コード例 #1
 public MBangThongBao(GraphicsDevice dohoa, Texture2D anhnenbang, Rectangle borongvien, Texture2D anhxacnhanthuong, Texture2D anhxacnhankichhoat, Texture2D anhhuybothuong, Texture2D anhhuybokichhoat, SoundEffect amkichhoat, Rectangle kichthuocmanhinh, Vector2 tilemanhinh)
     thietbidohoa = dohoa;
     ktmanhinh = kichthuocmanhinh;
     tile = tilemanhinh;
     gstoado = new Vector2((ktmanhinh.Width - ktmanhinh.X * tile.X) / 2, (ktmanhinh.Height - ktmanhinh.Y * tile.Y) / 2);
     anhnen = anhnenbang;
     tdhtdiemmau = gstoado;
     tlhtdiemmau = new Vector2(ktmanhinh.X * tile.X, ktmanhinh.Y * tile.Y);
     bovien = borongvien;//padding cua 4 duong vien: left-top-right-bottom
     nut[0] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhxacnhanthuong, anhxacnhankichhoat, Vector2.Zero, amkichhoat, ktmanhinh, tile);
     nut[1] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhhuybothuong, anhhuybokichhoat, Vector2.Zero, amkichhoat, ktmanhinh, tile);
コード例 #2
 public TNapDuLieu(RunToDeath trochoichinh)
     trochoi = trochoichinh;
     atnen = new MChayAnhThuong(1, trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/GioiThieuHang/NenGioiThieu"), null, new Vector2(0, 0), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atnen.DoiKichThuoc(trochoi.ktmanhinh.X, trochoi.ktmanhinh.Y);
     atnentientrinh = new MChayAnhThuong(1, trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/DiemTrang"), null, new Vector2(tdx, tdy), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atnentientrinh.DoiKichThuoc(rongtientrinh, daitientrinh);
     attientrinh = new MChayAnhThuong(1, trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/DiemDo"), null, new Vector2(tdx, tdy), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     attientrinh.DoiKichThuoc(rongtientrinh, daitientrinh);
     string noidungnap = "Loading datas ...";
     if (trochoi.ngonngu != "english") noidungnap = "Nạp các dữ liệu ...";
     trochoi.anhbokytu[0] = trochoi.bokytu[0].XuatAnhKyTu(noidungnap, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.Transparent, Color.White);
     tdhtbkt = new Vector2(tdx * trochoi.tile.X, (tdy - trochoi.anhbokytu[0].Height) * trochoi.tile.Y);
コード例 #3
 private void NgauNhien(int vitri, int landau)
     int rongmay = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(200, 600));
     int daimay = Convert.ToInt32(rongmay / tilemaytroi);
     int toadoxmay = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(10, trochoi.ktmanhinh.X));
     if (landau == 0) toadoxmay = trochoi.ktmanhinh.X;
     int toadoymay = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(0, 200) - daimay / 2);
     if (matmaytroi[vitri] == null)
         matmaytroi[vitri] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, hamaytroi, null, new Vector2(toadoxmay, toadoymay), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
         matmaytroi[vitri].DiChuyen(new Vector2(toadoxmay, toadoymay));
         matmaytroi[vitri].DoiKichThuoc(rongmay, daimay);
     tocdomaytroi[vitri] = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(1, 5));
コード例 #4
 public MKhungCuaSo(GraphicsDevice dohoa, int chisolop, Texture2D[] anhthanhphan, Texture2D anhnoidung, Rectangle bokhungcuaso, Rectangle kichthuocmanhinh, Vector2 tilemanhinh)
     thietbidohoa = dohoa;
     nenve = new SpriteBatch(thietbidohoa);
     ktmanhinh = kichthuocmanhinh;
     tile = tilemanhinh;
     gstoado = new Vector2((ktmanhinh.Width - ktmanhinh.X * tile.X) / 2, (ktmanhinh.Height - ktmanhinh.Y * tile.Y) / 2);
     athanhphan = anhthanhphan;
     toadokhung = new Vector2(bokhungcuaso.X, bokhungcuaso.Y);
     bonenvunganh = new RenderTarget2D(thietbidohoa, bokhungcuaso.Width, bokhungcuaso.Height);
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) tdthanhphan[i] = Vector2.Zero;//cac toa do anh mac dinh bang 0 het
     nut[0] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[0], athanhphan[1], tdthanhphan[0], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nut top
     nut[1] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[2], athanhphan[3], tdthanhphan[1], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nut down
     nut[2] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[4], athanhphan[5], tdthanhphan[2], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nut left
     nut[3] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[6], athanhphan[7], tdthanhphan[3], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nut right
     nut[4] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[8], null, tdthanhphan[4], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nen dung
     nut[5] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[9], null, tdthanhphan[5], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//nen ngang
     nut[6] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[10], null, tdthanhphan[6], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//cuon dung
     nut[7] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, athanhphan[11], null, tdthanhphan[7], null, ktmanhinh, tile);//cuon ngang
     NapNoiDung(anhnoidung);//ve anh da cat theo khung
     tdhtkhung = new Vector2(toadokhung.X * tile.X + gstoado.X, toadokhung.Y * tile.Y + gstoado.Y);
     tlhtkhung = tile;
コード例 #5
        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            sdtgioithieu = new CacTrang.TGioiThieu(this);
            sdtnapdulieu = new CacTrang.TNapDuLieu(this);
            sdttrochoi = new CacTrang.TTroChoi(this);

