コード例 #1
        public CircuitEditor()
            DrawingArea = new DrawingArea();

            Offset = DisplayOffset = new Vector2d(0, 0);

            DrawingArea.Drawn += CircuitEditor_Drawn;


            DragGesture = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea);

            // Sets middle click as the pan button.
            // This should be configurable later!
            DragGesture.Button = 2;

            DragGesture.DragBegin  += DragGesture_DragBegin;
            DragGesture.DragEnd    += DragGesture_DragEnd;
            DragGesture.DragUpdate += DragGesture_DragUpdate;

            DragGestureCreate = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea);
            // Sets middle click as the wire creation button.
            // This should be configurable later!
            DragGestureCreate.Button      = 1;
            DragGestureCreate.DragBegin  += DragGestureCreate_DragBegin;
            DragGestureCreate.DragUpdate += DragGestureCreate_DragUpdate;
            DragGestureCreate.DragEnd    += DragGestureCreate_DragEnd;

            DrawingArea.MotionNotifyEvent += DrawingArea_MotionNotifyEvent;

            DrawingArea.ScrollEvent += CircuitEditor_ScrollEvent;

            DrawingArea.QueryTooltip += CircuitEditor_QueryTooltip;

            DrawingArea.HasTooltip = true;

            DrawingArea.CanFocus     = true;
            DrawingArea.FocusOnClick = true;

            DrawingArea.KeyPressEvent += DrawingArea_KeyPressEvent;

            // So that we can grab focus. Without focus we won't get any KeyPressEvents...
            // FIXME: We want to figure out how to do this in a good way where the user doesn't really
            // need to know where the current focus is for stuff like ctrl+z to work.
            DrawingArea.ParentSet        += DrawingArea_ParentSet;
            DrawingArea.ButtonPressEvent += DrawingArea_ButtonPressEvent;

            var wiresArr = new Wire[]
                /*new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 3), 10, Direction.Vertical),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 13), 10, Direction.Horizontal),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 3), 3, Direction.Horizontal),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 0), 3, Direction.Vertical),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 13), 3, Direction.Horizontal),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 12), -9, Direction.Vertical),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(4, 3), 9, Direction.Horizontal),
                 * new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 3), 4, Direction.Horizontal),*/

            var gates = new Gates();

            var wires = new Wires(gates, wiresArr);

            var labels = new TextLabels(new TextLabel[]
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(0, 0), "This is some cool text.", 14),
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 10), "Even more cool text :O", 24),
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 40), "Woahhh :OOOoooO", 72),

            Scene = new Scene(wires, gates, labels);
コード例 #2
        public WireTransaction?CreateModifyWireTransaction(Wire modify, Wire modified)
            // Here we need to consider the case where one of the points have moved
            // This means that the point that was should maybe trigger a merge
            // and that the new point should maybe trigger a split.

            // First thing is to find the point that is being moved
            Vector2i removedPosition;
            Vector2i addedPosition;

            if (modify.Pos == modified.Pos)
                // They have the same start point so it's the end points that changed.
                removedPosition = modify.EndPos;
                addedPosition   = modified.EndPos;
                // They have the same end pos so it's the start point that changed.
                removedPosition = modify.Pos;
                addedPosition   = modified.Pos;

            List <Wire> Added   = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire> Deleted = new List <Wire>();

            // Remove the old wire and add the new one

            // Check merge at removed point
                // There can only be three wires connected to this point
                Span <Wire> removedPointWires = stackalloc Wire[3];
                int         wiresFound        = 0;
                foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                    if (bWire == modify)

                    if (bWire.IsPointOnWire(removedPosition))
                        removedPointWires[wiresFound] = bWire;

                // Here we should check if we should merge the wiress
                if (wiresFound == 2)
                    Wire a = removedPointWires[0];
                    Wire b = removedPointWires[1];
                    if (a.Direction == b.Direction)

                        var minPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMin(a.Pos, b.Pos);
                        var maxPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMax(a.EndPos, b.EndPos);
                        var diff   = maxPos - minPos;

