Abstract base class for performing read operations of Lucene's low-level data types.

{@code DataInput} may only be used from one thread, because it is not thread safe (it keeps internal state like file position). To allow multithreaded use, every {@code DataInput} instance must be cloned before used in another thread. Subclasses must therefore implement #clone(), returning a new {@code DataInput} which operates on the same underlying resource, but positioned independently.

Inheritance: ICloneable
コード例 #1
 public override void Read(DataInput indexIn, bool absolute)
     if (absolute)
         fp = indexIn.ReadVLong();
         fp += indexIn.ReadVLong();
コード例 #2
 public override bool Load(DataInput input)
     lock (this)
         count = input.ReadVLong();
         this.higherWeightsCompletion = new FSTCompletion(new FST<object>(input, NoOutputs.Singleton));
         this.normalCompletion = new FSTCompletion(higherWeightsCompletion.FST, false, exactMatchFirst);
         return true;
コード例 #3
 // pre-order traversal
 private void ReadRecursively(DataInput @in, TernaryTreeNode node)
     node.splitchar = @in.ReadString().First();
     sbyte mask = (sbyte)@in.ReadByte();
     if ((mask & HAS_TOKEN) != 0)
         node.token = @in.ReadString();
     if ((mask & HAS_VALUE) != 0)
         node.val = Convert.ToInt64(@in.ReadLong());
     if ((mask & LO_KID) != 0)
         node.loKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
         ReadRecursively(@in, node.loKid);
     if ((mask & EQ_KID) != 0)
         node.eqKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
         ReadRecursively(@in, node.eqKid);
     if ((mask & HI_KID) != 0)
         node.hiKid = new TernaryTreeNode();
         ReadRecursively(@in, node.hiKid);
コード例 #4
 public override bool Load(DataInput input)
     lock (this)
         count = input.ReadVLong();
         root = new TernaryTreeNode();
         ReadRecursively(input, root);
         return true;
コード例 #5
 public override void Read(DataInput indexIn, bool absolute)
     if (absolute)
         upto = indexIn.ReadVInt();
         fp = indexIn.ReadVLong();
         int uptoDelta = indexIn.ReadVInt();
         if ((uptoDelta & 1) == 1)
             // same block
             upto += (int)((uint)uptoDelta >> 1);
             // new block
             upto = (int)((uint)uptoDelta >> 1);
             fp += indexIn.ReadVLong();
     // TODO: we can't do this assert because non-causal
     // int encoders can have upto over the buffer size
     //assert upto < maxBlockSize: "upto=" + upto + " max=" + maxBlockSize;
コード例 #6
 private void ReadRecursively(DataInput @in, JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode node)
     node.splitchar = @in.ReadString()[0];
     sbyte mask = (sbyte)@in.ReadByte();
     if ((mask & HAS_VALUE) != 0)
         node.data = Convert.ToInt64(@in.ReadLong());
     if ((mask & LO_KID) != 0)
         var kid = new JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode(trie, '\0', node);
         node.relatives[JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode.LOKID] = kid;
         ReadRecursively(@in, kid);
     if ((mask & EQ_KID) != 0)
         var kid = new JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode(trie, '\0', node);
         node.relatives[JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode.EQKID] = kid;
         ReadRecursively(@in, kid);
     if ((mask & HI_KID) != 0)
         var kid = new JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode(trie, '\0', node);
         node.relatives[JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode.HIKID] = kid;
         ReadRecursively(@in, kid);
コード例 #7
 public override bool Load(DataInput input)
     count = input.ReadVLong();
     var root = new JaspellTernarySearchTrie.TSTNode(trie, '\0', null);
     ReadRecursively(input, root);
     trie.Root = root;
     return true;
コード例 #8
 private void _decodeTerm(DataInput @in, FieldInfo fieldInfo, Lucene41PostingsWriter.IntBlockTermState termState)
     bool fieldHasPositions = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
     bool fieldHasOffsets = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
     bool fieldHasPayloads = fieldInfo.HasPayloads();
     if (termState.DocFreq == 1)
         termState.SingletonDocID = @in.ReadVInt();
         termState.SingletonDocID = -1;
         termState.DocStartFP += @in.ReadVLong();
     if (fieldHasPositions)
         termState.PosStartFP += @in.ReadVLong();
         if (termState.TotalTermFreq > Lucene41PostingsFormat.BLOCK_SIZE)
             termState.LastPosBlockOffset = @in.ReadVLong();
             termState.LastPosBlockOffset = -1;
         if ((fieldHasPayloads || fieldHasOffsets) && termState.TotalTermFreq >= Lucene41PostingsFormat.BLOCK_SIZE)
             termState.PayStartFP += @in.ReadVLong();
     if (termState.DocFreq > Lucene41PostingsFormat.BLOCK_SIZE)
         termState.SkipOffset = @in.ReadVLong();
         termState.SkipOffset = -1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CodecUtil.cs プロジェクト: Cefa68000/lucenenet
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads and validates a header previously written with
 /// <seealso cref="#writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int)"/>.
 /// <p>
 /// When reading a file, supply the expected <code>codec</code> and
 /// an expected version range (<code>minVersion to maxVersion</code>).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="in"> Input stream, positioned at the point where the
 ///        header was previously written. Typically this is located
 ///        at the beginning of the file. </param>
 /// <param name="codec"> The expected codec name. </param>
 /// <param name="minVersion"> The minimum supported expected version number. </param>
 /// <param name="maxVersion"> The maximum supported expected version number. </param>
 /// <returns> The actual version found, when a valid header is found
 ///         that matches <code>codec</code>, with an actual version
 ///         where <code>minVersion <= actual <= maxVersion</code>.
 ///         Otherwise an exception is thrown. </returns>
 /// <exception cref="CorruptIndexException"> If the first four bytes are not
 ///         <seealso cref="#CODEC_MAGIC"/>, or if the actual codec found is
 ///         not <code>codec</code>. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="IndexFormatTooOldException"> If the actual version is less
 ///         than <code>minVersion</code>. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="IndexFormatTooNewException"> If the actual version is greater
 ///         than <code>maxVersion</code>. </exception>
 /// <exception cref="IOException"> If there is an I/O error reading from the underlying medium. </exception>
 /// <seealso cref= #writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int) </seealso>
 public static int CheckHeader(DataInput @in, string codec, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
     // Safety to guard against reading a bogus string:
     int actualHeader = @in.ReadInt();
     if (actualHeader != CODEC_MAGIC)
         throw new System.IO.IOException("codec header mismatch: actual header=" + actualHeader + " vs expected header=" + CODEC_MAGIC + " (resource: " + @in + ")");
     return CheckHeaderNoMagic(@in, codec, minVersion, maxVersion);
コード例 #10
        public override void CopyBytes(DataInput input, long numBytes)
            CheckDiskFull(null, 0, input, numBytes);