            tieudebtb[0] = "ĐIỂM KỶ LỤC";
            tieudebtb[1] = "THÔNG TIN TRÒ CHƠI";
            tieudebtb[2] = "THOÁT TRÒ CHƠI";
            tieudebtb[3] = "ĐÁNH GIÁ TRÒ CHƠI";
            tieudebtb[4] = "HIGH SCORES";
            tieudebtb[5] = "GAME INFORMATIONS";
            tieudebtb[6] = "CONFIRM EXIT";
            tieudebtb[7] = "RATE THIS GAME";

            string hienthidiem = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                hienthidiem += diemkyluc[i];
                if (i < 9) hienthidiem += "|";
            noidungbtb[0] = hienthidiem;
            noidungbtb[1] = "Có bao giờ bạn cảm thấy chán nản tất cả mọi thứ xung quanh bạn? Bạn không có tiền, không tình yêu, bạn bè, không sự nghiệp, bạn cô đơn và muốn chạy mãi? Run To Death là game nhỏ, đơn giản, vui nhộn, giúp bạn đỡ buồn chán khi cảm thấy bị lạc lõng. Nội dung game chỉ đơn giản là bạn hãy chạy, nhảy, đừng để rơi xuống hố, điểm số thể hiện sự nhạy bén, khéo léo cũng như trình độ của bạn. Run To Death là 1 trò chơi của MagicCard xây dựng. Thể loại nhập vai vui nhộn, tính điểm thành tích. Phiên bản hiện thời " + phienban + "|Xin cảm ơn bạn đã sử dụng trò chơi này, Chúc các bạn luôn vui vẻ!";
            noidungbtb[2] = "Bạn có thật sự muốn thoát khỏi trò chơi này?";
            noidungbtb[3] = "Bạn đã sử dụng trò chơi này ít nhất 5 lần, bạn có muốn đánh giá trò chơi này không?";
            noidungbtb[4] = hienthidiem;
            noidungbtb[5] = "Have you ever felt depressed everything surrounding you? No money, no love, no friends, or career, you are lonely and want to run away? Run To Death is little game, simple, funny and it will help you when you felt lost. All you have to do is very simple like run, jump, do not fall into the hole. Score shown acumen, ingenuity as well as your level. Run To Death is the game is developed by MagicCard, kind of roleplaying/fun. Current version is " + phienban + "|Thank you for playing this game. Play and have fun with it!";
            noidungbtb[6] = "Are you sure you want to exit?";
            noidungbtb[7] = "You have to use this game at least 5 times, do you want to rate this game?";

            noilucchet[0] = "Chào cái chết!";
            noilucchet[1] = "Vĩnh biệt!";
            noilucchet[2] = "Đù má!";
            noilucchet[3] = "Xuống lỗ rồi!";
            noilucchet[4] = "Chết mịa nó rồi!";
            noilucchet[5] = "Xong game!";
            noilucchet[6] = "Cái định mệnh!";
            noilucchet[7] = "Hello death!";
            noilucchet[8] = "Oh no!";
            noilucchet[9] = "Game over!";
            noilucchet[10] = "Goodbye my love!";
            noilucchet[11] = "No no no...";
            noilucchet[12] = "Oh my God!";
            noilucchet[13] = "Very funny!";

            noilamnham[0] = "I haven't got any money!";
            noilamnham[1] = "I haven't got any love!";
            noilamnham[2] = "I am lonely";
            noilamnham[3] = "I want to run until i die!";
            noilamnham[4] = "Tôi đếch có tiền!";
            noilamnham[5] = "Tôi đếch có tình yêu!";
            noilamnham[6] = "Chán vật vã!";
            noilamnham[7] = "Tôi muốn chạy cho đến chết!";

