コード例 #1
        private PrNavigatorTDS SubmitSearch()
            // Retrieve clauses
            string whereClause = GetWhereClause();
            string orderByClause = GetOrderByClause();
            string workType = hdfWorkType.Value.Trim();
            string conditionValue1 = "";
            string conditionValue2 = "";
            string name = "";

            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            int currentProjectId = Int32.Parse(hdfCurrentProjectId.Value.Trim());

            // ... Load data for condition 1
            WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway();
            workTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue), companyId);

            name = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));
            conditionValue1 = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            // ... If condition 2 exists
            if (ddlCondition2.SelectedValue != "-1")
                // ... Load data for condition 2
                WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway2 = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway();
                workTypeViewConditionGateway2.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, int.Parse(ddlCondition2.SelectedValue), companyId);
                conditionValue2 = workTypeViewConditionGateway2.GetColumn_(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition2.SelectedValue));

            // ... Load data
            PrNavigator prNavigator = new PrNavigator();
            prNavigator.Load(whereClause, orderByClause, conditionValue1, tbxCondition1.Text.Trim(), conditionValue2, tbxCondition2.Text.Trim(), companyId, currentProjectId, workType, name);

            return (PrNavigatorTDS)prNavigator.Data;
コード例 #2
        private string modifyWhereClauseForCondition(string whereClause, int conditionId, string textForSearch, string operatorValue)
            string workType = hdfWorkType.Value.Trim();
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());

            WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway();
            workTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, conditionId, companyId);

            string name = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(workType, companyId, conditionId);
            string conditionValue = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(workType, companyId, conditionId);
            string tableName = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetTable_(workType, companyId, conditionId);

            if (tableName == "AM_ASSET_SEWER_MATERIAL") tableName = "AASM";
            if (tableName == "AM_ASSET_SEWER_MH") tableName = "AASMH";
            if (tableName == "AM_ASSET_SEWER_SECTION") tableName = "AASS";
            if (tableName == "LFS_ASSET_SEWER_SECTION") tableName = "LASS";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK") tableName = "LW";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_FULLLENGTHLINING") tableName = "LWFLL";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_FULLLENGTHLINING_M1") tableName = "LWFLLM1";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_FULLLENGTHLINING_M2") tableName = "LWFLLM2";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_FULLLENGTHLINING_P1") tableName = "LWFLP1";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_POINT_REPAIRS") tableName = "LWPR";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_POINT_REPAIRS_REPAIR") tableName = "LWPRR";
            if (tableName == "LFS_WORK_REHABASSESSMENT") tableName = "LWRA";

            if (((conditionValue == "USMH") || (conditionValue == "DSMH") || (conditionValue == "CXIsRemoved") || (conditionValue == "USMHAddress") || (conditionValue == "DSMHAddress") || (conditionValue == "VideoLength") || (conditionValue == "TrafficControl") || (conditionValue == "MaterialType") || (conditionValue == "RoboticPrepRequired")) && (textForSearch == "%"))
                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (( AASS.AssetID LIKE '%')";
                whereClause = whereClause + " OR (  AASS.AssetID IS NULL))";

