コード例 #1
        private void checkDue()
                using (var ctx = new finalContext())
                    var lon = from lo in ctx.FPaymentInfo
                              where lo.PaymentDate <= DateTime.Today.Date && (lo.PaymentStatus == "Pending" || lo.PaymentStatus == "On Hold")
                              select lo;
                    foreach (var item in lon)
                        var ctr = ctx.FPaymentInfo.Where(x => (x.PaymentDate <= DateTime.Today.Date && x.LoanID == item.LoanID) && (x.PaymentStatus == "Due" || x.PaymentStatus == "Returned" || x.PaymentStatus == "Due/Pending" || x.PaymentStatus == "Deposited")).Count();
                        if (ctr == 0)
                            item.PaymentStatus = "Due";
                            item.PaymentStatus = "Due/Pending";

                    var dep = from d in ctx.FPaymentInfo
                              where d.PaymentStatus == "Due"
                              select d;
                    foreach (var item in dep)
                        var ctr = ctx.FPaymentInfo.Where(x => x.LoanID == item.LoanID && x.PaymentStatus == "Deposited").Count();
                        if (ctr != 0)
                            item.PaymentStatus = "Due/Pending";

                    var lons = from lo in ctx.Loans
                               where lo.Status == "Released" && lo.Service.Department == "Financing"
                               select lo;

                    foreach (var item in lons)
                        var ctr1 = ctx.FPaymentInfo.Where(x => x.LoanID == item.LoanID && x.PaymentStatus == "Cleared").Count();
                        var ctr2 = ctx.FPaymentInfo.Where(x => x.LoanID == item.LoanID).Count();
                        if (ctr1 == ctr2)
                            item.Status = "Paid";
                            PaidLoan pl = new PaidLoan { LoanID = item.LoanID, DateFinished = DateTime.Today.Date };


                    var mLoans = from m in ctx.MPaymentInfoes
                                 where m.DueDate < DateTime.Today.Date && m.PaymentStatus == "Pending"
                                 select m;

                    DateTime dt;
                    DateTime dt2;
                    int Interval = 0;
                    DateInterval dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                    foreach (var itm in mLoans)
                        dt = itm.DueDate;
                        itm.PaymentStatus = "Unpaid";
                        itm.TotalPayment = 0;
                        var ser = ctx.Services.Find(itm.Loan.ServiceID);
                        var iAmt = itm.TotalAmount;
                        //var ln = ctx.Loans.Find(itm.LoanID);

                        double cRem = itm.RemainingLoanBalance;

                        /*var rc = ctx.MPaymentInfoes.Where(x => x.LoanID == itm.LoanID && x.PaymentStatus == "Paid").Count();
                        if (rc > 0)
                            var re = from x in ctx.MPaymentInfoes
                                     where x.LoanID == itm.LoanID && x.PaymentStatus == "Paid"
                                     select x;
                            foreach (var item in re)
                                cRem = cRem - itm.TotalPayment;

                        double ciRate = ser.LatePaymentPenalty / 100;
                        double ctRate = itm.TotalAmount * ciRate;
                        double ctBalance = itm.TotalAmount;


                        int n = itm.PaymentNumber;
                        while (dt < DateTime.Today.Date)
                            String value = itm.Loan.Mode;
                            if (value == "Semi-Monthly")
                                Interval = 15;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                            else if (value == "Weekly")
                                Interval = 7;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                            else if (value == "Daily")
                                Interval = 1;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;

                            dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(dInt, Interval, dt);

                            bool isHoliday = true;
                            while (isHoliday == true || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                                if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 2, dt);
                                else if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                var myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.isYearly == true).Count();
                                if (myC > 0)
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                    isHoliday = true;
                                    myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.Date.Year == dt.Date.Year && x.isYearly == !true).Count();
                                    if (myC > 0)
                                        dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                        isHoliday = true;
                                        isHoliday = false;

                            String str = "";

                            double tRate = ctRate;
                            str = tRate.ToString("N2");
                            tRate = Convert.ToDouble(str);

                            double tBalance = ctBalance + tRate;
                            str = tBalance.ToString("N2");
                            tBalance = Convert.ToDouble(str);

                            double tAmount = itm.Amount + tBalance;
                            str = tAmount.ToString("N2");
                            tAmount = Convert.ToDouble(str);

