public void BuildChangedValues() { if (PositionChanged || RotationChanged) { BuildPoints(); BuildBounds(); } if (PositionChanged || this.HeightPosChanged) { LastPosition = _position; PositionChangedBuffer = true; PositionChanged = false; this.SetVisualPosition = true; this.HeightPosChanged = false; } else { PositionChangedBuffer = false; this.SetVisualPosition = false; } if (RotationChanged) { _rotation.Normalize(); RotationChangedBuffer = true; RotationChanged = false; this.SetVisualRotation = true; } else { RotationChangedBuffer = false; this.SetVisualRotation = false; } }
void BuildChangedValues() { if (PositionChanged || RotationChanged) { BuildPoints(); BuildBounds(); //Reset this value so we're not permanently considered colliding against wall this.ImmovableCollisionDirection =; } if (PositionChanged || this.HeightPosChanged) { PositionChangedBuffer = true; PositionChanged = false; this._settingVisualsCounter = SETTING_VISUALS_COUNT; this.HeightPosChanged = false; } else { PositionChangedBuffer = false; } if (RotationChanged) { _rotation.Normalize(); RotationChangedBuffer = true; RotationChanged = false; this._settingVisualsCounter = SETTING_VISUALS_COUNT; } else { RotationChangedBuffer = false; } }
private void ApplyCone(Vector3d center3d, Vector2d forward, long radius, long angle) { Vector2d center = center3d.ToVector2d(); long fastRange = radius * radius; Scan(center, radius); for (int i = 0; i < ScanOutput.Count; i++) { LSAgent agent = ScanOutput[i]; Vector2d agentPos = agent.Body._position; Vector2d difference = agentPos - center; if (difference.FastMagnitude() > fastRange) { continue; } if (forward.Dot(difference) < 0) { continue; } difference.Normalize(); long cross = forward.Cross(difference).Abs(); if (cross > angle) { continue; } HitAgent(agent); } }
public void DistributeCircle_Box(LSBody box, LSBody circle) { xMore = circle._position.x > box._position.x; yMore = circle._position.y > box._position.y; if (xMore) { PenetrationX = (circle.XMin - box.XMax); } else { PenetrationX = (circle.XMax - box.XMin); } if (yMore) { PenetrationY = (circle.YMin - box.YMax); } else { PenetrationY = (circle.YMax - box.YMin); } //PenetrationX = PenetrationX + circle.Velocity.x; //PenetrationY = PenetrationY + circle.Velocity.y; xAbs = PenetrationX < 0 ? -PenetrationX : PenetrationX; yAbs = PenetrationY < 0 ? -PenetrationY : PenetrationY; if ((xAbs <= circle.Radius && yAbs <= circle.Radius)) { Vector2d corner; corner.x = xMore ? box.Position.x + box.HalfWidth : box.Position.x - box.HalfWidth; corner.y = yMore ? box.Position.y + box.HalfHeight : box.Position.y - box.HalfHeight; Vector2d dir = circle.Position - corner; dir.Normalize(); circle.Position = corner + dir * circle.Radius; } else { if (xAbs > yAbs) { PenetrationX = 0; //if (yAbs < circle.Radius) PenetrationY = PenetrationY * yAbs / circle.Radius; } else { PenetrationY = 0; //if (xAbs < circle.Radius) PenetrationX = PenetrationX * xAbs / circle.Radius; } //Resolving circle._position.x -= PenetrationX; circle._position.y -= PenetrationY; } circle.PositionChanged = true; circle.BuildBounds(); }
public static void PrepareAxisCheck(Vector2d p1, Vector2d p2) { cacheP1 = p1; cacheP2 = p2; cacheAxis = p2 - p1; cacheAxis.Normalize(); axisMin = p1.Dot(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); axisMax = p2.Dot(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); cacheProjPerp = cacheP1.Cross(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); }
private void CalculateRotationValues() { Vector2d newRot = Forward.ToVector2d().ToRotation(); long newRotMag; newRot.Normalize(out newRotMag); this.Forward2d = newRot.ToDirection(); this.Agent.Body.Rotation = newRot; this.TargetVisualRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Forward.ToVector3()); }
private void HandleContact(LSBody other) { if (targetReached == true && Agent.IsCasting == false && !(Agent.Body.Immovable || Agent.Body.IsTrigger)) { Vector2d delta = this.Agent.Body._position - this.Agent.Body.LastPosition; if (delta.FastMagnitude() > collisionTurnThreshold) { delta.Normalize(); this.StartTurnDirection(delta); } } }