            // FOR TEXT FIELDS. (Id(Section), SubArea, Street, Comments, MapSize, Size_, MapLength, Length, ClientID, MeasurementTakenBy, RoboticDistances, RepairPointID, Type, DefectQualifier, DefectDetails, Approval, ReamDistance, LinerDistance, Direction, LTMH, VTMH, Distance, MHShot, GroutDistance, Repair Comments, Repair Size, Repair Length )
            if ((conditionValue == "FlowOrderID") || (conditionValue == "SubArea") || (conditionValue == "Street") || (conditionValue == "Comments" && name == "Comments") || (conditionValue == "MapSize") || (conditionValue == "Size_" && name == "Confirmed Size") || (conditionValue == "MapLength") || (conditionValue == "Length" && name == "Steel Tape Length") || (conditionValue == "ClientID") || (conditionValue == "MeasurementTakenBy") || (conditionValue == "RoboticDistances") || (conditionValue == "RepairPointID") || (conditionValue == "Type") || (conditionValue == "DefectQualifier") || (conditionValue == "DefectDetails") || (conditionValue == "Approval") || (conditionValue == "ReamDistance") || (conditionValue == "LinerDistance") || (conditionValue == "Direction") || (conditionValue == "LTMH") || (conditionValue == "VTMH") || (conditionValue == "Distance") || (conditionValue == "MHShot") || (conditionValue == "GroutDistance") || (conditionValue == "Comments" && name == "Repair Comments") || (conditionValue == "Size_" && name == "Repair Size") || (conditionValue == "Length" && name == "Repair Length"))
                // ... For operator =
                if (operatorValue == "=")
                    // Search
                    if (textForSearch == "%")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                        whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                        if (textForSearch == "")
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                            if (textForSearch.Contains("\""))
                                if (conditionValue == "Comments")
                                    textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                    whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                    textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("\"", "");
                                    whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                                textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                whereClause = whereClause + "AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                    // ... For operator <>
                    if (operatorValue == "<>")
                        if (textForSearch == "")
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NOT NULL))";
                            if (textForSearch == "%")
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL)";
                                if (textForSearch.Contains("\""))
                                    if (conditionValue == "Comments")
                                        textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " NOT LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                        whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                                        textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("\"", "");
                                        whereClause = whereClause + "AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " <> '" + textForSearch + "')";
                                        whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                                    textForSearch = textForSearch.Replace("'", "''");
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " NOT LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                if (((conditionValue == "USMH") || (conditionValue == "DSMH")) && (textForSearch == "%"))
                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND (( AASS.AssetID LIKE '%')";
                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (  AASS.AssetID IS NULL))";

            // FOR DATE FIELDS. (ProposedLiningDate, DeadlineLiningDate, FinalVideoDate, RepairConfirmationDate, ReamDate, InstallDate, GroutDate)
            if ((conditionValue == "ProposedLiningDate") || (conditionValue == "DeadlineLiningDate") || (conditionValue == "FinalVideoDate") || (conditionValue == "RepairConfirmationDate") || (conditionValue == "ReamDate") || (conditionValue == "InstallDate") || (conditionValue == "GroutDate"))
                // ... For operator =
                if (operatorValue == "=")
                    // ... Search
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + "  AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                        if (textForSearch == "%")
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL) OR ";
                            whereClause = whereClause + "(CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                            if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND ( CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) = '" + textForSearch + "')";
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                    // ... For operator <>
                    if (operatorValue == "<>")
                        // ... Search
                        if (textForSearch == "")
                            whereClause = whereClause + "  AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NOT NULL)";
                            if (textForSearch == "%")
                                whereClause = whereClause + "  AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL)";
                                if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) != '" + textForSearch + "')";
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) NOT LIKE '%" + textForSearch + "%')";
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " OR (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime) IS NULL))";
                        // ... For other operators

                        // ... Determine the operator
                        string whereOperator = "";
                        if (operatorValue == "'>='")
                            whereOperator = ">=";
                            if (operatorValue == "'<='")
                                whereOperator = "<=";
                                whereOperator = operatorValue;

                        // ... Determine the where clause
                        if ((Validator.IsValidDate(textForSearch)) && (textForSearch.Length > 7))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime)" + whereOperator + " '" + textForSearch + "')";
                            if (operatorValue == ">" || operatorValue == "'<='")
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime)" + whereOperator + " '12/31/" + textForSearch + "')";
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (CAST(CONVERT(varchar," + tableName + "." + conditionValue + ", 101) AS smalldatetime)" + whereOperator + " '" + textForSearch + "')";

            // ... FOR INTEGER AND DOUBLE FIELDS. (Laterals, LiveLaterals, EstimatedJoints, JointsTestSealed, Reinstates)
            if ((conditionValue == "Laterals") || (conditionValue == "LiveLaterals") || (conditionValue == "EstimatedJoints") || (conditionValue == "JointsTestSealed") || (conditionValue == "Reinstates"))
                // ... For operator =
                if (operatorValue == "=")
                    if (textForSearch == "")
                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                        if (textForSearch == "%")
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + operatorValue + textForSearch + ")";
                    // ... For operator <>
                    if (operatorValue == "<>")
                        if (textForSearch == "")
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " LIKE '%')";
                            whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NOT NULL))";
                            if (textForSearch == "%")
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL )";
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + operatorValue + textForSearch + ")";
                                whereClause = whereClause + " OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " IS NULL))";
                        // ... For other operators