                            ctBalance = tAmount;
                            ctRate = ctBalance * ciRate;

                            double tRem = cRem + tRate;
                            str = tRem.ToString("N2");
                            tRem = Convert.ToDouble(str);

                            cRem = tRem;

                            dt2 = DateAndTime.DateAdd(dInt, Interval, dt);
                            String st = "Unpaid";
                            if (dt2 > DateTime.Today.Date)
                                st = "Pending";
                            MPaymentInfo mpi = null;
                            if (tAmount <= tRem)
                                mpi = new MPaymentInfo { PaymentNumber = n + 1, Amount = itm.Amount, TotalBalance = tBalance, BalanceInterest = tRate, DueDate = dt, ExcessBalance = 0, LoanID = itm.LoanID, PaymentStatus = st, TotalAmount = tAmount, RemainingLoanBalance = tRem, PreviousBalance = iAmt };
                                if (itm.PaymentStatus == "Unpaid")
                                    double tPaid = 0;
                                    var m1 = from m in ctx.MPaymentInfoes
                                             where m.LoanID == itm.LoanID && m.PaymentStatus == "Paid"
                                             select m;
                                    foreach (var i in m1)
                                        tPaid = tPaid + i.TotalPayment;
                                    var c = ctx.PassedToCollectors.Where(x => x.LoanID == itm.LoanID).Count();
                                    if (c < 1)
                                        using (var ctx2 = new finalContext())
                                            PassedToCollector pc = new PassedToCollector { DatePassed = DateTime.Today.Date, LoanID = itm.LoanID, RemainingBalance = tRem, TotalPassedBalance = tRem, TotalPaidBeforePassing = tPaid };
                                            var l1 = ctx2.Loans.Find(itm.LoanID);
                                            l1.Status = "Under Collection";
                            iAmt = tAmount;


            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Runtime Error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
コード例 #2
        private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                double amt = 0;
                    amt = Convert.ToDouble(txtAmt.Text);
                    amt = Convert.ToDouble(amt.ToString("N2"));
                    amt = 0;
                if (amt > Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content))
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Amount must not be greater that the remaining amount", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                if (amt < 1)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Amount must be greater that 1", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

                double cPayment = (Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content) - Convert.ToDouble(lblExcessive.Content));

                if (cPayment < 0 || cPayment < Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content))
                    cPayment = Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content);

                if (amt > cPayment )
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Amount must not be greater that the remaining amount", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

                if (amt <= Convert.ToDouble(lblTotal.Content))
                    using (var ctx = new finalContext())
                        int lID = Convert.ToInt32(txtID.Text);
                        var py = ctx.MPaymentInfoes.Where(x => x.LoanID == lID && x.PaymentStatus == "Pending").First();
                        DateInterval dInt = new DateInterval();
                        int Interval = 0;

                        String value = py.Loan.Mode;
                        if (value == "Semi-Monthly")
                            Interval = 15;
                            dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                        else if (value == "Weekly")
                            Interval = 7;
                            dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                        else if (value == "Daily")
                            Interval = 1;
                            dInt = DateInterval.Day;

                        DateTime dt = py.DueDate;
                        dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(dInt, Interval, dt);

                        bool isHoliday = true;
                        while (isHoliday == true || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                            if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
                                dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 2, dt);
                            else if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                                dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                            var myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.isYearly == true).Count();
                            if (myC > 0)
                                dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                isHoliday = true;
                                myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.Date.Year == dt.Date.Year && x.isYearly == !true).Count();
                                if (myC > 0)
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                    isHoliday = true;
                                    isHoliday = false;
                        var ser = ctx.Services.Find(py.Loan.ServiceID);
                        double interest = ser.LatePaymentPenalty / 100;

                        double payment = Convert.ToDouble(amt.ToString("N2"));
                        double pbal = Convert.ToDouble((py.TotalAmount - payment).ToString("N2"));
                        double balInt = Convert.ToDouble((pbal * interest).ToString("N2"));
                        double totalBal = Convert.ToDouble((pbal + balInt).ToString("N2"));
                        double total = Convert.ToDouble((totalBal + py.Amount).ToString("N2"));
                        double re = Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content);
                        double rem = Convert.ToDouble((re - payment).ToString("N2"));

                        if (rem < total)
                            rem = 0;
                            total = totalBal;

