static Log() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(LogFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(LogFolder); } #if false StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput()) { AutoFlush = true }; Console.SetOut(StreamWriter); #else var logFilePath = Path.Combine(LogFolder, @"TestLog.log"); FileStream = new FileStream(logFilePath, FileMode.Append); StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(FileStream, Encoding.UTF8) { AutoFlush = true }; #endif } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Exception happened when redirect stream to console out: " + e); #else Console.WriteLine("Exception happened when create folder or new StreamWriter: " + e); #endif throw; } // TODO because it's in dll, below code maybe need to change Recorder = ScreenRecorder.CreateRecorder(LogFolder + @"\" + "TestRecord.mp4"); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += Log_Dtor; }
public static ScreenRecorder CreateRecorder(string videoPath) { var screenRecorder = new ScreenRecorder(videoPath); return(screenRecorder); }