static void FlyTo(Level lvl, ref Check C, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { int index = lvl.PosToInt(x, y, z); if (index < 0) { return; } switch (lvl.blocks[index]) { case Block.Air: lvl.AddUpdate(index, block); break; case Block.Op_Air: break; default: PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value1 = 25; lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.Red, false, args); break; } }
static void Firework(ref PhysInfo C, int size, Level lvl, Random rand) { int rand1 = rand.Next(Block.Red, Block.White); int rand2 = rand.Next(Block.Red, Block.White); int min = Math.Min(rand1, rand2), max = Math.Max(rand1, rand2); // Not using override, since override = true makes it more likely that a colored block will be // generated with no extraInfo, because it sets a Check for that position with no extraInfo. lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.Air, default(PhysicsArgs)); int index; ushort x = C.X, y = C.Y, z = C.Z; for (int yy = y - (size + 1); yy <= y + (size + 1); ++yy) { for (int zz = z - (size + 1); zz <= z + (size + 1); ++zz) { for (int xx = x - (size + 1); xx <= x + (size + 1); ++xx) { if (lvl.IsAirAt((ushort)xx, (ushort)yy, (ushort)zz, out index) && rand.Next(1, 40) < 2) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Drop; args.Value1 = 100; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value2 = 25; lvl.AddUpdate(index, (byte)rand.Next(min, max), args); } } } } }
static void ActivateTDoor(Level lvl, int index) { byte block = lvl.blocks[index]; if (block != Block.custom_block) { if (!Block.Props[block].IsTDoor) { return; } PhysicsArgs args = ActivateablePhysics.GetTDoorArgs(block, false); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.air, false, args); } else { block = lvl.GetExtTile(index); if (!lvl.CustomBlockProps[block].IsTDoor) { return; } PhysicsArgs args = ActivateablePhysics.GetTDoorArgs(block, true); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.air, false, args); } }
static void FlyTo(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, BlockID block) { int index; BlockID neighbour = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z, out index); if (neighbour == Block.Invalid) { return; } switch (neighbour) { case Block.Air: lvl.AddUpdate(index, block); break; case Block.Op_Air: break; default: // bird died by hitting a block PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value1 = 25; lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.Red, args); break; } }
static bool MoveSnake(Level lvl, ref Check C, int index) { if ( lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, -1, 0)) == Block.air && lvl.GetTile(index) == Block.air) { index = lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, -1, 0); } else if ( lvl.GetTile(index) == Block.air && lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0)) == Block.air) { } else if ( lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 2, 0)) == Block.air && lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0)) == Block.air) { index = lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0); } if (lvl.AddUpdate(index, lvl.blocks[C.b])) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = Block.air; lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.snaketail, true, args); return(true); } return(false); }
static bool MoveSnake(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { int index; // Move snake up or down blocks if (lvl.IsAirAt(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, out index) && lvl.IsAirAt(x, y, z)) { } else if (lvl.IsAirAt(x, y, z, out index) && lvl.IsAirAt(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z)) { } else if (lvl.IsAirAt(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, out index) && lvl.IsAirAt(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z)) { } else { return(false); } if (lvl.AddUpdate(index, C.Block)) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = Block.Air; lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.SnakeTail, args, true); return(true); } return(false); }
