public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q, s, Similarity); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "all docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (Exception e) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores3", h, s); throw e; } }
public Result Search (string term, int count, int start) { try { term = term.ToLower (); Term htTerm = new Term ("hottext", term); Query qq1 = new FuzzyQuery (htTerm); Query qq2 = new TermQuery (htTerm); qq2.Boost = 10f; Query qq3 = new PrefixQuery (htTerm); qq3.Boost = 10f; DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery (0f); q1.Add (qq1); q1.Add (qq2); q1.Add (qq3); Query q2 = new TermQuery (new Term ("text", term)); q2.Boost = 3f; Query q3 = new TermQuery (new Term ("examples", term)); q3.Boost = 3f; DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery (0f); q.Add (q1); q.Add (q2); q.Add (q3); TopDocs top = SearchInternal (q, count, start); Result r = new Result (term, searcher, top.ScoreDocs); Results.Add (r); return r; } catch (IOException) { Console.WriteLine ("No index in {0}", dir); return null; } }
public virtual void TestSimpleTiebreaker() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).scoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(s.Doc(h[0].doc).Get("id"), "d2", "wrong first"); float score0 = h[0].score; float score1 = h[1].score; float score2 = h[2].score; Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d2 does not have better score then others: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.AreEqual(score1, score2, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "d4 and d1 don't have equal scores"); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleTiebreaker", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "all docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (Exception /*e*/) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores3", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void TestSimpleTiebreaker() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("d2", s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"), "wrong first"); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d2 does not have better score then others: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.AreEqual(score1, score2, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "d4 and d1 don't have equal scores"); } catch (Exception /*e*/) { PrintHits("testSimpleTiebreaker", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void TestDMQ4() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "QQ"))); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx"))); Qtest(q, new int[] { 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ2() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w1"))); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w5"))); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ7() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("-yy w3")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w2")); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ5() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("yy -QQ")); q.Add(qp.Parse("xx")); Qtest(q, new int[] { 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ9() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("yy w5^100")); q.Add(qp.Parse("xx^0")); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("QQ")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w5")); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ1() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(qp.Parse("w1")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w5")); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void Test1() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); PhraseQuery phraseQuery = new PhraseQuery(); phraseQuery.Slop = 1; phraseQuery.Add(new Term(FIELD, "w1")); phraseQuery.Add(new Term(FIELD, "w2")); q.Add(phraseQuery, Occur.MUST); q.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(Snear(Sf("w3", 2), St("w2"), St("w3"), 5, true), Occur.SHOULD); Query t = new FilteredQuery(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx")), new ItemizedFilter(new int[] { 1, 3 })); t.Boost = 1000; q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); t = new ConstantScoreQuery(new ItemizedFilter(new int[] { 0, 2 })); t.Boost = 30; q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.2f); dm.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true)); dm.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "QQ"))); BooleanQuery xxYYZZ = new BooleanQuery(); xxYYZZ.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx")), Occur.SHOULD); xxYYZZ.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), Occur.SHOULD); xxYYZZ.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "zz")), Occur.MUST_NOT); dm.Add(xxYYZZ); BooleanQuery xxW1 = new BooleanQuery(); xxW1.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx")), Occur.MUST_NOT); xxW1.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w1")), Occur.MUST_NOT); dm.Add(xxW1); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); dm2.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w1"))); dm2.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w2"))); dm2.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w3"))); dm.Add(dm2); q.Add(dm, Occur.SHOULD); BooleanQuery b = new BooleanQuery(); b.MinimumNumberShouldMatch = 2; b.Add(Snear("w1", "w2", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w2", "w3", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w1", "w3", 3, true), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(b, Occur.SHOULD); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino", 1.5f)); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant", 1.5f)); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; float score3 = h[3].Score; string doc0 = s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"); string doc1 = s.Doc(h[1].Doc).Get("id"); string doc2 = s.Doc(h[2].Doc).Get("id"); string doc3 = s.Doc(h[3].Doc).Get("id"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", doc0, "doc0 should be d4: "); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc1, "doc1 should be d3: "); Assert.AreEqual("d2", doc2, "doc2 should be d2: "); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "doc3 should be d1: "); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d4 does not have a better score then d3: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have a better score then d2: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d3 does not have a better score then d1: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (Exception /*e*/) { PrintHits("TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void TestDisjunctionSumVersusDisjunctionMax() { Term t1 = RandomTerm(); Term t2 = RandomTerm(); BooleanQuery q1 = new BooleanQuery(); q1.Add(new TermQuery(t1), Occur.SHOULD); q1.Add(new TermQuery(t2), Occur.SHOULD); DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q2.Add(new TermQuery(t1)); q2.Add(new TermQuery(t2)); AssertSameSet(q1, q2); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; float score3 = h[3].Score; string doc0 = s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"); string doc1 = s.Doc(h[1].Doc).Get("id"); string doc2 = s.Doc(h[2].Doc).Get("id"); string doc3 = s.Doc(h[3].Doc).Get("id"); Assert.IsTrue(doc0.Equals("d2", StringComparison.Ordinal) || doc0.Equals("d4", StringComparison.Ordinal), "doc0 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.IsTrue(doc1.Equals("d2", StringComparison.Ordinal) || doc1.Equals("d4", StringComparison.Ordinal), "doc1 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.AreEqual(score0, score1, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score0 and score1 should match"); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc2, "wrong third"); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have worse score then d2 and d4: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "wrong fourth"); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d1 does not have worse score then d3: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (Exception e) when(e.IsError()) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void TestDMQ5() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "QQ")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); q.Add(booleanQuery); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx"))); Qtest(q, new int[] { 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestDMQ7() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), Occur.MUST_NOT); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w3")), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(booleanQuery); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w2"))); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; float score3 = h[3].Score; System.String doc0 = s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = s.Doc(h[1].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = s.Doc(h[2].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = s.Doc(h[3].Doc).Get("id"); Assert.IsTrue(doc0.Equals("d2") || doc0.Equals("d4"), "doc0 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.IsTrue(doc1.Equals("d2") || doc1.Equals("d4"), "doc1 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.AreEqual(score0, score1, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score0 and score1 should match"); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc2, "wrong third"); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have worse score then d2 and d4: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "wrong fourth"); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d1 does not have worse score then d3: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino", 1.5f)); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant", 1.5f)); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; float score3 = h[3].Score; System.String doc0 = s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = s.Doc(h[1].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = s.Doc(h[2].Doc).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = s.Doc(h[3].Doc).Get("id"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", doc0, "doc0 should be d4: "); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc1, "doc1 should be d3: "); Assert.AreEqual("d2", doc2, "doc2 should be d2: "); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "doc3 should be d1: "); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d4 does not have a better score then d3: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have a better score then d2: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d3 does not have a better score then d1: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanRequiredEqualScores() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.MUST); // true,false); QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q1, s); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.MUST); // true,false); QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q2, s); } QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (Exception e) when(e.IsError()) { PrintHits("testBooleanRequiredEqualScores1", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeHit() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); Assert.IsTrue(s.TopReaderContext is AtomicReaderContext); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), dq, s, Similarity); Weight dw = s.CreateNormalizedWeight(dq); AtomicReaderContext context = (AtomicReaderContext)s.TopReaderContext; Scorer ds = dw.GetScorer(context, (context.AtomicReader).LiveDocs); Assert.IsTrue(ds.Advance(3) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, "firsttime skipTo found no match"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", r.Document(ds.DocID).Get("id"), "found wrong docid"); }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeHit() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); QueryUtils.Check(dq, s); Weight dw = dq.Weight(s); Scorer ds = dw.Scorer(r, true, false); Assert.IsTrue(ds.Advance(3) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, "firsttime skipTo found no match"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", r.Document(ds.DocID()).Get("id"), "found wrong docid"); }
public virtual void Test2() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); q.Add(qp.Parse("\"w1 w2\"~1"), Occur.MUST); q.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(Snear(Sf("w3", 2), St("w2"), St("w3"), 5, true), Occur.SHOULD); Query t = new FilteredQuery(qp.Parse("xx"), new ItemizedFilter(new int[] { 1, 3 })); t.SetBoost(1000); q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); t = new ConstantScoreQuery(new ItemizedFilter(new int[] { 0, 2 })); t.SetBoost(-20.0f); q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.2f); dm.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true)); dm.Add(qp.Parse("QQ")); dm.Add(qp.Parse("xx yy -zz")); dm.Add(qp.Parse("-xx -w1")); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w1")); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w2")); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w3")); dm.Add(dm2); q.Add(dm, Occur.SHOULD); BooleanQuery b = new BooleanQuery(); b.SetMinimumNumberShouldMatch(2); b.Add(Snear("w1", "w2", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w2", "w3", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w1", "w3", 3, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.SetBoost(0.0f); q.Add(b, Occur.SHOULD); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeMiss() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("id", "d1")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); QueryUtils.Check(dq, s); Weight dw = dq.Weight(s); Scorer ds = dw.Scorer(r, true, false); bool skipOk = ds.Advance(3) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; if (skipOk) { Assert.Fail("firsttime skipTo found a match? ... " + r.Document(ds.DocID()).Get("id")); } }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeMiss() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("id", "d1")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), dq, s, Similarity); Assert.IsTrue(s.TopReaderContext is AtomicReaderContext); Weight dw = s.CreateNormalizedWeight(dq); AtomicReaderContext context = (AtomicReaderContext)s.TopReaderContext; Scorer ds = dw.GetScorer(context, (context.AtomicReader).LiveDocs); bool skipOk = ds.Advance(3) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; if (skipOk) { Assert.Fail("firsttime skipTo found a match? ... " + r.Document(ds.DocID).Get("id")); } }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } QueryUtils.Check( #if FEATURE_INSTANCE_TESTDATA_INITIALIZATION this, #endif Random, q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length - 1; i++) // note: -1 { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } Assert.AreEqual("d1", s.Doc(h[h.Length - 1].Doc).Get("id"), "wrong last"); float score1 = h[h.Length - 1].Score; Assert.IsTrue(score > score1, "d1 does not have worse score then others: " + score + " >? " + score1); } catch (Exception e) when(e.IsError()) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker", h, s); throw; // LUCENENET: CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details ( } }
public virtual void Test1() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); q.Add(qp.Parse("\"w1 w2\"~1"), Occur.MUST); q.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(Snear(Sf("w3", 2), St("w2"), St("w3"), 5, true), Occur.SHOULD); Query t = new FilteredQuery(qp.Parse("xx"), new ItemizedFilter(new int[]{1, 3})); t.SetBoost(1000); q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); t = new ConstantScoreQuery(new ItemizedFilter(new int[]{0, 2})); t.SetBoost(30); q.Add(t, Occur.SHOULD); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.2f); dm.Add(Snear(St("w2"), Sor("w5", "zz"), 4, true)); dm.Add(qp.Parse("QQ")); dm.Add(qp.Parse("xx yy -zz")); dm.Add(qp.Parse("-xx -w1")); DisjunctionMaxQuery dm2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w1")); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w2")); dm2.Add(qp.Parse("w3")); dm.Add(dm2); q.Add(dm, Occur.SHOULD); BooleanQuery b = new BooleanQuery(); b.SetMinimumNumberShouldMatch(2); b.Add(Snear("w1", "w2", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w2", "w3", 1, true), Occur.SHOULD); b.Add(Snear("w1", "w3", 3, true), Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(b, Occur.SHOULD); Qtest(q, new int[]{0, 1, 2}); }
public virtual void TestDMQ9() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), Occur.SHOULD); TermQuery boostedQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w5")); boostedQuery.Boost = 100; booleanQuery.Add(boostedQuery, Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(booleanQuery); TermQuery xxBoostedQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx")); xxBoostedQuery.Boost = 0; q.Add(xxBoostedQuery); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length - 1; i++) { /* note: -1 */ Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } Assert.AreEqual("d1", s.Doc(h[h.Length - 1].Doc).Get("id"), "wrong last"); float score1 = h[h.Length - 1].Score; Assert.IsTrue(score > score1, "d1 does not have worse score then others: " + score + " >? " + score1); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestNullOrSubScorer() { Directory dir = new MockRAMDirectory(); IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("field", "a b c d", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); w.AddDocument(doc); IndexReader r = w.GetReader(); IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(r); BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // PhraseQuery w/ no terms added returns a null scorer PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(q, 10).totalHits); // A required clause which returns null scorer should return null scorer to // IndexSearcher. q = new BooleanQuery(); pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Search(q, 10).totalHits); DisjunctionMaxQuery dmq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(1.0f); dmq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a"))); dmq.Add(pq); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(dmq, 10).totalHits); r.Close(); w.Close(); dir.Close(); }