public static void PrepareAxisCheck(Vector2d p1, Vector2d p2, bool calculateIntersectionPoints = true) { cacheP1 = p1; cacheP2 = p2; cacheAxis = p2 - p1; cacheAxis.Normalize(); cacheAxisNormal = cacheAxis.rotatedLeft; axisMin = p1.Dot(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); axisMax = p2.Dot(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); cacheProj = cacheP1.Dot(cacheAxis.x, cacheAxis.y); cacheProjPerp = cacheP1.Dot(cacheAxisNormal.x, cacheAxisNormal.y); perpVector = cacheAxisNormal * cacheProjPerp; calculateIntersections = calculateIntersectionPoints; }
private void CalculateDistancesAndAxes() { if (Points.Length == 1) { return; } else if (Points.Length <= 0) { return; } int connectionCount = Points.Length + (Looped ? 0 : -1); EnsureSize(ref _pointDistances, connectionCount); EnsureSize(ref _axes, connectionCount); EnsureSize(ref _cachedPointMags, connectionCount); long totalLength = 0; Vector2d lastPoint = Points [0]; for (int i = 1; i < Points.Length; i++) { Vector2d curPoint = Points [i]; Vector2d delta = curPoint - lastPoint; long dist; delta.Normalize(out dist); PointDistances [i - 1] = dist; _axes [i - 1] = delta; _cachedPointMags[i - 1] = totalLength; totalLength += dist; lastPoint = curPoint; } if (Looped) { Vector2d delta = _points [0] - lastPoint; long dist; delta.Normalize(out dist); PointDistances [_points.Length - 1] = dist; _axes [_points.Length - 1] = delta; _cachedPointMags[_points.Length - 1] = totalLength; totalLength += dist; } TotalLength = totalLength; }
void CheckAutoturn() { if (isColliding) { isColliding = false; //autoturn direction will be culmination of positional changes if (targetReached == true && Agent.IsCasting == false && !(Agent.Body.Immovable || Agent.Body.IsTrigger)) { Vector2d delta = this.Agent.Body._position - this.Agent.Body.LastPosition; if (delta.FastMagnitude() > collisionTurnThreshold) { delta.Normalize(); this.StartTurnDirection(delta); } } } }
public void BuildChangedValues() { if (PositionChanged || RotationChanged) { BuildPoints(); BuildBounds(); } if (PositionChanged) { PositionChangedBuffer = true; PositionChanged = false; this.SetVisualPosition = true; } else { PositionChangedBuffer = false; this.SetVisualPosition = false; } if (RotationChanged) { if (HasParent) { LocalRotation.Normalize(); } else { Rotation.Normalize(); } RotationChangedBuffer = true; RotationChanged = false; this.SetVisualRotation = true; } else { RotationChangedBuffer = false; this.SetVisualRotation = false; } }
public void BuildPoints() { if (Shape != ColliderType.Polygon) { return; } int VertLength = Vertices.Length; if (RotationChanged) { for (int i = 0; i < VertLength; i++) { RotatedPoints[i] = Vertices[i]; RotatedPoints[i].Rotate(_rotation.x, _rotation.y); } for (int i = VertLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int nextIndex = i + 1 < VertLength ? i + 1 : 0; Vector2d point = RotatedPoints[nextIndex]; point.Subtract(ref RotatedPoints[i]); point.Normalize(); Edges[i] = point; point.RotateRight(); EdgeNorms[i] = point; } if (!OutMoreThanSet) { OutMoreThanSet = true; long dot = Edges[0].Cross(Edges[1]); this.OutMoreThan = dot < 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < VertLength; i++) { RealPoints[i].x = RotatedPoints[i].x + _position.x; RealPoints[i].y = RotatedPoints[i].y + _position.y; } }
void BehaveWithTarget() { if (Target.IsActive == false || Target.SpawnVersion != targetVersion || (this.TargetAllegiance & Agent.GetAllegiance(Target)) == 0) { StopEngage(); BehaveWithNoTarget(); return; } if (IsWindingUp) { windupCount--; if (windupCount < 0) { if (this.AgentConditional(Target)) { Fire(); while (this.attackCount < 0) { this.attackCount += (this.AttackInterval); } this.attackCount -= Windup; IsWindingUp = false; } else { StopEngage(); this.ScanAndEngage(); } } } else { Vector2d targetDirection = Target.Body._position - cachedBody._position; long fastMag = targetDirection.FastMagnitude(); if (fastMag <= fastRangeToTarget) { if (!inRange) { if (CanMove) { cachedMove.StopMove(); } } Agent.SetState(EngagingAnimState); long mag; targetDirection.Normalize(out mag); bool withinTurn = TrackAttackAngle == false || (fastMag != 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Dot(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y) > 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Cross(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y).Abs() <= AttackAngle); bool needTurn = mag != 0 && !withinTurn; if (needTurn) { if (CanTurn) { cachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(targetDirection); } else { } } else { if (attackCount <= 0) { StartWindup(); } } if (inRange == false) { inRange = true; } } else { if (CanMove) { if (cachedMove.IsMoving == false) { cachedMove.StartMove(Target.Body._position); cachedBody.Priority = basePriority; } else { if (Target.Body.PositionChangedBuffer || inRange) { cachedMove.Destination = Target.Body._position; } } } if (isAttackMoving || isFocused == false) { searchCount -= 1; if (searchCount <= 0) { searchCount = SearchRate; if (ScanAndEngage()) { } else { } } } if (inRange == true) { inRange = false; } } } }
void BehaveWithTarget() { if (Target.IsActive == false || Target.SpawnVersion != targetVersion || (this.TargetAllegiance & Agent.GetAllegiance(Target)) == 0) { //Target no longer exists StopEngage(); BehaveWithNoTarget(); return; } if (!IsWindingUp) { Vector2d targetDirection = Target.Body._position - cachedBody._position; long fastMag = targetDirection.FastMagnitude(); if (CheckRange()) { if (!inRange) { if (CanMove) { cachedMove.StopMove(); } inRange = true; } Agent.SetState(EngagingAnimState); long mag; targetDirection.Normalize(out mag); bool withinTurn = TrackAttackAngle == false || (fastMag != 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Dot(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y) > 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Cross(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y).Abs() <= AttackAngle); bool needTurn = mag != 0 && !withinTurn; if (needTurn) { if (CanTurn) { cachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(targetDirection); } else { } } else { if (attackCount <= 0) { StartWindup(); } } } else { if (CanMove) { cachedMove.PauseAutoStop(); cachedMove.PauseCollisionStop(); if (cachedMove.IsMoving == false) { cachedMove.StartMove(Target.Body._position); cachedBody.Priority = basePriority; } else { if (inRange) { cachedMove.Destination = Target.Body.Position; } else { if (repathTimer.AdvanceFrame()) { if (Target.Body.PositionChangedBuffer && Target.Body.Position.FastDistance(cachedMove.Destination.x, cachedMove.Destination.y) >= (repathDistance * repathDistance)) { cachedMove.StartMove(Target.Body._position); //So units don't sync up and path on the same frame repathTimer.AdvanceFrames(repathRandom); } } } } } if (IsAttackMoving || isFocused == false) { searchCount -= 1; if (searchCount <= 0) { searchCount = SearchRate; if (ScanAndEngage()) { } else { } } } if (inRange == true) { inRange = false; } } } if (IsWindingUp) { windupCount -= LockstepManager.DeltaTime; if (windupCount < 0) { if (this.AgentConditional(Target)) { Fire(); int counter = 0; while (this.attackCount <= 0) { this.attackCount += (this.AttackInterval); counter++; if (counter > 1) { Debug.Log("asdf" + this.attackCount.ToDouble()); } } this.attackCount -= Windup; } else { StopEngage(); this.ScanAndEngage(); } IsWindingUp = false; } } if (inRange) { cachedMove.PauseAutoStop(); cachedMove.PauseCollisionStop(); } }