                        Wire merged;
                        merged.Direction = a.Direction;
                        merged.Pos       = minPos;
                        merged.Length    = diff.ManhattanDistance;

            // Now that we have potentially merged the wires
            // we want to check if there is any wire on the
            // added point that should be split
                foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                    if (bWire == modify)

                    // If the new position is on this wire we want to split it
                    if (bWire.IsPointInsideWire(addedPosition))
                        // If the wires go in different direction we should split them.
                        if (bWire.Direction != modified.Direction)
                            // The diff will be in non - zero in only one direction so this will work fine.
                            var diff = addedPosition - bWire.Pos;
                            Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos, diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));
                            Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos + diff, bWire.Length - diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));

                            // After we have done this there cannot be any more wires to split so we break

            return(new WireTransaction(modify, Deleted, Added));
コード例 #3
        public WireTransaction?CreateAddWireTransaction(Wire wire)
            var wireEnd = wire.GetEndPosition();

            List <Wire> Deleted = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire> Added   = new List <Wire>();

            // This dictionary maps wires to the point where they intersect this wire
            // If there exists a mapping but the value is null, that means both ends
            // of the wire are contained inside of the addeed wire.
            Dictionary <Wire, Vector2i?> SplitPoints = new Dictionary <Wire, Vector2i?>();

            // First we get all of the points where we need to split the current wire
            foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                bool start = wire.IsPointOnWire(bWire.Pos);
                bool end   = wire.IsPointOnWire(bWire.EndPos);
                if (start && end)
                    // Null indicates that both ends are contained in this wire
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = null;
                else if (start)
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = bWire.Pos;
                else if (end)
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = bWire.EndPos;

            // FIXME: Add other split points like component connection points!

            // After we've found all of the intersection points we can check
            // if the ends of the added wire will split some other wire.
            // At the same time we check to see if there is a wire that
            // contains both ends of the wire we added.
            // In this case we shouldn't create or delete any wires because
            // then there will be two wires on the same space.
            Wire?containingWire = null;

            foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                // We check to see if the point is *inside*
                // the wire because if the new wire touches
                // the other wire at it's end point we don't
                // need to do anything to it. It's only if the
                // new point is on the inside of the wire that
                // we need to do anything.

                bool containedStart = false;
                if (bWire.IsPointInsideWire(wire.Pos))
                    // We only care if the wires are going in different direction
                    // as that means we should split the wire.
                    // The case where they are going the same direction
                    // will be handled in the next step.
                    if (wire.Direction != bWire.Direction)
                        // The diff will be in non-zero in only one direction so this will work fine.
                        var diff = wire.Pos - bWire.Pos;
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos, diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos + diff, bWire.Length - diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));

                    containedStart = true;

                if (bWire.IsPointInsideWire(wire.EndPos))
                    if (wire.Direction != bWire.Direction)
                        // The diff will be in non-zero in only one direction so this will work fine.
                        var diff = wire.EndPos - bWire.Pos;
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos, diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos + diff, bWire.Length - diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));

                    // This means that both the start and the end point of this wire was contained
                    // inside of bWire. So we basically shouldn't create any transaction.s
                    if (containedStart)
                        containingWire = bWire;
                        // We don't care about any more wires so it's fine to break.

            // If the wire we are adding is entrierly contained within another wire
            // the addition won't change any state so we don't create a transaction for that.
            if (containingWire.HasValue)
                // This addition wouldn't change any state.