public virtual void TestBooleanRequiredEqualScores() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, Occur.MUST); //true,false); QueryUtils.Check(q1, s); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, Occur.MUST); //true,false); QueryUtils.Check(q2, s); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanRequiredEqualScores1", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanSpanQuery() { int hits = 0; Directory directory = NewDirectory(); Analyzer indexerAnalyzer = new MockAnalyzer(Random()); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, indexerAnalyzer); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, config); string FIELD = "content"; Document d = new Document(); d.Add(new TextField(FIELD, "clockwork orange", Field.Store.YES)); writer.AddDocument(d); writer.Dispose(); IndexReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.Open(directory); IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(indexReader); DisjunctionMaxQuery query = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(1.0f); SpanQuery sq1 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "clockwork")); SpanQuery sq2 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "clckwork")); query.Add(sq1); query.Add(sq2); TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(1000, true); searcher.Search(query, collector); hits = collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs.Length; foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in collector.GetTopDocs().ScoreDocs) { Console.WriteLine(scoreDoc.Doc); } indexReader.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(hits, 1); directory.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// (non-Javadoc) /// @see org.apache.lucene.xmlparser.QueryObjectBuilder#process(org.w3c.dom.Element) /// </summary> public virtual Query GetQuery(XmlElement e) { float tieBreaker = DOMUtils.GetAttribute(e, "tieBreaker", 0.0f); DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(tieBreaker); dq.Boost = DOMUtils.GetAttribute(e, "boost", 1.0f); XmlNodeList nl = e.ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < nl.Count; i++) { XmlNode node = nl.Item(i); if (node is XmlElement) { // all elements are disjuncts. XmlElement queryElem = (XmlElement)node; Query q = factory.GetQuery(queryElem); dq.Add(q); } } return dq; }
public virtual void TestNullOrSubScorer() { Directory dir = new MockRAMDirectory(); IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("field", "a b c d", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); w.AddDocument(doc); IndexReader r = w.GetReader(); IndexSearcher s = new IndexSearcher(r); BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // PhraseQuery w/ no terms added returns a null scorer PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(q, 10).TotalHits); // A required clause which returns null scorer should return null scorer to // IndexSearcher. q = new BooleanQuery(); pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Search(q, 10).TotalHits); DisjunctionMaxQuery dmq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(1.0f); dmq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a"))); dmq.Add(pq); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(dmq, 10).TotalHits); r.Close(); w.Close(); dir.Close(); }
public virtual void TestDMQ10() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); query.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), Occur.SHOULD); TermQuery boostedQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w5")); boostedQuery.Boost = 100; query.Add(boostedQuery, Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(query); TermQuery xxBoostedQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "xx")); xxBoostedQuery.Boost = 0; q.Add(xxBoostedQuery); q.Boost = 0.0f; Bqtest(q, new int[] { 0, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino", 1.5f)); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant", 1.5f)); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q, s, Similarity); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; float score3 = h[3].Score; string doc0 = s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"); string doc1 = s.Doc(h[1].Doc).Get("id"); string doc2 = s.Doc(h[2].Doc).Get("id"); string doc3 = s.Doc(h[3].Doc).Get("id"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", doc0, "doc0 should be d4: "); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc1, "doc1 should be d3: "); Assert.AreEqual("d2", doc2, "doc2 should be d2: "); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "doc3 should be d1: "); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d4 does not have a better score then d3: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have a better score then d2: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d3 does not have a better score then d1: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (Exception e) { PrintHits("TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q, s, Similarity); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length, "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length - 1; i++) // note: -1 { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } Assert.AreEqual("d1", s.Doc(h[h.Length - 1].Doc).Get("id"), "wrong last"); float score1 = h[h.Length - 1].Score; Assert.IsTrue(score > score1, "d1 does not have worse score then others: " + score + " >? " + score1); } catch (Exception e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker", h, s); throw e; } }