protected override void OnSimulate() { if (!CanMove) { return; } if (IsMoving) { Agent.SetState(AnimState.Moving); if (CanPathfind) { if (DoPathfind) { DoPathfind = false; if (viableDestination) { if (Pathfinder.GetStartNode(cachedBody.Position, out currentNode)) { if (currentNode.DoesEqual(this.destinationNode)) { if (this.RepathTries >= 1) { this.Arrive(); } } else { if (straightPath) { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize, GetNodeHash(destinationNode))) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } straightPath = false; } else { } } else { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize, GetNodeHash(destinationNode))) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { straightPath = true; } } } } else { } } else { hasPath = false; if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { } if (straightPath) { targetPos = Destination; } else if (hasPath) { if (pathIndex >= myPath.Count) { targetPos = this.Destination; } else { targetPos = myPath[pathIndex]; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } movementDirection = targetPos - cachedBody._position; movementDirection.Normalize(out distance); if (targetPos.x != lastTargetPos.x || targetPos.y != lastTargetPos.y) { lastTargetPos = targetPos; targetDirection = movementDirection; } bool movingToWaypoint = (this.hasPath && this.pathIndex < myPath.Count - 1); long stuckThreshold = 0; if (distance > closingDistance || movingToWaypoint) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } stuckThreshold = this.timescaledAcceleration / 4; } else { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, StopMultiplier)) { Arrive(); return; } if (this.SlowArrival) { long closingSpeed = distance.Div(closingDistance); desiredVelocity = movementDirection * (closingSpeed); stuckThreshold = closingSpeed / 2; } else { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); stuckThreshold = this.timescaledAcceleration / 2; } } //Temporary improvement to detecting stuck StuckTime++; stuckThreshold = stuckThreshold * 7 / 6; if (GetFullCanAutoStop() && (Agent.Body.Position - this.AveragePosition).FastMagnitude() < (stuckThreshold * stuckThreshold)) { if (StuckTime > StuckTimeThreshold) { if (movingToWaypoint) { this.pathIndex++; } else { if (RepathTries < StuckRepathTries) { DoPathfind = true; RepathTries++; } else { RepathTries = 0; this.Arrive(); } } StuckTime = 0; } } else { if (StuckTime > 0) { StuckTime -= 1; } RepathTries = 0; } if (movingToWaypoint) { if ( ( this.pathIndex >= 0 && distance < closingDistance && (movementDirection).Dot(waypointDirection) < 0 ) || distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, FixedMath.Half)) { this.pathIndex++; } } desiredVelocity *= Speed; cachedBody._velocity += GetAdjustVector(desiredVelocity); cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; AutoStopPauser--; } else { if (cachedBody.VelocityFastMagnitude > 0) { cachedBody.Velocity += GetAdjustVector(; } StoppedTime++; } AveragePosition = AveragePosition.Lerped(Agent.Body.Position, FixedMath.One / 4); }
protected override void OnSimulate() { if (!CanMove) { return; } if (IsMoving) { if (CanPathfind) { if (repathCount <= 0) { if (viableDestination) { if (Pathfinder.GetPathNode(cachedBody._position.x, cachedBody._position.y, out currentNode)) { if (straightPath) { if (forcePathfind || Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } straightPath = false; repathCount = RepathRate; } else { repathCount = StraightRepathRate; } } else { if (forcePathfind || Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } repathCount = RepathRate; } else { straightPath = true; repathCount = StraightRepathRate; } } } else { } } else { hasPath = false; if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { if (hasPath) { //TODO: fix this shit repathCount--; } else { repathCount--; } } if (straightPath) { targetPos = Destination; } else if (hasPath) { if (pathIndex >= myPath.Count) { targetPos = this.Destination; } else { targetPos = myPath [pathIndex]; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } movementDirection = targetPos - cachedBody._position; movementDirection.Normalize(out distance); if (targetPos.x != lastTargetPos.x || targetPos.y != lastTargetPos.y) { lastTargetPos = targetPos; targetDirection = movementDirection; } bool movingToWaypoint = (this.hasPath && this.pathIndex < myPath.Count - 1); if (distance > closingDistance || movingToWaypoint) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); if (movementDirection.Cross(lastMovementDirection.x, lastMovementDirection.y).AbsMoreThan(FixedMath.Half)) { lastMovementDirection = movementDirection; if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } } } else { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, CollisionStopMultiplier)) { Arrive(); return; } if (this.SlowArrival) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection * (distance) / (closingDistance)); } else { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); } } if (movingToWaypoint) { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, FixedMath.One)) { this.pathIndex++; } } desiredVelocity *= timescaledSpeed; cachedBody._velocity += (desiredVelocity - cachedBody._velocity) * timescaledAcceleration; cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; } else { if (cachedBody.VelocityFastMagnitude > 0) { cachedBody._velocity -= cachedBody._velocity * timescaledAcceleration; cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; } stopTime++; } }
protected override void OnSimulate() { if (!CanMove) { return; } if (IsMoving) { if (CanPathfind) { if (DoPathfind) { DoPathfind = false; if (viableDestination) { if (Pathfinder.GetPathNode(cachedBody._position.x, cachedBody._position.y, out currentNode)) { if (straightPath) { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } straightPath = false; } else { } } else { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { straightPath = true; } } } else { } } else { hasPath = false; if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { } if (straightPath) { targetPos = Destination; } else if (hasPath) { if (pathIndex >= myPath.Count) { targetPos = this.Destination; } else { targetPos = myPath [pathIndex]; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } movementDirection = targetPos - cachedBody._position; movementDirection.Normalize(out distance); if (targetPos.x != lastTargetPos.x || targetPos.y != lastTargetPos.y) { lastTargetPos = targetPos; targetDirection = movementDirection; } bool movingToWaypoint = (this.hasPath && this.pathIndex < myPath.Count - 1); if (distance > closingDistance || movingToWaypoint) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } long threshold = this.timescaledSpeed / 4; if (GetFullCanCollisionStop() && (Agent.Body.Position - this.LastPosition).FastMagnitude() < (threshold * threshold)) { StuckTime++; if (StuckTime > StuckTimeThreshold) { if (RepathTries < StuckRepathTries) { DoPathfind = true; RepathTries++; } else { RepathTries = 0; this.Arrive(); } StuckTime = 0; } } else { StuckTime = 0; RepathTries = 0; } } else { StuckTime = 0; if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, StopMultiplier)) { Arrive(); return; } if (this.SlowArrival) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection * (distance) / (closingDistance)); } else { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); } } if (movingToWaypoint) { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, FixedMath.Half)) { this.pathIndex++; } } desiredVelocity *= timescaledSpeed; cachedBody._velocity += (desiredVelocity - cachedBody._velocity) * timescaledAcceleration; cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; TempCanCollisionStop = true; } else { if (cachedBody.VelocityFastMagnitude > 0) { cachedBody._velocity -= cachedBody._velocity * timescaledAcceleration; cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; } StoppedTime++; } LastPosition = Agent.Body.Position; }
void BehaveWithTarget() { if (Target.IsActive == false || Target.SpawnVersion != targetVersion || (this.TargetAllegiance & Agent.GetAllegiance(Target)) == 0) { //Target's lifecycle has ended StopEngage(); BehaveWithNoTarget(); return; } if (!IsWindingUp) { Vector2d targetDirection = Target.Body._position - cachedBody._position; long fastMag = targetDirection.FastMagnitude(); //TODO: Optimize this instead of recalculating magnitude multiple times if (CheckRange()) { if (!inRange) { if (CanMove) { cachedMove.StopMove(); } inRange = true; } Agent.SetState(EngagingAnimState); long mag; targetDirection.Normalize(out mag); bool withinTurn = TrackAttackAngle == false || (fastMag != 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Dot(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y) > 