public Attempt(int index, Time time, AtomicDateTime? started, AtomicDateTime? ended) : this() { Index = index; Time = time; Started = started; Ended = ended; }
public static Time ToTime(this RunTimes times) { var time = new Time(realTime: times.RealTime); if (times.GameTime.HasValue) time.GameTime = times.GameTime.Value; else if (times.RealTimeWithoutLoads.HasValue) time.GameTime = times.RealTimeWithoutLoads.Value; return time; }
private static string formatTime(Time time) { var formatter = new ShortTimeFormatter(); if (time.RealTime.HasValue && !time.GameTime.HasValue) return formatter.Format(time.RealTime); if (!time.RealTime.HasValue && time.GameTime.HasValue) return formatter.Format(time.GameTime); return formatter.Format(time.RealTime) + " / " + formatter.Format(time.GameTime); }
public Segment( string name, Time pbSplitTime = default(Time), Time bestSegmentTime = default(Time), Image icon = null, Time splitTime = default(Time)) { Comparisons = new CompositeComparisons(); Name = name; PersonalBestSplitTime = pbSplitTime; BestSegmentTime = bestSegmentTime; SplitTime = splitTime; Icon = icon; SegmentHistory = new List<IIndexedTime>(); }
public static Time FromXml(XmlElement element) { var newTime = new Time(); TimeSpan x; if (element.GetElementsByTagName("RealTime").Count > 0) { if (TimeSpan.TryParse(element["RealTime"].InnerText, out x)) newTime.RealTime = x; } if (element.GetElementsByTagName("GameTime").Count > 0) { if (TimeSpan.TryParse(element["GameTime"].InnerText, out x)) newTime.GameTime = x; } return newTime; }
private static Record getRecordEntry(dynamic entry) { var runners = new List<string>() { entry.player }; var properties = entry.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>; string runnerKey; for (var i = 2; properties.ContainsKey(runnerKey = string.Format("player{0}", i)); ++i) { runners.Add(properties[runnerKey] as string); } Time time = new Time(); if (entry.time != null) { time.RealTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(entry.time, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if ((entry.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>).ContainsKey("timewithloads")) { //If the game supports Time without Loads, "time" actually returns Time without Loads time.GameTime = time.RealTime; //Real Time is then stored in timewithloads if (entry.timewithloads != null) time.RealTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(entry.timewithloads, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); else time.RealTime = null; } if ((entry.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>).ContainsKey("timeigt")) { //If there's timeigt, use that as the Game Time instead of Time without Loads //since that is more representative of Game Time. if (entry.timeigt != null) time.GameTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(double.Parse(entry.timeigt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); else time.GameTime = null; } Lazy<IRun> run = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.splitsio as string)) { run = new Lazy<IRun>(() => { try { return SplitsIO.Instance.DownloadRunByPath(entry.splitsio as string); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); } return null; }); } int? place = null; int parsed; if (int.TryParse( as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out parsed)) place = parsed; DateTime? date = null; Uri video = null; string videoString =; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( double.Parse(, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoString)) { if (!videoString.StartsWith("http")) videoString = "http://" + videoString; try { video = new Uri(videoString); } catch { } } var id = 0; int.TryParse( as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out id); return new Record { ID = id, Place = place, Time = time, Date = date, Video = video, Runners = runners, Run = run }; }
private void runGrid_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) { foreach (var selectedObject in runGrid.SelectedCells.OfType<DataGridViewCell>().Reverse()) { var selectedCell = selectedObject; if (Run.Count <= 1 || selectedCell.RowIndex >= Run.Count || selectedCell.RowIndex < 0) continue; if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == SEGMENTNAMEINDEX) { selectedCell.Value = ""; } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == ICONINDEX) { if (Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].Icon != null) ImagesToDispose.Add(Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].Icon); Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].Icon = null; } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == SPLITTIMEINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime = time; } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == SEGMENTTIMEINDEX) { SegmentTimeList[selectedCell.RowIndex] = null; FixSplitsFromSegments(); } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex == BESTSEGMENTINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime = time; } else if (selectedCell.ColumnIndex >= CUSTOMCOMPARISONSINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].Comparisons[selectedCell.OwningColumn.Name]); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[selectedCell.RowIndex].Comparisons[selectedCell.OwningColumn.Name] = time; } Fix(); } runGrid.Invalidate(); TimesModified(); } }