            List <Vector2i> Points = new List <Vector2i>();

            // Now we should merge or remove wires that are going in the same direction as us.
            Wire mergedWire = wire;

            foreach (var(splitWire, location) in SplitPoints)
                if (location == null)
                    // Both ends are contained.
                    // So to merge we can just delete the contained wire.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Wire ({splitWire}) was completely contained in ({wire}), so it was removed.");
                else if (wire.Direction == splitWire.Direction)
                    // This means that we should merge the two wires.
                    // We can do that by deleting the existing wire and
                    // extending the wire we are adding to include that wire.
                    var minPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMin(mergedWire.Pos, splitWire.Pos);
                    var maxPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMax(mergedWire.EndPos, splitWire.EndPos);
                    var diff   = maxPos - minPos;

                    Wire newMerged;
                    newMerged.Direction = wire.Direction;
                    newMerged.Pos       = minPos;
                    newMerged.Length    = diff.ManhattanDistance;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Merged ({splitWire}) with ({mergedWire}). Result: ({newMerged})");
                    mergedWire = newMerged;

                    // This will not fail due to the null check above.
                    Console.WriteLine($"The wire ({splitWire}) should split the current wire at ({location}).");
                    if (Points.Contains(location.Value) == false)

            // Lastly we split the merged wire on all of the remaining points.
            // We do this by first sorting the points in the wires direction
            // and then go through linearly and add the parts of the wire.

            // We do the comparison outside of the lambda to avoid a capture.
            // (this is a premature optimization)
                wire.Direction == Direction.Vertical ?
                (Comparison <Vector2i>)((v1, v2) => v1.Y - v2.Y) :
                ((v1, v2) => v1.X - v2.X));

            Vector2i pos = mergedWire.Pos;

            foreach (var split in Points)
                Wire newWire;
                newWire.Direction = mergedWire.Direction;
                newWire.Pos       = pos;
                newWire.Length    = (split - pos).ManhattanDistance;
                if (newWire.Length < 0)
                pos = newWire.EndPos;
                Console.WriteLine($"Split wire at {split}. Result: ({newWire})");
            // Here we need to add the last part of the wire
            Wire w = new Wire(pos, (mergedWire.EndPos - pos).ManhattanDistance, mergedWire.Direction);

            Console.WriteLine($"End part of split: {w}");

            // FIXME: We want to deduplicate the values in Added and Deleted
            // If both lists contain exactly the same wires we want to return
            // null instead as the transaction doesn't change anything.

            // Remove all wires with zero length
            Added.RemoveAll(w =>
                if (w.Length == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Warn: Trying to add a wire with zero length! {w}");

            // Now we just return the transaction.
            // To apply this transaction ApplyTransaction(...) must be called.

            return(new WireTransaction(wire, Deleted, Added));
コード例 #4
        public WireTransaction CreateRemoveWireTransaction(Wire wire)
            // When removing a wire we want to check and see if there are
            // any wires that should be merged after the removal.

            // We can think wire removal as removing two connection points,
            // we don't need to think about the points inside of the wire
            // we are removing because there shouldn't be anything connecting there.

            List <Wire> Added   = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire> Deleted = new List <Wire>();

            // We are deleting this wire.

            List <Wire> StartPosAffectedWires = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire> EndPosAffectedWires   = new List <Wire>();

            foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                // Ignore the wire we are removing.
                if (bWire == wire)

                if (bWire.IsConnectionPoint(wire.Pos))

                if (bWire.IsConnectionPoint(wire.EndPos))

            // Do some sanity checking to see that nothing is going horribly wrong.

            if (StartPosAffectedWires.Count > 3)
                Console.WriteLine($"Warn: The removed wires start position connected to more than 3 wires. This should be impossible!\n{string.Join(", ", StartPosAffectedWires.Select(w => $"({w})"))}");

            if (EndPosAffectedWires.Count > 3)
                Console.WriteLine($"Warn: The removed wires end position connected to more than 3 wires. This should be impossible!\n{string.Join(", ", EndPosAffectedWires.Select(w => $"({w})"))}");

            // Now we have a list of the wires that could be affected by this wire removal
            // We want to find the wires that should merge. These are the wires that
            // connect and have the same direction even after the wire we are removing
            // has been removed.