                        // ... Determine the operator
                        string whereOperator = "";
                        if (operatorValue == "'>='")
                            whereOperator = ">=";
                            if (operatorValue == "'<='")
                                whereOperator = "<=";
                                whereOperator = operatorValue;

                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + whereOperator + textForSearch + ")";

            // FOR BOOLEAN FIELDS (BypassRequired, IssueIdentified, IssueLFS, IssueClient, IssueSales, IssueGivenToClient, IssueInvestigation, IssueResolved, ExtraRepair, Cancelled)
            if ((conditionValue == "BypassRequired") || (conditionValue == "IssueIdentified") || (conditionValue == "IssueLFS") || (conditionValue == "IssueClient") || (conditionValue == "IssueSales") || (conditionValue == "IssueGivenToClient") || (conditionValue == "IssueInvestigation") || (conditionValue == "IssueResolved") || (conditionValue == "ExtraRepair") || (conditionValue == "Cancelled"))
                // ... For operator =
                if (operatorValue == "=")
                    if (textForSearch != "")
                        if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "Y") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "YES"))
                            whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1)";
                            if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "N") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "NO"))
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0)";
                                if (textForSearch == "%")
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1) OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0))";
                    // ... For operator <>
                    if (operatorValue == "<>")
                        if (textForSearch != "")
                            if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "Y") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "YES"))
                                whereClause = whereClause + " AND (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0)";
                                if ((textForSearch.ToUpper() == "N") || (textForSearch.ToUpper() == "NO"))
                                    whereClause = whereClause + " AND(" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1)";
                                    if (textForSearch == "%")
                                        whereClause = whereClause + " AND ((" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 1) OR (" + tableName + "." + conditionValue + " = 0))";

            return whereClause;
コード例 #3
        private void RestoreNavigatorState()
            // Search condition 1
            // Columns To Display
            string columnsToDisplay = Request.QueryString["columns_to_display"];
            string columnsToDisplay2 = Request.QueryString["columns_to_display2"];

            // Search condition
            // ... For Condition 1
            ddlCondition1.DataSourceID = "odsViewForDisplayList";
            ddlCondition1.DataValueField = "ConditionID";
            ddlCondition1.DataTextField = "Name";
            ddlCondition1.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_ddlCondition1"];
            tbxCondition1.Text = Request.QueryString["search_tbxCondition1"];
            ddlOperator1.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_ddlOperator1"];

            // ... For Condition 2
            ddlCondition2.DataSourceID = "odsViewForDisplayList2";
            ddlCondition2.DataValueField = "ConditionID";
            ddlCondition2.DataTextField = "Name";
            ddlCondition2.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_ddlCondition2"];
            tbxCondition2.Text = Request.QueryString["search_tbxCondition2"];
            ddlOperator2.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_ddlOperator2"];

            // ... For View
            int companyId = Int32.Parse(hdfCompanyId.Value.Trim());
            string workType = hdfWorkType.Value;
            int loginId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginID"]);
            string viewTypeGlobal = "";
            string viewTypePersonal = "Personal";

            // Global Views check
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["sgLFS_GLOBALVIEWS_VIEW"]))
                viewTypeGlobal = "Global";

            WorkViewList workViewList = new WorkViewList();
            workViewList.LoadAndAddItem(workType, viewTypeGlobal, viewTypePersonal, loginId, companyId);
            ddlView.DataSource = workViewList.Table;
            ddlView.DataValueField = "ViewID";
            ddlView.DataTextField = "Name";
            ddlView.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_ddlView"];

            //Other values
            //... For SortBy
            ddlSortBy.DataSourceID = "odsSortByList";
            ddlSortBy.DataValueField = "SortID";
            ddlSortBy.DataTextField = "Name";
            ddlSortBy.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["search_sort_by"];

