bool HandleIRCCommand(string nick, string userNick, string cmdName, string cmdArgs) { Command cmd = Command.all.Find(cmdName); Player p = MakeIRCPlayer(nick, userNick); if (cmd == null) { Player.Message(p, "Unknown command!"); return(false); } string logCmd = cmdArgs == "" ? cmdName : cmdName + " " + cmdArgs; Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + logCmd + " (by " + userNick + ")"); try { if (! { cmd.MessageCannotUse(p); return(false); } cmd.Use(p, cmdArgs); } catch (Exception ex) { Player.Message(p, "CMD Error: " + ex); } return(true); }
bool UseCommand(Command command, string message) { string cmd =; if (!cmd.CaselessEq("pass") && !cmd.CaselessEq("lastcmd")) { lastCMD = message.Length == 0 ? cmd : cmd + " " + message; lastCmdTime = DateTime.UtcNow; Logger.Log(LogType.CommandUsage, "{0} used /{1} {2}", name, cmd, message); } try { //opstats patch (since 5.5.11) if (Server.Opstats.CaselessContains(cmd) || (cmd.CaselessEq("review") && message.CaselessEq("next") && Server.reviewlist.Count > 0)) { Database.Backend.AddRow("Opstats", "Time, Name, Cmd, Cmdmsg", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), name, cmd, message); } } catch { } try { command.Use(this, message); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); Player.Message(this, "An error occured when using the command!"); Player.Message(this, e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message); return(false); } if (spamChecker != null && spamChecker.CheckCommandSpam()) { return(false); } return(true); }
bool UseCommand(Command command, string args, CommandData data) { string cmd =; if (command.UpdatesLastCmd) { lastCMD = args.Length == 0 ? cmd : cmd + " " + args; lastCmdTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (command.LogUsage) { Logger.Log(LogType.CommandUsage, "{0} used /{1} {2}", name, cmd, args); } try { //opstats patch (since 5.5.11) if (Server.Opstats.CaselessContains(cmd) || (cmd.CaselessEq("review") && args.CaselessEq("next") && Server.reviewlist.Count > 0)) { Database.AddRow("Opstats", "Time, Name, Cmd, Cmdmsg", DateTime.Now.ToString(Database.DateFormat), name, cmd, args); } } catch { } try { command.Use(this, args, data); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); Message("&WAn error occured when using the command!"); Message(e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message); return(false); } if (spamChecker != null) { if (data.Context == CommandContext.MessageBlock) { int ms = spamChecker.ReadCommandSpam(); if (ms > 10) { Thread.Sleep(ms); } // If commands are blocked abort. TimeSpan delta = cmdUnblocked - DateTime.UtcNow; if (delta.TotalSeconds > 0) { return(false); } } else if (spamChecker.CheckCommandSpam()) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void Listener_OnPrivate(UserInfo user, string message) { message = Colors.IrcToMinecraftColors(message); message = CP437Reader.ConvertToRaw(message); string[] parts = message.Split(trimChars, 2); string ircCmd = parts[0].ToLower(); if (ircCmd == ".who" || ircCmd == ".players") { try { CmdPlayers.DisplayPlayers(null, "", text => Pm(user.Nick, text), false, false); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } return; } string error; if (!CheckUserAndCommand(user, ircCmd, message, out error)) { if (error != null) { Pm(user.Nick, error); } return; } Command cmd = Command.all.Find(ircCmd); if (cmd != null) { Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + message + " (by " + user.Nick + ")"); usedCmd = user.Nick; string args = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : ""; try { cmd.Use(new Player("IRC"), args); } catch (Exception e) { Pm(user.Nick, "CMD Error: " + e.ToString()); } usedCmd = ""; } else { Pm(user.Nick, "Unknown command!"); } }
bool UseCommand(Command command, string args, CommandData data) { string cmd =; if (command.UpdatesLastCmd) { lastCMD = args.Length == 0 ? cmd : cmd + " " + args; lastCmdTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (command.LogUsage) { Logger.Log(LogType.CommandUsage, "{0} used /{1} {2}", name, cmd, args); } try { //opstats patch (since 5.5.11) if (Server.Opstats.CaselessContains(cmd) || (cmd.CaselessEq("review") && args.CaselessEq("next") && Server.reviewlist.Count > 0)) { Database.AddRow("Opstats", "Time, Name, Cmd, Cmdmsg", DateTime.Now.ToString(Database.DateFormat), name, cmd, args); } } catch { } try { command.Use(this, args, data); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); Message("&WAn error occured when using the command!"); Message(e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message); return(false); } if (spamChecker != null && spamChecker.CheckCommandSpam()) { return(false); } return(true); }
bool UseCommand(Command command, string message) { string cmd =; if (cmd != "repeat" && cmd != "pass") { lastCMD = message == "" ? cmd : cmd + " " + message; lastCmdTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (cmd != "pass") { Server.s.CommandUsed(name + " used /" + cmd + " " + message); } try { //opstats patch (since 5.5.11) if (Server.opstats.Contains(cmd) || (cmd == "review" && message.ToLower() == "next" && Server.reviewlist.Count > 0)) { Database.Backend.AddRow("Opstats", "Time, Name, Cmd, Cmdmsg", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), name, cmd, message); } } catch { } try { command.Use(this, message); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); Player.Message(this, "An error occured when using the command!"); Player.Message(this, e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message); return(false); } if (spamChecker.CheckCommandSpam()) { return(false); } return(true); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { message = Colors.IrcToMinecraftColors(message); message = CP437Reader.ConvertToRaw(message); string[] parts = message.Split(trimChars, 3); string ircCmd = parts[0].ToLower(); if (ircCmd == ".who" || ircCmd == ".players") { try { CmdPlayers.DisplayPlayers(null, "", text => Say(text, false, true), false, false); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } } if (ircCmd == ".x") { string cmdName = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1].ToLower() : ""; string error; if (!CheckUserAndCommand(user, cmdName, message, out error)) { if (error != null) { Server.IRC.Say(error); } return; } Command cmd = Command.all.Find(cmdName); if (cmdName != "" && cmd != null) { Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + message.Replace(".x ", "") + " (by " + user.Nick + ")"); usedCmd = ""; string args = parts.Length > 2 ? parts[2] : ""; try { cmd.Use(new Player("IRC"), args); } catch (Exception e) { Server.IRC.Say("CMD Error: " + e.ToString()); } usedCmd = ""; } else { Server.IRC.Say("Unknown command!"); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Trim())) { message = "."; } if (channel.CaselessEq(opchannel)) { Server.s.Log(String.Format("(OPs): [IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Chat.GlobalMessageOps(String.Format("To Ops &f-%I[IRC] {0}&f- {1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } else { Server.s.Log(String.Format("[IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalIRCMessage(String.Format("%I[IRC] {0}: &f{1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } }