private static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, ref ResidentAI __instance, uint citizenID, ref Citizen data) { if ((citizenID % DataStore.lifeSpanMultiplier) == Threading.counter) { int num = data.Age + 1; // + ": " + num + "\n"); //Debugging.writeDebugToFile(citizenID + ": " + num + " " + Threading.counter); if (num <= 45) { if (num == 15 || num == 45) { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } } else if (num == 90 || num >= ModSettings.retirementAge) { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } else if ((data.m_flags & Citizen.Flags.Student) != Citizen.Flags.None && (num % 15 == 0)) // Workspeed multiplier? { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } if ((data.m_flags & Citizen.Flags.Original) != Citizen.Flags.None) { CitizenManager instance = Singleton <CitizenManager> .instance; if (instance.m_tempOldestOriginalResident < num) { instance.m_tempOldestOriginalResident = num; } if (num == 240) { Singleton <StatisticsManager> .instance.Acquire <StatisticInt32>(StatisticType.FullLifespans).Add(1); } } data.Age = num; // Checking for death and sickness chances. // Citizens who are currently moving or currently in a vehicle aren't affected. if (data.CurrentLocation != Citizen.Location.Moving && data.m_vehicle == 0) { bool died = false; if (ModSettings.VanillaCalcs) { // Using vanilla lifecycle calculations. int num2 = 240; int num3 = 255; int num4 = Mathf.Max(0, 145 - (100 - data.m_health) * 3); if (num4 != 0) { num2 += num4 / 3; num3 += num4; } if (num >= num2) { bool flag = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_randomizer.Int32(2000u) < 3; died = (Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_randomizer.Int32(num2 * 100, num3 * 100) / 100 <= num || flag); } } else { // Using custom lifecycle calculations. // Game defines years as being age divided by 3.5. Hence, 35 age increments per decade. // Legacy mod behaviour worked on 25 increments per decade. // If older than the maximum index - lucky them, but keep going using that final index. int index = Math.Min((int)(num * ModSettings.decadeFactor), 10); // Calculate 90% - 110%; using 100,000 as 100% (for precision). int modifier = 100000 + ((150 * data.m_health) + (50 * data.m_wellbeing) - 10000); // Death chance is simply if a random number between 0 and the modifier calculated above is less than the survival probability calculation for that decade of life. // Also set maximum age of 400 (~114 years) to be consistent with the base game. died = (Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_randomizer.Int32(0, modifier) < DataStore.survivalProbCalc[index]) || num > 400; // Check for sickness chance if they haven't died. if (!died && Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_randomizer.Int32(0, modifier) < DataStore.sicknessProbCalc[index]) { // Make people sick, if they're unlucky. data.Sick = true; if (Debugging.UseSicknessLog) { Debugging.WriteToLog(Debugging.SicknessLogName, "Citizen became sick with chance factor " + DataStore.sicknessProbCalc[index] + "."); } } } if (died) { if (Debugging.UseDeathLog) { Debugging.WriteToLog(Debugging.DeathLogName, "Citizen died at age: " + data.Age + " (" + (int)(data.Age / 3.5) + " years old)."); } // Reverse redirect to access private method Die(). DieRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); // Chance for 'vanishing corpse' (no need for deathcare). if (!AIUtils.KeepCorpse()) { Singleton <CitizenManager> .instance.ReleaseCitizen(citizenID); return(true); } } } } // Original method return value. __result = false; // Don't execute base method after this. return(false); }
public static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, ref ResidentAI __instance, uint citizenID, ref Citizen data) { // Method result. bool removed = false; if ((citizenID % DataStore.lifeSpanMultiplier) == Threading.counter) { // Local reference. CitizenManager citizenManager = Singleton <CitizenManager> .instance; if (citizenID == 575960) { Logging.Message("foundTarget"); } int num = data.Age + 1; if (num <= 45) { if (num == 15 || num == 45) { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } } else if (num == 90 || num >= ModSettings.retirementAge) { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } else if ((data.m_flags & Citizen.Flags.Student) != Citizen.Flags.None && (num % 15 == 0)) // Workspeed multiplier? { FinishSchoolOrWorkRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); } if ((data.m_flags & Citizen.Flags.Original) != Citizen.Flags.None) { if (citizenManager.m_tempOldestOriginalResident < num) { citizenManager.m_tempOldestOriginalResident = num; } if (num == 240) { Singleton <StatisticsManager> .instance.Acquire <StatisticInt32>(StatisticType.FullLifespans).Add(1); } } data.Age = num; // Checking for death and sickness chances. // Citizens who are currently moving or currently in a vehicle aren't affected. if (data.CurrentLocation != Citizen.Location.Moving && data.m_vehicle == 0) { // Local reference. SimulationManager simulationManager = Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance; bool died = false; if (ModSettings.VanillaCalcs) { // Using vanilla lifecycle calculations. int num2 = 240; int num3 = 255; int num4 = Mathf.Max(0, 145 - (100 - data.m_health) * 3); if (num4 != 0) { num2 += num4 / 3; num3 += num4; } if (num >= num2) { bool flag = simulationManager.m_randomizer.Int32(2000u) < 3; died = (simulationManager.m_randomizer.Int32(num2 * 100, num3 * 100) / 100 <= num || flag); } } else { // Using custom lifecycle calculations. // Game defines years as being age divided by 3.5. Hence, 35 age increments per decade. // Legacy mod behaviour worked on 25 increments per decade. // If older than the maximum index - lucky them, but keep going using that final index. int index = Math.Min((int)(num * ModSettings.decadeFactor), 10); // Calculate 90% - 110%; using 100,000 as 100% (for precision). int modifier = 100000 + ((150 * data.m_health) + (50 * data.m_wellbeing) - 10000); // Death chance is simply if a random number between 0 and the modifier calculated above is less than the survival probability calculation for that decade of life. // Also set maximum age of 400 (~114 years) to be consistent with the base game. died = (simulationManager.m_randomizer.Int32(0, modifier) < DataStore.survivalProbCalc[index]) || num > 400; // Check for sickness chance if they haven't died. if (!died && simulationManager.m_randomizer.Int32(0, modifier) < DataStore.sicknessProbCalc[index]) { // Make people sick, if they're unlucky. data.Sick = true; if (Logging.UseSicknessLog) { Logging.WriteToLog(Logging.SicknessLogName, "Citizen became sick with chance factor ", DataStore.sicknessProbCalc[index].ToString()); } } } // Handle citizen death. if (died) { // Check if citizen is only remaining parent and there are children. uint unitID = data.GetContainingUnit(citizenID, Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.m_buildings.m_buffer[data.m_homeBuilding].m_citizenUnits, CitizenUnit.Flags.Home); CitizenUnit containingUnit = citizenManager.m_units.m_buffer[unitID]; // Log if we're doing that. if (Logging.UseDeathLog) { Logging.WriteToLog(Logging.DeathLogName, "Killed citzen ", citizenID.ToString(), " at age ", data.Age.ToString(), " (", ((int)(data.Age / 3.5)).ToString(), " years old) with family ", containingUnit.m_citizen0.ToString(), ", " + containingUnit.m_citizen1.ToString(), ", " + containingUnit.m_citizen2.ToString(), ", ", containingUnit.m_citizen3.ToString(), ", ", containingUnit.m_citizen4.ToString()); } // Reverse redirect to access private method Die(). DieRev(__instance, citizenID, ref data); // If there are no adults remaining in this CitizenUnit, remove the others, as orphan households end up in simulation purgatory. bool isParent = containingUnit.m_citizen0 == citizenID || containingUnit.m_citizen1 == citizenID; bool singleParent = isParent && (containingUnit.m_citizen0 == 0 || containingUnit.m_citizen1 == 0); bool hasChild = containingUnit.m_citizen2 != 0 || containingUnit.m_citizen3 != 0 || containingUnit.m_citizen4 != 0; if (singleParent && hasChild) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { uint currentChild; switch (i) { case 0: currentChild = containingUnit.m_citizen2; break; case 1: currentChild = containingUnit.m_citizen3; break; default: currentChild = containingUnit.m_citizen4; break; } if (currentChild != 0) { if (Logging.UseDeathLog) { Logging.WriteToLog(Logging.DeathLogName, "Removed orphan ", currentChild.ToString()); citizenManager.ReleaseCitizen(currentChild); } } } } // Chance for 'vanishing corpse' (no need for deathcare). if (!AIUtils.KeepCorpse()) { citizenManager.ReleaseCitizen(citizenID); removed = true; } } } } // Original method return value. __result = removed; // Don't execute base method after this. return(false); }