protected override void OnBackButtonPressed() { CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(LeaveGameCoroutine()); IEnumerator LeaveGameCoroutine() { if (this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning) { yield break; } this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning = true; this.Dialog.Hide(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(0.25f)); var leaveGamePrompt = PlayFabMessages.ShowExitAppPrompt(); yield return(leaveGamePrompt); if (leaveGamePrompt.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { Platform.QuitApplication(); yield break; } this.Dialog.Show(); this.isLeaveGameCoroutineRunning = false; } }
public static Coroutine FadeAlpha(this Graphic image, float startAlpha, float endAlpha, float timeLengthInSeconds, float delayInSeconds = 0.0f) { return(CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(FadeAlphaCoroutine())); IEnumerator FadeAlphaCoroutine() { yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(delayInSeconds)); Color color = image.color; float time = 0.0f; while (time < timeLengthInSeconds) { color = color.SetA(Mathf.Lerp(startAlpha, endAlpha, time / timeLengthInSeconds)); image.color = color; yield return(null); time += Time.deltaTime; } color = color.SetA(endAlpha); image.color = color; } }
private void ForgotPassword() { CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(ForgotPasswordCoroutine()); IEnumerator ForgotPasswordCoroutine() { if (this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning) { yield break; } this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning = true; this.Dialog.Hide(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(.25f)); var forgot = PlayFabMessages.ShowForgotPasswordPrompt(this.emailInputField.text); if (forgot.Value == YesNoResult.Yes) { var accountRecovery = PF.Login.SendAccountRecoveryEmail(this.emailInputField.text, this.forgotEmailTemplateId); yield return(accountRecovery); if (accountRecovery.HasError) { yield return(PlayFabMessages.HandleError(accountRecovery.Exception)); } } this.Dialog.Show(); this.isForgotPasswordCoroutineRunning = false; } }
public static Coroutine FadeAlpha(this Material material, string colorPropertyName, float startAlpha, float endAlpha, float timeLengthInSeconds, float delayInSeconds = 0.0f) { return(CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(FadeAlphaCoroutine())); IEnumerator FadeAlphaCoroutine() { yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(delayInSeconds)); Color currentColor = material.GetColor(colorPropertyName); float time = 0.0f; while (time < timeLengthInSeconds) { if (material) { currentColor = currentColor.SetA(Mathf.Lerp(startAlpha, endAlpha, time / timeLengthInSeconds)); material.SetColor(colorPropertyName, currentColor); } yield return(null); time += Time.deltaTime; } if (material) { currentColor = currentColor.SetA(endAlpha); material.SetColor(colorPropertyName, currentColor); } } }
public void StartCountdown(int seconds, System.Action timerFinished = null) { this.Seconds = seconds; if (this.countdownCoroutine != null) { this.StopCoroutine(this.countdownCoroutine); this.countdownCoroutine = null; } this.countdownCoroutine = this.StartCoroutine(Coroutine()); IEnumerator Coroutine() { float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + this.Seconds; while (endTime > Time.realtimeSinceStartup) { this.Seconds = (int)(endTime - Time.realtimeSinceStartup); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(1)); } this.Seconds = 0; timerFinished?.Invoke(); } }
public static Coroutine ExecuteDelayedRealtime(this MonoBehaviour lhs, float delayInRealtimeSeconds, Action action) { return(CoroutineRunner.Instance.StartCoroutine(DelayExecuteRealtimeCoroutine())); IEnumerator DelayExecuteRealtimeCoroutine() { yield return(WaitForUtil.RealtimeSeconds(delayInRealtimeSeconds)); action?.Invoke(); } }
private IEnumerator FadeOutCoroutine() { yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(this.waitTime)); var meshRenderer = this.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); var material = meshRenderer?.material; if (this.transparentMaterial == null) { Debug.Log("this.transparentMaterial is NULL!"); } if (material != null && this.transparentMaterial != null) { Material newTransparent = Object.Instantiate(this.transparentMaterial); // Copy over color properties if (this.colorsPropertiesToCopy != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.colorsPropertiesToCopy.Length; i++) { newTransparent.SetColor(this.colorsPropertiesToCopy[i], material.GetColor(this.colorsPropertiesToCopy[i])); } } // Copy over texture properties if (this.texturesPropertiesToCopy != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.texturesPropertiesToCopy.Length; i++) { newTransparent.SetTexture(this.texturesPropertiesToCopy[i], material.GetTexture(this.texturesPropertiesToCopy[i])); } } meshRenderer.material = newTransparent; yield return(newTransparent.FadeAlpha(this.colorPropertyToAnimate, 1.0f, 0.0f, this.fadeTime)); Object.Destroy(newTransparent); } Pooler.Destroy(this.gameObject); }
private void ListenForXRKeyboard() { this.StartCoroutine(Coroutine()); IEnumerator Coroutine() { XRKeyboard xrKeyboard = DialogManager.GetDialog <XRKeyboard>(); while (true) { if (InputFieldTracker.IsInputFieldSelected && xrKeyboard.Dialog.IsHidden) { xrKeyboard.Dialog.Show(); } // NOTE [bgish]: This is important and kinda hacky, we need to call InputFieldTracker.IsInputFieldSelected every // frame if we want to properly track the last known selection of the text input. We only care // though if the keyboard dialog is showing, else we can just check every quarter second. yield return(xrKeyboard.Dialog.IsShowing ? null : WaitForUtil.Seconds(0.25f)); } } }