public static void Do(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) { if (C.Data.Type1 != PhysicsArgs.Custom) { return; } if (C.Data.Data == 0) { BlockID block = (BlockID)(C.Data.Value2 | (C.Data.ExtBlock << Block.ExtendedShift)); bool tdoor = lvl.Props[block].IsTDoor; if (tdoor) { tDoor(lvl, ref C); } else { Door(lvl, ref C); } } if (C.Data.Data <= C.Data.Value1) // value1 for wait time { C.Data.Data++; } else { PhysicsArgs dArgs = default(PhysicsArgs); dArgs.ExtBlock = C.Data.ExtBlock; lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, C.Data.Value2, dArgs); C.Data.Data = PhysicsArgs.RemoveFromChecks; } }
internal static PhysicsArgs GetDoorArgs(byte raw, bool isExt, out byte physForm) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 16 - 1; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = raw; args.Door = true; args.ExtBlock = isExt; physForm = Block.door_tree_air; // air if (isExt) { } else if (raw == Block.air_door || raw == Block.air_switch) { args.Value1 = 4 - 1; } else if (raw == Block.door_green) { physForm = Block.door_green_air; // red wool } else if (raw == Block.door_tnt) { args.Value1 = 4 - 1; physForm = Block.door_tnt_air; // lava } return(args); }
public static void DoAir(Level lvl, ref Check C) { ushort x, y, z; lvl.IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); ActivateablePhysics.CheckNeighbours(lvl, x, y, z); ActivateablePhysics.CheckAt(lvl, lvl.PosToInt(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z)); //Edge of map water if (lvl.Config.EdgeWater && (y < lvl.Config.EdgeLevel && y >= (lvl.Config.EdgeLevel + lvl.Config.SidesOffset))) { if (x == 0 || x == lvl.Width - 1 || z == 0 || z == lvl.Length - 1) { ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw((byte)lvl.Config.HorizonBlock); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.ExtBlock = block.BlockID == Block.custom_block; lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, block.RawID, false, args); } } if (! { = PhysicsArgs.RemoveFromChecks; } }
static void FlyTo(Level lvl, ref Check C, int x, int y, int z) { int index = lvl.PosToInt((ushort)x, (ushort)y, (ushort)z); if (index < 0) { return; } switch (lvl.blocks[index]) { case Block.air: lvl.AddUpdate(index, lvl.blocks[C.b]); break; case Block.op_air: break; default: PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value1 = 25; lvl.AddUpdate(C.b,, false, args); break; } }
static void Firework(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int size, Level lvl, Random rand) { if (lvl.physics < 1 || lvl.physics == 5) { return; } int rand1 = rand.Next(, Block.white); int rand2 = rand.Next(, Block.white); int min = Math.Min(rand1, rand2), max = Math.Max(rand1, rand2); // Not using override, since override = true makes it more likely that a colored block will be // generated with no extraInfo, because it sets a Check for that position with no extraInfo. lvl.AddUpdate(lvl.PosToInt(x, y, z), Block.air); for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - (size + 1)); yy <= (ushort)(y + (size + 1)); ++yy) { for (ushort zz = (ushort)(z - (size + 1)); zz <= (ushort)(z + (size + 1)); ++zz) { for (ushort xx = (ushort)(x - (size + 1)); xx <= (ushort)(x + (size + 1)); ++xx) { int index = lvl.PosToInt(xx, yy, zz); if (index >= 0 && lvl.blocks[index] == Block.air && rand.Next(1, 40) < 2) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Drop; args.Value1 = 100; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value2 = 25; lvl.AddUpdate(index, (byte)rand.Next(min, max), false, args); } } } } }
internal static PhysicsArgs GetTDoorArgs(BlockID block) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Custom; args.Value1 = 16; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = (BlockRaw)block; args.ExtBlock = (byte)(block >> Block.ExtendedShift); return(args); }
