public static void Load() { RankList.Clear(); LevelList.Clear(); foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("properties/")) { string[] s = line.Split(':'); if (s[0] == "SetupPermission") { SetupPermission = byte.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "EconomyEnabled") { Enabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "TitlesEnabled") { TitlesEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "TitlePrice") { TitlePrice = int.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "ColorsEnabled") { ColorsEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "ColorPrice") { ColorPrice = int.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "RanksEnabled") { RanksEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "Rank") { Rank rank = new Rank(); rank.Group = PlayerGroup.Find(s[1]); rank.Price = int.Parse(s[2]); RankList.Add(rank); } if (s[0] == "LevelsEnabled") { LevelsEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); } if (s[0] == "Level") { Economy.Level lvl = new Economy.Level(); lvl.Name = s[1]; lvl.X = s[2]; lvl.Y = s[3]; lvl.Z = s[4]; lvl.Type = s[5]; lvl.Price = int.Parse(s[6]); LevelList.Add(lvl); } } }
public static Economy.Level FindLevel(string name) { Economy.Level found = null; foreach (Economy.Level lvl in LevelList) { if (lvl.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) { found = lvl; } } return(found); }
public static void Load() { RankList.Clear(); LevelList.Clear(); foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("properties/")) { string[] s = line.Split(':'); if (s[0] == "SetupPermission") SetupPermission = byte.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "EconomyEnabled") Enabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "TitlesEnabled") TitlesEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "TitlePrice") TitlePrice = int.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "ColorsEnabled") ColorsEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "ColorPrice") ColorPrice = int.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "RanksEnabled") RanksEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "Rank") { Rank rank = new Rank(); rank.Group = PlayerGroup.Find(s[1]); rank.Price = int.Parse(s[2]); RankList.Add(rank); } if (s[0] == "LevelsEnabled") LevelsEnabled = bool.Parse(s[1]); if (s[0] == "Level") { Economy.Level lvl = new Economy.Level(); lvl.Name = s[1]; lvl.X = s[2]; lvl.Y = s[3]; lvl.Z = s[4]; lvl.Type = s[5]; lvl.Price = int.Parse(s[6]); LevelList.Add(lvl); } } }
public void Use(Player p, string[] args) { //TODO: Zoning after buying a level Economy.Load(); int ln = args.Length; switch (args[0].ToLower()) { #region Setup case "setup": case "set": if (!(p is ConsolePlayer)) { if (p.Group.Permission < Economy.SetupPermission) { p.SendMessage("You do not have permission to use /economy setup!"); return; } } if (!cargs(p, ln, 2)) return; switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "economy": case "eco": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "enable": case "on": if (!Economy.Enabled) { Economy.Enabled = true; p.SendMessage("Economy successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Economy is already enabled!"); } break; case "disable": case "off": if (Economy.Enabled) { Economy.Enabled = false; p.SendMessage("Economy successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Economy is already enabled!"); } break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; #region Color case "color": case "colors": case "colour": case "colours": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "enable": case "on": if (!Economy.ColorsEnabled) { Economy.ColorsEnabled = true; p.SendMessage("Colors successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Colors are already enabled!"); } break; case "disable": case "off": if (Economy.ColorsEnabled) { Economy.ColorsEnabled = false; p.SendMessage("Colors successfully disabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Colors are already disabled!"); } break; case "price": case "cost": if (!cargs(p, ln, 4)) return; if (!CheckPrice(p, args[3])) return; Economy.ColorPrice = int.Parse(args[3]); p.SendMessage("Color price successfully set to &3" + args[3] + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "."); break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; #endregion #region Title case "title": case "titles": switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "enable": case "on": if (!Economy.TitlesEnabled) { Economy.TitlesEnabled = true; p.SendMessage("Titles successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Titles are already enabled!"); } break; case "disable": case "off": if (Economy.TitlesEnabled) { Economy.TitlesEnabled = false; p.SendMessage("Titles successfully disabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Titles are already disabled!"); } break; case "price": case "cost": if (!CheckPrice(p, args[3])) return; Economy.TitlePrice = int.Parse(args[3]); p.SendMessage("Title price