK&f- " + message; Chat.MessageChat(ChatScope.Perms, p, chatMsg, perms, null, true); }
public static bool CanEditAny(Player p) { if (LevelInfo.IsRealmOwner(p.level, { return(true); } ItemPerms perms = CommandExtraPerms.Find("Bot", 1) ?? new ItemPerms(LevelPermission.Operator); if (perms.UsableBy(p.Rank)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool CanEditAny(Player p) { if (LevelInfo.IsRealmOwner(, { return(true); } ItemPerms perms = CommandExtraPerms.Find("EffectSpawner", 1); perms = perms == null ? new ItemPerms(LevelPermission.Operator, null, null) : perms; if (perms.UsableBy(p.Rank)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void DisplayInfo(Player p) { p.Message("Bot {0} &S({1}) has:", ColoredName, name); p.Message(" Owner: &f{0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(Owner) ? "no one" : p.FormatNick(Owner)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AIName)) { p.Message(" AI: &f{0}", AIName); } if (hunt || kill) { p.Message(" Hunt: &f{0}&S, Kill: %f{1}", hunt, kill); } if (SkinName != name) { p.Message(" Skin: &f{0}", SkinName); } if (Model != "humanoid") { p.Message(" Model: &f{0}", Model); } if (!(ScaleX == 0 && ScaleY == 0 && ScaleZ == 0)) { p.Message(" X scale: &a{0}&S, Y scale: &a{1}&S, Z scale: &a{2}", ScaleX == 0 ? "none" : ScaleX.ToString(), ScaleY == 0 ? "none" : ScaleY.ToString(), ScaleZ == 0 ? "none" : ScaleZ.ToString() ); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClickedOnText)) { return; } ItemPerms perms = CommandExtraPerms.Find("About", 1) ?? new ItemPerms(LevelPermission.AdvBuilder); if (!perms.UsableBy(p.Rank)) { return; //don't show bot's ClickedOnText if player isn't allowed to see message block contents } p.Message(" Clicked-on text: {0}", ClickedOnText); }
protected void CopyTo(ItemPerms perms) { perms.MinRank = MinRank; perms.Allowed = Allowed == null ? null : new List <LevelPermission>(Allowed); perms.Disallowed = Disallowed == null ? null : new List <LevelPermission>(Disallowed); }