            // ... For BtnOrigin
            hdfBtnOrigin.Value = Request.QueryString["btn_origin"];

            cbxIdSection.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("FlowOrderID") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxIdRepair.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("RepairPointID") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxSubArea.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("SubArea") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxStreet.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Street") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxUsmh.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf(" USMH,") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxUsmhAddress.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("USMHAddress") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDsmh.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf(" DSMH") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDsmhAddress.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("DSMHAddress") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxMapSize.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("MapSize") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxConfirmedSize.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Size_") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxMapLength.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("MapLength") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxSteelTapeLength.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Length") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxVideoLength.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("VideoLength") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxLaterals.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Laterals") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxLiveLaterals.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("LiveLaterals") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxClientId.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("ClientID") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxMeasurementsTakenBy.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("MeasurementTakenBy") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxPreFlushDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("PreFlushDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxPreVideoDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("PreVideoDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxP1Date.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("P1Date") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRepairConfirmationDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("RepairConfirmationDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxTrafficControl.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("TrafficControl") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxMaterial.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("MaterialType") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxBypassRequired.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("BypassRequired") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRoboticPrepRequired.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("RoboticPrepRequired") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxCXIsRemoved.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("CXIsRemoved") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRoboticDistances.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("RoboticDistances") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxProposedLiningDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("ProposedLiningDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDeadlineLiningDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("DeadlineLiningDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxGroutDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("GroutDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxFinalVideo.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("FinalVideoDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxEstimatedJoints.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("EstimatedJoints") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxJointsTestSealed.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("JointsTestSealed") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxIssueIdentified.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueIdentified") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxLFSIssue.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueLFS") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxClientIssue.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueClient") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxSalesIssue.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueSales") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxIssueGivenToClient.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueGivenToClient") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxIssueInvestigation.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueInvestigation") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxIssueResolved.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("IssueResolved") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxComments.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Comments") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRepairType.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Type") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDefectQualifier.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("DefectQualifier") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDefectDetails.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("DefectDetails") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxExtraRepair.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("ExtraRepair") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxCancelled.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Cancelled") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxApproval.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Approval") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRepairComments.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Comments") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxReamDistance.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("ReamDistance") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxReamDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("ReamDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxLinerDistance.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("LinerDistance") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDirection.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Direction") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxReinstates.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Reinstates") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxLtMh.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("LTMH") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxVtMh.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("VTMH") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxDistance.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Distance") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRepairSize.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Size_") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxRepairLength.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("Length") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxInstallDate.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("InstallDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxMhShot.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("MHShot") >= 0 ? true : false);
            cbxGroutDistance.Checked = (columnsToDisplay2.IndexOf("GroutDistance") >= 0 ? true : false);

            // Grid's columns
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[2].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("FlowOrderID") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[3].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("SubArea") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[4].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("Street") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[5].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf(" USMH,") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[6].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("USMHAddress") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[7].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf(" DSMH") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[8].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("DSMHAddress") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[9].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("MapSize") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[10].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("Size_") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[11].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("MapLength") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[12].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("Length") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[13].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("VideoLength") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[14].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("Laterals") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[15].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("LiveLaterals") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[16].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("ClientID") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[17].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("MeasurementTakenBy") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[18].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("PreFlushDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[19].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("PreVideoDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[20].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("P1Date") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[21].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("RepairConfirmationDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[22].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("TrafficControl") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[23].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("MaterialType") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[24].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("BypassRequired") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[25].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("RoboticPrepRequired") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[26].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("CXIsRemoved") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[27].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("RoboticDistances") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[28].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("ProposedLiningDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[29].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("DeadlineLiningDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[30].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("FinalVideoDate") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[31].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("EstimatedJoints") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[32].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("JointsTestSealed") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[33].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueIdentified") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[34].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueLFS") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[35].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueClient") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[36].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueSales") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[37].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueGivenToClient") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[38].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueInvestigation") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[39].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("IssueResolved") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[40].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("Comments") >= 0 ? true : false);
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[41].Visible = false;
            grdPrNavigator.Columns[41].Visible = (columnsToDisplay.IndexOf("RepairPointID") >= 0 ? true : false);

