// This is where the magic happens, naturally. // p is the player object for the player executing the command. message is everything after the command invocation itself. public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (!Directory.Exists("text/lockdown")) { p.SendMessage("Could not locate the folder creating one now."); Directory.CreateDirectory("text/lockdown"); Directory.CreateDirectory("text/lockdown/map"); p.SendMessage("Added the settings for the command"); } string[] param = message.Split(' '); { if (param.Length == 2) { if (param[0] == "map") { if (File.Exists("text/lockdown/map/" + param[1] + "")) { File.Delete("text/lockdown/map/" + param[1] + ""); Player.SendMessage(p, "the map " + param[1] + " have been unlocked"); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "the map " + param[1] + " is not locked or does not exist"); } } } if (param.Length == 2) // shift number to the next lockdown command { if (param[0] == "player") { Player who = Player.Find(param[1]); { if (who != null) { if (who.jailed) { if (p != null) { if (who.group.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot lock down someone of equal or greater rank."); return; } } if (who.level != p.level) { Command.all.Find("goto").Use(who, p.level.name); } Player.GlobalDie(who, false); who.jailed = false; Player.GlobalChat(p, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " have been unlocked!", true); return; } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "the player " + param[1] + " is not locked down"); } return; } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "there is no such player online!"); } return; } } } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } int pos = message.IndexOf(' '); Player who = Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); if (who == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find player."); return; } if (p != null && who.group.Permission > p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change the title of someone of greater rank"); return; } string query; string newTitle = ""; if (message.Split(' ').Length > 1) { newTitle = message.Substring(pos + 1); } else { who.title = ""; who.SetPrefix(); Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " had their title removed.", false); query = "UPDATE Players SET Title = '' WHERE Name = '" + who.name + "'"; Database.executeQuery(query); return; } if (newTitle != "") { newTitle = newTitle.ToString().Trim().Replace("[", ""); newTitle = newTitle.Replace("]", ""); /* if (newTitle[0].ToString() != "[") newTitle = "[" + newTitle; * if (newTitle.Trim()[newTitle.Trim().Length - 1].ToString() != "]") newTitle = newTitle.Trim() + "]"; * if (newTitle[newTitle.Length - 1].ToString() != " ") newTitle = newTitle + " "; */ } if (newTitle.Length > 17) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Title must be under 17 letters."); return; } if (p != null && !Server.devs.Contains(p.name)) { if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name) || newTitle.ToLower() == "dev" || (newTitle.ToLower().Contains("dev") && newTitle.ToLower().Contains("%"))) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Can't let you do that, starfox."); return; } } if (newTitle != "") { Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " was given the title of &b[" + newTitle + "]", false); } else { Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.prefix + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " had their title removed.", false); } if (newTitle == "") { query = "UPDATE Players SET Title = '' WHERE Name = '" + who.name + "'"; } else { query = "UPDATE Players SET Title = '" + newTitle.Replace("'", "\'") + "' WHERE Name = '" + who.name + "'"; } Database.executeQuery(query); who.title = newTitle; who.SetPrefix(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if ((message.ToLower() == "set") && p != null) { p.level.jailx = p.pos[0]; p.level.jaily = p.pos[1]; p.level.jailz = p.pos[2]; p.level.jailrotx = p.rot[0]; p.level.jailroty = p.rot[1]; Player.SendMessage(p, "Set Jail point."); } else { Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who != null) { if (!who.jailed) { if (p != null) { if (who.group.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot jail someone of equal or greater rank."); return; } } Player.GlobalDie(who, false); if (p != null) { Player.GlobalSpawn(who, p.level.jailx, p.level.jaily, p.level.jailz, p.level.jailrotx, p.level.jailroty, true); } else { Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.level.jailx, who.level.jaily, who.level.jailz, who.level.jailrotx, who.level.jailroty, true); } who.jailed = true; if (p == null) { if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name) || Server.gcmodhasprotection(who.name)) { return; } Player.SendMessage(p, who.name + " was jailed."); } Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " was &8jailed", false); } else { if (p == null) { if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name) || Server.gcmodhasprotection(who.name)) { return; } Player.SendMessage(p, who.name + " was freed from jail."); } who.jailed = false; Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " was &afreed" + Server.DefaultColor + " from jail", false); } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified player."); } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { string path; if (message.Split(' ').Length == 1) { path = "levels/" + message + ".lvl"; } else if (message.Split(' ').Length == 2) { try { path = @Server.backupLocation + "/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + "/" + int.Parse(message.Split(' ')[1]) + "/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + ".lvl"; } catch { Help(p); return; } } else { Help(p); return; } if (File.Exists(path)) { FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path); try { GZipStream gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress); byte[] ver = new byte[2]; gs.Read(ver, 0, ver.Length); ushort version = BitConverter.ToUInt16(ver, 0); Level level; if (version == 1874) { byte[] header = new byte[16]; gs.Read(header, 0, header.Length); ushort width = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 0); ushort height = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 2); ushort depth = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 4); level = new Level(name, width, depth, height, "empty"); level.spawnx = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 6); level.spawnz = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 8); level.spawny = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 10); level.rotx = header[12]; level.roty = header[13]; } else { byte[] header = new byte[12]; gs.Read(header, 0, header.Length); ushort width = version; ushort height = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 0); ushort depth = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 2); level = new Level(name, width, depth, height, "grass"); level.spawnx = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 4); level.spawnz = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 6); level.spawny = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 8); level.rotx = header[10]; level.roty = header[11]; } level.setPhysics(0); byte[] blocks = new byte[level.width * level.height * level.depth]; gs.Read(blocks, 0, blocks.Length); level.blocks = blocks; gs.Close(); level.backedup = true; level.permissionbuild = LevelPermission.Admin; level.jailx = (ushort)(level.spawnx * 32); level.jaily = (ushort)(level.spawny * 32); level.jailz = (ushort)(level.spawnz * 32); level.jailrotx = level.rotx; level.jailroty = level.roty; p.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (p.level == pl.level && p != pl) { p.SendDie(pl.id); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (p.level == b.level) { p.SendDie(b.id); } } Player.GlobalDie(p, true); p.level = level; p.SendMotd(); p.SendRaw(2); byte[] buffer = new byte[level.blocks.Length + 4]; BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(level.blocks.Length)).CopyTo(buffer, 0); //ushort xx; ushort yy; ushort zz; for (int i = 0; i < level.blocks.Length; ++i) { buffer[4 + i] = Block.Convert(level.blocks[i]); } buffer = buffer.GZip(); int number = (int)Math.Ceiling(((double)buffer.Length) / 1024); for (int i = 1; buffer.Length > 0; ++i) { short length = (short)Math.Min(buffer.Length, 1024); byte[] send = new byte[1027]; Player.HTNO(length).CopyTo(send, 0); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, send, 2, length); byte[] tempbuffer = new byte[buffer.Length - length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, length, tempbuffer, 0, buffer.Length - length); buffer = tempbuffer; send[1026] = (byte)(i * 100 / number); p.SendRaw(3, send); Thread.Sleep(10); } buffer = new byte[6]; Player.HTNO((short)level.width).CopyTo(buffer, 0); Player.HTNO((short)level.depth).CopyTo(buffer, 2); Player.HTNO((short)level.height).CopyTo(buffer, 4); p.SendRaw(4, buffer); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + level.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + level.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + level.spawnz) * 32); p.aiming = false; Player.GlobalSpawn(p, x, y, z, level.rotx, level.roty, true); p.ClearBlockchange(); p.Loading = false; if (message.IndexOf(' ') == -1) { level.name = "&cMuseum " + Server.DefaultColor + "(" + message.Split(' ')[0] + ")"; } else { level.name = "&cMuseum " + Server.DefaultColor + "(" + message.Split(' ')[0] + " " + message.Split(' ')[1] + ")"; } if (!p.hidden) { Player.GlobalChat(null, p.color + p.prefix + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " went to the " + level.name, false); } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } catch (Exception ex) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Error loading level."); Server.ErrorLog(ex); return; } finally { fs.Close(); } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Level or backup could not be found."); return; } }
// This is where the magic happens, naturally. // p is the player object for the player executing the command. message is everything after the command invocation itself. public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (!Directory.Exists("text/lockdown")) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not locate the folder creating one now."); Directory.CreateDirectory("text/lockdown"); Directory.CreateDirectory("text/lockdown/map"); Player.SendMessage(p, "Added the settings for the command"); } string[] param = message.Split(' '); if (param.Length == 2 && (param[0] == "map" || param[0] == "player")) { if (param[0] == "map") { if (!Directory.Exists("text/lockdown/map")) { p.SendMessage("Could not locate the map folder, creating one now."); Directory.CreateDirectory("text/lockdown/map"); p.SendMessage("Added the map settings Directory within 'text/lockdown'!"); } string filepath = "text/lockdown/map/" + param[1] + ""; bool mapIsLockedDown = File.Exists(filepath); if (!mapIsLockedDown) { File.Create(filepath); Player.GlobalMessage("The map " + param[1] + " has been locked"); Player.GlobalMessageOps("Locked by: " + ((p == null) ? "Console" : p.name)); } else { File.Delete(filepath); Player.GlobalMessage("The map " + param[1] + " has been unlocked"); Player.GlobalMessageOps("Unlocked by: " + ((p == null) ? "Console" : p.name)); } } if (param[0] == "player") { Player who = Player.Find(param[1]); if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't lockdown a dev!"); return; } if (who == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no player with such name online"); return; } if (!who.jailed) { if (p != null) { if (who.group.