            //tai nguyen tai su dung
            amchon = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmChon");
            nenbtb = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NenBangThongBao");
            nutbtb[0] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NBTDuoc");
            nutbtb[1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NBTHuy");
            nutbtb[2] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NKHDuoc");
            nutbtb[3] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NKHHuy");
            nutbtb[4] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NBTOK");
            nutbtb[5] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NBTCancel");
            nutbtb[6] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NKHOK");
            nutbtb[7] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BangThongBao/NKHCancel");

            //quang ba game
            sharegame = new MChayAnhThuong(2, Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ShareGames/ShareBT"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ShareGames/ShareKH"), new Vector2(487, 3), amchon, ktmanhinh, tile);
            othergames = new MChayAnhThuong(2, Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ShareGames/OtherGamesBT"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ShareGames/OtherGamesKH"), new Vector2(487, 36), amchon, ktmanhinh, tile);
コード例 #6
 public void NapTaiNguyen()
     Texture2D[] anhtentrochoi = new Texture2D[18];
     for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) anhtentrochoi[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/TenTroChoi/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     Texture2D[] anhnvcchay = new Texture2D[14];
     for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) anhnvcchay[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/NVCChay/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     Texture2D[] anhnvcnhay = new Texture2D[10];
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) anhnvcnhay[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/NVCNhay/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     Texture2D[] anhbui = new Texture2D[7];
     for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) anhbui[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/Bui/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     Texture2D anhnennoinho = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/NenNoiNho");
     Texture2D anhnennoito = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/NenNoiTo");
     Texture2D anhmattroi = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/MatTroi");
     Texture2D anhmattrang = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/MatTrang");
     amchay = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmChay");
     amnhay = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmNhay");
     amchet = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmChet");
     adtentrochoi = new MChayAnhDong(1, anhtentrochoi, null, new Vector2(170, 0), true, null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     nvcchay = new MChayAnhDong(1, anhnvcchay, null, new Vector2(90, 198), true, null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     nvcnhay = new MChayAnhDong(1, anhnvcnhay, null, new Vector2(90, 198), false, null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     adbui = new MChayAnhDong(1, anhbui, null, new Vector2(120, 337), false, null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     adbui.DoiKichThuoc(26, 42);
     atbautroisao = new MChayAnhThuong(1, trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/BauTroiSao"), null, new Vector2(0, 0), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atbautroisao.DoiKichThuoc(trochoi.ktmanhinh.X, 300);
     atthanhtoi = new MChayAnhThuong(1, trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ThanhToi"), null, new Vector2(0, 0), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atthanhtoi.DoiKichThuoc(trochoi.ktmanhinh.X, 200);
     atnoinho = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhnennoinho, null, new Vector2(100, 188), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atnoito = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhnennoito, null, new Vector2(20, 158), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atmattroi = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhmattroi, null, new Vector2(480, 50), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atmattrang = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhmattrang, null, new Vector2(640, 50), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     trochoi.anhbokytu[3] = trochoi.bokytu[3].XuatAnhKyTu("0", 50, 32, 1, 1, 2, 2, new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.Transparent, Color.Black);
     boanhnoinho = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(100 * trochoi.tile.X), Convert.ToInt32(188 * trochoi.tile.Y), Convert.ToInt32(50 * trochoi.tile.X), Convert.ToInt32(32 * trochoi.tile.Y));
     trochoi.anhbokytu[3] = trochoi.bokytu[3].XuatAnhKyTu("Hello Death!", 120, 75, 1, 1, 2, 2, new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.Transparent, Color.Black);
     boanhnoito = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(35 * trochoi.tile.X), Convert.ToInt32(173 * trochoi.tile.Y), Convert.ToInt32(120 * trochoi.tile.X), Convert.ToInt32(75 * trochoi.tile.Y));
     //nap tai nguyen hieu ung
     Texture2D anhmaytroi = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/MayTroi");
     Texture2D[] anhchimbayxa = new Texture2D[8];
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) anhchimbayxa[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ChimBayXa/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     Texture2D[] anhsamset = new Texture2D[8];