            // We are only ever going to merge wires if there are two of them,
            // and only if they are going in the same direction.
            if (StartPosAffectedWires.Count == 2)
                Wire a = StartPosAffectedWires[0];
                Wire b = StartPosAffectedWires[1];
                if (a.Direction == b.Direction)
                    // Here we are going to do a merge.

                    var minPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMin(a.Pos, b.Pos);
                    var maxPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMax(a.EndPos, b.EndPos);
                    var diff   = maxPos - minPos;

                    Wire merged;
                    merged.Direction = a.Direction;
                    merged.Pos       = minPos;
                    merged.Length    = diff.ManhattanDistance;

            if (EndPosAffectedWires.Count == 2)
                Wire a = EndPosAffectedWires[0];
                Wire b = EndPosAffectedWires[1];
                if (a.Direction == b.Direction)
                    // Here we are going to do a merge.

                    var minPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMin(a.Pos, b.Pos);
                    var maxPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMax(a.EndPos, b.EndPos);
                    var diff   = maxPos - minPos;

                    Wire merged;
                    merged.Direction = a.Direction;
                    merged.Pos       = minPos;
                    merged.Length    = diff.ManhattanDistance;

            // Add the changes to the transaction.
            return(new WireTransaction(wire, Deleted, Added));
コード例 #5
        public CircuitEditor()
            DrawingArea = new DrawingArea();

            Offset = DisplayOffset = new Vector2d(0, 0);

            DrawingArea.Drawn += CircuitEditor_Drawn;


            DragGesture = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea);

            // Sets middle click as the pan button.
            // This should be configurable later!
            DragGesture.Button = 2;

            DragGesture.DragBegin  += DragGesture_DragBegin;
            DragGesture.DragEnd    += DragGesture_DragEnd;
            DragGesture.DragUpdate += DragGesture_DragUpdate;

            DragGestureCreate = new GestureDrag(DrawingArea);
            // Sets middle click as the wire creation button.
            // This should be configurable later!
            DragGestureCreate.Button      = 1;
            DragGestureCreate.DragBegin  += DragGestureCreate_DragBegin;
            DragGestureCreate.DragUpdate += DragGestureCreate_DragUpdate;
            DragGestureCreate.DragEnd    += DragGestureCreate_DragEnd;

            DrawingArea.ScrollEvent += CircuitEditor_ScrollEvent;

            DrawingArea.QueryTooltip += CircuitEditor_QueryTooltip;

            DrawingArea.HasTooltip = true;

            DrawingArea.CanFocus     = true;
            DrawingArea.FocusOnClick = true;

            DrawingArea.KeyPressEvent += DrawingArea_KeyPressEvent;

            // So that we can grab focus. Without focus we won't get any KeyPressEvents...
            // FIXME: We want to figure out how to do this in a good way where the user doesn't really
            // need to know where the current focus is for stuff like ctrl+z to work.
            DrawingArea.ParentSet        += DrawingArea_ParentSet;
            DrawingArea.ButtonPressEvent += DrawingArea_ButtonPressEvent;

            var powered = new Wire[]
                new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 3), 10, Direction.Vertical),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 13), 10, Direction.Horizontal),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 3), 3, Direction.Horizontal),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(3, 0), 3, Direction.Vertical),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(0, 13), 3, Direction.Horizontal),
            var unpowered = new Wire[]
                new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 12), -9, Direction.Vertical),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(4, 3), 9, Direction.Horizontal),
                new Wire(new Vector2i(13, 3), 4, Direction.Horizontal),

            Wires = new Wires(
                // For wires to connect their start/end point must be at the same location
                // A wire that start/ends in the middle of another wires doesn't connect
                // (We might want to change that but it becomes more complicated then...)

            Gates = new Gates(/*new AndGate[]
                               * {
                               * new AndGate(new Vector2i(2, 2), Orientation.South),
                               * new AndGate(new Vector2i(3, 7), Orientation.East),
                               * new AndGate(new Vector2i(3, 10), Orientation.West),
                               * new AndGate(new Vector2i(5, 3), Orientation.North),
                               * }*/);

            Labels = new TextLabels(new TextLabel[]
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(0, 0), "This is some cool text.", 14),
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 10), "Even more cool text :O", 24),
                new TextLabel(new Vector2d(40, 40), "Woahhh :OOOoooO", 72),