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot lock down someone of equal or greater rank."); return; } } if (p != null && who.level != p.level) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Moving player to your map..."); Command.all.Find("goto").Use(who, p.level.name); int waits = 0; while (who.Loading) { Thread.Sleep(500); // If they don't load in 10 seconds, eff it. if (waits++ == 20) { break; } } } Player.GlobalDie(who, false); who.jailed = true; Player.GlobalChat(p, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " has been locked down!", true); Player.GlobalMessageOps("Locked by: " + ((p == null) ? "Console" : p.name)); return; } else { who.jailed = false; Player.GlobalChat(p, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " has been unlocked.", true); Player.GlobalMessageOps("Unlocked by: " + ((p == null) ? "Console" : p.name)); return; } } } else { Help(p); return; } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } try { Level foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) { Level startLevel = p.level; GC.Collect(); if (p.level == foundLevel) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You are already in \"" + foundLevel.name + "\"."); return; } if (!p.ignorePermission) { if (p.group.Permission < foundLevel.permissionvisit) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You're not allowed to go to " + foundLevel.name + "."); return; } } { if (!File.Exists("text/lockdown/map/" + message + "")) { p.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (p.level == pl.level && p != pl) { p.SendDie(pl.id); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (p.level == b.level) { p.SendDie(b.id); } } Player.GlobalDie(p, true); p.level = foundLevel; p.SendUserMOTD(); p.SendMap(); GC.Collect(); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + foundLevel.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnz) * 32); if (!p.hidden) { Player.GlobalSpawn(p, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty, true, ""); } else { unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty); } } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == p.level && p != pl && !pl.hidden) { p.SendSpawn(pl.id, pl.color + pl.name, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (b.level == p.level) { p.SendSpawn(b.id, b.color + b.name, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); } } if (!p.hidden) { Player.GlobalChat(p, p.color + "*" + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " went to &b" + foundLevel.name, false); } p.Loading = false; bool skipUnload = false; if (startLevel.unload && !startLevel.name.Contains("&cMuseum ")) { foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == startLevel) { skipUnload = true; } } if (!skipUnload && Server.AutoLoad) { startLevel.Unload(); } } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "The level " + message + " is locked."); } } } else if (Server.AutoLoad) { Command.all.Find("load").Use(p, message); foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) { Use(p, message); } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no level \"" + message + "\" loaded."); } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (p == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "This command can only be used in-game!"); return; } if (message == "check") { if (p.hidden) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You are currently hidden!"); return; } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "You are not currently hidden!"); return; } } else if (message != "") { if (p.possess != "") { Player.SendMessage(p, "Stop your current possession first."); return; } } Command opchat = Command.all.Find("opchat"); Command adminchat = Command.all.Find("adminchat"); p.hidden = !p.hidden; if (p.hidden) { Player.GlobalDie(p, true); Player.GlobalMessageOps("To Ops -" + p.color + p.name + "-" + Server.DefaultColor + " is now &finvisible" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); Player.GlobalChat(p, "&c- " + p.color + p.prefix + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " " + (File.Exists("text/logout/" + p.name + ".txt") ? File.ReadAllText("text/logout/" + p.name + ".txt") : "Disconnected."), false); Server.IRC.Say(p.name + " left the game (Disconnected.)"); if (!p.opchat) { opchat.Use(p, message); } //Player.SendMessage(p, "You're now &finvisible&e."); } else { Player.GlobalSpawn(p, p.pos[0], p.pos[1], p.pos[2], p.rot[0], p.rot[1], false); Player.GlobalMessageOps("To Ops -" + p.color + p.name + "-" + Server.DefaultColor + " is now &8visible" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); Player.GlobalChat(p, "&a+ " + p.color + p.prefix + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " " + (File.Exists("text/login/" + p.name + ".txt") ? File.ReadAllText("text/login/" + p.name + ".txt") : "joined the game."), false); Server.IRC.Say(p.name + " joined the game"); if (p.opchat) { opchat.Use(p, message); } if (p.adminchat) { adminchat.Use(p, message); } //Player.SendMessage(p, "You're now &8visible&e."); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "" || message.Split(' ').Length > 2) { Help(p); return; } int pos = message.IndexOf(' '); if (pos != -1) { Player who = Player.Find(message.Substring(0, pos)); if (who == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no player \"" + message.Substring(0, pos) + "\"!"); return; } if (message.Substring(pos + 1) == "del") { MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE Players SET color = '' WHERE name = '" + who.name + "'"); Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + "*" + Name(who.name) + " color reverted to " + who.group.color + "their group's default" + Server.DefaultColor + ".", false); who.color = who.group.color; Player.GlobalDie(who, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], who.rot[1], false); who.SetPrefix(); return; } string color = c.Parse(message.Substring(pos + 1)); if (color == "") { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no color \"" + message + "\"."); } else if (color == who.color) { Player.SendMessage(p, who.name + " already has that color."); } else { //Player.GlobalChat(who, p.color + "*" + p.name + "&e changed " + who.color + Name(who.name) + // " color to " + color + // c.Name(color) + "&e.", false); MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE Players SET color = '" + c.Name(color) + "' WHERE name = '" + who.name + "'"); Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + "*" + Name(who.name) + " color changed to " + color + c.Name(color) + Server.DefaultColor + ".", false); who.color = color; Player.GlobalDie(who, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], who.rot[1], false); who.SetPrefix(); } } else { if (message == "del") { MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE Players SET color = '' WHERE name = '" + p.name + "'"); Player.GlobalChat(p, p.color + "*" + Name(p.name) + " color reverted to " + p.group.color + "their group's default" + Server.DefaultColor + ".", false); p.color = p.group.color; Player.GlobalDie(p, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(p, p.pos[0], p.pos[1], p.pos[2], p.rot[0], p.rot[1], false); p.SetPrefix(); return; } string color = c.Parse(message); if (color == "") { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no color \"" + message + "\"."); } else if (color == p.color) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You already have that color."); } else { MySQL.executeQuery("UPDATE Players SET color = '" + c.Name(color) + "' WHERE name = '" + p.name + "'"); Player.GlobalChat(p, p.color + "*" + Name(p.name) + " color changed to " + color + c.Name(color) + Server.DefaultColor + ".", false); p.color = color; Player.GlobalDie(p, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(p, p.pos[0], p.pos[1], p.pos[2], p.rot[0], p.rot[1], false); p.SetPrefix(); } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { try { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } bool stealth = false; bool totalBan = false; if (message[0] == '#') { message = message.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); stealth = true; Server.s.Log("Stealth Ban Attempted"); } else if (message[0] == '@') { totalBan = true; message = message.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); } Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who == null) { if (!Player.ValidName(message)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid name \"" + message + "\"."); return; } if (Server.devs.Contains(message.ToLower())) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't ban a MCForge Developer!"); if (p != null) { Player.GlobalMessage(p.color + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " attempted to ban a MCForge Developer!"); } else { Player.GlobalMessage(Server.DefaultColor + "The Console attempted to ban a MCForge Developer!"); } return; } Group foundGroup = Group.findPlayerGroup(message); if (foundGroup.Permission >= LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't ban a " + foundGroup.name + "!"); return; } if (foundGroup.Permission == LevelPermission.Banned) { Player.SendMessage(p, message + " is already banned."); return; } foundGroup.playerList.Remove(message); foundGroup.playerList.Save(); Player.GlobalMessage(message + " &f(offline)" + Server.DefaultColor + " is now &8banned" + Server.DefaultColor + "!"); Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Add(message); } else { if (!Player.ValidName(who.name)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid name \"" + who.name + "\"."); return; } if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name.ToLower())) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't ban a MCForge Developer!"); if (p != null) { Player.GlobalMessage(p.color + p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " attempted to ban a MCForge Developer!"); } else { Player.GlobalMessage(Server.DefaultColor + "The Console attempted to ban a MCForge Developer!"); } return; } if (who.group.Permission >= LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't ban a " + who.group.name + "!"); return; } if (who.group.Permission == LevelPermission.Banned) { Player.SendMessage(p, message + " is already