void runGrid_CellParsing(object sender, DataGridViewCellParsingEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == SPLITTIMEINDEX || e.ColumnIndex == BESTSEGMENTINDEX || e.ColumnIndex == SEGMENTTIMEINDEX || e.ColumnIndex >= CUSTOMCOMPARISONSINDEX) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Value.ToString())) { e.Value = null; if (e.ColumnIndex == SPLITTIMEINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[e.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime = time; } if (e.ColumnIndex == BESTSEGMENTINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[e.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime = time; } if (e.ColumnIndex == SEGMENTTIMEINDEX) { SegmentTimeList[e.RowIndex] = null; FixSplitsFromSegments(); } if (e.ColumnIndex >= CUSTOMCOMPARISONSINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].Comparisons[runGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name]); time[SelectedMethod] = null; Run[e.RowIndex].Comparisons[runGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name] = time; } Fix(); TimesModified(); e.ParsingApplied = true; return; } try { e.Value = TimeSpanParser.Parse(e.Value.ToString()); if (e.ColumnIndex == SEGMENTTIMEINDEX) { SegmentTimeList[e.RowIndex] = (TimeSpan)e.Value; FixSplitsFromSegments(); } if (e.ColumnIndex >= CUSTOMCOMPARISONSINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].Comparisons[runGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name]); time[SelectedMethod] = (TimeSpan)e.Value; Run[e.RowIndex].Comparisons[runGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name] = time; } if (e.ColumnIndex == SPLITTIMEINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime); time[SelectedMethod] = (TimeSpan)e.Value; Run[e.RowIndex].PersonalBestSplitTime = time; } if (e.ColumnIndex == BESTSEGMENTINDEX) { var time = new Time(Run[e.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime); time[SelectedMethod] = (TimeSpan)e.Value; Run[e.RowIndex].BestSegmentTime = time; } Fix(); TimesModified(); e.ParsingApplied = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); e.ParsingApplied = false; } } }
void runGrid_UserDeletingRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e) { var curIndex = e.Row.Index; var curSegment = Run[curIndex].BestSegmentTime; if (curIndex < Run.Count - 1) { var nextSegment = Run[curIndex + 1].BestSegmentTime; var newBestSegment = new Time(Run[curIndex + 1].BestSegmentTime); if (curSegment.RealTime != null && nextSegment.GameTime != null) { newBestSegment.RealTime = curSegment.RealTime + nextSegment.RealTime; } if (curSegment.GameTime != null && nextSegment.GameTime != null) { newBestSegment.GameTime = curSegment.GameTime + newBestSegment.GameTime; } Run[curIndex + 1].BestSegmentTime = newBestSegment; } UpdateButtonsStatus(); }
public void UpdateBestSegments() { TimeSpan? currentSegmentRTA = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan? previousSplitTimeRTA = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan? currentSegmentGameTime = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan? previousSplitTimeGameTime = TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var split in CurrentState.Run) { var newBestSegment = new Time(split.BestSegmentTime); if (split.SplitTime.RealTime != null) { currentSegmentRTA = split.SplitTime.RealTime - previousSplitTimeRTA; previousSplitTimeRTA = split.SplitTime.RealTime; if (split.BestSegmentTime.RealTime == null || currentSegmentRTA < split.BestSegmentTime.RealTime) newBestSegment.RealTime = currentSegmentRTA; } if (split.SplitTime.GameTime != null) { currentSegmentGameTime = split.SplitTime.GameTime - previousSplitTimeGameTime; previousSplitTimeGameTime = split.SplitTime.GameTime; if (split.BestSegmentTime.GameTime == null || currentSegmentGameTime < split.BestSegmentTime.GameTime) newBestSegment.GameTime = currentSegmentGameTime; } split.BestSegmentTime = newBestSegment; } }
protected void FixSegmentHistory(TimingMethod method) { foreach (var curSplit in InternalList) { var x = 0; while (x < curSplit.SegmentHistory.Count) { var history = new Time(curSplit.SegmentHistory[x].Time); if (curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method] != null && history[method] < curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method]) history[method] = curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method]; if (curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method] == null && history[method] != null) curSplit.SegmentHistory.RemoveAt(x); else { curSplit.SegmentHistory[x].Time = history; x++; } } } }
public void AddSegment(string name, Time pbSplitTime = default(Time), Time bestSegmentTime = default(Time), Image icon = null, Time splitTime = default(Time), IList<IIndexedTime> segmentHistory = null) { var segment = new Segment(name, pbSplitTime, bestSegmentTime, icon, splitTime); if (segmentHistory != null) segment.SegmentHistory = segmentHistory; Add(segment); }
protected void AddSplit(string user, ISegment segment, TimeSpan? time, TimingMethod method) { var comparisonName = "[Race] " + user; var newTime = new Time(segment.Comparisons[comparisonName]); newTime[method] = time; segment.Comparisons[comparisonName] = newTime; }
