/// <summary> /// Executes the simulation step. /// </summary> /// <param name="speed"> /// The overall simulation speed factor. /// </param> /// <param name="damping"> /// The damping value (range 0-1). /// </param> public override void StepSimulation(float speed, float damping) { if (!OnlyAmbient) { base.StepSimulation(speed, damping); } _canInteract = !OnlyAmbient; bool isFieldObstructionNull = _fieldObstruction == null; // Ambient wave time _time += Time.deltaTime * AmbientWaveSpeed; // Caching to avoid many divisions Vector2 invGrid = new Vector2(1f / _grid.x, 1f / _grid.y); for (int i = 0; i < _grid.x; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _grid.y; j++) { int index = j * _grid.x + i; if (!isFieldObstructionNull && _fieldObstruction[index] == byte.MinValue) { continue; } // Obstruction value (0-1) determined by obstruction geometry and obstruction mask float obstructionValue = isFieldObstructionNull ? 1f : _fieldObstruction[index] * FastFunctions.InvertedByteMaxValue; // Normalizing the coordinates float normX = i * invGrid.x; float normY = j * invGrid.y; // Calculating new node value float val = (normX + normY) * FastFunctions.DoublePi; if (OnlyAmbient) { _fieldSum[index] = FastFunctions.FastSin(val * AmbientWaveFrequency + _time) * AmbientWaveHeight * obstructionValue; } else { _fieldSum[index] = FastFunctions.FastSin(val * AmbientWaveFrequency + _time) * AmbientWaveHeight * obstructionValue + FieldSimNew[index]; } } } // Updating the field _field = _fieldSum; _isDirty = true; }
/// <summary> /// Executes the simulation step. /// </summary> /// <param name="speed"> /// The overall simulation speed factor. /// </param> /// <param name="damping"> /// The damping value (range 0-1). /// </param> public override void StepSimulation(float speed, float damping) { if (!OnlyAmbient) { base.StepSimulation(speed, damping); } _canInteract = !OnlyAmbient; bool isFieldObstructionNull = _fieldObstruction == null; // Ambient wave time _time += Time.deltaTime; // Recalculating direction foreach (Wave wave in Waves) { wave.Direction = new Vector2(FastFunctions.FastCos(wave.Angle * FastFunctions.Deg2Rad), FastFunctions.FastSin(wave.Angle * FastFunctions.Deg2Rad)); wave.CircleShift = new Vector2(-Mathf.Clamp01(wave.Position.x) * FastFunctions.DoublePi, -Mathf.Clamp01(wave.Position.y) * FastFunctions.DoublePi); } // Caching to avoid many divisions Vector2 invGrid = new Vector2(1f / _grid.x, 1f / _grid.y); for (int i = 0; i < _grid.x; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _grid.y; j++) { int index = j * _grid.x + i; if (!isFieldObstructionNull && _fieldObstruction[index] == byte.MinValue) { continue; } // Obstruction value (0-1) determined by obstruction geometry and obstruction mask float obstructionValue = isFieldObstructionNull ? 1f : _fieldObstruction[index] * FastFunctions.InvertedByteMaxValue; // Normalizing the coordinates float normX = i * invGrid.x * FastFunctions.DoublePi; float normY = j * invGrid.y * FastFunctions.DoublePi; _fieldSum[index] = 0f; for (int k = 0; k < Waves.Length; k++) { Wave wave = Waves[k]; // Calculating new node value if (wave.Excluded) { continue; } float val; if (wave.Circular) { normX += wave.CircleShift.x; normY += wave.CircleShift.y; /* Non-optimized version. Use it if you want */ //val = FastFunctions.FastSqrt(normX * normX + normY * normY) * wave.Frequency + _time * wave.Velocity; val = normX * normX + normY * normY; FastFunctions.FloatIntUnion u; u.i = 0; u.f = val; float xhalf = 0.5f * val; u.i = 0x5f375a86 - (u.i >> 1); u.f = u.f * (1.5f - xhalf * u.f * u.f); val = u.f * val * wave.Frequency + _time * wave.Velocity; } else { val = (wave.Direction.x * normX + wave.Direction.y * normY) * wave.Frequency + _time * wave.Velocity; } /* Non-optimized version. Use it if you want */ //_fieldSum[index] += FastFunctions.FastPow((FastFunctions.FastSin(val) + 1f) * 0.5f, wave.Steepness) * wave.Amplitude * obstructionValue; /* Optimized version */ // FastFunctions.FastSin(val) float tmpVal = (val + Mathf.PI) * FastFunctions.InvDoublePi; int floor = tmpVal >= 0 ? (int)(tmpVal) : (int)((tmpVal) - 1); val = val - FastFunctions.DoublePi * floor; if (val < 0) { val = 1.27323954f * val + 0.405284735f * val * val; } else { val = 1.27323954f * val - 0.405284735f * val * val; } // FastFunctions.FastPowInt tmpVal = (val + 1f) * 0.5f; int steepness = wave.Steepness; while (steepness > 0) { tmpVal *= val; steepness--; } // Final calculations val = tmpVal * wave.Amplitude * obstructionValue; _fieldSum[index] += val; /* End of optimized version */ } if (!OnlyAmbient) { _fieldSum[index] += FieldSimNew[index]; } } } // Updating the field _field = _fieldSum; _isDirty = true; }