successfully set to &3" + args[3] + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "."); break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; #endregion #region Level case "level": case "levels": case "world": case "worlds": case "map": case "maps": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; Economy.Level lvl = new Economy.Level(); switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "enable": case "on": if (!Economy.LevelsEnabled) { Economy.LevelsEnabled = true; p.SendMessage("Levels successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Levels are already enabled!"); } break; case "disable": case "off": if (Economy.LevelsEnabled) { Economy.LevelsEnabled = false; p.SendMessage("Levels successfully disabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Levels are already disabled!"); } break; case "add": case "create": case "new": if (!cargs(p, ln, 9)) return; if (!CheckPrice(p, args[8])) return; if (!Valid(args[4]) || !Valid(args[5]) || !Valid(args[6])) { p.SendMessage("Invalid level size!"); return; } if (Economy.LevelExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("A level named \"" + args[3] + "\" already exists in the economy level list. To rename or edit said level entry, use &a/economy setup level edit <old name> <new name> <new x> <new y> <new z> <new type> <new price>" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); return; } lvl.Name = args[3].ToLower(); lvl.X = args[4]; lvl.Y = args[5]; lvl.Z = args[6]; lvl.Type = args[7].ToLower(); lvl.Price = int.Parse(args[8]); Economy.LevelList.Add(lvl); p.SendMessage("Successfully added the level preset \"" + args[3] + "\"."); lvl = null; break; case "delete": case "remove": case "del": if (!cargs(p, ln, 4)) return; if (!Economy.LevelExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("Level \"" + args[3] + "\" is not in the economy level list!"); return; } Economy.LevelList.Remove(lvl); p.SendMessage("Level preset \"" + lvl.Name + "\" successfully deleted"); break; case "edit": case "change": if (!cargs(p, ln, 10)) return; if (!CheckPrice(p, args[9])) return; if (!Valid(args[5]) || !Valid(args[6]) || !Valid(args[7])) { p.SendMessage("Invalid level size!"); return; } if (!Economy.LevelExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("Level \"" + args[3] + "\" is not in the economy level list!"); return; } Economy.LevelList.Remove(Economy.FindLevel(args[3])); lvl = new Economy.Level(); lvl.Name = args[4]; lvl.X = args[5]; lvl.Y = args[6]; lvl.Z = args[7]; lvl.Type = args[8]; lvl.Price = int.Parse(args[9]); Economy.LevelList.Add(lvl); if (args[3] != args[4]) p.SendMessage("Level \"" + args[3] + "\" successfully edited and/or renamed to \"" + args[4] + "\"."); if (args[3] == args[4]) p.SendMessage("Level \"" + args[3] + "\" successfully edited."); break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; #endregion #region Rank case "rank": case "ranks": case "group": case "groups": case "promotion": case "promotions": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; PlayerGroup group; Economy.Rank rank; switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "enable": case "on": if (!Economy.RanksEnabled) { Economy.RanksEnabled = true; p.SendMessage("Ranks successfully enabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Ranks are already enabled!"); } break; case "disable": case "off": if (Economy.RanksEnabled) { Economy.RanksEnabled = false; p.SendMessage("Ranks successfully disabled."); } else { p.SendMessage("Ranks are already disabled!"); } break; case "add": case "create": if (!cargs(p, ln, 5)) return; if (!CheckPrice(p, args[4])) return; if (Economy.RankExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("The rank \"" + args[3] + "\" is already in the economy system. To edit said rank entry, use &a/economy setup rank edit <rank name> <new price>" + Server.DefaultColor + "."); return; } group = PlayerGroup.Find(args[3]); if (group == null) { p.SendMessage("Rank \"" + args[3] + "\" not found!"); return; } rank = new Economy.Rank(); rank.Group = group; rank.Price = int.Parse(args[4]); Economy.RankList.Add(rank); p.SendMessage("Rank \"" + rank.Group.Name + "\" added to the economy system with the price set to " + rank.Price + "."); rank = null; group = null; break; case "remove": case "delete": case "del": if (!cargs(p, ln, 4)) return; if (!Economy.RankExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("The rank \"" + args[3] + "\" is not in the economy system."); return; } Economy.RankList.Remove(Economy.FindRank(args[3])); p.SendMessage("Rank \"" + args[3] + "\" successfully removed from the economy system."); break; case "edit": case "change": if (!cargs(p, ln, 5)) return; if (!CheckPrice(p, args[4])) return; if (!Economy.RankExists(args[3])) { p.SendMessage("The rank \"" + args[3] + "\" is not in the economy system."); return; } group = PlayerGroup.Find(args[3]); if (group == null) { p.SendMessage("Rank \"" + args[3] + "\" not found!"); return; } Economy.RankList.Remove(Economy.FindRank(args[3])); rank = new Economy.Rank(); rank.Group = group; rank.Price = int.Parse(args[4]); Economy.RankList.Add(rank); p.SendMessage("Price for rank \"" + args[3] + "\" set to &3" + args[4] + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "."); rank = null; group = null; break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; #endregion default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } Economy.Save(); break; #endregion #region Info case "info": case "information": if (!cargs(p, ln, 2)) return; switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "color": case "colors": case "colour": case "colours": p.SendMessage("Colors cost &3" + Economy.ColorPrice + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "."); break; case "title": case "titles": p.SendMessage("Titles cost &3" + Economy.ColorPrice + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "."); break; case "level": case "levels": case "map": case "maps": case "world": case "worlds": /*foreach (Economy.Level lvl in Economy.LevelList) { p.SendMessage("&a" + lvl.Name + ": &9Size: " + lvl.X + "&2x&9" + lvl.Y + "&2x&9" + lvl.Z + " &6Type: " + lvl.Type + " &3Price: " + lvl.Price); }*/ if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[2])) args[2] = "1"; List<Economy.Level> list = Economy.LevelList; int Page = 0; try { Page = int.Parse(args[2]); } catch { p.SendMessage("Invalid number!"); return; } int Pages = 0; if (list.Count % 10 > 0) Pages = (list.Count / 10) + 1; else Pages = list.Count / 10; if (Page > Pages) { p.SendMessage("You can't view page &3" + Page + Server.DefaultColor + ", there are only &a" + Pages + Server.DefaultColor + " pages!"); return; } p.SendMessage("Page &3" + Page + Server.DefaultColor + " of &a" + Pages); for (int i = 0; i <= list.Count; i++) if (list.Count / i == Page) p.SendMessage("&a" + list[i].Name + ": &9Size: " + list[i].X + "&2x&9" + list[i].Y + "&2x&9" + list[i].Z + " &6Type: " + list[i].Type + " &3Price: " + list[i].Price); break; case "rank": case "ranks": case "promotion": case "promotions": case "group": case "groups": foreach (Economy.Rank R in Economy.RankList) { p.SendMessage(R.Group.Color + R.Group.Name + Server.DefaultColor + ", Price: &3" + R.Price); } break; } break; #endregion #region Buy case "buy": if (!Economy.Enabled) { p.SendMessage("Economy is not enabled!"); return; } if (!cargs(p, ln, 2)) return; switch (args[1].ToLower()) { #region Title case "title": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; if (!Economy.TitlesEnabled) { p.SendMessage("Titles are not enabled for the economy system!"); return; } if (!CanAfford(p, Economy.TitlePrice)) return; p.ExtraData["Money"] = (int)p.ExtraData["Money"] - Economy.TitlePrice; Command.Find("title").Use(null, new string[] { p.Username, args[2] }); break; #endregion #region Color case "color": case "colour": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; if (!Economy.ColorsEnabled) { p.SendMessage("Titles are not enabled for the economy system!"); return; } if (!CanAfford(p, Economy.ColorPrice)) return; p.ExtraData["Money"] = (int)p.ExtraData["Money"] - Economy.ColorPrice; Command.Find("color").Use(null, new string[] { p.Username, args[2] }); break; #endregion #region Level case "level": case "map": case "world": if (!cargs(p, ln, 4)) return; Economy.Level lvl = Economy.FindLevel(args[2]); if (lvl == null) { p.SendMessage("Level \"" + args[2] + "\" is not in the economy levels list!"); return; } if (!CanAfford(p, lvl.Price)) return; p.ExtraData["Money"] = (int)p.ExtraData["Money"] - lvl.Price; Command.Find("newlvl").Use(null, new string[] { args[3], lvl.X, lvl.Z, lvl.Y, lvl.Type }); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Command.Find("goto").Use(p, new string[] { args[3] }); break; #endregion #region Rank case "rank": case "promotion": if (!cargs(p, ln, 3)) return; Economy.Rank rank = Economy.FindRank(args[2]); if (rank == null) { p.SendMessage("Rank \"" + args[2] + "\" is not in the economy ranks list."); return; } if (!CanAfford(p, rank.Price)) return; if (rank.Group.Permission <= p.Group.Permission) { p.SendMessage("You cannot purchase a rank with a permission lower than your own!"); return; } p.ExtraData["Money"] = (int)p.ExtraData["Money"] - rank.Price; rank.Group.AddPlayer(p); Player.UniversalChat(p.Color + p.Username + Server.DefaultColor + " has purchased the rank " + rank.Group.Color + rank.Group.Name + Server.DefaultColor + " for &3" + rank.Price + " " + Server.DefaultColor + Server.Moneys + "!"); break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region Help case "help": if (!cargs(p, ln, 2)) return; string msg = ""; foreach (string arg in args) if (arg != args[0]) msg += arg + " "; msg = msg.Trim().ToLower(); if (msg.StartsWith("info") || msg.StartsWith("information")) p.SendMessage("/eco info <color/title/level/rank> - Gives you information and pricing for the selected option."); switch (msg) { #region Setup case "setup": p.SendMessage("/eco setup economy <enable/disable> - Enable or disable