public static void AddSegment(this IRun run, string name, Time pbSplitTime = default(Time), Time bestSegmentTime = default(Time), Image icon = null, Time splitTime = default(Time), SegmentHistory segmentHistory = null) { var segment = new Segment(name, pbSplitTime, bestSegmentTime, icon, splitTime); if (segmentHistory != null) { segment.SegmentHistory = segmentHistory; } run.Add(segment); }
public static Time ParseText(string text) { var splits = text.Split('|'); var newTime = new Time(); TimeSpan x; if (TimeSpan.TryParse(splits[0].TrimEnd(), out x)) newTime.RealTime = x; else newTime.RealTime = null; if (splits.Length > 1) { if (TimeSpan.TryParse(splits[1].TrimStart(), out x)) newTime.GameTime = x; else newTime.GameTime = null; } return newTime; }
public void UpdateAttemptHistory() { Time time = new Time(); time = (CurrentState.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.Ended) ? CurrentState.CurrentTime : default(Time); var maxIndex = CurrentState.Run.AttemptHistory.DefaultIfEmpty().Max(x => x.Index); var newIndex = Math.Max(0, maxIndex + 1); var newAttempt = new Attempt(newIndex, time, CurrentState.AttemptStarted, CurrentState.AttemptEnded); CurrentState.Run.AttemptHistory.Add(newAttempt); }
protected void FixComparisonTimes(TimingMethod method) { foreach (var comparison in CustomComparisons) { var previousTime = TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var curSplit in InternalList) { if (curSplit.Comparisons[comparison][method] != null) { if (curSplit.Comparisons[comparison][method] < previousTime) { var newComparison = new Time(curSplit.Comparisons[comparison]); newComparison[method] = previousTime; curSplit.Comparisons[comparison] = newComparison; } var currentSegment = curSplit.Comparisons[comparison][method] - previousTime; if (comparison == PersonalBestComparisonName && (curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method] == null || curSplit.BestSegmentTime[method] > currentSegment)) { var newTime = new Time(curSplit.BestSegmentTime); newTime[method] = currentSegment; curSplit.BestSegmentTime = newTime; } previousTime = curSplit.Comparisons[comparison][method].Value; } } } }
public void UpdateSegmentHistory() { TimeSpan? splitTimeRTA = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan? splitTimeGameTime = TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var split in CurrentState.Run.Take(CurrentState.CurrentSplitIndex)) { var newTime = new Time(); newTime.RealTime = split.SplitTime.RealTime - splitTimeRTA; newTime.GameTime = split.SplitTime.GameTime - splitTimeGameTime; split.SegmentHistory.Add(CurrentState.Run.AttemptHistory.Last().Index, newTime); if (split.SplitTime.RealTime.HasValue) splitTimeRTA = split.SplitTime.RealTime; if (split.SplitTime.GameTime.HasValue) splitTimeGameTime = split.SplitTime.GameTime; } }
protected void RemoveDuplicates(TimingMethod method) { for (var index = 0; index < Count; index++) { var history = this[index].SegmentHistory.Select(x => x.Time[method]).Where(x => x != null); for (var runIndex = GetMinSegmentHistoryIndex(); runIndex <= 0; runIndex++) { var element = this[index].SegmentHistory.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Index == runIndex); if (element != null && history.Where(x => x.Equals(element.Time[method])).Count() > 1) { var newTime = new Time(element.Time); newTime[method] = null; element.Time = newTime; } } } }
public RunEditorDialog(LiveSplitState state) { InitializeComponent(); CurrentState = state; Run = state.Run; Run.PropertyChanged += Run_PropertyChanged; PreviousPersonalBestTime = Run.Last().PersonalBestSplitTime; metadataControl.Metadata = Run.Metadata; metadataControl.MetadataChanged += metadataControl_MetadataChanged; CurrentSplitIndexOffset = 0; AllowChangingSegments = false; ImagesToDispose = new List<Image>(); SegmentTimeList = new List<TimeSpan?>(); TimeFormatter = new ShortTimeFormatter(); SegmentList = new BindingList<ISegment>(Run); SegmentList.AllowNew = true; SegmentList.AllowRemove = true; SegmentList.AllowEdit = true; SegmentList.ListChanged += SegmentList_ListChanged; runGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false; runGrid.AutoSize = true; runGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.False; runGrid.DataSource = SegmentList; runGrid.CellDoubleClick += runGrid_CellDoubleClick; runGrid.CellFormatting += runGrid_CellFormatting; runGrid.CellParsing += runGrid_CellParsing; runGrid.CellValidating += runGrid_CellValidating; runGrid.CellEndEdit += runGrid_CellEndEdit; runGrid.SelectionChanged += runGrid_SelectionChanged; var iconColumn = new DataGridViewImageColumn() { ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Zoom }; iconColumn.DataPropertyName = "Icon"; iconColumn.Name = "Icon"; iconColumn.Width = 50; iconColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; iconColumn.DefaultCellStyle.NullValue = new Bitmap(1, 1); runGrid.Columns.Add(iconColumn); var column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); column.DataPropertyName = "Name"; column.Name = "Segment Name"; column.MinimumWidth = 120; column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; runGrid.Columns.Add(column); column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); column.Name = "Split Time"; column.Width = 100; column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; column.