banned."); return; } who.group.playerList.Remove(message); who.group.playerList.Save(); if (stealth) { Player.GlobalMessageOps(who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " is now STEALTH &8banned" + Server.DefaultColor + "!"); } else { Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " is now &8banned" + Server.DefaultColor + "!", false); } who.group = Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned); who.color = who.group.color; Player.GlobalDie(who, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], who.rot[1], false); Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Add(who.name); } Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Save(); IRCBot.Say(message + " was banned."); Server.s.Log("BANNED: " + message.ToLower()); if (totalBan == true) { Command.all.Find("undo").Use(p, message + " 0"); Command.all.Find("banip").Use(p, "@ " + message); } } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } bool totalUnban = false; if (message[0] == '@') { totalUnban = true; message = message.Remove(0, 1).Trim(); } Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who == null) { if (Group.findPlayerGroup(message) != Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned)) { foreach (Server.TempBan tban in Server.tempBans) { if (tban.name.ToLower() == message.ToLower()) { Server.tempBans.Remove(tban); Player.GlobalMessage(message + " has had their temporary ban lifted."); return; } } Player.SendMessage(p, "Player is not banned."); return; } Player.GlobalMessage(message + " &8(banned)" + Server.DefaultColor + " is now " + Group.standard.color + Group.standard.name + Server.DefaultColor + "!"); Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Remove(message); } else { if (Group.findPlayerGroup(message) != Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned)) { foreach (Server.TempBan tban in Server.tempBans) { if (tban.name == who.name) { Server.tempBans.Remove(tban); Player.GlobalMessage(who.color + who.prefix + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + "has had their temporary ban lifted."); return; } } Player.SendMessage(p, "Player is not banned."); return; } Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.prefix + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " is now " + Group.standard.color + Group.standard.name + Server.DefaultColor + "!", false); who.group = Group.standard; who.color = who.group.color; Player.GlobalDie(who, false); Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], who.rot[1], false); Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Remove(message); } Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned).playerList.Save(); if (totalUnban) { Command.all.Find("unbanip").Use(p, "@" + message); } }
int MAX = -1; // This is the value changed to MAX in the Undo list, and used to allow everything undone. public override void Use(Player p, string message) { byte b; long seconds = -2; Player who = null; Player.UndoPos Pos; int CurrentPos = 0; bool undoPhysics = false; string whoName = String.Empty; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Clear(); } if (message == "") { if (p == null) { Player.SendMessage(null, "Console doesn't have an undo buffer."); return; } else { message = p.name.ToLower() + " 30"; } } try { if (message.Split(' ').Length > 1) { whoName = message.Split(' ')[0]; who = message.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() == "physics" ? null : Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); undoPhysics = message.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() == "physics"; message = message.Split(' ')[1].ToLower(); } else { who = (p == null || message.ToLower() == "physics") ? null : p; undoPhysics = message.ToLower() == "physics"; } //If user is undoing him/herself, then all is go. //If user is undoing someone else, then restrictions are used. if (p == who) { seconds = ((message.ToLower() != "all") ? long.Parse(message) : int.MaxValue); } else { seconds = getAllowed(p, message.ToLower()); } } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid seconds, or you're unable to use /xundo. Using 30 seconds."); //only run if seconds is an invalid number seconds = 30; } //At this point, we know the number is valid, and allowed for the particular person's group. if (who != null) { if (p != null) { if (who.group.Permission > p.group.Permission && who != p) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot undo a user of higher or equal rank"); return; } if (who != p && (int)p.group.Permission < CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 1)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Only an " + Group.findPermInt(CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 1)).name + "+ may undo other people's actions"); return; } } for (CurrentPos = who.UndoBuffer.Count - 1; CurrentPos >= 0; --CurrentPos) { try { Pos = who.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; Level foundLevel = Level.FindExact(Pos.mapName); b = foundLevel.GetTile(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z); if (Pos.timePlaced.