コード例 #1
 public FileMetadata FileMetadata( string name )
     FileMetadata results = new FileMetadata();
     FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( this.GetFullPath( name ) );
     results.Exists = fi.Exists;
     if ( results.Exists ) {
         results.Length = fi.Length;
         results.LastModified = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc;
     return results;
コード例 #2
 public void Upload( string name, Stream content, FileMetadata FileMetadata )
     // FileMode.Create is "create or overwrite" http://www.csharp-examples.net/filestream-open-file/
     using ( Stream fs = new FileStream( this.GetFullPath( name ), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write ) ) {
         content.CopyTo( fs );
コード例 #3
        public void Upload( string name, Stream content, FileMetadata FileMetadata )
            Stream blobStream;
            long originalLength = content.Length;

            #if COMPRESSBLOBS
            // optionally put a compressor around the blob stream
            if ( this.ShouldCompressFile( name ) ) {
                // unfortunately, deflate stream doesn't allow seek, and we need a seekable stream
                // to pass to the blob storage stuff, so we compress into a memory stream
                MemoryStream compressedStream = new MemoryStream();

                try {
                    using ( DeflateStream compressor = new DeflateStream( compressedStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true ) ) {
                        // compress to compressedOutputStream
                        content.CopyTo( compressor );

                    // seek back to beginning of comrpessed stream
                    compressedStream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );

                    Debug.WriteLine( "COMPRESSED {0} -> {1} {2}% to {3}",
                       ((float)compressedStream.Length / (float)originalLength) * 100,
                } catch {
                    // release the compressed stream resources if an error occurs

                blobStream = compressedStream;
            } else
                blobStream = content;

            try {
                CloudBlockBlob _blob = this.blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference( name );
                // push the blobStream up to the cloud
                _blob.UploadFromStream( blobStream );

                // set the metadata with the original index file properties
                _blob.Metadata["CachedLength"] = originalLength.ToString();
                _blob.Metadata["CachedLastModified"] = FileMetadata.LastModified.ToString();

                Debug.WriteLine( "PUT {1} bytes to {0} in cloud", name, blobStream.Length );
            } finally {
コード例 #4
 // Always returns an object even if file doesn't exist
 public FileMetadata FileMetadata( string name )
     FileMetadata results = new FileMetadata {
         Name = name
     try {
         CloudBlockBlob blob = this.blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference( name );
         results.Exists = true; // else it would've errored
         results.LastModified = blob.Properties.LastModified.Value.UtcDateTime;
         long blobLength;
         if ( long.TryParse( blob.Metadata["CachedLength"], out blobLength ) ) {
             results.Length = blobLength;
         } else {
             results.Length = blob.Properties.Length; // fall back to actual blob size
     } catch ( Exception ) {
         results.Exists = false;
     return results;
コード例 #5
        // Always returns an object even if file doesn't exist
        public FileMetadata FileMetadata( string name )
            FileMetadata results = new FileMetadata {
                Name = name
            using ( AmazonS3 client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client( this.amazonKey, this.amazonSecret ) ) {

                GetObjectMetadataRequest request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest {
                    BucketName = this.amazonBucket,
                    Key = name

                try {
                    GetObjectMetadataResponse response = client.GetObjectMetadata( request );

                    results.Exists = true; // else AWSSDK threw
                    results.Length = response.ContentLength;
                    results.LastModified = response.LastModified;

                } catch ( AmazonS3Exception ex ) {
                    if ( ex.ErrorCode == "NoSuchKey" ) {
                        results.Exists = false; // File doesn't exist
                    } else {

            return results;
コード例 #6
 public void Upload( string name, Stream content, FileMetadata FileMetadata )
     using ( AmazonS3 client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client( this.amazonKey, this.amazonSecret ) ) {
         PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest {
             BucketName = this.amazonBucket,
             Key = name,
             InputStream = content
         client.PutObject( request );