コード例 #1
ファイル: OrdersDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public List <OrderModel> ReadOrdersListForNurse(string lang)
            //Status: Ordered and InProgress where study not in progress in lab (only sample collected)
            string query = $@"
                select o.IdOrder, o.IdPatient, o.IdEmployee, e.FirstName as DoctorFirstName, e.Surname as DoctorSurname, o.Comment, o.DateOfOrder, o.IdStatus, 
                    st.Name as Status, o.IdPriority, prt.Name as Priority, p.FirstName, p.Surname
                from Orders o
                join Patients p on o.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
                join Employees e on o.IdEmployee = e.IdEmployee
                join Priorities pr on o.IdPriority = pr.IdPriority
                join PriorityTranslations prt on pr.IdPriority = prt.IdPriority
                join Status s on o.IdStatus = s.IdStatus
                join StatusTranslations st on s.IdStatus = st.IdStatus
                where st.IdLanguage = (select l1.IdLanguage from Languages l1 where l1.Code = '{lang}') 
                    and prt.IdLanguage = (select l2.IdLanguage from Languages l2 where l2.Code = '{lang}')
                    and (s.IdStatus = 1 or s.IdStatus = 3)
					and o.IdOrder in (
						select stu.IdOrder 
						from Studies stu
						where stu.IdStatus in (1, 7) 
                order by o.IdPriority desc, o.IdOrder

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadSimpleOrderModel));
コード例 #2
        public List <StudyModel> ReadStudiesListForLab(string lang)
            string query = $@"
                select s.IdStudy, s.IdOrder, s.IdStatus, stt.Name as Status, prt.Name as Priority,
                    p.FirstName as PatientName, p.Surname as PatientSurname, o.DateOfOrder, 
                    pft.Name as Profile, sam.Code as Sample
                from Studies s
                join Orders o on s.IdOrder = o.IdOrder
                join Patients p on o.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
                join Status st on s.IdStatus = st.IdStatus
                join StatusTranslations stt on st.IdStatus = stt.IdStatus
                join Priorities pr on o.IdPriority = pr.IdPriority
                join PriorityTranslations prt on pr.IdPriority = prt.IdPriority
                join Profiles pf on s.IdProfile = pf.IdProfile
                join ProfileTranslations pft on pf.IdProfile = pft.IdProfile
                left join Samples sam on s.IdStudy = sam.IdStudy
                where stt.IdLanguage = (select l1.IdLanguage from Languages l1 where l1.Code = '{lang}') 
                    and prt.IdLanguage = (select l2.IdLanguage from Languages l2 where l2.Code = '{lang}')
                    and pft.IdLanguage = (select l3.IdLanguage from Languages l3 where l3.Code = '{lang}')
                    and s.IdStatus in ({(long)StatusTypeEnum.TakenSample}, {(long)StatusTypeEnum.InProgress}, {(long)StatusTypeEnum.ToVerify})
                order by o.IdPriority desc, s.IdOrder, s.IdStudy

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadStudyModelForLabList));
コード例 #3
        public List <StudyModel> ReadStudiesListForDoctors(long idEmployee, string lang)
            string query = $@"
                select s.IdStudy, s.IdOrder, s.IdStatus, stt.Name as Status, prt.Name as Priority,
                    p.FirstName as PatientName, p.Surname as PatientSurname, o.DateOfOrder, 
                    pft.Name as Profile
                from Studies s
                join Orders o on s.IdOrder = o.IdOrder
                join Patients p on o.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
                join Status st on s.IdStatus = st.IdStatus
                join StatusTranslations stt on st.IdStatus = stt.IdStatus
                join Priorities pr on o.IdPriority = pr.IdPriority
                join PriorityTranslations prt on pr.IdPriority = prt.IdPriority
                join Profiles pf on s.IdProfile = pf.IdProfile
                join ProfileTranslations pft on pf.IdProfile = pft.IdProfile
                where ({idEmployee} = o.IdEmployee or {idEmployee} in (select con.IdEmployee from Consultants con where con.IdOrder = o.IdOrder))
                    and stt.IdLanguage = (select l1.IdLanguage from Languages l1 where l1.Code = '{lang}') 
                    and prt.IdLanguage = (select l2.IdLanguage from Languages l2 where l2.Code = '{lang}')
                    and pft.IdLanguage = (select l3.IdLanguage from Languages l3 where l3.Code = '{lang}')
                    and s.IdStatus != {(long)StatusTypeEnum.ReOrdered}
                order by o.IdPriority desc, s.IdOrder, s.IdStudy

