コード例 #1
        public async Task <List <IoTHubDeviceInfo> > GetDeviceList(DevEui?devEUI, string gatewayId, DevNonce?devNonce, DevAddr?devAddr, ILogger log = null)
            var results = new List <IoTHubDeviceInfo>();

            if (devEUI is { } someDevEui)
                var joinInfo = await TryGetJoinInfoAndValidateAsync(someDevEui, gatewayId, log);

                // OTAA join
                using var deviceCache = new LoRaDeviceCache(this.cacheStore, someDevEui, gatewayId);
                var cacheKeyDevNonce = string.Concat(devEUI, ":", devNonce);

                if (this.cacheStore.StringSet(cacheKeyDevNonce, devNonce?.ToString(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), onlyIfNotExists: true))
                    var iotHubDeviceInfo = new IoTHubDeviceInfo
                        DevEUI     = someDevEui,
                        PrimaryKey = joinInfo.PrimaryKey


                    if (await deviceCache.TryToLockAsync())
                        deviceCache.ClearCache(); // clear the fcnt up/down after the join
                        log?.LogDebug("Removed key '{key}':{gwid}", someDevEui, gatewayId);
                        log?.LogWarning("Failed to acquire lock for '{key}'", someDevEui);
                    log?.LogDebug("dev nonce already used. Ignore request '{key}':{gwid}", someDevEui, gatewayId);
                    throw new DeviceNonceUsedException();
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> NextFCntDownInvoke(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            if (req is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(req));

            catch (IncompatibleVersionException ex)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(ex.Message));

            string rawDevEui         = req.Query["DevEUI"];
            var    fCntDown          = req.Query["FCntDown"];
            var    fCntUp            = req.Query["FCntUp"];
            var    gatewayId         = req.Query["GatewayId"];
            var    abpFcntCacheReset = req.Query["ABPFcntCacheReset"];

            if (!DevEui.TryParse(rawDevEui, EuiParseOptions.ForbidInvalid, out var devEui))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Dev EUI is invalid."));

            if (!uint.TryParse(fCntUp, out var clientFCntUp))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing FCntUp");

            if (abpFcntCacheReset != StringValues.Empty)
                using (var deviceCache = new LoRaDeviceCache(this.deviceCache, devEui, gatewayId))
                    if (await deviceCache.TryToLockAsync())
                        if (deviceCache.TryGetInfo(out var deviceInfo))
                            // only reset the cache if the current value is larger
                            // than 1 otherwise we likely reset it from another device
                            // and continued processing
                            if (deviceInfo.FCntUp > 1)
                                log.LogDebug("Resetting cache for device {devEUI}. FCntUp: {fcntup}", devEui, deviceInfo.FCntUp);

                return(new OkObjectResult(null));

            // validate input parameters
            if (!uint.TryParse(fCntDown, out var clientFCntDown) ||
                var errorMsg = "Missing FCntDown or GatewayId";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMsg);

            var newFCntDown = await GetNextFCntDownAsync(devEui, gatewayId, clientFCntUp, clientFCntDown);

            return(new OkObjectResult(newFCntDown));
コード例 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> NextFCntDownInvoke(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            catch (IncompatibleVersionException ex)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(ex.Message));

            string devEUI            = req.Query["DevEUI"];
            string fCntDown          = req.Query["FCntDown"];
            string fCntUp            = req.Query["FCntUp"];
            string gatewayId         = req.Query["GatewayId"];
            string abpFcntCacheReset = req.Query["ABPFcntCacheReset"];
            uint   newFCntDown       = 0;


            if (!uint.TryParse(fCntUp, out uint clientFCntUp))
                string errorMsg = "Missing FCntUp";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMsg);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(abpFcntCacheReset))
                using (var deviceCache = new LoRaDeviceCache(this.deviceCache, devEUI, gatewayId))
                    if (await deviceCache.TryToLockAsync())
                        if (deviceCache.TryGetInfo(out var deviceInfo))
                            // only reset the cache if the current value is larger
                            // than 1 otherwise we likely reset it from another device
                            // and continued processing
                            if (deviceInfo.FCntUp > 1)
                                log.LogDebug("Resetting cache. FCntUp: {fcntup}", deviceInfo.FCntUp);

                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(null));

            // validate input parameters
            if (!uint.TryParse(fCntDown, out uint clientFCntDown) ||
                string errorMsg = "Missing FCntDown or GatewayId";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMsg);

            newFCntDown = await this.GetNextFCntDownAsync(devEUI, gatewayId, clientFCntUp, clientFCntDown);

            return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(newFCntDown));