public void StartGpsService() { this.StopGpsService(); if (Application.isEditor && this.waitForUnityRemote == false) { this.serviceCoroutine = this.StartCoroutine(StartGpsServiceEditorCoroutine()); } else if (Application.isEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { this.serviceCoroutine = this.StartCoroutine(StartGpsServiceCoroutine()); } else { Debug.LogError($"GPSManager Encountered Unknown Platform {Application.platform}"); } IEnumerator StartGpsServiceEditorCoroutine() { if (this.printDebugOutput) { Debug.Log("GPSManager.StartGpsServiceEditorCoroutine"); } this.serviceState = GPSServiceState.StartingUp; if (this.hasEditorLatLongBeenSet == false) { var debugStartLocationsCount = this.debugStartLocations?.Count; if (debugStartLocationsCount == null || debugStartLocationsCount == 0) { Debug.LogError("GPSManager has no debug start locations to work with."); yield break; } GPSLatLong latLong = this.debugStartLocations[0].LatLong; if (debugStartLocationsCount > 1) { // TODO [bgish]: Let user pick a location } this.editorLatLong = new GPSLatLong { Latitude = latLong.Latitude, Longitude = latLong.Longitude, }; this.hasEditorLatLongBeenSet = true; } this.serviceState = GPSServiceState.Running; while (true) { this.CurrentRawLatLong = this.editorLatLong; yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(this.smoothMovementInEdtior ? 0.02f : this.updateFrequencyInSeconds)); } } IEnumerator StartGpsServiceCoroutine() { this.serviceState = GPSServiceState.StartingUp; if (Application.isEditor && this.waitForUnityRemote) { #if UNITY_EDITOR while (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isRemoteConnected == false) { yield return(null); } #endif yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(5.0f)); } // TODO [bgish]: Need to not do this look if we're just running in editor and this.waitForUnityRemote == false while (true) { bool isGpsEnabled = GPSUtil.IsGpsEnabledByUser(); if (isGpsEnabled == false) { GPSUtil.AskForPermissionToUseGPS(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(1.0f)); isGpsEnabled = GPSUtil.IsGpsEnabledByUser(); } if (isGpsEnabled) { break; } else if (this.appMustUseGps == false) { Debug.LogError("Unable to start GPS Manage. The user doesn't have permissions."); this.StopGpsService(); break; } else { var gpsRequired = LostMessages.GpsIsRequiredRetryOrQuitApp(); yield return(gpsRequired); if (gpsRequired.Value == YesNoResult.No) { Platform.QuitApplication(); } } } // Start service before querying location UnityEngine.Input.location.Start(10.0f, 10.0f); // Wait until service initializes int maxWait = 15; while (UnityEngine.Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1)); maxWait--; } // Editor has a bug which doesn't set the service status to Initializing. So extra wait in Editor. if (Application.isEditor) { int editorMaxWait = 15; while (UnityEngine.Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Stopped && editorMaxWait > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1)); editorMaxWait--; } } // Service didn't initialize in 15 seconds if (maxWait < 1) { // TODO Failure Debug.LogFormat("Timed out"); this.StopGpsService(); yield break; } // Connection has failed if (UnityEngine.Input.location.status != LocationServiceStatus.Running) { // TODO Failure Debug.LogFormat("Unable to determine device location. Failed with status {0}", UnityEngine.Input.location.status); this.StopGpsService(); yield break; } else { this.serviceState = GPSServiceState.Running; while (true) { this.CurrentRawLatLong = GPSUtil.GetGPSLatLong(); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(this.updateFrequencyInSeconds)); } } } }
public override void Initialize() { #if !USING_UNITY_XR if (this.enabled) { Debug.LogError("Tring to use XRManager without USING_UNITY_XR define."); } this.UpdateInputSystem(true); this.SetInstance(this); #else this.StartCoroutine(Coroutine()); IEnumerator Coroutine() { if (this.printDebugInfo) { // Registering for events UnityEngine.XR.XRDevice.deviceLoaded += (device) => Debug.Log($"XRManager: Device Loaded - {device}"); UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.deviceConnected += (device) => Debug.Log($"XRManager: Device Connected - {}"); UnityEngine.XR.InputDevices.deviceConfigChanged += (device) => Debug.Log($"XRManager: Device Config Changed - {device}"); Debug.Log($"XRManager: SystemInfo.deviceName - {SystemInfo.deviceName}"); // Printing off all our loaders if (UnityEngine.XR.Management.XRGeneralSettings.Instance) { var loaders = UnityEngine.XR.Management.XRGeneralSettings.Instance.Manager.activeLoaders; Debug.Log("XRManager: XR Loader Count - " + loaders.Count); for (int i = 0; i < loaders.Count; i++) { string loaderName = loaders[i] != null ? loaders[i].name : "NULL"; Debug.Log($"XRManager: XR Loader - {loaderName}"); } } } // Special case for forcing Pancake mode if (Application.isEditor && Application.isPlaying && ForcePancakeInEditorUtil.ForcePancakeInEditor) { this.StartUnityXR(this.pancake.XRLoader); this.FinishInitialization(this.pancake); yield break; } var xrDevice = this.GetCurrentXRDevice(); if (xrDevice != this.pancake) { this.StartUnityXR(xrDevice.XRLoader); this.FinishInitialization(xrDevice); } else { this.StartUnityXR(this.StartLoaders()); yield return(WaitForUtil.Seconds(1.0f)); this.FinishInitialization(); } } #endif }