public BookList(string bookName) { Books = new LinkedList <string>(); Books.AddFirst(new LinkedListNode <string>(bookName)); }
static void Main1(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); //Custome_Built in linked lit // singlyLinkedList singlyLinkedList = new singlyLinkedList(); // singlyLinkedList.InsertFirstNode(12); // singlyLinkedList.InsertFirstNode(13); // singlyLinkedList.InsertFirstNode(14); // singlyLinkedList.InsertFirstNode(15); // singlyLinkedList.InsertFirstNode(16); // singlyLinkedList.Displaylist(); // singlyLinkedList.DeleteFirst(); // singlyLinkedList.Displaylist(); // Console.ReadKey(); string[] words = { "The", "Actor", "Jumped", "Over", "the", "Director" }; LinkedList <string> sentence = new LinkedList <string>(words); DisplayFun(sentence, "The Linked List values"); sentence.AddFirst("Today"); DisplayFun(sentence, "Today is Added into the list "); LinkedListNode <string> mark1 = sentence.First; sentence.RemoveFirst(); sentence.AddLast(mark1); DisplayFun(sentence, "Today is now at the last node in the lisked list node"); Console.ReadKey(); sentence.RemoveFirst(); LinkedListNode <string> curret = sentence.FindLast("the"); IndicateNode(curret, "Indicate last occurance 'The'"); sentence.AddAfter(curret, "old"); sentence.AddAfter(curret, "new one"); IndicateNode(curret, "old is Added"); curret = sentence.Find("Actor"); IndicateNode(curret, "Test 7: Indicate the 'actor' node:"); sentence.AddBefore(curret, "quick"); sentence.AddBefore(curret, "skinny"); IndicateNode(curret, "Test 8: Add 'quick' and 'skinny' before 'actor':"); Console.ReadKey(); }