public static bool ClassHelpString(string classname) { Type t = Type.GetType(classname); if (t == null) { try { t = Type.GetType(ScriptingCore.classhelpdict[classname]); } catch { } } if (t == null) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError(" ClassHelperString " + classname + " Was not found. "); return(false); } var d = new LuaInterface.luahelper(); //FieldInfo[] result = (FieldInfo[]) typeof(LuaInterface.luahelper).GetMethod("GetFields").MakeGenericMethod(t).Invoke(d, null); FieldInfo[] result = t.GetFields(); // var fieldNames = result.Select(field => field.Name) .ToList(); string debuglogtext = " Luahelp: This lists Field names of the given class.\n"; foreach (var i in result) { debuglogtext += i.Name + "\n"; } ScriptingCore.DebugLog(debuglogtext); return(true); }
public static bool RegisterType(string typename) { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("RegisterType: " + typename); Type t = Type.GetType(typename); if (t == null) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError(" ClassHelperString " + typename + " Was not found. "); return(false); } ScriptingCore.typedirectdict.Add(typename, t); if (ScriptingCore.classhelpdict.ContainsKey(typename)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The info " + typename + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { ScriptingCore.classhelpdict.Add(typename, t.AssemblyQualifiedName); } // foreach (var i in Db.Get().Urges) { Debug.Log( i.Name );} /* * var d = new luahelper(); * try * { * var result = typeof(luahelper).GetMethod("RegisterType").MakeGenericMethod(t); * RegisterTypeAdv<result>(typename); * } * catch(Exception e) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("RegisterType "+ typename+ " failed with error: " + e.Message ); } */ return(true); //somehow convert the typename to the type }
public static void RegisterTypeAdv <T>(System.Object dynv, string typename, string Helptext = "") { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("RegisterType: " + typename); if (dynv == null) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The type " + typename + " is null! "); throw new ArgumentNullException("The type of " + typename + " is null! "); } DynValue dynvalue = UserData.Create(dynv); UserData.RegisterType <T>(); if (ScriptingCore.typedict.ContainsKey(typename)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The type " + typename + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { if (dynvalue == null) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The Dynvalue of " + typename + " is null! "); throw new ArgumentNullException("The Dynvalue of " + typename + " is null! "); } else { ScriptingCore.typedict.Add(typename, dynvalue); } } AddHelpInfo <T>(typename, "Class: " + Helptext, false); }
public override BuildingDef CreateBuildingDef() { if (thisbuildingdef == null) { newbuildingdef(1, 1, "heavywatttile_conductive_kanim", 10, 10, new float[] { 1 }, new string[] { "steel" }, 10); } ScriptingCore.OnEvent(ID); ScriptingCore.DebugLog("CreateBuildingDef " + ID); return(thisbuildingdef); }
public static bool ClassHelp() { string fieldlist = " Use this strings with ClassHelpString " + "\n"; foreach (var i in ScriptingCore.classhelpdict) { fieldlist += i.Key + " : " + i.Value + "\n"; } ScriptingCore.DebugLog(fieldlist); return(true); }
public static bool Help() { string debuglogtext = " Luahelp: This lists Functions and classes, if you want to know more about a class do ClassHelp(classname) \n Functionname : Helptext\n"; foreach (var i in ScriptingCore.helpdict) { debuglogtext += i.Key + " : " + i.Value + "\n"; } ScriptingCore.DebugLog(debuglogtext); return(true); }
public static bool ListFieldsString(string typename) { string fieldlist = " List all fields of " + typename; foreach (var i in Type.GetType(typename).GetFields()) { fieldlist += i.Name + " : " + i.GetValue(i).ToString(); } ScriptingCore.DebugLog(fieldlist); return(true); }
public static void AddFunction(string Functionnameinlua, Delegate Function, string Helptext = "") { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("RegisterFunction: " + Functionnameinlua); if (ScriptingCore.functiondict.ContainsKey(Functionnameinlua)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The type " + Functionnameinlua + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { ScriptingCore.functiondict.Add(Functionnameinlua, Function); } AddHelpInfo(Functionnameinlua, Helptext); }
public static void RegisterTypeAdv <T>(string typename, string Helptext = "") { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("RegisterType: " + typename); UserData.RegisterType <T>(); if (ScriptingCore.typedict.ContainsKey(typename)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The type " + typename + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { ScriptingCore.typedirectdict.Add(typename, typeof(T)); } AddHelpInfo <T>(typename, "Class: " + Helptext, false); }
public static bool ListResearchsWithTypes() { string debuglogstring = " ListResearchsWithTypes "; foreach (Tech techtoadd in Db.Get().Techs.resources) { debuglogstring += techtoadd.Id + "\n"; var res = Research.Instance.Get(techtoadd); foreach (var i in { debuglogstring += i +[i] + "\n"; } } ScriptingCore.DebugLog(debuglogstring); return(true); }
public static bool AddHelpInfo(string Functionnameinlua, string Helptext = "", bool log = true) { if (log) { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("AddHelpInfo: " + Functionnameinlua); } if (ScriptingCore.helpdict.ContainsKey(Functionnameinlua)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The info " + Functionnameinlua + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { ScriptingCore.helpdict.Add(Functionnameinlua, Helptext); } return(true); }
public static void RegisterType <T>(string typename, string Helptext = "") where T : new() { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("RegisterType: " + typename); UserData.RegisterType <T>(); DynValue dynv = UserData.Create(new T()); if (ScriptingCore.typedict.ContainsKey(typename)) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError("The type " + typename + " is already registered skipping it! "); } else { ScriptingCore.typedict.Add(typename, dynv); } AddHelpInfo <T>(typename, "Class: " + Helptext, false); }
static public bool ListAllTypes(string fileName) { if (fileName == null) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError(" ClassHelperString " + fileName + " Filename is null. "); return(false); } Assembly assembly; try { assembly = Assembly.Load(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { ScriptingCore.DebugLogError(" RegisterAllTypes " + e.Message); return(false); } foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes()) { ScriptingCore.DebugLog(type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } return(true); }
public static void Postfix() { ScriptingCore.DebugLog("loadbuildings"); ScriptingCore.OnEvent("loadbuildings"); }
public static void Prefix() { ScriptingCore.ScriptInit(); ScriptingCore.DebugLog("preloadbuildings"); ScriptingCore.OnEvent("preloadbuildings"); }