public void AddSong(Song song) { this.BeginUpdate(); ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Tag = song; lvi.Text = song.Number.ToString(); lvi.SubItems.Add(song.Title); base.Items.Add(lvi); this.EndUpdate(); }
public bool Equals(Song other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return Equals(, && ==; }
/// <summary> /// add songs to SortedList (Song as value,song-number as key) /// </summary> /// <returns>SortedList containing all songs, null on error</returns> public SortedList GetSongs(SortedList songs, string url, bool imp) { long start = Util.getCurrentTicks(); try { this.doc.Load(url); this.InitStyles(url); XmlNodeList nodes = this.doc.GetElementsByTagName("Song"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode songNode = nodes[i]; int nr; string title; string text; string id = songNode.Attributes["id"].Value; string desc = songNode.Attributes["zus"].Value; string translations = songNode.Attributes["trans"].Value; if (songNode["Number"] != null && songNode["Title"] != null && songNode["Text"] != null) { nr = Int32.Parse(songNode["Number"].InnerText); highestID = nr > highestID ? nr : highestID; title = songNode["Title"].InnerText; text = songNode["Text"].InnerText; } else { throw new NotValidException(); } Song newSong = new Song(nr, title, text, id, desc, imp); if (songNode.Attributes["style"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(songNode.Attributes["style"].InnerText)) { Guid styleId = Guid.Parse(songNode.Attributes["style"].InnerText); newSong.Style = Styles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == styleId); newSong.UseDefaultStyle = false; } else { // use default style for this song newSong.Style = Styles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IsDefault); newSong.UseDefaultStyle = true; } this.GetTranslations(newSong, translations, imp); try { songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } catch (ArgumentException) { string msg = "Wollen Sie Lied Nr." + nr + " ersetzen?\n"; msg += "(drücken Sie \"abbrechen\", wenn Sie das Lied überspringen wollen.)"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "lyra import", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { songs.Remove(newSong.ID); songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { newSong.nextID(); songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } else { // cancel <-> ignore song } continue; } } Util.addLoadTime(Util.getCurrentTicks() - start); // return SortedList with songs return songs; } catch (XmlException xmlEx) { Util.MBoxError(xmlEx.Message, xmlEx); } catch (NotValidException nValEx) { Util.MBoxError(nValEx.Message, nValEx); } catch (Exception e) { Util.MBoxError(e.Message, e); } return null; }
// ok private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int nr; try { nr = Int32.Parse(this.textBox2.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.MBoxError("Überprüfen Sie die Liednummer!", ex); this.textBox2.Focus(); this.textBox2.SelectAll(); return; } string title = this.textBox1.Text; string text = this.richTextBox1.Text; string desc = this.textBox3.Text == "---" ? "" : this.textBox3.Text; if (this.toDel != null && nr == this.toDel.Number) // number hasn't changed! { = this.toDel; } if ( != null) { = title; = text; = desc; = this.textBox4.Text; = this.trackBar1.Value; = this.checkBox2.Checked; this.owner.Status = "Liedtext editiert..."; } else { string id = "s" + Util.toFour(nr); ISong newSong = new Song(nr, title, text, id, desc, true); newSong.BackgroundPicture = this.textBox4.Text; newSong.Transparency = this.trackBar1.Value; newSong.Scale = this.checkBox2.Checked; if (this.toDel != null) { CopyTrans(this.toDel, newSong); this.toDel.Delete(); } try { this.owner.AddSong(newSong); } catch { string msg = "Diese Liednummer wurde bereits einmal verwendet!\n"; msg += "Soll das Lied trotzdem hinzugefügt werden?\n"; msg += "(evtl. haben Sie das Lied bereits einer anderen Nummer zugewiesen,\n"; msg += "in diesem Fall einfach \"Ja\" klicken!)"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, msg, "lyra - neues Lied hinzufügen", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { newSong.nextID(); this.owner.AddSong(newSong); } else { return; } } this.owner.Status = "Neues Lied erfolgreich hinzugefügt..."; } this.owner.UpdateListBox(); this.owner.ToUpdate(true); this.Close(); }
