public IWavePlayer PlayKillStreak(string sfxName, string ext = "wav") { if (!RPGSettings.PlayKillstreaks) { return(null); } KillStreakDevice = KillStreakDevice ?? new WaveOutEvent(); var path = SFXPath + sfxName + "." + ext; Wait(250); if (!File.Exists(path)) { RPGLog.Log("Did not find killstreak SFX to play"); return(KillStreakDevice); } AudioFileReader audioFileReader = new AudioFileReader(path); audioFileReader.Volume = 0.6f * Volume; KillStreakDevice.Stop(); KillStreakDevice.Init(audioFileReader); KillStreakDevice.Play(); return(KillStreakDevice); }
protected override void Dispose(bool A_0) { if (!A_0) { return; } if (!RPG.GameLoaded) { RPGLog.Log("Game ended."); return; } RPG.Audio.DisposeAll(); int objDestroyed = 0; var count = RPG.WorldData.AllObjects.Count; while (RPG.WorldData.AllObjects.Any()) { RPG.WorldData.AllObjects.First().Destroy(); objDestroyed++; } RPGLog.Log("Cleaned up " + objDestroyed + "/" + count + " objects"); RPGLog.Log("Thread ended."); RPGLog.Log(""); base.Dispose(true); }
protected override void Start() { RPGLog.Clear(); string str; CheckStatus(out str); RPGLog.Log("Starting GTARPG Log:"); RPGLog.Log("Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); RPGLog.Log("OS: " + FriendlyName()); RPGLog.Log("GTAV Path: " + Application.StartupPath); RPGLog.Log("ScriptHook V v1.0.393.4: " + (hasScriptHookV ? "Found" : "Not Found")); RPGLog.Log("ScriptHookVNET v1.1: " + (hasScriptHookDotNet ? "Found" : "Not Found")); RPGLog.Log(".NET v4.5: " + (hasNet45 ? "Found" : "Not Found")); RPGLog.LogRaw(""); RPGLog.Log("Waiting to start rpg mode..."); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_HUD, 1); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_RADAR, 1); World.RenderingCamera = null; Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIME_SCALE, 1.0f); Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER, ""); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_PLAYER_WEAPON_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, Game.Player, 1.0f); Function.Call(Hash.SET_AI_WEAPON_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, 1.0f); if (RPGSettings.AutostartRPGMode) { Wait(500); StartRPGMode(); } }
public static void Initialise() { RPGLog.Log("Initialising RPG Mod."); RPG.GameMode = GameMode.FullRPG; Loading = true; Script.Wait(1); //Game.FadeScreenOut(500); Script.Wait(500); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_HUD, 1); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_RADAR, 1); World.RenderingCamera = null; Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIME_SCALE, 1.0f); Function.Call(Hash.SET_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER, ""); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; //load data bool NeedToCreateCharacter; LoadAllData(out NeedToCreateCharacter); if (NeedToCreateCharacter) { RPGLog.Log("Character not found. Will be starting character creation."); } if (!LoadedSuccessfully) { RPGLog.Log("Failed to load game successfully."); UI.Notify("Failed loading RPGMod. See Error 000"); Game.FadeScreenIn(500); Loading = false; RPGInit.Enabled = true; return; } if (NeedToCreateCharacter) { RPGLog.Log("Loaded successfully with no character found. Starting character creation."); CharCreationNew.Enabled = true; } else { RPGLog.Log("Loaded successfully with character found."); GameLoaded = true; } //Game.FadeScreenIn(500); Loading = false; }
public static T GetPopup <T>() where T : class { var x = Popups.All.FirstOrDefault(p => p is T); var r = x == null ? null : x as T; if (r == null) { RPGLog.Log("Could not find popup"); } return(r); }
public override void Update() { try { UpdateX(); } catch (Exception ex) { RPGLog.Log("UIHandler Err."); RPGLog.Log(ex); } }
public static void InitCharacter() { LoadTutorial(); RPG.GameMode = GameMode.FullRPG; //Settings RPGLog.Log("Setting model:"); Model m = PlayerData.ModelHash; RPGLog.Log("Setting model to: " + m.Hash); m.Request(5000); if (m.IsValid && m.IsLoaded) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_PLAYER_MODEL, Game.Player.Handle, m.Hash); Script.Wait(500); } //remember we can control max health/ /useful for skills later on RPGLog.Log("Setting player HP"); Game.Player.Character.MaxHealth = 100; Game.Player.Character.Health = 100; RPGLog.Log("Init Cooldowns"); var cooldowns = RPG.PlayerData.Inventory.Where(i => i.Usable).Select(i => i.CoolDownTimer) .Concat(RPG.PlayerData.Skills.Where(s => s.Unlocked).Select(s => s.CoolDownTimer)); foreach (var cooldown in cooldowns) { cooldown.Current = cooldown.CoolDownMsTime; } RPGLog.Log("Loading Variations"); RPGMethods.LoadVariations(); RPGMethods.LoadVariations(); RPGMethods.LoadVariations(); RPGMethods.LoadVariations(); RPGMethods.LoadVariations(); //Reload RPGLog.Log("Reload quests if needed"); foreach (var q in PlayerData.Quests.Where(q => q.InProgress)) { q.OnReload(); } RPGLog.Log("Loading Weapons"); if (m.IsValid && m.IsLoaded && Game.Player.Character != null && Game.Player.Character.Exists()) { RPGMethods.LoadPlayerWeapons(); } }