static void DoOther(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C, ref ExtraInfoArgs args) { Random rand = lvl.physRandom; if (args.Rainbow) { if (C.Data.Data < 4) { C.Data.Data++; } else { DoRainbow(lvl, ref C, rand, args.RainbowNum); } return; } if (args.Revert) { PhysicsArgs revertArgs = default(PhysicsArgs); revertArgs.ExtBlock = args.ExtBlock; lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, args.RevertType, revertArgs); C.Data.ResetTypes(); C.Data.Data = PhysicsArgs.RemoveFromChecks; } ushort x = C.X, y = C.Y, z = C.Z; // Not setting drop = false can cause occasional leftover blocks, since C.extraInfo is emptied, so // drop can generate another block with no dissipate/explode information. if (args.Dissipate && rand.Next(1, 100) <= args.DissipateNum) { if (!lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x, y, z)) { lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.Air, default(PhysicsArgs)); C.Data.ResetTypes(); args.Drop = false; } else { lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, C.Block, C.Data); } } if (args.Explode && rand.Next(1, 100) <= args.ExplodeNum) { lvl.MakeExplosion(x, y, z, 0); C.Data.ResetTypes(); args.Drop = false; } if (args.Drop && rand.Next(1, 100) <= args.DropNum) { DoDrop(lvl, ref C, rand, args.DropNum, x, y, z); } }
static void Explode(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int size, Random rand, int prob, TWGame game) { for (int xx = (x - size); xx <= (x + size); ++xx) { for (int yy = (y - size); yy <= (y + size); ++yy) { for (int zz = (z - size); zz <= (z + size); ++zz) { int index; BlockID b = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)xx, (ushort)yy, (ushort)zz, out index); if (b == Block.Invalid) { continue; } bool doDestroy = prob < 0 || rand.Next(1, 10) < prob; if (doDestroy && Block.Convert(b) != Block.TNT) { if (game != null && b != Block.Air && !IsFuse(b, xx - x, yy - y, zz - z)) { if (game.InZone((ushort)xx, (ushort)yy, (ushort)zz, game.tntImmuneZones)) { continue; } } int mode = rand.Next(1, 11); if (mode <= 4) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.TNT_Explosion, default(PhysicsArgs)); } else if (mode <= 8) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Air, default(PhysicsArgs)); } else { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Drop; args.Value1 = 50; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value2 = 8; lvl.AddCheck(index, false, args); } } else if (b == Block.TNT) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.TNT_Small, default(PhysicsArgs)); } else if (b == Block.TNT_Small || b == Block.TNT_Big || b == Block.TNT_Nuke) { lvl.AddCheck(index); } } } } }
static void Explode(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, int size, Random rand, int prob, TntWarsGame game) { for (int xx = (x - size); xx <= (x + size); ++xx) { for (int yy = (y - size); yy <= (y + size); ++yy) { for (int zz = (z - size); zz <= (z + size); ++zz) { int index = lvl.PosToInt((ushort)xx, (ushort)yy, (ushort)zz); if (index < 0) { continue; } byte b = lvl.blocks[index]; bool doDestroy = prob < 0 || rand.Next(1, 10) < prob; if (doDestroy && Block.Convert(b) != Block.TNT) { if (game != null && b != Block.Air) { if (game.InZone((ushort)xx, (ushort)yy, (ushort)zz, false)) { continue; } } int mode = rand.Next(1, 11); if (mode <= 4) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.TNT_Explosion); } else if (mode <= 8) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Air); } else { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Drop; args.Value1 = 50; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value2 = 8; lvl.AddCheck(index, false, args); } } else if (b == Block.TNT) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.TNT_Small); } else if (b == Block.TNT_Small || b == Block.TNT_Big || b == Block.TNT_Nuke) { lvl.AddCheck(index); } } } } }
internal static PhysicsArgs GetTDoorArgs(byte raw, bool isExt) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 16; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = raw; args.Door = true; args.ExtBlock = isExt; return(args); }
internal static PhysicsArgs GetTDoorArgs(ExtBlock block) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 16; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = block.RawID; args.Door = true; args.ExtBlock = block.BlockID == Block.custom_block; return(args); }
static void ActivateTDoor(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { int index; BlockID block = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z, out index); if (lvl.Props[block].IsTDoor) { PhysicsArgs args = ActivateablePhysics.GetTDoorArgs(block); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Air, args); } }