public Result FastSearch (string term, int number) { try { term = term.ToLower (); Query q1 = new TermQuery (new Term ("hottext", term)); Query q2 = new PrefixQuery (new Term ("hottext", term)); q2.Boost = 0.5f; DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery (0f); q.Add (q1); q.Add (q2); TopDocs top = searcher.Search (q, number); return new Result (term, searcher, top.ScoreDocs); } catch (IOException) { Console.WriteLine ("No index in {0}", dir); return null; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanSpanQuery() { int hits = 0; Directory directory = NewDirectory(); Analyzer indexerAnalyzer = new MockAnalyzer(Random()); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, indexerAnalyzer); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, config); string FIELD = "content"; Document d = new Document(); d.Add(new TextField(FIELD, "clockwork orange", Field.Store.YES)); writer.AddDocument(d); writer.Dispose(); IndexReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.Open(directory); IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(indexReader); DisjunctionMaxQuery query = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(1.0f); SpanQuery sq1 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "clockwork")); SpanQuery sq2 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "clckwork")); query.Add(sq1); query.Add(sq2); TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(1000, true); searcher.Search(query, collector); hits = collector.TopDocs().ScoreDocs.Length; foreach (ScoreDoc scoreDoc in collector.TopDocs().ScoreDocs) { Console.WriteLine(scoreDoc.Doc); } indexReader.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(hits, 1); directory.Dispose(); }
public virtual void TestDMQ7() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("-yy w3")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w2")); Qtest(q, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino", 1.5f)); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant", 1.5f)); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); float score3 = h.Score(3); System.String doc0 = h.Doc(0).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = h.Doc(1).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = h.Doc(2).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = h.Doc(3).Get("id"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", doc0, "doc0 should be d4: "); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc1, "doc1 should be d3: "); Assert.AreEqual("d2", doc2, "doc2 should be d2: "); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "doc3 should be d1: "); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d4 does not have a better score then d3: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have a better score then d2: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d3 does not have a better score then d1: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost", h); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestSimpleTiebreaker() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length(), "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("d2", h.Doc(0).Get("id"), "wrong first"); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d2 does not have better score then others: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.AreEqual(score1, score2, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "d4 and d1 don't have equal scores"); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleTiebreaker", h); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestDMQ3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("QQ")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w5")); Qtest(q, new int[]{0}); }
public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "all docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores3", h); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanRequiredEqualScores() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); // true,false); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q1, s, Similarity); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); // true,false); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q2, s, Similarity); } QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q, s, Similarity); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h[0].Score; for (int i = 1; i < h.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h[i].Score, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (Exception e) { PrintHits("testBooleanRequiredEqualScores1", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); float score3 = h.Score(3); System.String doc0 = h.Doc(0).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = h.Doc(1).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = h.Doc(2).