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; runGrid.Columns.Add(column); column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); column.Name = "Segment Time"; column.Width = 100; column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; column.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; runGrid.Columns.Add(column); column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); column.Name = "Best Segment"; column.Width = 100; column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; column.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight; column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; runGrid.Columns.Add(column); runGrid.EditingControlShowing += runGrid_EditingControlShowing; cbxGameName.DataBindings.Add("Text", this, "GameName"); cbxRunCategory.DataBindings.Add("Text", this, "CategoryName"); tbxTimeOffset.DataBindings.Add("Text", this, "Offset"); tbxAttempts.DataBindings.Add("Text", this, "AttemptCount"); picGameIcon.Image = GameIcon; removeIconToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = state.Run.GameIcon != null; cbxGameName.GetAllItemsForText = x => new string[0]; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { gameNames = CompositeGameList.Instance.GetGameNames().ToArray(); abbreviations = gameNames .Select(x => x.GetAbbreviations() .Select(y => new KeyValuePair<string, string>(x, y))) .SelectMany(x => x) .GroupBy(x => x.Value, x => x.Key); cbxGameName.GetAllItemsForText = x => SearchForGameName(x); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { try { cbxGameName.Items.AddRange(gameNames); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); } }); cbxRunCategory.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; cbxRunCategory.Items.AddRange(new[] { "Any%", "Low%", "100%" }); cbxRunCategory.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; SelectedMethod = state.CurrentTimingMethod; RefreshCategoryAutoCompleteList(); UpdateSegmentList(); RefreshAutoSplittingUI(); SetClickEvents(this); }
public void ImportSegmentHistory() { var prevTimeRTA = TimeSpan.Zero; var prevTimeGameTime = TimeSpan.Zero; var index = GetMinSegmentHistoryIndex(); var nullValue = false; foreach (var segment in InternalList) { var newTime = new Time(); if (segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] == null || segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] == null || nullValue) { newTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] = segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] - prevTimeRTA; newTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] = segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] - prevTimeGameTime; segment.SegmentHistory.Add(new IndexedTime(newTime, index)); nullValue = false; } if (segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] != null) prevTimeRTA = segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.RealTime].Value; else nullValue = true; if (segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] != null) prevTimeGameTime = segment.PersonalBestSplitTime[TimingMethod.GameTime].Value; else nullValue = true; } }
private void FixSplitsFromSegments() { var previousTime = TimeSpan.Zero; var index = 0; var decrement = TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var curSeg in Run) { if (curSeg != null) { if (SegmentTimeList[index] != null) { if (curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime[SelectedMethod] == null && index < SegmentTimeList.Count - 1) decrement = SegmentTimeList[index].Value; else { SegmentTimeList[index] -= decrement; decrement = TimeSpan.Zero; } var time = new Time(curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime); time[SelectedMethod] = previousTime + SegmentTimeList[index].Value; curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime = time; previousTime = curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime[SelectedMethod].Value; } else { if (curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime[SelectedMethod] != null) previousTime = curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime[SelectedMethod].Value; var time = new Time(curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime); time[SelectedMethod] = null; curSeg.PersonalBestSplitTime = time; } } index++; } }
public void ImportBestSegment(int segmentIndex) { var segment = InternalList[segmentIndex]; var newTime = new Time(); if (segment.BestSegmentTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] != null || segment.BestSegmentTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] != null) { newTime[TimingMethod.RealTime] = segment.BestSegmentTime[TimingMethod.RealTime]; newTime[TimingMethod.GameTime] = segment.BestSegmentTime[TimingMethod.GameTime]; segment.SegmentHistory.Add(new IndexedTime(newTime, GetMinSegmentHistoryIndex())); } }
private void TimesModified() { if (Run.Last().PersonalBestSplitTime.RealTime != PreviousPersonalBestTime.RealTime || Run.Last().PersonalBestSplitTime.GameTime != PreviousPersonalBestTime.GameTime) { Run.Metadata.RunID = null; PreviousPersonalBestTime = Run.Last().PersonalBestSplitTime; } RaiseRunEdited(); }
public Time(Time time) : this() { RealTime = time.RealTime; GameTime = time.GameTime; }