            // Special case for repairs
            // For condition 1
            WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway();
            workTypeViewConditionGateway.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue), companyId);

            string name = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));
            string conditionValue1 = workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetColumn_(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition1.SelectedValue));

            if ((conditionValue1 == "RepairPointID") || (conditionValue1 == "Type") || (conditionValue1 == "DefectQualifier") || (conditionValue1 == "DefectDetails") || (conditionValue1 == "ExtraRepair") || (conditionValue1 == "Cancelled") || (conditionValue1 == "Approval") || (conditionValue1 == "Comments" && name == "Repair Comments") || (conditionValue1 == "ReamDistance") || (conditionValue1 == "ReamDate") || (conditionValue1 == "LinerDistance") || (conditionValue1 == "Direction") || (conditionValue1 == "Reinstates") || (conditionValue1 == "LTMH") || (conditionValue1 == "VTMH") || (conditionValue1 == "Distance") || (conditionValue1 == "Size_" && name == "Repair Size") || (conditionValue1 == "Length" && name == "Repair Length") || (conditionValue1 == "InstallDate") || (conditionValue1 == "MHShot") || (conditionValue1 == "GroutDistance") || (conditionValue1 == "GroutDate"))
                grdPrNavigator.Columns[41].Visible = true;

            if (ddlCondition2.SelectedValue != "-1")
                WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway2 = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway();
                workTypeViewConditionGateway2.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, int.Parse(ddlCondition2.SelectedValue), companyId);

                string name2 = workTypeViewConditionGateway2.GetName(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition2.SelectedValue));
                string conditionValue2 = workTypeViewConditionGateway2.GetColumn_(workType, companyId, int.Parse(ddlCondition2.SelectedValue));
                if ((conditionValue2 == "RepairPointID") || (conditionValue2 == "Type") || (conditionValue2 == "DefectQualifier") || (conditionValue2 == "DefectDetails") || (conditionValue2 == "ExtraRepair") || (conditionValue2 == "Cancelled") || (conditionValue2 == "Approval") || (conditionValue2 == "Comments" && name == "Repair Comments") || (conditionValue2 == "ReamDistance") || (conditionValue2 == "ReamDate") || (conditionValue2 == "LinerDistance") || (conditionValue2 == "Direction") || (conditionValue2 == "Reinstates") || (conditionValue2 == "LTMH") || (conditionValue2 == "VTMH") || (conditionValue2 == "Distance") || (conditionValue2 == "Size_" && name == "Repair Size") || (conditionValue2 == "Length" && name == "Repair Length") || (conditionValue2 == "InstallDate") || (conditionValue2 == "MHShot") || (conditionValue2 == "GroutDistance") || (conditionValue2 == "GroutDate"))
                    grdPrNavigator.Columns[41].Visible = true;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// GetConditionsForSummary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workType"></param>
        /// <param name="companyId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetConditionsForSummary(string workType, int companyId)
            string conditions = "";

            foreach (WorkViewTDS.WorkViewConditionNewRow row in (WorkViewTDS.WorkViewConditionNewDataTable)Data.Tables["WorkViewConditionNew"])
                if (!row.Deleted)
                    WorkTypeViewCondition workTypeViewCondition = new WorkTypeViewCondition();
                    workTypeViewCondition.LoadByWorkTypeConditionId(workType, row.ConditionID, companyId);

                    WorkTypeViewConditionGateway workTypeViewConditionGateway = new WorkTypeViewConditionGateway(workTypeViewCondition.Data);
                    if (row.Value_ == "")
                        conditions = conditions + "Condition" + row.ConditionNumber + ": " + workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(workType, companyId, row.ConditionID) + " " + row.Sign + " (empty), ";
                        conditions = conditions + "Condition" + row.ConditionNumber + ": " + workTypeViewConditionGateway.GetName(workType, companyId, row.ConditionID) + " " + row.Sign + " " + row.Value_ + ", ";

            if (conditions.Length > 2)
                conditions = conditions.Substring(0, conditions.Length - 2);
            return conditions;