/// <summary> /// Saves a user algorithm, one block at a time. /// First checks to see if an algorithm already exists for this user with name algorithmName. /// If one does, it deletes that algorithm, since we don't want 2 "duplicate" algorithms /// for a user. /// Then, it creates a new algorithm obj, saves it to the db, then parses the blockList json /// and saves each block by its type. /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">The user ID of the person we are saving this algorithm for.</param> /// <param name="algorithmName">The name of the algorithm to save for the user.</param> /// <param name="blockListJson">The JSON representation of the block list.</param> /// <param name="rulesJson">The JSON representation of the algorithm's rules.</param> /// <returns>Success message in dict if the process succeeded, and some other error string otherwise [in a dict with "Error" key].</returns> public static Dictionary<string, object> SaveUserAlgorithm(int userID, string algorithmName, string blockListJson, string rulesJson) { LightWriterDataContext dataContext = new LightWriterDataContext(); // First see if algorithmName already exists in the db Algorithm alg = dataContext.Algorithms.Where(c => c.UserID == userID && c.Name == algorithmName).FirstOrDefault(); if (alg != null) { // need to erase the current algorithm and its associated blocks before creating a new one // This removes the need to "update" blocks [a big pain] and instead we just save a whole new algorithm deleteAlgorithm(alg, dataContext); } // Now save a new algorithm slot into the table Algorithm latestUserAlgorithm = new Algorithm(); latestUserAlgorithm.UserID = userID; latestUserAlgorithm.Name = algorithmName; latestUserAlgorithm.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; dataContext.Algorithms.InsertOnSubmit(latestUserAlgorithm); dataContext.SubmitChanges(); // save this algorithm into the table try // In case something bad happens, we can delete the algorithm that failed to save { // We now have the algorithm ID of the algorithm being saved! var latestAlgorithmID = latestUserAlgorithm.ID; // Alright. Now insert the blocks into the database! // First, parse the Json var userBlockList = Json.Decode(blockListJson); var blockIDs = userBlockList.GetDynamicMemberNames(); foreach (string blockID in blockIDs) // loop through blocks and save 'em { var block = userBlockList[blockID]; string type = block.type; int position = block.position; // position in the list if (type.Equals("SingleBlock")) { // insert single block into db SingleBlock sb = new SingleBlock(); sb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; sb.RowID = block.rowId; sb.ColumnID = block.columnId; sb.ActionString = block.actionString; sb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; sb.Position = position; dataContext.SingleBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(sb); } else if (type.Equals("Comparison")) { ComparisonBlock cb = new ComparisonBlock(); cb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; cb.Position = position; cb.RowOrColumnID = block.rowOrColumnId; cb.ComparisonActionString = block.comparisonActionString; cb.ActionString = block.actionString; cb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; dataContext.ComparisonBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(cb); } else if (type.Equals("Range")) { RangeBlock rb = new RangeBlock(); rb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; rb.Position = position; rb.ActionString = block.actionString; rb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; // YES I REALIZE THIS IS MESSY. YES IT IS UGLY. NO I DON'T HAVE TIME TO FIX IT. // Don't know why the DB accepts ints -> varchar for the comparison block but not this block :\ try { int leftRowOrColumnID = (int)block.leftRowOrColumnId; // see if an int leftRowOrColumnId was sent rb.LeftRowOrColumnID = leftRowOrColumnID.ToString(); // db wants a varchar } catch (Exception e) { rb.LeftRowOrColumnID = block.leftRowOrColumnId; // it was actually a string } try { int rightRowOrColumnId = (int)block.rightRowOrColumnId; // see if an int rightRowOrColumnId was sent rb.RightRowOrColumnID = rightRowOrColumnId.ToString(); // db wants a varchar } catch (Exception e) { rb.RightRowOrColumnID = block.rightRowOrColumnId; // it was actually a string } dataContext.RangeBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(rb); } else if (type.Equals("CircleBlock")) { CircleBlock circleBlock = new CircleBlock(); circleBlock.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; circleBlock.Position = position; circleBlock.SetToColor = block.setToColor; circleBlock.ActionString = block.actionString; circleBlock.RowID = block.rowId; circleBlock.ColumnID = block.columnId; try { var radius = Int32.Parse(block.radius); // see if a string radius was sent circleBlock.Radius = radius; } catch (Exception e) { circleBlock.Radius = block.radius; // it was actually an int } dataContext.CircleBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(circleBlock); } else if (type.Equals("SingleMoveBlock")) { SingleMoveBlock smb = new SingleMoveBlock(); smb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; smb.RowID = block.rowId; smb.ColumnID = block.columnId; smb.ActionString = block.actionString; smb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; smb.Position = position; smb.Direction = block.direction; try { var numberBlocksToMove = Int32.Parse(block.numberBlocksToMove); // see if a string radius was sent smb.NumberBlocksToMove = numberBlocksToMove; } catch (Exception e) { smb.NumberBlocksToMove = block.numberBlocksToMove; // it was actually an int } try { var numberTicksBeforeChange = Int32.Parse(block.numberTicksBeforeChange); // see if a string radius was sent smb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = numberTicksBeforeChange; } catch (Exception e) { smb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = block.numberTicksBeforeChange; // it was actually an int } dataContext.SingleMoveBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(smb); } else if (type.Equals("ComparisonMoveBlock")) { ComparisonMoveBlock cmb = new ComparisonMoveBlock(); cmb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; cmb.RowOrColumnID = block.rowOrColumnId; cmb.ActionString = block.actionString; cmb.ComparisonActionString = block.comparisonActionString; cmb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; cmb.Position = position; cmb.Direction = block.direction; try { var numberBlocksToMove = Int32.Parse(block.numberBlocksToMove); // see if a string radius was sent cmb.NumberBlocksToMove = numberBlocksToMove; } catch (Exception e) { cmb.NumberBlocksToMove = block.numberBlocksToMove; // it was actually an int } try { var numberTicksBeforeChange = Int32.Parse(block.numberTicksBeforeChange); // see if a string radius was sent cmb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = numberTicksBeforeChange; } catch (Exception e) { cmb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = block.numberTicksBeforeChange; // it was actually an int } dataContext.ComparisonMoveBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(cmb); } else if (type.Equals("RangeMove")) { RangeMoveBlock rmb = new RangeMoveBlock(); rmb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; rmb.Position = position; rmb.ActionString = block.actionString; rmb.SetToColor = block.setToColor; rmb.Direction = block.direction; // YES I REALIZE THIS IS MESSY. YES IT IS UGLY. NO I DON'T HAVE TIME TO FIX IT. // Don't know why the DB accepts ints -> varchar for the comparison block but not this block :\ try { int leftRowOrColumnID = (int)block.leftRowOrColumnId; // see if an int leftRowOrColumnId was sent rmb.LeftRowOrColumnID = leftRowOrColumnID.ToString(); // db wants a varchar } catch (Exception e) { rmb.LeftRowOrColumnID = block.leftRowOrColumnId; // it was actually a string } try { int rightRowOrColumnId = (int)block.rightRowOrColumnId; // see if an int rightRowOrColumnId was sent rmb.RightRowOrColumnID = rightRowOrColumnId.ToString(); // db wants a varchar } catch (Exception e) { rmb.RightRowOrColumnID = block.rightRowOrColumnId; // it was actually a string } try { var numberBlocksToMove = Int32.Parse(block.numberBlocksToMove); // see if a string numberBlocksToMove was sent rmb.NumberBlocksToMove = numberBlocksToMove; } catch (Exception e) { rmb.NumberBlocksToMove = block.numberBlocksToMove; // it was actually an int } try { var numberTicksBeforeChange = Int32.Parse(block.numberTicksBeforeChange); // see if a string numberTicksBeforeChange was sent rmb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = numberTicksBeforeChange; } catch (Exception e) { rmb.NumberTicksBeforeChange = block.numberTicksBeforeChange; // it was actually an int } dataContext.RangeMoveBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(rmb); } else if (type.Equals("Comment")) { CommentBlock cb = new CommentBlock(); cb.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; cb.Position = position; cb.Comment = block.comment; dataContext.CommentBlocks.InsertOnSubmit(cb); } } // Now save the rules! Rule algRules = new Rule(); var algRulesDecoded = Json.Decode(rulesJson); algRules.AlgorithmID = latestAlgorithmID; algRules.DefaultBoxColor = algRulesDecoded["DEFAULT_BOX_COLOR"]; try { algRules.MSPerTick = Int32.Parse(algRulesDecoded["MS_PER_TICK"]); // sent as string } catch (Exception e) { algRules.MSPerTick = algRulesDecoded["MS_PER_TICK"]; // sent as int } bool colorMixing = algRulesDecoded["COLOR_MIXING"]; algRules.ColorMixing = (byte)(colorMixing == true ? 1 : 0); dataContext.Rules.InsertOnSubmit(algRules); // Now save all the things! dataContext.SubmitChanges(); // Save all the blocks! if (latestUserAlgorithm != null) { Dictionary<string, object> successDict = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "AlgID", latestUserAlgorithm.ID } }; return successDict; } else { Dictionary<string, object> errorDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Error", "Something went wrong trying to save your algorithm. The algorithm it was saved under is null!" } }; return errorDictionary; } } catch (Exception e) { if (latestUserAlgorithm != null) deleteAlgorithm(latestUserAlgorithm, dataContext); Dictionary<string, object> errorDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Error", "Something went wrong trying to save your algorithm. Server error: " + e.Message } }; return errorDictionary; } }
private void detach_ComparisonMoveBlocks(ComparisonMoveBlock entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Algorithm = null; }
partial void UpdateComparisonMoveBlock(ComparisonMoveBlock instance);
partial void DeleteComparisonMoveBlock(ComparisonMoveBlock instance);
partial void InsertComparisonMoveBlock(ComparisonMoveBlock instance);