public Attractor(int id) : base(id) { Type = new EnumValue <AttractionType>(this, "Type", AttractionType.World); Acceleration = new FloatValue(this, "Acceleration", 0f); Normal = new Vector3Value(this, "Normal", Vector3.UnitY); UseMass = new BoolValue(this, "UseMass", false); }
public AudioSource(int id) : base(id) { LayerMask = new EnumValue <Layers>(this, "LayerMask", Layers.Layer0); Clip = new AudioClipValue(this, "Clip", null); Pitch = new FloatValue(this, "Pitch", 1f); Time = new FloatValue(this, "Time", 0f); State = new EnumValue <AudioSourceState>(this, "State", AudioSourceState.None); Looping = new BoolValue(this, "Looping", false); }
public Camera(int id) : base(id) { if (Main == null) { Main = this; //If this is the first created camera, designate it as the Main camera } LayerMask = new EnumValue <Layers>(this, "LayerMask", Layers.Layer0); IsOrthographic = new BoolValue(this, "IsOrthographic", false); UseAlphaBlend = new BoolValue(this, "UseAlphaBlend", false); UseLighting = new BoolValue(this, "UseLighting", false); FieldOfView = new FloatValue(this, "FieldOfView", 60f); ViewDistance = new FloatValue(this, "ViewDistance", 256f); ResetProjectionMatrix(); }
public PointLight(int id) : base(id) { Radius = new FloatValue(this, "Radius", 1f); pointLights.Add(this); }
public Light(int id) : base(id) { Color = new Color4Value(this, "Color", Color4.White); Intensity = new FloatValue(this, "Intensity", 1f); }
public Rigidbody(int id) : base(id) { Velocity = new Vector3Value(this, "Velocity", Vector3.Zero); AngularVelocity = new Vector3Value(this, "AngularVelocity", Vector3.Zero); Mass = new FloatValue(this, "Mass", 1f); }
public FloatValue RotateSpeed; //How fast the freelook camera rotates public Freelook(int id) : base(id) { MoveSpeed = new FloatValue(this, "MoveSpeed", 10f); RotateSpeed = new FloatValue(this, "RotateSpeed", 0.005f); }