                        py.TotalPayment = amt;
                        py.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                        py.PaymentStatus = "Paid";

                        int n = py.PaymentNumber + 1;

                        if ((amt == Convert.ToDouble(lblTotal.Content) && rem <= py.Amount) || rem < 0)
                            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The Loan has been successfully finished!", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                            var lon = ctx.Loans.Find(lID);
                            lon.Status = "Paid";
                            py.TotalPayment = amt;
                            py.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                            py.PaymentStatus = "Paid";
                            py.RemainingLoanBalance = 0;
                            PaidLoan pl = new PaidLoan { LoanID = lID, DateFinished = DateTime.Today.Date };
                            goto here;
                        MPaymentInfo mp = new MPaymentInfo { Amount = py.Amount, BalanceInterest = balInt, DueDate = dt, ExcessBalance = 0, LoanID = lID, PaymentNumber = n, PaymentStatus = "Pending", PreviousBalance = pbal, RemainingLoanBalance = rem, TotalAmount = total, TotalBalance = totalBal };
                        txtID.Text = "";

                    using (var ctx = new finalContext())
                        int lID = Convert.ToInt32(txtID.Text);
                        var py = ctx.MPaymentInfoes.Where(x => x.LoanID == lID && x.PaymentStatus == "Pending").First();
                        DateInterval dInt = new DateInterval();

                        double ex = amt - py.TotalAmount;

                        while (ex > 0)

                            int Interval = 0;

                            String value = py.Loan.Mode;
                            if (value == "Semi-Monthly")
                                Interval = 15;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                            else if (value == "Weekly")
                                Interval = 7;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;
                            else if (value == "Daily")
                                Interval = 1;
                                dInt = DateInterval.Day;

                            DateTime dt = py.DueDate;
                            dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(dInt, Interval, dt);

                            bool isHoliday = true;
                            while (isHoliday == true || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                                if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 2, dt);
                                else if (dt.Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                var myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.isYearly == true).Count();
                                if (myC > 0)
                                    dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                    isHoliday = true;
                                    myC = ctx.Holidays.Where(x => x.Date.Month == dt.Date.Month && x.Date.Day == dt.Date.Day && x.Date.Year == dt.Date.Year && x.isYearly == !true).Count();
                                    if (myC > 0)
                                        dt = DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, dt);
                                        isHoliday = true;
                                        isHoliday = false;

                            double payment = Convert.ToDouble(py.Amount.ToString("N2"));
                            double rem = Convert.ToDouble((py.RemainingLoanBalance - py.TotalAmount).ToString("N2"));
                            double total = Convert.ToDouble((py.Amount - ex).ToString("N2"));
                            ex = Convert.ToDouble(ex.ToString("N2"));
                            double ex2 = ex - py.Amount;
                            ex2 = Convert.ToDouble(ex2.ToString("N2"));
                            string st = "";
                            int n = py.PaymentNumber + 1;
                            MPaymentInfo mp = new MPaymentInfo();
                            if (total < 0)
                                total = py.Amount;
                                st = "Pending";
                                n = py.PaymentNumber;
                                mp = new MPaymentInfo { Amount = py.Amount, BalanceInterest = 0, DueDate = dt, ExcessBalance = Convert.ToDouble(ex.ToString("N2")), LoanID = lID, PaymentNumber = n, PaymentStatus = st, PreviousBalance = 0, RemainingLoanBalance = rem, TotalAmount = total, TotalBalance = 0, PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date };
                                st = "Pending";
                                mp = new MPaymentInfo { Amount = py.Amount, BalanceInterest = 0, DueDate = dt, ExcessBalance = Convert.ToDouble(ex.ToString("N2")), LoanID = lID, PaymentNumber = n, PaymentStatus = st, PreviousBalance = 0, RemainingLoanBalance = rem, TotalAmount = total, TotalBalance = 0 };
                            ex = Convert.ToDouble(ex.ToString("N2"));
                            if ((rem <= py.Amount && ex >= py.Amount) || rem < 0)
                                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The Loan has been successfully finished!", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                                var lon = ctx.Loans.Find(lID);
                                lon.Status = "Paid";
                                py.TotalPayment = amt;
                                py.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                                py.PaymentStatus = "Paid";
                                PaidLoan pl = new PaidLoan { LoanID = lID, DateFinished = DateTime.Today.Date };
                                mp.PaymentStatus = "Paid";
                                mp.TotalAmount = py.Amount;
                                mp.ExcessBalance =  py.Amount;
                                mp.RemainingLoanBalance = 0;
                                mp.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                                mp.TotalPayment = py.Amount;
                                goto here;