0 && cachedBody.Forward.Cross(targetDirection.x, targetDirection.y).Abs() <= AttackAngle); bool needTurn = mag != 0 && !withinTurn; if (needTurn) { if (CanTurn) { cachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(targetDirection); } } else { if (attackCount >= AttackInterval) { StartWindup(); } } } else { if (CanMove) { cachedMove.PauseAutoStop(); cachedMove.PauseCollisionStop(); if (cachedMove.IsMoving == false) { cachedMove.StartMove(Target.Body._position); cachedBody.Priority = basePriority; } else { if (inRange) { cachedMove.Destination = Target.Body.Position; } else { if (repathTimer.AdvanceFrame()) { if (Target.Body.PositionChangedBuffer && Target.Body.Position.FastDistance(cachedMove.Destination.x, cachedMove.Destination.y) >= (repathDistance * repathDistance)) { cachedMove.StartMove(Target.Body._position); //So units don't sync up and path on the same frame repathTimer.AdvanceFrames(repathRandom); } } } } } if (IsAttackMoving || isFocused == false) { searchCount -= 1; if (searchCount <= 0) { searchCount = SearchRate; if (ScanAndEngage()) { } else { } } } if (inRange == true) { inRange = false; } } } if (IsWindingUp) { //TODO: Do we need AgentConditional checks here? windupCount += LockstepManager.DeltaTime; if (CanTurn) { Vector2d targetVector = Target.Body._position - cachedBody._position; cachedTurn.StartTurnVector(targetVector); } if (windupCount >= Windup) { windupCount = 0; Fire(); while (this.attackCount >= AttackInterval) { //resetting back down after attack is fired this.attackCount -= (this.AttackInterval); } this.attackCount += Windup; IsWindingUp = false; } } else { windupCount = 0; } if (inRange) { cachedMove.PauseAutoStop(); cachedMove.PauseCollisionStop(); } }
protected override void OnSimulate() { if (!CanMove) { return; } //TODO: Organize/split this function if (IsMoving) { Agent.SetState(AnimState.Moving); if (CanPathfind) { if (DoPathfind) { DoPathfind = false; if (viableDestination) { if (Pathfinder.GetStartNode(cachedBody.Position, out currentNode)) { if (currentNode.DoesEqual(this.destinationNode)) { if (this.RepathTries >= 1) { this.Arrive(); } } else { if (straightPath) { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize, GetNodeHash(destinationNode))) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } straightPath = false; } else { } } else { if (Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode, this.GridSize)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath, GridSize, GetNodeHash(destinationNode))) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { straightPath = true; } } } } else { } } else { hasPath = false; if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { } if (straightPath) { targetPos = Destination; } else if (hasPath) { if (pathIndex >= myPath.Count) { targetPos = this.Destination; } else { targetPos = myPath[pathIndex]; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } movementDirection = targetPos - cachedBody._position; movementDirection.Normalize(out distance); if (targetPos.x != lastTargetPos.x || targetPos.y != lastTargetPos.y) { lastTargetPos = targetPos; targetDirection = movementDirection; } bool movingToWaypoint = (this.hasPath && this.pathIndex < myPath.Count - 1); long stuckThreshold = timescaledAcceleration / LockstepManager.FrameRate; long slowDistance = cachedBody.VelocityMagnitude.Div(timescaledDecceleration); if (distance > slowDistance || movingToWaypoint) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } } else { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, StopMultiplier)) { Arrive(); //TODO: Don't skip this frame of slowing down return; } if (distance > closingDistance) { if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } } if (distance <= slowDistance) { long closingSpeed = distance.Div(slowDistance); if (CanTurn) { CachedTurn.StartTurnDirection(movementDirection); } desiredVelocity = movementDirection * closingSpeed; decellerating = true; //Reduce occurence of units preventing other units from reaching destination stuckThreshold *= 4; } } //If