economy."); p.SendMessage("/eco setup color <enable/disable/price> - Enable, disable, or set the price of colors."); p.SendMessage("/eco setup title <enable/disable/price> - Enable, disable, or set the price of titles."); p.SendMessage("/eco setup level <add/delete/edit> - Add, delete, or edit buy-able levels."); p.SendMessage("/eco setup rank <add/delete/edit> - Add, delete, or edit buy-able ranks."); p.SendMessage("&aUse /eco help setup <color/title/level/rank> for more specific help."); break; case "setup economy": p.SendMessage("/eco setup economy <enable/disable> - Enable or disable economy."); break; #region Color case "setup color": p.SendMessage("&3/eco setup color"); p.SendMessage("enable - Enables colors for the economy system."); p.SendMessage("disable - Disables colors for the economy system."); p.SendMessage("price <amount> - Sets the price of a color to <amount>."); break; case "setup color enable": p.SendMessage("/eco setup color enable - Enables colors for the economy system."); break; case "setup color disable": p.SendMessage("/eco setup color disable - Disables colors for the economy system."); break; case "setup color price": case "setup color cost": p.SendMessage("/eco setup color price <amount> - Sets the price of a color to <amount>."); break; #endregion #region Title case "setup title": p.SendMessage("&3/eco setup title"); p.SendMessage("enable - Enables titles for the economy system."); p.SendMessage("disable - Disables titles for the economy system."); p.SendMessage("price <amount> - Sets the price of a title to <amount>."); break; case "setup title enable": p.SendMessage("/eco setup title enable - Enables titles for the economy system."); break; case "setup title disable": p.SendMessage("/eco setup title disable - Disables titles for the economy system."); break; case "setup title price": case "setup title cost": p.SendMessage("/eco setup title price <amount> - Sets the price of a title to <amount>."); break; #endregion #region Level case "setup level": p.SendMessage("&3/eco setup level"); p.SendMessage("add <name> <X> <Y> <Z> <type> <price> - Adds a level preset named <name> with size values <X>, <Y>, <Z>, and type <type> to the economy system at a price of <price>."); p.SendMessage("delete <name> - Deletes a level preset named <name>."); p.SendMessage("edit <old name> <new name> <X> <Y> <Z> <type> <price> - Edits the level preset named <old name> to have the size values <X>, <Y>, <Z>, and type <type> at price <price>. If <new name> is different than <old name>, the preset will be renamed."); break; case "setup level add": case "setup level create": case "setup level new": p.SendMessage("/eco setup level add <name> <X> <Y> <Z> <type> <price> - Adds a level preset named <name> with size values <X>, <Y>, <Z>, and type <type> to the economy system at a price of <price>."); break; case "setup level delete": case "setup level remove": case "setup level del": p.SendMessage("/eco setup level delete <name> - Deletes a level preset named <name>."); break; case "setup level edit": case "setup level change": p.SendMessage("/eco setup level edit <old name> <new name> <X> <Y> <Z> <type> <price> - Edits the level preset named <old name> to have the size values <X>, <Y>, <Z>, and type <type> at price <price>. If <new name> is different than <old name>, the preset will be renamed."); break; #endregion #region Rank case "setup rank": p.SendMessage("&3/eco setup rank"); p.SendMessage("add <rank> <price> - Allows <rank> to be purchased for <price> " + Server.Moneys + "."); p.SendMessage("delete <rank> - Removes <rank> from the economy ranks list."); p.SendMessage("edit <rank> <new price> - Changes the price of <rank> to <new price>."); break; case "setup rank add": case "setup rank new": case "setup rank create": p.SendMessage("/eco setup rank add <rank> <price> - Allows <rank> to be purchased for <price> " + Server.Moneys + "."); break; case "setup rank delete": case "setup rank remove": case "setup rank del": p.SendMessage("/eco delete <rank> - Removes <rank> from the economy ranks list."); break; case "setup rank edit": case "setup rank change": p.SendMessage("/eco edit <rank> <new price> - Changes the price of <rank> to <new price>."); break; #endregion #endregion #region Buy case "buy": p.SendMessage("/eco buy <color/title/level/rank> - Buy a color, title, level, or rank."); p.SendMessage("&aUse /eco help buy <color/title/level/rank> for more specific help."); break; case "buy color": p.SendMessage("/eco buy color <color> - Buy and apply the selected color."); break; case "buy title": p.SendMessage("/eco buy title <title> - Buy and apply the selected title."); break; case "buy level": p.SendMessage("/eco buy level <level> - Buy <level>. (The level will be zoned for you automatically.)"); break; case "buy rank": p.SendMessage("/eco buy rank <rank> - Buy <rank>."); break; #endregion default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; } break; default: p.SendMessage("Invalid option!"); return; #endregion } }