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadStudyModelForList));
コード例 #4
        public StudyModel ReadStudyById(long?id, string lang)
            string query = $@"
                select s.IdStudy, s.IdProfile, s.IdEmployee, s.IdOrder, s.IdStatus, stt.Name as Status, s.DateOfStudy, o.IdPriority, prt.Name as Priority,
                    e.FirstName as DoctorName, e.Surname as DoctorSurname, p.IdPatient, p.FirstName as PatientName, p.Surname as PatientSurname, o.DateOfOrder, 
                    pft.Name as Profile, o.Comment, sam.Code as Sample, p.Sex as PatientSex, s.ReasonForRepeat, s.Actual, s.PreviousId, s.DateOfEnd, 
                    e2.FirstName as RepeatFirstName, e2.Surname as RepeatSurname, n.IdStudy as NextId
                from Studies s
                join Orders o on s.IdOrder = o.IdOrder
                join Patients p on o.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
                left join Employees e on o.IdEmployee = e.IdEmployee
                join Status st on s.IdStatus = st.IdStatus
                join StatusTranslations stt on st.IdStatus = stt.IdStatus
                join Priorities pr on o.IdPriority = pr.IdPriority
                join PriorityTranslations prt on pr.IdPriority = prt.IdPriority
                join Profiles pf on s.IdProfile = pf.IdProfile
                join ProfileTranslations pft on pf.IdProfile = pft.IdProfile
                left join Samples sam on s.IdStudy = sam.IdStudy
                left join Employees e2 on s.IdRepeatEmployee = e2.IdEmployee
				left join (select * from Studies s2 ) n on s.IdStudy = n.PreviousId
                where stt.IdLanguage = (select l1.IdLanguage from Languages l1 where l1.Code = '{lang}') 
                    and prt.IdLanguage = (select l2.IdLanguage from Languages l2 where l2.Code = '{lang}')
                    and pft.IdLanguage = (select l3.IdLanguage from Languages l3 where l3.Code = '{lang}')
                    and s.IdStudy = {id}

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadStudyModel));
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestsDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public void DeleteOrderedTestByStudy(long idStudy)
            string query = $@"
                delete OrderedTests where IdStudy = {idStudy}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #6
        public void DeleteStudiesByOrder(long idOrder)
            string query = $@"
                delete Studies where IdOrder = {idOrder}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #7
ファイル: DictionaryDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public List <DictionaryModel> ReadDictionaryListByType(DictionaryTypesEnum type, string lang)
            string query = "";

            switch (type)
            case DictionaryTypesEnum.Positions:
                query = $@"
                        select p.IdPosition as Id, t.Name as Name
                        from Positions p
                        join PositionTranslations t on p.IdPosition = t.IdPosition 
                        join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                        where l.code = '{lang}'
                        order by t.Name

            case DictionaryTypesEnum.Ward:
                query = $@"
                        select p.IdWard as Id, t.Name as Name
                        from Wards p
                        join WardTranslations t on p.IdWard = t.IdWard 
                        join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                        where l.code = '{lang}'
                        order by t.Name

            case DictionaryTypesEnum.Priorities:
                query = $@"
                            select p.IdPriority as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Priorities p
                            join PriorityTranslations t on p.IdPriority = t.IdPriority
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where l.code = '{lang}'
                            order by t.Name

            case DictionaryTypesEnum.Status:
                query = $@"
                            select p.IdStatus as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Status p
                            join StatusTranslations t on p.IdStatus = t.IdStatus
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where l.code = '{lang}'
                            order by t.Name
            List <DictionaryModel> list = BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadDictionaryModel);

            foreach (DictionaryModel model in list)
                model.Type = type;
コード例 #8
ファイル: OrdersDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public void ChangeOrderStatus(long IdOrder, long IdStatus)
            string query = $@"
                update Orders set IdStatus={IdStatus}
                where IdOrder={IdOrder}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #9
        public void SetNotUseSession(long idUser)
            string query = $@"
                update Sessions set InUse = 0 
                where IdUser = {idUser}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #10
        public void UpdateUser(UserModel u)
            string query = $@"
                update Users set Password = {BaseDAO.SetString(u.Password)}, DateOfChange = {BaseDAO.SetDate(DateTime.Now)}, InUse = {BaseDAO.SetBool(u.InUse)}
                where IdUser = {u.IdUser}; 

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #11
        public void InsertUser(UserModel u)
            string query = $@"
                insert into Users(IdEmployee, Login, Password, DateOfChange, InUse, IdPatient) 

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #12
        public void UpdateSample(SampleModel s)
            string query = $@"
                update Samples set Code={BaseDAO.SetString(s.Code)}
                where IdSample={s.IdSample}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #13
        public List <PatientModel> ReadPatientsSelect()
            string query = @"
                select IdPatient, FirstName, Surname, Pesel 
                from Patients

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadPatientSelect));
コード例 #14
        public void InsertVerify(VerificationModel v)
            string query = $@"
                insert into Verifications(IdResult, IdEmployee, DateOfVerification, Description, Positive) 
                    values({v.IdResult},{v.IdEmployee},{BaseDAO.SetDate(DateTime.Now)},{BaseDAO.SetString(v.Description)}, {BaseDAO.SetBool(v.Positive)});

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #15
        public List <ResultModel> ReadResultsList()
            string query = @"
                select IdResult, IdEmployee, IdStudy, DateOfResult, Description
                from Results

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadResultModel));
コード例 #16
        public void InsertResultUnit(ResultUnitModel r)
            string query = $@"
                insert into ResultUnits(IdOrderedTests, IdResult, Value) 