private void QuestUpdates() { var questsInProgress = PlayerData.Quests.Where(q => q.InProgress).ToList(); var qNum = 1; foreach (var q in questsInProgress.Where(qu => qu.SpawnTargets && qu.HasSpawnedTargets)) { foreach (var b in q.BlipObjects) { if (qNum < 10) { b.Blip.ShowNumber(qNum); } } var conditionsToFix = q.Conditions.Where(c => !c.Done && (c.Type == ConditionType.Kill || c.Type == ConditionType.Loot) && c.Parameters.ContainsKey("ModelHash")); foreach (var c in conditionsToFix) { var quest = q; var npcs = WorldData.Npcs.Where(n => n.Name == "Quest_" + quest.Name).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < npcs.Count; i++) { var n = npcs[i]; if (n.Ped.Exists() && !n.Ped.IsAlive) { n.Destroy(); } } //If no npcs found, or npcs are too high if (WorldData.Npcs.All(n => n.Name != "Quest_" + quest.Name) || WorldData.Npcs.Where(n => n.Name == "Quest_" + quest.Name).All(n => !n.Ped.IsAlive) || WorldData.Npcs.Where(n => n.Name == "Quest_" + quest.Name).All(w => w.Ped.Exists() && w.Ped.Position.Z > Game.Player.Character.Position.Z + 45) || WorldData.Npcs.Where(n => n.Name == "Quest_" + quest.Name).All(w => w.Ped.Exists() && w.Ped.Position.Z < Game.Player.Character.Position.Z - 45)) { q.HasSpawnedTargets = false; c.Position = RPGMethods.GetSpawnPoint(200); q.ClearObjectsAndBlips(); q.SetupCondition(c, false); RPGLog.Log("Spawning more peds for quest : " + quest.Name); } } qNum++; } }
public void StartQuest(string questName) { var quest = Quests.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name == questName); if (quest != null) { quest.Start(false); } else { RPGLog.LogError("Failed to start quest. Quest not found: " + questName); } }
public IWavePlayer PlaySFX(string sfxName) { IWavePlayer waveOutDevice = new WaveOutEvent(); var path = SFXPath + sfxName + ".mp3"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { RPGLog.Log("Did not find SFX to play"); return(waveOutDevice); } AudioFileReader audioFileReader = new AudioFileReader(path); audioFileReader.Volume = Volume; waveOutDevice.Init(audioFileReader); waveOutDevice.Play(); AudioDevices.Add(waveOutDevice); return(waveOutDevice); }
public static void LoadAllData(out bool NeedToCreateCharacter) { RPGMethods.CleanupObjects(); NeedToCreateCharacter = false; var newDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var dir = Path.Combine(newDir, @"Rockstar Games\GTA V\RPGMod\"); var playerDataFile = ""; var playerDataPath = Path.Combine(dir, playerDataFile); if (File.Exists(playerDataPath)) { try { var loadedData = File.ReadAllText(playerDataPath); PlayerData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlayerData>(loadedData, GM.GetSerialisationSettings()); var dataVersion = PlayerData.Version; if (dataVersion != RPG.Version) { VersionMigration.Migrate(dataVersion, RPG.Version); } InitCharacter(); } catch (Exception e) { LoadedSuccessfully = false; RPGLog.Log(e.ToString()); RPGLog.Log("Error Loading or Initialising Player data."); } } else { NeedToCreateCharacter = true; } ApplySettings(); }
private void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //var s = new Stopwatch(); //s.Start(); if (CannotUpdate()) { return; } try { if (_emptyUpdate) { _emptyUpdate = false; return; } if (_firstUpdate) { Start(); _firstUpdate = false; } Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex is ThreadAbortException)) { RPGLog.LogError(ex.GetType() + ": " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); RPGLog.Log("Terminated script: " + GetType()); _running = false; } } //if (s.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0) // RPGLog.Log(GetType() + " took " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds + " to tick."); }
