コード例 #1
        internal LuceneDirectory MakeRAMDirectoryPhysical(RAMDirectory ramDir, string indexFolder)
            var newDir = new LuceneCodecDirectory(indexFolder, new AbstractIndexCodec[0]);

            LuceneDirectory.Copy(ramDir, newDir, false);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the provided list of files from the <paramref name="source"/> <see cref="Directory"/> to the
        /// <paramref name="target"/> <see cref="Directory"/>, if they are not the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="IOException"></exception>
        public static void CopyFiles(Directory source, Directory target, IList <string> files)
            if (source.Equals(target))

            foreach (string file in files)
                source.Copy(target, file, file, IOContext.READ_ONCE);
コード例 #3
        public virtual void RevisionReady(string version,
                                          IDictionary <string, IList <RevisionFile> > revisionFiles,
                                          IDictionary <string, IList <string> > copiedFiles,
                                          IDictionary <string, Directory> sourceDirectory)
            if (revisionFiles.Count > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("this handler handles only a single source; got {0}", revisionFiles.Keys));

            Directory      clientDirectory = sourceDirectory.Values.First();
            IList <string> files           = copiedFiles.Values.First();
            string         segmentsFile    = GetSegmentsFile(files, false);

            bool success = false;

                // copy files from the client to index directory
                CopyFiles(clientDirectory, indexDirectory, files);

                // fsync all copied files (except segmentsFile)

                // now copy and fsync segmentsFile
                clientDirectory.Copy(indexDirectory, segmentsFile, segmentsFile, IOContext.READ_ONCE);
                indexDirectory.Sync(new[] { segmentsFile });

                success = true;
                if (!success)
                    files.Add(segmentsFile); // add it back so it gets deleted too
                    CleanupFilesOnFailure(indexDirectory, files);

            // all files have been successfully copied + sync'd. update the handler's state
            currentRevisionFiles = revisionFiles;
            currentVersion       = version;

            WriteToInfoStream(string.Format("revisionReady(): currentVersion={0} currentRevisionFiles={1}", currentVersion, currentRevisionFiles));

            // update the segments.gen file
            WriteSegmentsGen(segmentsFile, indexDirectory);

            // Cleanup the index directory from old and unused index files.
            // NOTE: we don't use IndexWriter.deleteUnusedFiles here since it may have
            // side-effects, e.g. if it hits sudden IO errors while opening the index
            // (and can end up deleting the entire index). It is not our job to protect
            // against those errors, app will probably hit them elsewhere.
            CleanupOldIndexFiles(indexDirectory, segmentsFile);

            // successfully updated the index, notify the callback that the index is
            // ready.
            if (callback != null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IOException(e.ToString(), e);
コード例 #4
        public virtual void RevisionReady(string version,
                                          IDictionary <string, IList <RevisionFile> > revisionFiles,
                                          IDictionary <string, IList <string> > copiedFiles,
                                          IDictionary <string, Directory> sourceDirectory)
            Directory      taxonomyClientDirectory = sourceDirectory[IndexAndTaxonomyRevision.TAXONOMY_SOURCE];
            Directory      indexClientDirectory    = sourceDirectory[IndexAndTaxonomyRevision.INDEX_SOURCE];
            IList <string> taxonomyFiles           = copiedFiles[IndexAndTaxonomyRevision.TAXONOMY_SOURCE];
            IList <string> indexFiles           = copiedFiles[IndexAndTaxonomyRevision.INDEX_SOURCE];
            string         taxonomySegmentsFile = IndexReplicationHandler.GetSegmentsFile(taxonomyFiles, true);
            string         indexSegmentsFile    = IndexReplicationHandler.GetSegmentsFile(indexFiles, false);

            bool success = false;

                // copy taxonomy files before index files
                IndexReplicationHandler.CopyFiles(taxonomyClientDirectory, taxonomyDirectory, taxonomyFiles);
                IndexReplicationHandler.CopyFiles(indexClientDirectory, indexDirectory, indexFiles);

                // fsync all copied files (except segmentsFile)
                if (taxonomyFiles.Any())

                // now copy and fsync segmentsFile, taxonomy first because it is ok if a
                // reader sees a more advanced taxonomy than the index.
                if (taxonomySegmentsFile != null)
                    taxonomyClientDirectory.Copy(taxonomyDirectory, taxonomySegmentsFile, taxonomySegmentsFile, IOContext.READ_ONCE);
                indexClientDirectory.Copy(indexDirectory, indexSegmentsFile, indexSegmentsFile, IOContext.READ_ONCE);

                if (taxonomySegmentsFile != null)
                    taxonomyDirectory.Sync(new[] { taxonomySegmentsFile });
                indexDirectory.Sync(new[] { indexSegmentsFile });

                success = true;
                if (!success)
                    taxonomyFiles.Add(taxonomySegmentsFile); // add it back so it gets deleted too
                    IndexReplicationHandler.CleanupFilesOnFailure(taxonomyDirectory, taxonomyFiles);
                    indexFiles.Add(indexSegmentsFile);       // add it back so it gets deleted too
                    IndexReplicationHandler.CleanupFilesOnFailure(indexDirectory, indexFiles);

            // all files have been successfully copied + sync'd. update the handler's state
            currentRevisionFiles = revisionFiles;
            currentVersion       = version;

            WriteToInfoStream("revisionReady(): currentVersion=" + currentVersion + " currentRevisionFiles=" + currentRevisionFiles);

            // update the segments.gen file
            IndexReplicationHandler.WriteSegmentsGen(taxonomySegmentsFile, taxonomyDirectory);
            IndexReplicationHandler.WriteSegmentsGen(indexSegmentsFile, indexDirectory);

            // Cleanup the index directory from old and unused index files.
            // NOTE: we don't use IndexWriter.deleteUnusedFiles here since it may have
            // side-effects, e.g. if it hits sudden IO errors while opening the index
            // (and can end up deleting the entire index). It is not our job to protect
            // against those errors, app will probably hit them elsewhere.
            IndexReplicationHandler.CleanupOldIndexFiles(indexDirectory, indexSegmentsFile);
            IndexReplicationHandler.CleanupOldIndexFiles(taxonomyDirectory, taxonomySegmentsFile);

            // successfully updated the index, notify the callback that the index is
            // ready.
            if (callback != null)
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new IOException(e.Message, e);
コード例 #5
ファイル: RAMDirectory.cs プロジェクト: Cefa68000/lucenenet
 private RAMDirectory(Directory dir, bool closeDir, IOContext context)
     : this()
     foreach (string file in dir.ListAll())
         dir.Copy(this, file, file, context);
     if (closeDir)
コード例 #6
 private RAMDirectory(Directory dir, bool closeDir) : this()
     Directory.Copy(dir, this, closeDir);
コード例 #7
 private RAMDirectory(Directory dir, bool closeDir, IState state) : this()
     Directory.Copy(dir, this, closeDir, state);