static void Main(string[] args) { Random rnd = new Random(); string connectionString = ""; string deviceId = "BE7A00000000999F"; int messageCount = 1; int delayInSeconds = 10; double tminValue = 20; double tmaxValue = 40; double hminValue = 40; double hmaxValue = 90; var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "LoraTestTool"; app.Description = "Lora IoT Hub device emulator."; app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); var conString = app.Option("-c |--con<connectionString>", "Mandatory IoTHub Connection string (;SharedAccessKeyName=device;SharedAccessKey=xxxx)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var did = app.Option("-d |--device<deviceId>", "Optional deviceid loraWan EUI (string)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var m = app.Option("-m |--mcount<messagecount>", "Optional no of message to send (default 1)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var s = app.Option("-s |--s<seconds>", "Optional delay between msg in seconds (default 10)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tmin = app.Option("-tmin |--tmin<mintemperature>", "Optional minimum random temperature (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tmax = app.Option("-tmax |--tmax<maxtemperature>", $"Optional maximum random temperature (double). Default: between {tminValue} and {tmaxValue}", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var hmin = app.Option("-hmin |--hmin<minhumidity>", "Optional minimum random humidity (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var hmax = app.Option("-hmax |--hmax<maxhumidity>", $"Optional maximum random humidity (double). Default: between {hminValue} and {hmaxValue}.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); app.OnExecute(async() => { if (conString.HasValue()) { connectionString = conString.Value(); } else { app.ShowHelp(); return(1); } if (did.HasValue()) { deviceId = did.Value(); } if (m.HasValue()) { messageCount = int.Parse(m.Value()); } if (s.HasValue()) { delayInSeconds = int.Parse(s.Value()); } if (tmin.HasValue()) { tminValue = double.Parse(tmin.Value()); } if (tmax.HasValue()) { tmaxValue = double.Parse(tmax.Value()); } if (hmin.HasValue()) { hminValue = double.Parse(hmin.Value()); } if (hmax.HasValue()) { hmaxValue = double.Parse(hmax.Value()); } string connection = string.Format(@"DeviceId={0};{1}", deviceId, connectionString); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { double temperature = rnd.NextDouble(tminValue, tmaxValue); double humidity = rnd.NextDouble(hminValue, hmaxValue); string data = temperature.ToString() + ":" + humidity.ToString(); string hexData = StringToHex.ConvertToHex(data); var unixTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; string json = String.Format(@"{{ cmd: 'rx', seqno: 1854, EUI: '{0}', ts: {1}, fcnt: 27, port: 1, freq: 867100000, rssi: -25, snr: 10, toa: 61, dr: 'SF7', ack: false, bat: 255, data: '{2}' }}", deviceId, unixTimestamp, hexData); try { await AzureIoTHub.SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync(connection, json); app.Out.WriteLine("Message sent from device {0} data {1}", deviceId, data); if (messageCount > 1) { Thread.Sleep(delayInSeconds * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { app.Out.WriteLine("Could not send message"); app.Out.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); // failed sending message, stop here return(1); } } return(0); }); var result = app.Execute(args); Environment.Exit(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Random rnd = new Random(); string connectionString = ""; string deviceId = "BE7A00000000999F"; int messageCount = 1; int delayInSeconds = 10; double tminValue = 20; double tmaxValue = 40; double hminValue = 40; double hmaxValue = 90; var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "LoraTestTool"; app.Description = "Lora IoT Hub device emulator."; app.HelpOption("-?|-h|--help"); var conString = app.Option("-c |--con<connectionString>", "Mandatory IoTHub Connection string", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var did = app.Option("-d |--device<deviceId>", "Optional deviceid loraWan EUI (string)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var m = app.Option("-m |--mcount<messagecount>", "Optional no of message to send (default 1)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var s = app.Option("-s |--s<seconds>", "Optional delay between msg in seconds (default 10)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tmin = app.Option("-tmin |--tmin<mintemperature>", "Optional minimum random temperature (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var tmax = app.Option("-tmax |--tmax<maxtemperature>", "Optional maximum random temperature (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var hmin = app.Option("-hmin |--hmin<minhumidity>", "Optional minimum random humidity (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var hmax = app.Option("-hmax |--hmax<maxhumidity>", "Optional maximum random humidity (double)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); app.OnExecute(() => { if (conString.HasValue()) { connectionString = conString.Value(); } else { app.ShowHelp(); return(1); } if (did.HasValue()) { deviceId = did.Value(); } if (m.HasValue()) { messageCount = int.Parse(m.Value()); } if (s.HasValue()) { delayInSeconds = int.Parse(s.Value()); } if (tmin.HasValue()) { tminValue = double.Parse(tmin.Value()); } if (tmax.HasValue()) { tmaxValue = double.Parse(tmax.Value()); } if (hmin.HasValue()) { hminValue = double.Parse(hmin.Value()); } if (hmax.HasValue()) { hmaxValue = double.Parse(hmax.Value()); } string connection = string.Format(@"DeviceId={0};{1}", deviceId, connectionString); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { double temperature = rnd.NextDouble(tminValue, tmaxValue); double humidity = rnd.NextDouble(hminValue, hmaxValue); string data = temperature.ToString() + ":" + humidity.ToString(); string hexData = StringToHex.ConvertToHex(data); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string json = String.Format(@"{{ cmd: 'rx', seqno: 1854, EUI: '{0}', ts: 1507044971381, fcnt: 27, port: 1, freq: 867100000, rssi: -25, snr: 10, toa: 61, dr: 'SF7', ack: false, bat: 255, data: '{1}' }}", deviceId, hexData); AzureIoTHub.SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync(connection, json).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Message sent from device {0} data {1}", deviceId, data); if (messageCount > 1) { Thread.Sleep(delayInSeconds * 1000); } } return(0); }); var result = app.Execute(args); Environment.Exit(result); }