private async Task RequestSpotifyAuthForUser(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger) { if (message.Chat.Type != ChatType.Private) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $"Sure thing... Sending you a message shortly to get us connected to Spotify"); } var state = new AuthorizationState() { Message = message, UserId = user.Id, }; await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( user.ServiceId, $"OK, in order to continue, I need to connect to your Spotify so I can add you to the fun. Click the button below to get started.", replyMarkup : new InlineKeyboardMarkup( new InlineKeyboardButton() { Text = "Connect Spotify Account", Url = SpotifyService.GetAuthorizationUri(user, state, GetNetSpotifyScopesRequired(user)).ToString() })); }
private async Task <bool> TryHandleRequiresSpotifyConnection(MBUser user, ILogger logger, Message message, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { if (RequiresSpotify && UserIsMissingSpotify(user)) { logger.LogInformation("User {user} was missing spotify authorization for command {command}", user, this); await RequestSpotifyAuthForUser(user, message, logger); return(true); } if (RequiresSpotify && UserIsMissingScopes(user)) { logger.LogInformation("User {user} was missing scopes {scopes} for command {command}", user, string.Join(" ", ScopesRequired), this); await ProcessMissingScopes(user, message, isAuthorizationCallback, logger); return(true); } if (RequiresSpotify && RequiresSpotifyPremium) { var client = await SpotifyService.GetClientAsync(user); try { var profile = await client.UserProfile.Current(); if (profile.Product != "premium") { logger.LogInformation("User {user} tried to use command requiring spotify premium, but found {product}", user, profile.Product); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $"Sorry {user.ToTelegramUserLink()} but you need spotify premium to use this command. Consider upgrading your account and try again.", ParseMode.Html); return(true); } } catch (SpotifyAPI.Web.APIException ex) { if (ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { var error = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpotifyError>(ex.Response.Body as string); if (error.ErrorDescription == "Refresh token revoked") { // TODO: Make this more language natural.. currently acts like a new user logger.LogWarning("User {user} revoked Spotify credentials", user); await RequestSpotifyAuthForUser(user, message, logger); return(true); } } throw; } } return(false); }
private async Task ProcessMissingScopes(MBUser user, Message message, bool isAuthorizationCallback, ILogger log) { var scopesRequierd = GetNetSpotifyScopesRequired(user); var missingScopes = scopesRequierd.Except(user.SpotifyScopesList); if (isAuthorizationCallback) { // User already setup, this is an auth callback.. they must have denied scopes? // TODO: Send through error state from auth call log.LogWarning("User {user} denied scopes {scopes} for commmand {command}", user, string.Join(" ", missingScopes), this); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $@"Sorry {user.ToTelegramUserLink()} but you need to grant additional permissions in order for us to run this command.", ParseMode.Html); return; } // Request additional scopes var state = new AuthorizationState() { Message = message, UserId = user.Id }; log.LogInformation("User {user} needs to grant additional scopes for {command} ({misingScopes})", user, this, string.Join(' ', missingScopes)); if (message.Chat.Id != message.From.Id) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $"Sure thing {user.ToTelegramUserLink()}... we need a few more permissions from you first. Check your private messages.", ParseMode.Html ); } var response = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.SpotifyId) ? $"Sure! lets get you connected first. Click this link and authorize me to manage your Spotify player." : $"We need additional Spotify permissions from you to run the command {this.Command}. Please click this link and we'll get that sorted"; await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.From.Id, response, ParseMode.Html, replyMarkup : new InlineKeyboardMarkup( new InlineKeyboardButton() { Text = "Connect Account", Url = SpotifyService.GetAuthorizationUri(user, state, GetNetSpotifyScopesRequired(user)).ToString() }) ); }
private async Task <bool> TryHandleRequiresBotConnection(MBUser user, ILogger logger, Message message) { if (RequiresBotConnection && UserIsNotConnected(user)) { logger.LogInformation("User {user} wasn't connected, starting connection process", user); await RequestTelegramAuthForUser(user, message, logger); return(true); } return(false); }
public async Task Process(MBUser user, CallbackQuery callback, ILogger logger) { if (await TryHandleRequiresBotConnection(user, logger, callback.Message)) { return; } if (await TryHandleRequiresSpotifyConnection(user, logger, callback.Message)) { return; } await ProcessInternalAsync(user, callback, logger); }
private async Task RequestTelegramAuthForUser(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger) { logger.LogInformation("Having user {user} auth with Telegram (chat: {chatid})", user, message.Chat.Id); var state = message.Base64Encode(); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $"Sure thing... First click this link to allow me to chat with you directly.", replyMarkup : new InlineKeyboardMarkup( new InlineKeyboardButton() { Text = "Connect Account", LoginUrl = new LoginUrl() { RequestWriteAccess = true, Url = $"{Config.BaseUrl}/auth/telegram?state={state}" } })); return; }
private string[] GetNetSpotifyScopesRequired(MBUser user) { var result = user.SpotifyScopesList ?? new List <string>(); foreach (var scope in ScopesRequired) { if (!result.Contains(scope)) { result.Add(scope); } } if (RequiresSpotifyPremium && !result.Contains(Scopes.UserReadPrivate)) { // So we can verify they have spotify premium // see Product property: // result.Add(Scopes.UserReadPrivate); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public async Task Process(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { if (!SupportedChatTypes.Contains(message.Chat.Type)) { logger.LogDebug("Command {command} does not support chat type {type}", this, message.Chat.Type); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, $"Sorry, that command isn't supported in this type of chat. That command can only be used in {string.Join(", ", SupportedChatTypes.Select(x => $"{x}s".ToLower()))}"); return; } if (await TryHandleRequiresBotConnection(user, logger, message)) { return; } if (await TryHandleRequiresSpotifyConnection(user, logger, message, isAuthorizationCallback)) { return; } await ProcessInternalAsync(user, message, logger, isAuthorizationCallback); }
protected override Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, CallbackQuery callback, ILogger logger) { // Shouldn't be anything to do here... ever return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected override async Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, $"I'm not sure how to deal with this: '{message.Text}'"); }
protected abstract Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, CallbackQuery callback, ILogger logger);
protected abstract Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false);
private bool UserIsMissingScopes(MBUser user) { return(!GetNetSpotifyScopesRequired(user) .All(scope => user.SpotifyScopes?.Contains(scope) ?? false)); }
private bool UserIsNotConnected(MBUser user) { return(!user.ServiceAuthDate.HasValue); }
private bool UserIsMissingSpotify(MBUser user) { return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.SpotifyId)); }