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) anhsamset[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/SamSet/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     SoundEffect amsamset1 = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmSamSet01");
     SoundEffect amsamset2 = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmSamSet02");
     SoundEffect amsamset3 = trochoi.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("AmThanh/AmSamSet03");
     hieuungmaytroi = new HieuUng.HUMayTroi(trochoi, anhmaytroi);
     hieuungdanchim = new HieuUng.HUDanChim(trochoi, anhchimbayxa);
     hieuungsamset = new HieuUng.HUSamSet(trochoi, anhsamset, amsamset1, amsamset2, amsamset3);
     //anh thuc don
     for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) mangchuthucdon[i] = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ThucDon/" + (i + 1).ToString());
     //cac ham nap khac
コード例 #7
 private void GachNgauNhien(int vitri, int landau)
     Texture2D anhgach = hagach01;
     int anhgachdaynn = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(0, 4));
     if (anhgachdaynn == 0) anhgach = hagach01;
     else if (anhgachdaynn == 1) anhgach = hagach02;
     else if (anhgachdaynn == 2) anhgach = hagach03;
     else if (anhgachdaynn == 3) anhgach = hagach04;
     mkieugach[vitri] = true;
     if (tinhtrang == "batdau")
         if (vitri > 0)
             if (mkieugach[vitri - 1] == true)
                 int gtmax = 5 - songay;//moi dau dia hinh de hon vi xac suat gap lo la it
                 if (gtmax < 2) gtmax = 2;
                 int kieugach = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(0, gtmax));
                 if (kieugach == 0)
                     int anhgachnn = Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.ngaunhien.Next(0, 4));
                     if (anhgachnn == 0) anhgach = hagach05;
                     else if (anhgachnn == 1) anhgach = hagach06;
                     else if (anhgachnn == 2) anhgach = hagach07;
                     else if (anhgachnn == 3) anhgach = hagach08;
                     mkieugach[vitri] = false;
     int toadox = 0;
     if (landau == 1) toadox = vitri * 100;
     else toadox = 700;
     if (matgach[vitri] == null) matgach[vitri] = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhgach, null, new Vector2(toadox, 380), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
         matgach[vitri].NapHinhAnh(anhgach, null);
         matgach[vitri].DiChuyen(new Vector2(toadox, 380));
コード例 #8
 public void NapNgonNgu(string ngonnguthucdon)
     int gsnn = 0;
     if (ngonnguthucdon != "english") gsnn = 1;
     atchubatdau = new MChayAnhThuong(2, mangchuthucdon[0 + gsnn], mangchuthucdon[10 + gsnn], new Vector2(-270, 210), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atchudiemcao = new MChayAnhThuong(2, mangchuthucdon[2 + gsnn], mangchuthucdon[12 + gsnn], new Vector2(-270, 262), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atchucaidat = new MChayAnhThuong(2, mangchuthucdon[4 + gsnn], mangchuthucdon[14 + gsnn], new Vector2(-270, 314), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atchuthongtin = new MChayAnhThuong(2, mangchuthucdon[6 + gsnn], mangchuthucdon[16 + gsnn], new Vector2(-270, 366), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
     atchuthoat = new MChayAnhThuong(2, mangchuthucdon[8 + gsnn], mangchuthucdon[18 + gsnn], new Vector2(-270, 418), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
コード例 #9
        public void NapTNCaiDat()
            //hinh anh trong trang cai dat
            Texture2D anhamthanh = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/AnhAmThanh");
            atamthanh = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhamthanh, null, new Vector2(85, 75), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            Texture2D anhthanhamthanh = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/ThanhAmThanh");
            atthanhamthanh = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhthanhamthanh, null, new Vector2(210, 100), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            Texture2D anhtroamthanh = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/TroAmThanh");
            attroamthanh = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhtroamthanh, null, new Vector2(204, 133), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            attroamthanh.DiChuyen(new Vector2(204 + (Convert.ToInt32(trochoi.kichthuocam * 10) * 30), 133));

            Texture2D anhchungonnguen = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/HinhAnhChu/CNgonNgu/1");
            Texture2D anhchungonnguvn = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/HinhAnhChu/CNgonNgu/2");
            atchuen = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhchungonnguen, anhchungonnguen, new Vector2(267, 200), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            atchuvn = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhchungonnguvn, anhchungonnguvn, new Vector2(267, 270), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);

            Texture2D anhnutdanhgiaen = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/HinhAnhChu/CDanhGia/1");
            Texture2D anhnutdanhgiavn = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/HinhAnhChu/CDanhGia/2");
            atdanhgiaen = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhnutdanhgiaen, anhnutdanhgiaen, new Vector2(330, 380), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            atdanhgiavn = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhnutdanhgiavn, anhnutdanhgiavn, new Vector2(330, 380), trochoi.amchon, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);
            //dau tich trong trang cai dat
            Texture2D anhdautich = trochoi.Content.Load<Texture2D>("HinhAnh/DauTich");
            int vitritich = 196;
            if (trochoi.ngonngu != "english") vitritich = 266;
            atdautich = new MChayAnhThuong(1, anhdautich, null, new Vector2(200, vitritich), null, trochoi.ktmanhinh, trochoi.tile);