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #17
        public void ChangeStudyStatus(long IdStudy, long IdStatus)
            string query = $@"
                update Studies set IdStatus={IdStatus}
                where IdStudy={IdStudy}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #18
        public List <ResultUnitModel> ReadResultUnitsList()
            string query = @"
                select IdResultUnit, IdOrderedTests, IdResult, Value
                from ResultUnits

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadResultUnitModel));
コード例 #19
        public List <UserModel> ReadUsersList()
            string query = @"
                select IdUser, IdEmployee, Login, Password, DateOfChange, InUse, IdPatient
                from Users

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadUserModel));
コード例 #20
        public void InsertSession(SessionModel s)
            string query = $@"
                insert into Sessions(Token, ExpirationDate, IdUser, InUse) 
                    values({BaseDAO.SetString(s.Token)},{BaseDAO.SetDate(s.ExpirationDate)},{s.IdUser}, 1);

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #21
ファイル: DictionaryDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public DictionaryModel ReadDictionaryById(DictionaryTypesEnum type, long?id, string lang)
            if (id != null)
                string query = "";
                switch (type)
                case DictionaryTypesEnum.Positions:
                    query = $@"
                            select p.IdPosition as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Positions p
                            join PositionTranslations t on p.IdPosition = t.IdPosition 
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where p.IdPosition = {id} and l.code = '{lang}'

                case DictionaryTypesEnum.Ward:
                    query = $@"
                            select p.IdWard as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Wards p
                            join WardTranslations t on p.IdWard = t.IdWard 
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where p.IdWard = {id} and l.code = '{lang}'

                case DictionaryTypesEnum.Priorities:
                    query = $@"
                            select p.IdPriority as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Priorities p
                            join PriorityTranslations t on p.IdPriority = t.IdPriority
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where p.IdPriority = {id} and l.code = '{lang}'

                case DictionaryTypesEnum.Status:
                    query = $@"
                            select p.IdStatus as Id, t.Name as Name
                            from Status p
                            join StatusTranslations t on p.IdStatus = t.IdStatus
                            join Languages l on t.IdLanguage = l.IdLanguage
                            where p.IdStatus = {id} and l.code = '{lang}'
                DictionaryModel model = BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadDictionaryModel);
                model.Type = type;
コード例 #22
        public UserModel ReadUserByEmployeeId(long employeeId)
            string query = $@"
                select IdUser, IdEmployee, Login, Password, DateOfChange, InUse, IdPatient
                from Users
                where IdEmployee = {employeeId}

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadUserModel));
コード例 #23
        public ResultUnitModel ReadResultUnitModelById(long id)
            string query = $@"
                select IdResultUnit, IdOrderedTests, IdResult, Value
                from ResultUnits
                where IdResultUnit = {id}

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadResultUnitModel));
コード例 #24
        public ResultModel ReadResultById(long id)
            string query = $@"
                select IdResult, IdEmployee, IdStudy, DateOfResult, Description
                from Results
                where IdResult = {id}

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadResultModel));
コード例 #25
ファイル: OrdersDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public void FullUpdateOrder(OrderModel o)
            string query = $@"
                update Orders set IdPatient={o.IdPatient}, IdWard={BaseDAO.SetNullableLong(o.IdWard)}, Institution={BaseDAO.SetString(o.Institution)},
                Comment={BaseDAO.SetString(o.Comment)}, IdPriority={o.IdPriority}
                where IdOrder={o.IdOrder}

            BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, false);
コード例 #26
        public long?InsertSample(SampleModel s)
            string query = $@"
                insert into Samples(IdStudy, IdEmployee, DateOfCollection) 
                    output INSERTED.IdSample
                    values({s.IdStudy}, {s.IdEmployee},{BaseDAO.SetDate(s.DateOfCollection)} )  ;

            return(BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, true));
コード例 #27
        public List <SampleModel> ReadSamplesList()
            string query = @"
                select s.IdSample, s.IdEmployee, s.IdStudy, s.DateOfCollection, s.Code, e.FirstName, e.Surname
                from Samples s
                join Employees e on s.IdEmployee = e.IdEmployee

            return(BaseDAO.Select(query, ReadSampleModel));
コード例 #28
        public SessionModel ReadSessionByToken(string token)
            string query = $@"
                select IdSession, Token, ExpirationDate, IdUser, InUse
                from Sessions
                where Token = {BaseDAO.SetString(token)} and ExpirationDate > {BaseDAO.SetDate(DateTime.Now)} and InUse = 1

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadSessionModel));
コード例 #29
ファイル: TestsDAO.cs プロジェクト: MonikaCalka/LisApp
        public long?InsertOrderedTest(long idStudy, long idTest)
            string query = $@"
                insert into OrderedTests(IdStudy, IdTest) 
                    output INSERTED.IdOrderedTest
                    values({idStudy}, {idTest})  ;

            return(BaseDAO.InsertOrUpdate(query, true));
コード例 #30
        public UserModel checkLogin(string login)
            string query = $@"
                select IdUser, IdEmployee, Login, Password, DateOfChange, InUse, IdPatient
                from Users
                where Login = {BaseDAO.SetString(login)}

            return(BaseDAO.SelectFirst(query, ReadUserModel));