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == Pos.newtype || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { foundLevel.Blockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Pos.type, true); Pos.newtype = Pos.type; Pos.type = b; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Add(Pos); } who.UndoBuffer.RemoveAt(CurrentPos); } } else { break; } } catch { } } if (p == who) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Undid your actions for the past &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds."); } else { Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + " seconds were undone.", false); // Also notify console Server.s.Log(who.name + "'s actions for the past " + seconds + " seconds were undone."); } return; } else if (undoPhysics) { if ((int)p.group.Permission < CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 2)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Reserved for " + Group.findPermInt(CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 2)).name + "+"); return; } if (!p.group.CanExecute(Command.all.Find("physics"))) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can only undo physics if you can use them."); return; } Command.all.Find("physics").Use(p, "0"); Level.UndoPos uP; ushort x, y, z; if (p.level.UndoBuffer.Count != Server.physUndo) { for (CurrentPos = p.level.currentUndo; CurrentPos >= 0; CurrentPos--) { try { uP = p.level.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; b = p.level.GetTile(uP.location); if (uP.timePerformed.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == uP.newType || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { p.level.IntToPos(uP.location, out x, out y, out z); p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, uP.oldType, true); } } else { break; } } catch { } } } else { for (CurrentPos = p.level.currentUndo; CurrentPos != p.level.currentUndo + 1; CurrentPos--) { try { if (CurrentPos < 0) { CurrentPos = p.level.UndoBuffer.Count - 1; } uP = p.level.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; b = p.level.GetTile(uP.location); if (uP.timePerformed.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == uP.newType || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { p.level.IntToPos(uP.location, out x, out y, out z); p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, uP.oldType, true); } } else { break; } } catch { } } } Player.GlobalMessage("Physics were undone &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds"); // Also notify console Player.SendMessage(null, "Physics were undone &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds"); } else // Here, who == null, meaning the user specified is offline { if (p != null) { if ((int)p.group.Permission < CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 1)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Reserved for " + Group.findPermInt(CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this, 1)).name + "+"); return; } // ^^^ is using the same as the 1st other permission for the this command because the only difference is that this is for offline players so it might aswell be the same!! } bool FoundUser = false; try { DirectoryInfo di; string[] fileContent; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Clear(); } if (Directory.Exists("extra/undo/" + whoName.ToLower())) { di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undo/" + whoName.ToLower()); for (int i = di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undo/" + whoName.ToLower() + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' '); if (!undoBlah(fileContent, seconds, p)) { break; } } FoundUser = true; } if (Directory.Exists("extra/undoPrevious/" + whoName.ToLower())) { di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undoPrevious/" + whoName.ToLower()); for (int i = di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undoPrevious/" + whoName.ToLower() + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' '); if (!undoBlah(fileContent, seconds, p)) { break; } } FoundUser = true; } if (FoundUser) { Player.GlobalMessage(Server.FindColor(whoName) + whoName + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds were undone."); // Also notify console Server.s.Log(whoName + "'s actions for the past " + seconds + " seconds were undone."); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find player specified."); } } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message.Split(' ').Length < 2) { Help(p); return; } Player who = Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); Group newRank = Group.Find(message.Split(' ')[1]); string msgGave; if (message.Split(' ').Length > 2) { msgGave = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ', message.IndexOf(' ') + 1)); } else { msgGave = "Congratulations!"; } if (newRank == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified rank."); return; } Group bannedGroup = Group.findPerm(LevelPermission.Banned); if (who == null) { string foundName = message.Split(' ')[0]; if (Group.findPlayerGroup(foundName) == bannedGroup || newRank == bannedGroup) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change the rank to or from \"" + bannedGroup.name + "\"."); return; } if (p != null) { if (Group.findPlayerGroup(foundName).Permission >= p.group.Permission || newRank.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change the rank of someone equal or higher than you"); return; } } Group oldGroup = Group.findPlayerGroup(foundName); oldGroup.playerList.Remove(foundName); oldGroup.playerList.Save(); newRank.playerList.Add(foundName); newRank.playerList.Save(); Player.GlobalMessage(foundName + " &f(offline)" + Server.DefaultColor + "'s rank was set to " + newRank.color + newRank.name); } else if (who == p) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change your own rank."); return; } else { if (p != null) { if (who.group == bannedGroup || newRank == bannedGroup) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change the rank to or from \"" + bannedGroup.name + "\"."); return; } if (who.group.Permission >= p.group.Permission || newRank.