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = h.Doc(3).Get("id"); Assert.IsTrue(doc0.Equals("d2") || doc0.Equals("d4"), "doc0 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.IsTrue(doc1.Equals("d2") || doc1.Equals("d4"), "doc1 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.AreEqual(score0, score1, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score0 and score1 should match"); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc2, "wrong third"); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have worse score then d2 and d4: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "wrong fourth"); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d1 does not have worse score then d3: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker", h); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestSimpleTiebreaker() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(Random(), q, s, Similarity); ScoreDoc[] h = s.Search(q, null, 1000).ScoreDocs; try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length, "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("d2", s.Doc(h[0].Doc).Get("id"), "wrong first"); float score0 = h[0].Score; float score1 = h[1].Score; float score2 = h[2].Score; Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d2 does not have better score then others: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.AreEqual(score1, score2, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "d4 and d1 don't have equal scores"); } catch (Exception e) { PrintHits("testSimpleTiebreaker", h, s); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestBooleanRequiredEqualScores() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); //false,false); QueryUtils.Check(q1, s); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); //false,false); QueryUtils.Check(q2, s); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length(), "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanRequiredEqualScores1", h); throw e; } }
public virtual void TestDMQ7() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery(); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "yy")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); booleanQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w3")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(booleanQuery); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(FIELD, "w2"))); Qtest(q, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); }
public virtual void TestNullOrSubScorer() { Directory dir = NewDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter w = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir); Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(NewTextField("field", "a b c d", Field.Store.NO)); w.AddDocument(doc); IndexReader r = w.Reader; IndexSearcher s = NewSearcher(r); // this test relies upon coord being the default implementation, // otherwise scores are different! s.Similarity = new DefaultSimilarity(); BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); // LUCENE-2617: make sure that a term not in the index still contributes to the score via coord factor float score = s.Search(q, 10).MaxScore; Query subQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("field", "not_in_index")); subQuery.Boost = 0; q.Add(subQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); float score2 = s.Search(q, 10).MaxScore; Assert.AreEqual(score * .5F, score2, 1e-6); // LUCENE-2617: make sure that a clause not in the index still contributes to the score via coord factor BooleanQuery qq = (BooleanQuery)q.Clone(); PhraseQuery phrase = new PhraseQuery(); phrase.Add(new Term("field", "not_in_index")); phrase.Add(new Term("field", "another_not_in_index")); phrase.Boost = 0; qq.Add(phrase, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); score2 = s.Search(qq, 10).MaxScore; Assert.AreEqual(score * (1 / 3F), score2, 1e-6); // now test BooleanScorer2 subQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("field", "b")); subQuery.Boost = 0; q.Add(subQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); score2 = s.Search(q, 10).MaxScore; Assert.AreEqual(score * (2 / 3F), score2, 1e-6); // PhraseQuery w/ no terms added returns a null scorer PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(q, 10).TotalHits); // A required clause which returns null scorer should return null scorer to // IndexSearcher. q = new BooleanQuery(); pq = new PhraseQuery(); q.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a")), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); q.Add(pq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Search(q, 10).TotalHits); DisjunctionMaxQuery dmq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(1.0f); dmq.Add(new TermQuery(new Term("field", "a"))); dmq.Add(pq); Assert.AreEqual(1, s.Search(dmq, 10).TotalHits); r.Dispose(); w.Dispose(); dir.Dispose(); }
public virtual void TestDMQ1() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(qp.Parse("w1")); q.Add(qp.Parse("w5")); Qtest(q, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}); }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeHit() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); QueryUtils.Check(dq, s); Weight dw = dq.Weight(s); Scorer ds = dw.Scorer(r); Assert.IsTrue(ds.SkipTo(3), "firsttime skipTo found no match"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", r.Document(ds.Doc()).Get("id"), "found wrong docid"); }
public virtual void TestDMQ5() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("yy -QQ")); q.Add(qp.Parse("xx")); Qtest(q, new int[]{2, 3}); }
public virtual void TestSkipToFirsttimeMiss() { DisjunctionMaxQuery dq = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); dq.Add(Tq("id", "d1")); dq.Add(Tq("dek", "DOES_NOT_EXIST")); QueryUtils.Check(dq, s); Weight dw = dq.Weight(s); Scorer ds = dw.Scorer(r); bool skipOk = ds.SkipTo(3); if (skipOk) { Assert.Fail("firsttime skipTo found a match? ... " + r.Document(ds.Doc()).Get("id")); } }
public virtual void TestDMQ9() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.5f); q.Add(qp.Parse("yy w5^100")); q.Add(qp.Parse("xx^0")); Qtest(q, new int[]{0, 2, 3}); }
public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length() - 1; i++) { /* note: -1 */ Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } Assert.AreEqual("d1", h.Doc(h.Length() - 1).Get("id"), "wrong last"); float score1 = h.Score(h.Length() - 1); Assert.IsTrue(score > score1, "d1 does not have worse score then others: " + score + " >? " + score1); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker", h); throw e; } }