            @delegate.CopyBytes(input, numBytes);
コード例 #11
        private void CheckDiskFull(byte[] b, int offset, DataInput @in, long len)
            long freeSpace = Dir.MaxSize == 0 ? 0 : Dir.MaxSize - Dir.SizeInBytes();
            long realUsage = 0;

            // Enforce disk full:
            if (Dir.MaxSize != 0 && freeSpace <= len)
                // Compute the real disk free.  this will greatly slow
                // down our test but makes it more accurate:
                realUsage = Dir.RecomputedActualSizeInBytes;
                freeSpace = Dir.MaxSize - realUsage;

            if (Dir.MaxSize != 0 && freeSpace <= len)
                if (freeSpace > 0)
                    realUsage += freeSpace;
                    if (b != null)
                        @delegate.WriteBytes(b, offset, (int)freeSpace);
                        @delegate.CopyBytes(@in, len);
                if (realUsage > Dir.MaxUsedSize)
                    Dir.MaxUsedSize = realUsage;
                string message = "fake disk full at " + Dir.RecomputedActualSizeInBytes + " bytes when writing " + Name + " (file length=" + @delegate.Length;
                if (freeSpace > 0)
                    message += "; wrote " + freeSpace + " of " + len + " bytes";
                message += ")";
                /*if (LuceneTestCase.VERBOSE)
                  Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": MDW: now throw fake disk full");
                  (new Exception()).printStackTrace(System.out);
                throw new System.IO.IOException(message);
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy numBytes bytes from input to ourself. </summary>
 public virtual void CopyBytes(DataInput input, long numBytes)
     Debug.Assert(numBytes >= 0, "numBytes=" + numBytes);
     long left = numBytes;
     if (CopyBuffer == null)
         CopyBuffer = new byte[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE];
     while (left > 0)
         int toCopy;
         if (left > COPY_BUFFER_SIZE)
             toCopy = COPY_BUFFER_SIZE;
             toCopy = (int)left;
         input.ReadBytes(CopyBuffer, 0, toCopy);
         WriteBytes(CopyBuffer, 0, toCopy);
         left -= toCopy;
コード例 #13
        public override void DecodeTerm(long[] empty, DataInput input, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState _termState,
            bool absolute)
            PulsingTermState termState = (PulsingTermState) _termState;

            Debug.Debug.Assert((empty.Length == 0);
            termState.Absolute = termState.Absolute || absolute;
            // if we have positions, its total TF, otherwise its computed based on docFreq.
            // TODO Double check this is right..
            long count = FieldInfo.IndexOptions_e.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS.CompareTo(fieldInfo.IndexOptions) <= 0
                ? termState.TotalTermFreq
                : termState.DocFreq;
            //System.out.println("  count=" + count + " threshold=" + maxPositions);