                            py.TotalPayment = amt;
                            py.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                            py.PaymentStatus = "Paid";

                            amt = Convert.ToDouble(ex.ToString("N2"));


                            txtID.Text = "";
                                py = ctx.MPaymentInfoes.Where(x => x.LoanID == lID && x.PaymentStatus == "Pending").First();
                            catch (Exception)
                            ex = ex2;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Runtime Error:" + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
コード例 #3
        private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double amt = 0;
                amt = Convert.ToDouble(txtAmt.Text);
                amt = Convert.ToDouble(amt.ToString("N2"));
            catch (Exception)
                amt = 0;
            if (amt > Convert.ToDouble(lblTotalLoan.Content))
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Amount must not be greater that the remaining amount", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            if (amt < 1)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Amount must be greater that 1", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            int lID;
                lID = Convert.ToInt32(txtID.Text);
            catch (Exception)
                lID = 0;

            using (var ctx = new finalContext())
                CollectionInfo ci = new CollectionInfo { LoanID = lID, DateCollected = DateTime.Today.Date, TotalCollection = amt };
                var r = ctx.PassedToCollectors.Find(lID);
                double rBal = Convert.ToDouble((r.RemainingBalance - amt).ToString("N2"));
                r.RemainingBalance = rBal;

                if (rBal <= 0)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The Loan has been successfully finished!", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                    var lon = ctx.Loans.Find(lID);
                    lon.Status = "Paid";
                    r.RemainingBalance = 0;
                    PaidLoan pl = new PaidLoan { LoanID = lID, DateFinished = DateTime.Today.Date };

                txtID.Text = "";

コード例 #4
        private void btnNew_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                using (var ctx = new finalContext())
                    FPaymentInfo fp = ctx.FPaymentInfo.Find(fId);
                    DepositedCheque dp = ctx.DepositedCheques.Find(fId);
                    MessageBoxResult mr = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to process this transaction?", "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);
                    if (mr == MessageBoxResult.Yes)

                        if (status == "Full")
                            var fp2 = from f in ctx.FPaymentInfo
                                     where f.LoanID == lID && f.PaymentStatus != "Cleared"
                                     select f;
                            double tot = 0;
                            foreach (var itm in fp2)
                                itm.PaymentStatus = "Cleared";
                                ClearedCheque cc = new ClearedCheque { FPaymentInfoID = itm.FPaymentInfoID, DateCleared = DateTime.Now };

                            FPaymentInfo f2 = new FPaymentInfo { Amount = double.Parse(txtAmt.Text), ChequeDueDate = DateTime.Now.Date, ChequeInfo = txtId.Text, LoanID = lID, PaymentNumber = fp2.Count() + 1, PaymentStatus = "Cleared", PaymentDate = DateTime.Now, RemainingBalance = 0 };
                            var lon = ctx.Loans.Find(lID);
                            lon.Status = "Paid";
                            PaidLoan pl = new PaidLoan { DateFinished = DateTime.Now, LoanID = lID };
                            ClearedCheque cc2 = new ClearedCheque { DateCleared = DateTime.Now, FPaymentInfoID = f2.FPaymentInfoID };
                            MessageBox.Show("Transaction has been successfully processed", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                        if (chDaif.IsChecked == false)
                            wpfCheckout frm = new wpfCheckout();
                            frm.status = "Daif";
                            frm.fId = fId;

                            if (cont == false)
                                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please pay the DAIF fee first", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

                        AuditTrail at = new AuditTrail { EmployeeID = UserID, DateAndTime = DateTime.Now, Action = "Changed Cheque " + fp.ChequeInfo + " to " + txtId.Text + "" };
                        fp.PaymentStatus = "Deposited";
                        fp.ChequeInfo = txtId.Text;
                        dp.DepositDate = DateTime.Today.Date;

                        fp.ReturnedCheque.isPaid = true;

                        if (chDaif.IsChecked == true)
                            fp.Amount = fp.Amount + fp.ReturnedCheque.Fee;
                        MessageBox.Show("Transaction has been successfully processed", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Runtime Error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);