private void CheckNpcs() { foreach (var npc in NpcDatas) { var dist = npc.Position.DistanceTo(Game.Player.Character.Position); var npcStatus = npc.GetNpcStatus(); var npcBlip = WorldData.Blips.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == "Blip_" + npc.Name); if (npcBlip != null) { var blipPos = npcBlip.Blip.Position; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(npcStatus)) { if (npcBlip.Blip.Sprite != npc.BlipSprite) { npcBlip.Blip.Remove(); npcBlip.Blip = World.CreateBlip(blipPos); npcBlip.Blip.Sprite = npc.BlipSprite; } } else { var importantMarker = npcStatus[0]; switch (importantMarker) { case '!': if (npcBlip.Blip.Sprite != BlipSprite.Information) { npcBlip.Blip.Remove(); npcBlip.Blip = World.CreateBlip(blipPos); npcBlip.Blip.Sprite = BlipSprite.Information; } break; case '?': if (npcBlip.Blip.Sprite != BlipSprite.GTAOMission) { npcBlip.Blip.Remove(); npcBlip.Blip = World.CreateBlip(blipPos); npcBlip.Blip.Sprite = BlipSprite.GTAOMission; } break; case '*': if (npcBlip.Blip.Sprite != BlipSprite.ChatBubble) { npcBlip.Blip.Remove(); npcBlip.Blip = World.CreateBlip(blipPos); npcBlip.Blip.Sprite = BlipSprite.ChatBubble; } break; case '$': if (npcBlip.Blip.Sprite != BlipSprite.Store) { npcBlip.Blip.Remove(); npcBlip.Blip = World.CreateBlip(blipPos); npcBlip.Blip.Sprite = BlipSprite.Store; } break; } } } if (RPGSettings.ShowUI && RPG.UIHandler.CurrentDialog == null) { if (npc.IsQuestNpc && dist < 20) { var pos = npc.Ped != null ? npc.Ped.Position : npc.Position; pos.Z += 1.0f; OutputArgument xArg = new OutputArgument(); OutputArgument yArg = new OutputArgument(); Function.Call(Hash._WORLD3D_TO_SCREEN2D, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, xArg, yArg); var x = xArg.GetResult <float>(); var y = yArg.GetResult <float>(); new UIRectangle(new Point((int)(UI.WIDTH * x) - 50, (int)(UI.HEIGHT * y) + 12), new Size(100, 2), Color.DodgerBlue).Draw(); new UIText(npc.Name, new Point((int)(UI.WIDTH * x), (int)(UI.HEIGHT * y)), 0.21f, Color.White, 0, true).Draw(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(npcStatus)) { new UIText(npcStatus, new Point((int)(UI.WIDTH * x), (int)(UI.HEIGHT * y) - 35), 0.8f, Color.Gold, 0, true).Draw(); } } } if (npc.IsQuestNpc && !npc.Spawned) { //RPGLog.Log("Found unspawned NPC"); if (dist < 100) { RPGLog.Log("Spawning NPC"); var model = new Model(npc.ModelName); model.Request(1000); var ped = World.CreatePed(model, npc.Position, npc.Heading); try { ped.RelationshipGroup = Game.Player.Character.RelationshipGroup; ped.IsInvincible = true; EventHandler.Do(o => { EventHandler.Wait(1000); ped.FreezePosition = true; }); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, ped.Handle); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_CAN_BE_TARGETTED, ped.Handle, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_CAN_BE_TARGETTED_BY_PLAYER, ped.Handle, false); } catch { RPGLog.Log("Error setting npc and player friendliness."); } npc.SetPed(ped); npc.Spawned = true; } } } }
public override void Update() { Ped player = Game.Player.Character; if (player.IsDead || Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED, Game.Player.Handle)) { RPG.PlayerDead = true; Wait(3000); var deathPosition = Game.Player.Character.Position; try { RPG.UIHandler.CloseAll(); RPGSettings.ShowUI = false; var c = World.CreateCamera(Game.Player.Character.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 100), new Vector3(0, 0, 90), GameplayCamera.FieldOfView); World.RenderingCamera = c; var oldModel = RPG.PlayerData.ModelHash; Model m = PedHash.Michael; m.Request(1000); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PLAYER_MODEL, Game.Player.Handle, m.Hash); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION, Game.Player.Character.Handle); m.MarkAsNoLongerNeeded(); while (Game.Player.Character.IsDead || Function.Call <bool>(Hash.IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED, Game.Player.Handle)) { Wait(0); } var t = 150; while (t > 0) { UI.ShowSubtitle("Loading", 100); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_HUD, 0); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_RADAR, 0); World.RenderingCamera = c; Wait(100); t--; } //Wait(15000); Model oldM = oldModel; oldM.Request(1000); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PLAYER_MODEL, Game.Player.Handle, oldM.Hash); Wait(0); Game.Player.Character.FreezePosition = false; RPGMethods.OnRespawn(); RPGSettings.ShowUI = true; Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_HUD, 1); Function.Call(Hash.DISPLAY_RADAR, 1); World.RenderingCamera = null; c.Destroy(); Game.FadeScreenIn(500); RPG.PlayerDead = false; Wait(15000); } catch (Exception ex) { RPGLog.Log(ex.ToString()); } } }