            if (count <= maxPositions)
                // Inlined into terms dict -- just read the byte[] blob in,
                // but don't decode it now (we only decode when a DocsEnum
                // or D&PEnum is pulled):
                termState.PostingsSize = input.ReadVInt();
                if (termState.Postings == null || termState.Postings.Length < termState.PostingsSize)
                    termState.Postings = new byte[ArrayUtil.Oversize(termState.PostingsSize, 1)];
                // TODO: sort of silly to copy from one big byte[]
                // (the blob holding all inlined terms' blobs for
                // current term block) into another byte[] (just the
                // blob for this term)...
                input.ReadBytes(termState.Postings, 0, termState.PostingsSize);
                //System.out.println("  inlined bytes=" + termState.postingsSize);
                termState.Absolute = termState.Absolute || absolute;
                int longsSize = fields == null ? 0 : fields[fieldInfo.Number];
                if (termState.Longs == null)
                    termState.Longs = new long[longsSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < longsSize; i++)
                    termState.Longs[i] = input.ReadVLong();
                termState.PostingsSize = -1;
                termState.WrappedTermState.DocFreq = termState.DocFreq;
                termState.WrappedTermState.TotalTermFreq = termState.TotalTermFreq;
                _wrappedPostingsReader.DecodeTerm(termState.Longs, input, fieldInfo,
                termState.Absolute = false;
コード例 #14
 public override bool Load(DataInput @out)
     return false;
コード例 #15
 public override void Read(DataInput indexIn, bool absolute)
     if (absolute)
         upto = indexIn.ReadVInt();
         fp = indexIn.ReadVLong();
         int uptoDelta = indexIn.ReadVInt();
         if ((uptoDelta & 1) == 1)
             // same block
             upto += (int)((uint)uptoDelta >> 1);
             // new block
             upto = (int)((uint)uptoDelta >> 1);
             fp += indexIn.ReadVLong();
     Debug.Assert(upto < outerInstance.blockSize);
コード例 #16
ファイル: CodecUtil.cs プロジェクト: Cefa68000/lucenenet
        /// <summary>
        /// Like {@link
        ///  #checkHeader(DataInput,String,int,int)} except this
        ///  version assumes the first int has already been read
        ///  and validated from the input.
        /// </summary>
        public static int CheckHeaderNoMagic(DataInput @in, string codec, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
            string actualCodec = @in.ReadString();
            if (!actualCodec.Equals(codec))
                throw new System.IO.IOException("codec mismatch: actual codec=" + actualCodec + " vs expected codec=" + codec + " (resource: " + @in + ")");

            int actualVersion = @in.ReadInt();
            if (actualVersion < minVersion)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Version: " + actualVersion + " is not supported. Minimum Version number is " + minVersion + ".");
            if (actualVersion > maxVersion)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Version: " + actualVersion + " is not supported. Maximum Version number is " + maxVersion + ".");

            return actualVersion;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ForUtil.cs プロジェクト: joyanta/lucene.net
        /// <summary>
        /// Restore a <seealso cref="ForUtil"/> from a <seealso cref="DataInput"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public ForUtil(DataInput @in)
            int packedIntsVersion = @in.ReadVInt();
            EncodedSizes = new int[33];
            Encoders = new PackedInts.Encoder[33];
            Decoders = new PackedInts.Decoder[33];
            Iterations = new int[33];

            for (int bpv = 1; bpv <= 32; ++bpv)
                int code = @in.ReadVInt();
                int formatId = (int)((uint)code >> 5);
                int bitsPerValue = (code & 31) + 1;

                PackedInts.Format format = PackedInts.Format.ById(formatId);
                EncodedSizes[bpv] = EncodedSize(format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
                Encoders[bpv] = PackedInts.GetEncoder(format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
                Decoders[bpv] = PackedInts.GetDecoder(format, packedIntsVersion, bitsPerValue);
                Iterations[bpv] = ComputeIterations(Decoders[bpv]);
コード例 #18
        public override void DecodeTerm(long[] longs, DataInput @in, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState _termState, bool absolute)
            Lucene41PostingsWriter.IntBlockTermState termState = (Lucene41PostingsWriter.IntBlockTermState)_termState;
            bool fieldHasPositions = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;
            bool fieldHasOffsets = fieldInfo.FieldIndexOptions >= FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
            bool fieldHasPayloads = fieldInfo.HasPayloads();

            if (absolute)
                termState.DocStartFP = 0;
                termState.PosStartFP = 0;
                termState.PayStartFP = 0;
            if (Version < Lucene41PostingsWriter.VERSION_META_ARRAY) // backward compatibility
                _decodeTerm(@in, fieldInfo, termState);
            termState.DocStartFP += longs[0];
            if (fieldHasPositions)
                termState.PosStartFP += longs[1];
                if (fieldHasOffsets || fieldHasPayloads)
                    termState.PayStartFP += longs[2];
            if (termState.DocFreq == 1)
                termState.SingletonDocID = @in.ReadVInt();
                termState.SingletonDocID = -1;
            if (fieldHasPositions)
                if (termState.TotalTermFreq > Lucene41PostingsFormat.BLOCK_SIZE)
                    termState.LastPosBlockOffset = @in.ReadVLong();
                    termState.LastPosBlockOffset = -1;
            if (termState.DocFreq > Lucene41PostingsFormat.BLOCK_SIZE)
                termState.SkipOffset = @in.ReadVLong();
                termState.SkipOffset = -1;