コード例 #1
ファイル: Engine.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
        public Engine()
            // create all classes
             bitboard = new BitBoard();
             magicMoves = new MagicMoves();
             transpositionTable = new TranspositionTable();
             pawnEvalTT = new PawnsTT();
             evalTT = new EvalTT();
             board = new Board(true);
             evaluator = new My_Evaluator();
             moveGenerator = new MoveGenerator();
             searchMove = new SearchMove();
             attack = new Attack();

             // Setup dependency : assign pointers to classes

             searchMove.SearchMoveHasNewResults = StoreCurrentEngineResults;

             MoveHistory = new Move[100];
コード例 #2
        private void StoreCurrentThinking(int score)
            // stores the best found mobes, so far and the score
             currentScore = score;

             int nrPVMoves = PrincipalVariation.Length;
             if (nrPVMoves > maxNrThinkMoves)
            nrPVMoves = maxNrThinkMoves;
             bool TTStillMatchesPV = true;         // this signals if the PV matches the TT
             int nrThinkMoves = 0;
             Move[] thinkMoves = new Move[maxNrThinkMoves];
             ulong[] thinkMoveHashValues = new ulong[maxNrThinkMoves];

             // First store everything in a clone, since making captures reorders the indices of pieces in PiecePos.
             // This reorders future moves. Somehow, this gives problems
             Board clone = new Board(false);
             for (int i = 0; i < nrPVMoves; i++)
            if (TTStillMatchesPV)
               int ttIndex = transpositionTable.GetIndex(board.HashValue, 0);
               if (ttIndex >= 0)
                  Move ttMove = new Move(transpositionTable.slots[ttIndex].compressedMove);
                  if (ttMove != PrincipalVariation[i])
                     TTStillMatchesPV = false;
                  TTStillMatchesPV = false;
            thinkMoves[i] = PrincipalVariation[i];
            thinkMoveHashValues[i] = board.HashValue;
             // finished the PrincipalVariation. Now follow the TT
             nrCurrentMovesFromPV = nrThinkMoves;
             int ttIndex2;
             while ((ttIndex2 = transpositionTable.GetIndex(board.HashValue, 0)) != -1)
            Move move = new Move(transpositionTable.slots[ttIndex2].compressedMove);
            if (move.moveType == Const.NoMoveID)
            if (nrThinkMoves >= maxNrThinkMoves - 1)
            thinkMoves[nrThinkMoves] = move;
            thinkMoveHashValues[nrThinkMoves] = board.HashValue;
            // Check if this move has occured before. Otherwise an endless loop would occurr.
            // Allow for 3 entries, since this is possible for the 3-move rule (?)
            int nrSameEntries = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < nrThinkMoves; i++)
               if (thinkMoveHashValues[i] == board.HashValue)
            if (nrSameEntries >= 3)
             // now rewind the board by undoing the moves made
             for (int i = nrThinkMoves - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             // switch back to the original board
             // So found the moves, now store them
             currentMoves = new Move[nrThinkMoves];
             for (int i = 0; i < nrThinkMoves; i++)
            currentMoves[i] = thinkMoves[i];
コード例 #3
ファイル: Engine.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
 private bool IsCheckOrStallMate(out bool isStallMate)
     // Use this only in between moves, since it's quite 'slow' (20 microseconds);
      // slow, but exact way to see if the color to move is check-mate
      // Do this with a clone, since making captures reorders the indices of pieces in PiecePos.
      // This reorders future moves. Somehow, this gives problems
      Board clone = new Board(false);
      Move[] moves = moveGenerator.GenerateMoves(null);
      // try all moves. If no one is valid. It's checkmate.
      bool hasValidMove = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < moveGenerator.nrGeneratedMoves; i++)
     if (board.MakeMove(moves[i]))
        hasValidMove = true;
     if (hasValidMove)
      if (!hasValidMove)
     // maybe it's a stall-mate : in this case, the king is not in check
     isStallMate = !board.IsInCheck();
     isStallMate = false;
      return !hasValidMove;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Engine.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
        public bool UserMoveIsLegal(string moveString)
            // slow : only use for validation of user move
             Move move = board.FindMoveOnBoard(moveString);
             if (move == Move.NoMove())
            return false;              // not found
             // check if this move leaves the king in check :
             // Do this with a clone, since making captures reorders the indices of pieces in PiecePos.
             // This reorders future moves. Somehow, this gives problems
             Board clone = new Board(false);
             board.ToggleMoveColor();          // this was toggled by MakeMove. Undo it.
             bool leavesKingInCheck = board.IsInCheck();