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot change the rank of someone equal or higher to yourself."); return; } } who.group.playerList.Remove(who.name); who.group.playerList.Save(); newRank.playerList.Add(who.name); newRank.playerList.Save(); Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s rank was set to " + newRank.color + newRank.name, false); Player.GlobalChat(null, "&6" + msgGave, false); who.group = newRank; who.color = who.group.color; Player.GlobalDie(who, false); who.SendMessage("You are now ranked " + newRank.color + newRank.name + Server.DefaultColor + ", type /help for your new set of commands."); Player.GlobalSpawn(who, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], who.rot[1], false); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "" || message.IndexOf(' ') == -1) { Help(p); return; } bool give = true; if (message.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() == "give") { give = true; message = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } else if (message.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() == "take") { give = false; message = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ') + 1); } string foundPlayer = message.Split(' ')[0]; Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who != null) { foundPlayer = who.name; } string awardName = message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ') + 1); if (!Awards.awardExists(awardName)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "The award you entered doesn't exist"); Player.SendMessage(p, "Use /awards for a list of awards"); return; } if (give) { if (Awards.giveAward(foundPlayer, awardName)) { Player.GlobalChat(p, Server.FindColor(foundPlayer) + foundPlayer + Server.DefaultColor + " was awarded: &b" + Awards.camelCase(awardName), false); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "The player already has that award!"); } } else { if (Awards.takeAward(foundPlayer, awardName)) { Player.GlobalChat(p, Server.FindColor(foundPlayer) + foundPlayer + Server.DefaultColor + " had their &b" + Awards.camelCase(awardName) + Server.DefaultColor + " award removed", false); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "The player didn't have the award you tried to take"); } } Awards.Save(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { byte b; Int64 seconds; Player who; Player.UndoPos Pos; int CurrentPos = 0; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Clear(); } if (message == "") { if (p == null) { Player.SendMessage(null, "Console doesn't have an undo buffer."); return; } else { message = p.name + " 30"; } } if (message.Split(' ').Length == 2) { if (message.Split(' ')[1].ToLower() == "all" && p == null) { seconds = 500000; } else if (message.Split(' ')[1].ToLower() == "all" && p.group.Permission > LevelPermission.Operator) { seconds = 500000; } else { try { seconds = Int64.Parse(message.Split(' ')[1]); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid seconds."); return; } } } else { try { seconds = int.Parse(message); if (p != null) { message = p.name + " " + message; } } catch { seconds = 30; message = message + " 30"; } } //if (message.Split(' ').Length == 1) if (char.IsDigit(message, 0)) { message = p.name + " " + message; } else { message = message + " 30"; } //try { seconds = Convert.ToInt16(message.Split(' ')[1]); } catch { seconds = 2; } if (seconds == 0) { seconds = 5400; } who = Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); if (who != null) { if (p != null) { if (who.group.Permission > p.group.Permission && who != p) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot undo a user of higher or equal rank"); return; } if (who != p && p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Only an OP+ may undo other people's actions"); return; } if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Builder && seconds > 120) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Guests may only undo 2 minutes."); return; } else if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.AdvBuilder && seconds > 300) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Builders may only undo 300 seconds."); return; } else if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Operator && seconds > 1200) { Player.SendMessage(p, "AdvBuilders may only undo 600 seconds."); return; } else if (p.group.Permission == LevelPermission.Operator && seconds > 5400) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Operators may only undo 5400 seconds."); return; } } for (CurrentPos = who.UndoBuffer.Count - 1; CurrentPos >= 0; --CurrentPos) { try { Pos = who.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; Level foundLevel = Level.FindExact(Pos.mapName); b = foundLevel.GetTile(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z); if (Pos.timePlaced.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == Pos.newtype || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { foundLevel.Blockchange(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, Pos.type, true); Pos.newtype = Pos.type; Pos.type = b; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Add(Pos); } who.UndoBuffer.RemoveAt(CurrentPos); } } else { break; } } catch { } } if (p == who) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Undid your actions for the past &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds."); } else { Player.GlobalChat(p, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + " seconds were undone.", false); // Also notify console Player.SendMessage(null, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + " seconds were undone."); } return; } else if (message.