コード例 #1
            // Possibly more expensive performance wise, but it will assure that each cell has only one
            // instance of LiveCell representing it ever initialized.
            #region Get
            // Empty from parameters using already existing cells wherever available.
            internal LiveRow Get(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount)
                // Assure that the appropriate space in the factory production index is existing to start the production process.
                this._productionIndex.AssureStorageSpace(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, rowSheetRelativeIndex);

                // Get row covering requested area if already existing.
                LiveRow requestedRow = this._productionIndex.GetExistingRow(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, leftColumnIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, columnCount);

                // If requested row already exists...
                if (!(requestedRow is null))
                    // ...return it.

                // Build new row cells content using appropriate row cells content creation method to create
                // the new row cells content build from the existing cells wherever possible...
                IList <LiveCell> rowCellsContent = this.BuildRowCellsContentWithoutNewData(
                    // Row cells content spreadsheet id
                    // Row cells content sheet title id
                    // Row most left column index
                    // Row sheet relative index
                    // Total number of the cells covered by the row

                // Manufacture and return newly create row.
                return(this.Manufacture(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, leftColumnIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, columnCount, rowCellsContent));
コード例 #2
            // The only method which should call the LiveRow constructor.
            private LiveRow Manufacture(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount, IList <LiveCell> rowCellsContent)
                // Build new instance of LiveRow class using provided parameters...
                LiveRow newRow = new LiveRow(
                    // Row cells content spreadsheet id
                    // Row cells content sheet title id
                    // Row most left column index
                    // Row sheet relative index
                    // Total number of the cells covered by the row
                    // Row cells content

                // Add newly instantiated LiveRow into the factory production index.

                // Return newly created row.
コード例 #3
 // Simply removed row stored in the factory production index.
 public void RemoveStoredRow(LiveRow toBeRemovedRow)
コード例 #4
 // Re-Indexing provided row, increasing the row index it is indexed to by the provided rowIndexChangeByValue
 internal void ReIndexStoredRow(LiveRow rowToBeReIndexed, int rowIndexChangeByValue)
     this._productionIndex.ReIndexStoredRow(rowToBeReIndexed, rowIndexChangeByValue);
コード例 #5
            // Internal generic base
            // Returns new instance of LiveRow class, build based on, and pre-filled with the provided new row cell data.
            // The row will be created assuring that all of the cells which already existing will be reused, new cells
            // created where existing ones not available, and both of them - depending on the boolean flags provided
            // - will be filled with provided data, possibly overwriting exsisting data.
            internal LiveRow Get <Cell>(string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int leftColumnIndex, int rowSheetRelativeIndex, int columnCount, IList <Cell> newRowCellsData, bool overrideExistingData = true, bool overrideOnNullInput = false)
                where Cell : class
                // Assure that the appropriate space in the factory production index is existing to start the production process.
                this._productionIndex.AssureStorageSpace(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, rowSheetRelativeIndex);

                // Get row covering requested area if already existing.
                LiveRow requestedRow = this._productionIndex.GetExistingRow(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, leftColumnIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, columnCount);

                // If requested row already exists...
                if (!(requestedRow is null))
                    // ... and if provided override existing data flag is true
                    // as well as newRowCellsData has been provided...
                    if (overrideExistingData && !(newRowCellsData is null))
                        // Set data of existing row using provided new row cells data.
                            // Do not get confuse left buffer index with left column index
                            leftBufferIndex: 0,
                            // Cells data
                            cellsData: newRowCellsData,
                            // Ignore null data flag set according inversed overrideOnNullInput flag
                            ignoreNullData: !overrideOnNullInput);

                    // ...return it.

                // Declare new row cells content...
                IList <LiveCell> newRowCellsContent;

                // If no new row cells data designated for the new row has been provided...
                if (newRowCellsData is null)
                    //... use appropriate row cells content creation method to create
                    // the new row cells content build from the existing cells wherever possible...
                    newRowCellsContent = this.BuildRowCellsContentWithoutNewData(
                        // Row cells content spreadsheet id
                        // Row cells content sheet title id
                        // Row most left column index
                        // Row sheet relative index
                        // Total number of the cells covered by the row
                // Else if new row cells data has been provided, and override existing data
                // flag indicating that it should not be overriding any existing data...
                else if (!overrideExistingData)
                    //... use appropriate row cells content creation method to create
                    // the new row cells content, build from the existing cells wherever possible.
                    // As well as creating new cells pre-filled with new row cells data wherever
                    // existing cell is not available...
                    newRowCellsContent = this.BuildRowCellsContentWithoutDataOverride(
                        // Row cells content spreadsheet id
                        // Row cells content sheet title id
                        // Row most left column index
                        // Row sheet relative index
                        // Total number of the cells covered by the row
                        // Null as no other data then already existing is available. - Optional parameter null is default value.
                // Else if new row cells data has been provided, and override existing data
                // flag indicating that it should override the existing data...
                    //... use appropriate row cells content creation method to create
                    // the new row cells content, build from the existing cells wherever possible,
                    // and overriding existing cells data wherever provided new row cells data
                    // is overlapping any existing cell as well as creating new cells pre-filled
                    // with new row cells data wherever existing cell is not available...
                    newRowCellsContent = this.BuildRowCellsContentWithDataOverride(
                        // Row cells content spreadsheet id
                        // Row cells content sheet title id
                        // Row most left column index
                        // Row sheet relative index
                        // Total number of the cells covered by the row
                        // Null as no other data then already existing is available. - Optional parameter null is default value.
                        // False as existing data should not be overridden. As null has been provided above
                        // providing true should not matter anyway. - Optional parameter false is NOT default value.

                // Manufacture and return newly create row.
                return(this.Manufacture(spreadsheetId, sheetTitleId, leftColumnIndex, rowSheetRelativeIndex, columnCount, newRowCellsContent));