コード例 #1
        public static void Start()
            Noder start = new Noder(1);

            start.next                = new Noder(2);
            start.next.next           = new Noder(3);
            start.next.next.next      = new Noder(4);
            start.next.next.next.next = new Noder(5);

            // 1's random points to 3
            start.random = start.next.next;

            // 2's random points to 1
            start.next.random = start;

            // 3's and 4's random points to 5
            start.next.next.random      = start.next.next.next.next;
            start.next.next.next.random = start.next.next.next.next;

            // 5's random points to 2
            start.next.next.next.next.random = start.next;
            Console.WriteLine("Original List");

            Console.WriteLine("Cloned List");
            Noder x = CloneUsingHashMap(start);

コード例 #2
        static void PrintList(Noder start)
            Noder ptr = start;

            while (ptr != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Data = " + ptr.data + ", Random = " + ptr.random.data);
                ptr = ptr.next;
コード例 #3
        // This function clones a given
        // linked list in O(1) space

        private static Noder CloneInConstantSpace(Noder start)
            Noder curr = start,
                  temp = null;

            // insert additional node after every node of original list
            while (curr != null)
                temp = curr.next;
                // Inserting node
                curr.next      = new Noder(curr.data);
                curr.next.next = temp;
                curr           = temp;
            curr = start;

            // adjust the random pointers of the newly added nodes
            while (curr != null)
                if (curr.next != null)
                    curr.next.random = (curr.random != null)? curr.random.next : curr.random;
                // move to the next newly added node by skipping an original node
                curr = (curr.next != null) ? curr.next.next : curr.next;

            Noder original = start, copy = start.next;

            // save the start of copied linked list
            temp = copy;

            // now separate the original list and copied list
            while (original != null && copy != null)
                original.next = (original.next != null) ? original.next.next : original.next;

                copy.next = (copy.next != null) ? copy.next.next : copy.next;
                original  = original.next;
                copy      = copy.next;

コード例 #4
        //Time Complexity O(n)
        //Space Complexity O(n)
        private static Noder  CloneUsingHashMap(Noder head)
            if (head == null)

            Dictionary <Noder, Noder> Map = new Dictionary <Noder, Noder>(); //map will store all nodes as key and new nodes as value

            Noder clone;
            Noder orginal = head;

            //iterate and insert new nodes in map
            while (orginal != null)
                clone = new Noder(orginal.data);
                Map.Add(orginal, clone); //key = original node , value = new Node(original node data)
                orginal = orginal.next;

            orginal = head; //bring the pointer to head again
            while (orginal != null)
                clone = Map[orginal];
                if (orginal.next != null)
                    clone.next = Map[orginal.next];
                if (orginal.random != null)
                    clone.random = Map[orginal.random];
                orginal = orginal.next;
            //all the values in map are now pointing to correct next and random address.
            //return head of cloned node..

            return(Map[head]); //this will return corrosponding cloned head
コード例 #5
 public Noder(int d)
     data = d;
     next = null;