             return !leavesKingInCheck;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
 public void LoadFrom(Board clone)
     // load the entire contents from a clone
      magicMoves = clone.magicMoves;
      transpositionTable = clone.transpositionTable;
      evaluator = clone.evaluator;
      moveGenerator = clone.moveGenerator;
      pieces = new ulong[clone.pieces.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < clone.pieces.Length; i++)
     pieces[i] = clone.pieces[i];
      allPiecesBB = clone.allPiecesBB;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        pieceBB[i, j] = clone.pieceBB[i, j];
      // PiecePos
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < Const.MaxNrPiecesPerType; k++)
           PiecePos[i, j, k] = clone.PiecePos[i, j, k];
      // nrPieces
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     TotalNrPieces[i] = clone.TotalNrPieces[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        NrPieces[i, j] = clone.NrPieces[i, j];
      // SquareContents
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrSquares; i++)
     SquareContents[i] = clone.SquareContents[i];
      // state of the game info
      colorToMove = clone.colorToMove;
      enemyColor = clone.enemyColor;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     canCastleKingSide[i] = clone.canCastleKingSide[i];
     canCastleQueenSide[i] = clone.canCastleQueenSide[i];
     hasCastled[i] = clone.hasCastled[i];
      // ..
      enPassantPosition = clone.enPassantPosition;
      halfMoveNr = clone.halfMoveNr;
      fiftyMoveNr = clone.fiftyMoveNr;
      capturedPiecePosition = clone.capturedPiecePosition;
      capturedPieceType = clone.capturedPieceType;
      repeatedPosition_SearchOffset = clone.repeatedPosition_SearchOffset;
      maxNrStoredBoardStates = clone.maxNrStoredBoardStates;
      nrStoredBoardStates = clone.nrStoredBoardStates;
      storedBoardStates = new BoardState[clone.storedBoardStates.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < clone.storedBoardStates.Length; i++)
     storedBoardStates[i] = clone.storedBoardStates[i];
      HashValue = clone.HashValue;
      bwPawnsHashValue = clone.bwPawnsHashValue;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     StaticMaterialScore[i] = clone.StaticMaterialScore[i];
     StaticPositionalScore[i] = clone.StaticPositionalScore[i];
      nrHashValuesInHistory = clone.nrHashValuesInHistory;
      HashValueHistory = new ulong[clone.HashValueHistory.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < clone.HashValueHistory.Length; i++)
     HashValueHistory[i] = clone.HashValueHistory[i];
コード例 #6
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
        public bool Compare(Board clone)
            for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++)
            if (clone.pieces[i] != pieces[i])
               return false;
             if (clone.allPiecesBB != allPiecesBB)
               return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
               if (clone.pieceBB[i, j] != pieceBB[i, j])
                  return false;
             // PiecePos
             int nrPiecePosErrors = 0;
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
               for (int k = 0; k < Const.MaxNrPiecesPerType; k++)
                  if (clone.PiecePos[i, j, k] != PiecePos[i, j, k])
             if (nrPiecePosErrors > 0)
              return false;
             // nrPieces
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
            if (clone.TotalNrPieces[i] != TotalNrPieces[i])
               return false;
            for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
               if (clone.NrPieces[i, j] != NrPieces[i, j])
                  return false;
             // SquareContents
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrSquares; i++)
            if (clone.SquareContents[i].pieceColor != SquareContents[i].pieceColor)
               return false;
            if (clone.SquareContents[i].pieceIndex != SquareContents[i].pieceIndex)
               return false;
            if (clone.SquareContents[i].pieceType != SquareContents[i].pieceType)
               return false;
             // state of the game info
             if (clone.colorToMove != colorToMove)
               return false;
             if (clone.enemyColor != enemyColor)
               return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
            if (clone.canCastleKingSide[i] != canCastleKingSide[i])
               return false;
            if (clone.canCastleQueenSide[i] != canCastleQueenSide[i])
               return false;
            if (clone.hasCastled[i] != hasCastled[i])
               return false;
             if (clone.enPassantPosition != enPassantPosition)
               return false;
             if (clone.halfMoveNr != halfMoveNr)
               return false;
             if (clone.fiftyMoveNr != fiftyMoveNr)
               return false;
             if (clone.capturedPiecePosition != capturedPiecePosition)
               return false;
             if (clone.capturedPieceType != capturedPieceType)
               return false;
             if (clone.repeatedPosition_SearchOffset != repeatedPosition_SearchOffset)
               return false;
             if (clone.maxNrStoredBoardStates != maxNrStoredBoardStates)
               return false;
             if (clone.nrStoredBoardStates != nrStoredBoardStates)
            return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < storedBoardStates.Length; i++)
            if (!clone.storedBoardStates[i].Equals(storedBoardStates[i]) )
               return false;
             if (clone.HashValue != HashValue)
            return false;
             if (clone.bwPawnsHashValue != bwPawnsHashValue)
            return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
            if (clone.StaticMaterialScore[i] != StaticMaterialScore[i])
               return false;
            if (clone.StaticPositionalScore[i] != StaticPositionalScore[i])
               return false;