private void previewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = Util.PREVIEW_SONG_ID; string title = this.textBox1.Text; string text = this.richTextBox1.Text; int nr = 0; try { nr = int.Parse(this.textBox2.Text); } catch (Exception) { } string desc = this.textBox3.Text == "---" ? "" : this.textBox3.Text; ISong previewSong = new Song(nr, title, text, id, desc, true); previewSong.BackgroundPicture = this.textBox4.Text; previewSong.Transparency = this.trackBar1.Value; previewSong.Scale = this.checkBox2.Checked; ListBox previewListBox = new ListBox(); previewListBox.Items.Add(previewSong); View.ShowSong(previewSong, this.owner, previewListBox); }
/// <summary> /// add songs to SortedList (Song as value,song-number as key) /// </summary> /// <returns>SortedList containing all songs, null on error</returns> public SortedList getSongs(SortedList songs, string url, bool imp) { long start = Util.getCurrentTicks(); try { doc.Load(url); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Song"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { int nr; string title; string text; string id = nodes[i].Attributes["id"].Value; string desc = nodes[i].Attributes["zus"].Value; string translations = nodes[i].Attributes["trans"].Value; XmlNodeList songchildren = nodes[i].ChildNodes; if ((songchildren[0].Name == "Number") && (songchildren[1].Name == "Title") && (songchildren[2].Name == "Text")) { nr = Int32.Parse(songchildren[0].InnerText); highestID = nr > highestID ? nr : highestID; title = songchildren[1].InnerText; text = songchildren[2].InnerText; } else { throw new NotValidException(); } Song newSong = new Song(nr, title, text, id, desc, imp); if (songchildren.Count == 4) { XmlNodeList bgdesc = songchildren[3].ChildNodes; if (songchildren[3].Name == "Background" && bgdesc.Count == 3 && bgdesc[0].Name == "uri" && bgdesc[1].Name == "transparency" && bgdesc[2].Name == "scale") { newSong.BackgroundPicture = bgdesc[0].InnerText; newSong.Transparency = Int32.Parse(bgdesc[1].InnerText); newSong.Scale = bgdesc[2].InnerText == "yes"; } else { throw new NotValidException("background node not valid"); } } this.GetTranslations(newSong, translations, imp); try { songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } catch (ArgumentException) { string msg = "Wollen Sie Lied Nr." + nr + " ersetzen?\n"; msg += "(drücken Sie \"abbrechen\", wenn Sie das Lied überspringen wollen.)"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "lyra import", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { songs.Remove(newSong.ID); songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { newSong.nextID(); songs.Add(newSong.ID, newSong); } else { // cancel <-> ignore song } continue; } } Util.addLoadTime(Util.getCurrentTicks() - start); // return SortedList with songs return songs; } catch (XmlException xmlEx) { Util.MBoxError(xmlEx.Message, xmlEx); } catch (NotValidException nValEx) { Util.MBoxError(nValEx.Message, nValEx); } catch (Exception e) { Util.MBoxError(e.Message, e); } return null; }
private void ImportLTX(string url, bool append) { if (!append) {; Util.DELALL = true; } StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(url); try { string line; int nr = 0; bool intext = false; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { string title = ""; if (intext) { string text = ""; if (line.EndsWith("#END")) { text += line.Substring(0, line.Length - 4); ISong song = new Song(nr, title, text, "s" + Util.toFour(nr), "", true); text = title = ""; intext = false; try {; } catch (ArgumentException) { string msg = "Wollen Sie Lied Nr." + nr + " ersetzen?\n"; msg += "(drücken Sie \"abbrechen\", wenn Sie das Lied überspringen wollen.)"; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, msg, "lyra import", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) {;; } else if (dr == DialogResult.No) { song.nextID();; } else { // cancel <-> ignore song } continue; } } else { text += line + "\n"; } } // first line of song else if (line != "") { string[] words = line.Split(' '); title = line.Substring(words[0].Length + 1); nr = Int32.Parse(words[0]); intext = true; } }; this.ToUpdate(true); this.Status = "LTX-Import erfolgreich! :-)"; } catch (Exception ie) { Util.MBoxError("Fehler beim Importieren.\n" + ie.Message, ie); this.Status = "Beim LTX-Import ging leider etwas schief. :-("; } }