public static void Do(Level lvl, ref Check C) { Random rand = lvl.physRandom; int dirX = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirY = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirZ = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; ushort x, y, z; lvl.IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); for (int cx = -dirX; cx != 2 * dirX; cx += dirX) { for (int cy = -dirY; cy != 2 * dirY; cy += dirY) { for (int cz = -dirZ; cz != 2 * dirZ; cz += dirZ) { byte tileBelow = lvl.GetTile((ushort)(x + cx), (ushort)(y + cy - 1), (ushort)(z + cz)); byte tile = lvl.GetTile((ushort)(x + cx), (ushort)(y + cy), (ushort)(z + cz)); bool isRails = false; if (tileBelow != Block.custom_block) { isRails = Block.Props[tileBelow].IsRails; } else { byte extBelow = lvl.GetExtTile((ushort)(x + cx), (ushort)(y + cy - 1), (ushort)(z + cz)); isRails = lvl.CustomBlockProps[extBelow].IsRails; } if (isRails && (tile == Block.air || tile == Block.water)) { lvl.AddUpdate(lvl.PosToInt((ushort)(x + cx), (ushort)(y + cy), (ushort)(z + cz)), Block.train); lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.air); byte newBlock = tileBelow == Block.op_air ? : Block.obsidian; tileBelow = lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = tileBelow; if (tileBelow == Block.custom_block) { args.Value2 = lvl.GetExtTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z); args.ExtBlock = true; } lvl.AddUpdate(lvl.IntOffset(C.b, 0, -1, 0), newBlock, true, args); return; } } } } }
/// <summary> Activates fireworks, rockets, and TNT in 1 block radius around (x, y, z) </summary> public static void DoNeighbours(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { int bHead = 0, bTail = 0; for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { for (int dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) { for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { BlockID block = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy), (ushort)(z + dz)); if (block == Block.RocketStart) { bool isFree = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx * 2), (ushort)(y + dy * 2), (ushort)(z + dz * 2), out bTail) == Block.Air && lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx * 3), (ushort)(y + dy * 3), (ushort)(z + dz * 3), out bHead) == Block.Air && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx * 3, y + dy * 3, z + dz * 3) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx * 2, y + dy * 2, z + dz * 2); if (isFree) { lvl.AddUpdate(bHead, Block.RocketHead, default(PhysicsArgs)); lvl.AddUpdate(bTail, Block.LavaFire, default(PhysicsArgs)); } } else if (block == Block.Fireworks) { bool isFree = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy + 1), (ushort)(z + dz), out bTail) == Block.Air && lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy + 2), (ushort)(z + dz), out bHead) == Block.Air && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx, y + dy + 1, z + dz) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx, y + dy + 2, z + dz); if (isFree) { lvl.AddUpdate(bHead, Block.Fireworks, default(PhysicsArgs)); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value1 = 100; lvl.AddUpdate(bTail, Block.StillLava, args); } } else if (block == Block.TNT) { lvl.MakeExplosion((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy), (ushort)(z + dz), 0); } } } } }
/// <summary> Activates fireworks, rockets, and TNT in 1 block radius around (x, y, z) </summary> public static void DoNeighbours(Level lvl, int index, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { for (int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) { for (int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) { for (int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) { byte b = lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, xx, yy, zz)); if (b == Block.RocketStart) { int b1 = lvl.IntOffset(index, xx * 3, yy * 3, zz * 3); int b2 = lvl.IntOffset(index, xx * 2, yy * 2, zz * 2); bool unblocked = lvl.GetTile(b1) == Block.Air && lvl.GetTile(b2) == Block.Air && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + xx * 3, y + yy * 3, z + zz * 3) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + xx * 2, y + yy * 2, z + zz * 2); if (unblocked) { lvl.AddUpdate(b1, Block.RocketHead); lvl.AddUpdate(b2, Block.LavaFire); } } else if (b == Block.Fireworks) { int b1 = lvl.IntOffset(index, xx, yy + 1, zz); int b2 = lvl.IntOffset(index, xx, yy + 2, zz); bool unblocked = lvl.GetTile(b1) == Block.Air && lvl.GetTile(b2) == Block.Air && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + xx, y + yy + 1, z + zz) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + xx, y + yy + 2, z + zz); if (unblocked) { lvl.AddUpdate(b2, Block.Fireworks); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value1 = 100; lvl.AddUpdate(b1, Block.StillLava, false, args); } } else if (b == Block.TNT) { lvl.MakeExplosion((ushort)(x + xx), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + zz), 0); } } } } }