             if (clone.nrHashValuesInHistory != nrHashValuesInHistory)
               return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < HashValueHistory.Length; i++)
            if (clone.HashValueHistory[i] != HashValueHistory[i])
               return false;
             return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: Chessforeva/Csharp4chess
 public Board Clone()
     // use the empty creator : otherwise to many things are set.
      Board clone = new Board(false);
      clone.magicMoves = magicMoves;
      clone.transpositionTable = transpositionTable;
      clone.evaluator = evaluator;
      clone.moveGenerator = moveGenerator;
      clone.pieces = new ulong[pieces.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++)
     clone.pieces[i] = pieces[i];
      clone.allPiecesBB = allPiecesBB;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        clone.pieceBB[i, j] = pieceBB[i, j];
      // PiecePos
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < Const.MaxNrPiecesPerType; k++)
           clone.PiecePos[i, j, k] = PiecePos[i, j, k];
      // nrPieces
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     clone.TotalNrPieces[i] = TotalNrPieces[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < Const.NrPieceTypes; j++)
        clone.NrPieces[i, j] = NrPieces[i, j];
      // SquareContents
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrSquares; i++)
     clone.SquareContents[i] = SquareContents[i];
      // state of the game info
      clone.colorToMove = colorToMove;
      clone.enemyColor = enemyColor;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     clone.canCastleKingSide[i] = canCastleKingSide[i];
     clone.canCastleQueenSide[i] = canCastleQueenSide[i];
     clone.hasCastled[i] = hasCastled[i];
      // ..
      clone.enPassantPosition = enPassantPosition;
      clone.halfMoveNr = halfMoveNr;
      clone.fiftyMoveNr = fiftyMoveNr;
      clone.capturedPiecePosition = capturedPiecePosition;
      clone.capturedPieceType = capturedPieceType;
      clone.repeatedPosition_SearchOffset = repeatedPosition_SearchOffset;
      clone.maxNrStoredBoardStates = maxNrStoredBoardStates;
      clone.nrStoredBoardStates = nrStoredBoardStates;
      clone.storedBoardStates = new BoardState[storedBoardStates.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < storedBoardStates.Length; i++)
     clone.storedBoardStates[i] = storedBoardStates[i];
      clone.HashValue = HashValue;
      clone.bwPawnsHashValue = bwPawnsHashValue;
      for (int i = 0; i < Const.NrColors; i++)
     clone.StaticMaterialScore[i] = StaticMaterialScore[i];
     clone.StaticPositionalScore[i] = StaticPositionalScore[i];
      clone.nrHashValuesInHistory = nrHashValuesInHistory;
      clone.HashValueHistory = new ulong[HashValueHistory.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < HashValueHistory.Length; i++)
     clone.HashValueHistory[i] = HashValueHistory[i];
      return clone;