unit has not moved stuckThreshold in a frame, it's stuck StuckTime++; if (GetCanAutoStop()) { if (Agent.Body.Position.FastDistance(AveragePosition) <= (stuckThreshold * stuckThreshold)) { if (StuckTime > StuckTimeThreshold) { if (movingToWaypoint) { this.pathIndex++; } else { if (RepathTries < StuckRepathTries) { DoPathfind = true; RepathTries++; } else { RepathTries = 0; this.Arrive(); } } StuckTime = 0; } } else { if (StuckTime > 0) { StuckTime -= 1; } RepathTries = 0; } } if (movingToWaypoint) { if ( ( this.pathIndex >= 0 && distance < closingDistance && (movementDirection).Dot(waypointDirection) < 0 ) || distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, FixedMath.Half)) { this.pathIndex++; } } desiredVelocity *= Speed; cachedBody._velocity += GetAdjustVector(desiredVelocity); cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; } else { decellerating = true; //Slowin' down if (cachedBody.VelocityMagnitude > 0) { cachedBody.Velocity += GetAdjustVector(; } StoppedTime++; } decellerating = false; AutoStopPauser--; CollisionStopPauser--; StopPauseLooker--; AveragePosition = AveragePosition.Lerped(Agent.Body.Position, FixedMath.One / 2); }
public void TurnDirection(Vector2d targetDirection) { targetDirection.Normalize(); StartTurn(targetDirection); }
protected override void OnSimulate() { if (!CanMove) { return; } if (IsMoving) { if (canPathfind) { if (repathCount <= 0) { if (viableDestination) { if (Pathfinder.GetPathNode(cachedBody.Position.x, cachedBody.Position.y, out currentNode)) { if (straightPath) { if (forcePathfind || Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } straightPath = false; repathCount = RepathRate; } else { repathCount = StraightRepathRate; } } else { if (forcePathfind || Pathfinder.NeedsPath(currentNode, destinationNode)) { if (Pathfinder.FindPath(Destination, currentNode, destinationNode, myPath)) { hasPath = true; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } repathCount = RepathRate; } else { straightPath = true; repathCount = StraightRepathRate; } } } else { } } else { hasPath = false; if (IsFormationMoving) { StartMove(MyMovementGroup.Destination); IsFormationMoving = false; } } } else { if (hasPath) { repathCount--; } else { repathCount--; } } if (straightPath) { targetPos = Destination; } else if (hasPath) { if (pathIndex >= myPath.Count) { pathIndex = myPath.Count - 1; } targetPos = myPath[pathIndex]; } else { targetPos = Destination; } } else { targetPos = Destination; } movementDirection = targetPos - cachedBody.Position; movementDirection.Normalize(out distance); if (targetPos.x != lastTargetPos.x || targetPos.y != lastTargetPos.y) { lastTargetPos = targetPos; targetDirection = movementDirection; } if (distance > closingDistance) { desiredVelocity = (movementDirection); if (movementDirection.Cross(lastMovementDirection.x, lastMovementDirection.y) != 0) { lastMovementDirection = movementDirection; cachedTurn.StartTurnRaw(movementDirection); } } else { if (distance < FixedMath.Mul(closingDistance, CollisionStopMultiplier)) { Arrive(); return; } desiredVelocity = (movementDirection * (distance) / (closingDistance)); } desiredVelocity *= timescaledSpeed; cachedBody._velocity += (desiredVelocity - cachedBody._velocity) * timescaledAcceleration; if (distance <= closingDistance) { pathIndex++; } cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; if (collidedWithTrackedAgent) { if (collidedCount >= CollisionStopCount) { collidedCount = 0; collidingAgent = null; Arrive(); } else { if (lastPosition.FastDistance(cachedBody.Position.x, cachedBody.Position.y) < collisionStopTreshold) { collidedCount++; } else { lastPosition = cachedBody.Position; collidedCount = 0; } } collidedWithTrackedAgent = false; } else { collidingAgent = null; collidedCount = 0; } } else { if (cachedBody.VelocityFastMagnitude > 0) { cachedBody._velocity -= cachedBody._velocity * timescaledAcceleration; cachedBody.VelocityChanged = true; } stopTime++; } }
public void StartTurnVector(Vector2d targetVector) { targetVector.Normalize(); StartTurnDirection(targetVector); }