/// <summary> Activates doors, tdoors and toggles odoors at (x, y, z) </summary> public static void DoDoors(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, bool instant) { int index = lvl.PosToInt(x, y, z); if (index < 0) { return; } byte block = lvl.blocks[index]; bool ext = block == Block.custom_block; BlockProps[] props = Block.Props; if (ext) { block = lvl.GetExtTile(x, y, z); props = lvl.CustomBlockProps; } if (props[block].IsDoor) { byte physForm; PhysicsArgs args = GetDoorArgs(block, ext, out physForm); if (!instant) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, physForm, false, args); } else { lvl.Blockchange(index, physForm, false, args); } } else if (props[block].IsTDoor) { PhysicsArgs args = GetTDoorArgs(block, ext); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.air, false, args); } else { byte oDoor = props[block].ODoorId; if (oDoor != Block.Invalid) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, oDoor, true); } } }
/// <summary> Activates doors, tdoors and toggles odoors at (x, y, z) </summary> public static void DoDoors(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, bool instant) { int index; ExtBlock block = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z, out index); if (index == -1) { return; } int i = block.Index; if (lvl.Props[i].IsDoor) { byte physForm; PhysicsArgs args = GetDoorArgs(block, out physForm); if (!instant) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, physForm, false, args); } else { lvl.Blockchange(index, (ExtBlock)physForm, false, args); } } else if (lvl.Props[i].IsTDoor) { PhysicsArgs args = GetTDoorArgs(block); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Air, false, args); } else { ushort oDoorIndex = lvl.Props[i].oDoorIndex; if (oDoorIndex == Block.Invalid) { return; } ExtBlock oDoor = ExtBlock.FromIndex(oDoorIndex); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.ExtBlock = oDoor.BlockID == Block.custom_block; lvl.AddUpdate(index, oDoor.RawID, true, args); } }
static Player GetPlayer(ref PhysicsArgs args) { if (args.Type1 != PhysicsArgs.Custom) { return(null); } int id = args.Value1 | args.Value2 << 8 | (args.Data & 0xF) << 16; Player[] players = PlayerInfo.Online.Items; for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { if (players[i].SessionID == id) { return(players[i]); } } return(null); }
static bool MoveSnakeY(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z) { int index; BlockID block = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z, out index); BlockID above = lvl.GetBlock(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z); BlockID above2 = lvl.GetBlock(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z); if (block == Block.Air && (above == Block.Grass || above == Block.Dirt && above2 == Block.Air)) { if (lvl.AddUpdate(index, C.Block)) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = Block.Air; lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.SnakeTail, args, true); return(true); } } return(false); }
static bool MoveSnakeY(Level lvl, ref Check C, int index) { byte block = lvl.GetTile(index); byte blockAbove = lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0)); byte block2Above = lvl.GetTile(lvl.IntOffset(index, 0, 2, 0)); if (block == Block.air && (blockAbove == Block.grass || blockAbove == Block.dirt && block2Above == Block.air)) { if (lvl.AddUpdate(index, lvl.blocks[C.b])) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = Block.air; lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.snaketail, true, args); return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void Do(Level lvl, ref Check C) { Random rand = lvl.physRandom; int dirX = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirY = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirZ = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; ushort x, y, z; lvl.IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); for (int dx = -dirX; dx != 2 * dirX; dx += dirX) { for (int dy = -dirY; dy != 2 * dirY; dy += dirY) { for (int dz = -dirZ; dz != 2 * dirZ; dz += dirZ) { ExtBlock below = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy - 1), (ushort)(z + dz)); ExtBlock block = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy), (ushort)(z + dz)); bool isRails = lvl.Props[below.Index].IsRails; if (isRails && (block.BlockID == Block.Air || block.BlockID == Block.Water) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) { lvl.AddUpdate(lvl.PosToInt((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy), (ushort)(z + dz)), Block.Train); lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.Air); byte newBlock = below.BlockID == Block.Op_Air ? Block.Glass : Block.Obsidian; below = lvl.GetBlock(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = below.RawID; args.ExtBlock = below.BlockID == Block.custom_block; lvl.AddUpdate(lvl.IntOffset(C.b, 0, -1, 0), newBlock, true, args); return; } } } } }
public static void Do(Level lvl, ref Check C) { Random rand = lvl.physRandom; ushort x, y, z; lvl.IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); if (lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z) != Block.lavastill) { return; } if (lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z) == Block.air) { bool keepGoing = true; if ((lvl.Height * 80 / 100) < y) { keepGoing = rand.Next(1, 20) > 1; } if (keepGoing) { int bAbove = lvl.PosToInt(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z); bool unblocked = bAbove < 0 || !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x, y + 1, z); if (unblocked) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 1; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Dissipate; args.Value2 = 100; lvl.AddUpdate(bAbove, Block.firework, false); lvl.AddUpdate(C.b, Block.lavastill, false, args); args.Data =; = args; return; } } } Firework(x, y, z, 4, lvl, rand); }
public static void Do(Level lvl, ref PhysInfo C) { Random rand = lvl.physRandom; int dirX = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirY = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; int dirZ = rand.Next(1, 10) <= 5 ? 1 : -1; ushort x = C.X, y = C.Y, z = C.Z; for (int dx = -dirX; dx != 2 * dirX; dx += dirX) { for (int dy = -dirY; dy != 2 * dirY; dy += dirY) { for (int dz = -dirZ; dz != 2 * dirZ; dz += dirZ) { int index; BlockID below = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy - 1), (ushort)(z + dz)); BlockID block = lvl.GetBlock((ushort)(x + dx), (ushort)(y + dy), (ushort)(z + dz), out index); bool isRails = lvl.Props[below].IsRails; if (isRails && (block == Block.Air || block == Block.Water) && !lvl.listUpdateExists.Get(x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Train, default(PhysicsArgs)); lvl.AddUpdate(C.Index, Block.Air, default(PhysicsArgs)); BlockID newBlock = below == Block.Op_Air ? Block.Glass : Block.Obsidian; int belowIndex; below = lvl.GetBlock(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, out belowIndex); PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.Type1 = PhysicsArgs.Wait; args.Value1 = 5; args.Type2 = PhysicsArgs.Revert; args.Value2 = (BlockRaw)below; args.ExtBlock = (byte)(below >> Block.ExtendedShift); lvl.AddUpdate(belowIndex, newBlock, args, true); return; } } } } }
/// <summary> Activates doors, tdoors and toggles odoors at (x, y, z) </summary> public static void DoDoors(Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, bool instant) { int index; BlockID block = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z, out index); if (index == -1) { return; } if (lvl.Props[block].IsDoor) { BlockID physForm; PhysicsArgs args = GetDoorArgs(block, out physForm); if (!instant) { lvl.AddUpdate(index, physForm, args); } else { lvl.Blockchange(index, physForm, false, args); } } else if (lvl.Props[block].IsTDoor) { PhysicsArgs args = GetTDoorArgs(block); lvl.AddUpdate(index, Block.Air, args); } else { BlockID oDoor = lvl.Props[block].oDoorBlock; if (oDoor == Block.Invalid) { return; } lvl.AddUpdate(index, oDoor, true); } }