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() == "physics") { if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.AdvBuilder) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Reserved for Adv+"); return; } else if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Operator && seconds > 1200) { Player.SendMessage(p, "AdvBuilders may only undo 1200 seconds."); return; } else if (p.group.Permission == LevelPermission.Operator && seconds > 5400) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Operators may only undo 5400 seconds."); return; } Command.all.Find("physics").Use(p, "0"); Level.UndoPos uP; ushort x, y, z; if (p.level.UndoBuffer.Count != Server.physUndo) { for (CurrentPos = p.level.currentUndo; CurrentPos >= 0; CurrentPos--) { try { uP = p.level.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; b = p.level.GetTile(uP.location); if (uP.timePerformed.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == uP.newType || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { p.level.IntToPos(uP.location, out x, out y, out z); p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, uP.oldType, true); } } else { break; } } catch { } } } else { for (CurrentPos = p.level.currentUndo; CurrentPos != p.level.currentUndo + 1; CurrentPos--) { try { if (CurrentPos < 0) { CurrentPos = p.level.UndoBuffer.Count - 1; } uP = p.level.UndoBuffer[CurrentPos]; b = p.level.GetTile(uP.location); if (uP.timePerformed.AddSeconds(seconds) >= DateTime.Now) { if (b == uP.newType || Block.Convert(b) == Block.water || Block.Convert(b) == Block.lava) { p.level.IntToPos(uP.location, out x, out y, out z); p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, uP.oldType, true); } } else { break; } } catch { } } } Player.GlobalMessage("Physics were undone &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds"); // Also notify console Player.SendMessage(null, "Physics were undone &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds"); } else { if (p != null) { if (p.group.Permission < LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Reserved for OP+"); return; } if (seconds > 5400 && p.group.Permission == LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Only SuperOPs may undo more than 90 minutes."); return; } } bool FoundUser = false; try { DirectoryInfo di; string[] fileContent; if (p != null) { p.RedoBuffer.Clear(); } if (Directory.Exists("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0])) { di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0]); for (int i = di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undo/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' '); if (!undoBlah(fileContent, seconds, p)) { break; } } FoundUser = true; } if (Directory.Exists("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0])) { di = new DirectoryInfo("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0]); for (int i = di.GetFiles("*.undo").Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fileContent = File.ReadAllText("extra/undoPrevious/" + message.Split(' ')[0] + "/" + i + ".undo").Split(' '); if (!undoBlah(fileContent, seconds, p)) { break; } } FoundUser = true; } if (FoundUser) { Player.GlobalChat(p, Server.FindColor(message.Split(' ')[0]) + message.Split(' ')[0] + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds were undone.", false); // Also notify console Player.SendMessage(null, Server.FindColor(message.Split(' ')[0]) + message.Split(' ')[0] + Server.DefaultColor + "'s actions for the past &b" + seconds + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds were undone."); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find player specified."); } } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "" || message.Split(' ').Length > 2) { Help(p); return; } Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who == null) { if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name.ToLower())) { Player.SendMessage(p, "The player entered is not online, or is a developer."); return; } if (Server.muted.Contains(message)) { Server.muted.Remove(message); Player.GlobalMessage(message + Server.DefaultColor + " is not online but is now &bun-muted"); Server.muted.Save("muted.txt"); return; } } if (who == p) { if (p.muted) { p.muted = false; Player.SendMessage(p, "You &bun-muted" + Server.DefaultColor + " yourself!"); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot mute yourself!"); } return; } if (who.muted) { who.muted = false; Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " has been &bun-muted", false); Server.muted.Save("muted.txt"); } else { if (p != null) { if (who != p) { if (who.group.Permission >= p.group.Permission) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot mute someone of a higher or equal rank."); return; } } } if (Server.devs.Contains(who.name.ToLower())) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You can't mute a MCForge Developer!"); return; } who.muted = true; Player.GlobalChat(who, who.color + who.name + Server.DefaultColor + " has been &8muted", false); Server.muted.Save("muted.txt"); } }